170 research outputs found

    Robust fuzzy clustering for multiple instance regression.

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    Multiple instance regression (MIR) operates on a collection of bags, where each bag contains multiple instances sharing an identical real-valued label. Only few instances, called primary instances, contribute to the bag labels. The remaining instances are noise and outliers observations. The goal in MIR is to identify the primary instances within each bag and learn a regression model that can predict the label of a previously unseen bag. In this thesis, we introduce an algorithm that uses robust fuzzy clustering with an appropriate distance to learn multiple linear models from a noisy feature space simultaneously. We show that fuzzy memberships are useful in allowing instances to belong to multiple models, while possibilistic memberships allow identification of the primary instances of each bag with respect to each model. We also use possibilistic memberships to identify and ignore noisy instances and determine the optimal number of regression models. We evaluate our approach on a series of synthetic data sets, remote sensing data to predict the yearly average yield of a crop and application to drug activity prediction. We show that our approach achieves higher accuracy than existing methods

    Image annotation and retrieval based on multi-modal feature clustering and similarity propagation.

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    The performance of content-based image retrieval systems has proved to be inherently constrained by the used low level features, and cannot give satisfactory results when the user\u27s high level concepts cannot be expressed by low level features. In an attempt to bridge this semantic gap, recent approaches started integrating both low level-visual features and high-level textual keywords. Unfortunately, manual image annotation is a tedious process and may not be possible for large image databases. In this thesis we propose a system for image retrieval that has three mains components. The first component of our system consists of a novel possibilistic clustering and feature weighting algorithm based on robust modeling of the Generalized Dirichlet (GD) finite mixture. Robust estimation of the mixture model parameters is achieved by incorporating two complementary types of membership degrees. The first one is a posterior probability that indicates the degree to which a point fits the estimated distribution. The second membership represents the degree of typicality and is used to indentify and discard noise points. Robustness to noisy and irrelevant features is achieved by transforming the data to make the features independent and follow Beta distribution, and learning optimal relevance weight for each feature subset within each cluster. We extend our algorithm to find the optimal number of clusters in an unsupervised and efficient way by exploiting some properties of the possibilistic membership function. We also outline a semi-supervised version of the proposed algorithm. In the second component of our system consists of a novel approach to unsupervised image annotation. Our approach is based on: (i) the proposed semi-supervised possibilistic clustering; (ii) a greedy selection and joining algorithm (GSJ); (iii) Bayes rule; and (iv) a probabilistic model that is based on possibilistic memebership degrees to annotate an image. The third component of the proposed system consists of an image retrieval framework based on multi-modal similarity propagation. The proposed framework is designed to deal with two data modalities: low-level visual features and high-level textual keywords generated by our proposed image annotation algorithm. The multi-modal similarity propagation system exploits the mutual reinforcement of relational data and results in a nonlinear combination of the different modalities. Specifically, it is used to learn the semantic similarities between images by leveraging the relationships between features from the different modalities. The proposed image annotation and retrieval approaches are implemented and tested with a standard benchmark dataset. We show the effectiveness of our clustering algorithm to handle high dimensional and noisy data. We compare our proposed image annotation approach to three state-of-the-art methods and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed image retrieval system

    A Cloud-Edge-aided Incremental High-order Possibilistic c-Means Algorithm for Medical Data Clustering

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    Medical Internet of Things are generating a big volume of data to enable smart medicine that tries to offer computer-aided medical and healthcare services with artificial intelligence techniques like deep learning and clustering. However, it is a challenging issue for deep learning and clustering algorithms to analyze large medical data because of their high computational complexity, thus hindering the progress of smart medicine. In this paper, we present an incremental high-order possibilistic c-means algorithm on a cloud-edge computing system to achieve medical data co-clustering of multiple hospitals in different locations. Specifically, each hospital employs the deep computation model to learn a feature tensor of each medical data object on the local edge computing system and then uploads the feature tensors to the cloud computing platform. The high-order possibilistic c-means algorithm (HoPCM) is performed on the cloud system for medical data clustering on uploaded feature tensors. Once the new medical data feature tensors are arriving at the cloud computing platform, the incremental high-order possibilistic c-means algorithm (IHoPCM) is performed on the combination of the new feature tensors and the previous clustering centers to obtain clustering results for the feature tensors received to date. In this way, repeated clustering on the previous feature tensors is avoided to improve the clustering efficiency. In the experiments, we compare different algorithms on two medical datasets regarding clustering accuracy and clustering efficiency. Results show that the presented IHoPCM method achieves great improvements over the compared algorithms in clustering accuracy and efficiency

    Speech data analysis for semantic indexing of video of simulated medical crises.

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    The Simulation for Pediatric Assessment, Resuscitation, and Communication (SPARC) group within the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Louisville, was established to enhance the care of children by using simulation based educational methodologies to improve patient safety and strengthen clinician-patient interactions. After each simulation session, the physician must manually review and annotate the recordings and then debrief the trainees. The physician responsible for the simulation has recorded 100s of videos, and is seeking solutions that can automate the process. This dissertation introduces our developed system for efficient segmentation and semantic indexing of videos of medical simulations using machine learning methods. It provides the physician with automated tools to review important sections of the simulation by identifying who spoke, when and what was his/her emotion. Only audio information is extracted and analyzed because the quality of the image recording is low and the visual environment is static for most parts. Our proposed system includes four main components: preprocessing, speaker segmentation, speaker identification, and emotion recognition. The preprocessing consists of first extracting the audio component from the video recording. Then, extracting various low-level audio features to detect and remove silence segments. We investigate and compare two different approaches for this task. The first one is threshold-based and the second one is classification-based. The second main component of the proposed system consists of detecting speaker changing points for the purpose of segmenting the audio stream. We propose two fusion methods for this task. The speaker identification and emotion recognition components of our system are designed to provide users the capability to browse the video and retrieve shots that identify ”who spoke, when, and the speaker’s emotion” for further analysis. For this component, we propose two feature representation methods that map audio segments of arbitary length to a feature vector with fixed dimensions. The first one is based on soft bag-of-word (BoW) feature representations. In particular, we define three types of BoW that are based on crisp, fuzzy, and possibilistic voting. The second feature representation is a generalization of the BoW and is based on Fisher Vector (FV). FV uses the Fisher Kernel principle and combines the benefits of generative and discriminative approaches. The proposed feature representations are used within two learning frameworks. The first one is supervised learning and assumes that a large collection of labeled training data is available. Within this framework, we use standard classifiers including K-nearest neighbor (K-NN), support vector machine (SVM), and Naive Bayes. The second framework is based on semi-supervised learning where only a limited amount of labeled training samples are available. We use an approach that is based on label propagation. Our proposed algorithms were evaluated using 15 medical simulation sessions. The results were analyzed and compared to those obtained using state-of-the-art algorithms. We show that our proposed speech segmentation fusion algorithms and feature mappings outperform existing methods. We also integrated all proposed algorithms and developed a GUI prototype system for subjective evaluation. This prototype processes medical simulation video and provides the user with a visual summary of the different speech segments. It also allows the user to browse videos and retrieve scenes that provide answers to semantic queries such as: who spoke and when; who interrupted who? and what was the emotion of the speaker? The GUI prototype can also provide summary statistics of each simulation video. Examples include: for how long did each person spoke? What is the longest uninterrupted speech segment? Is there an unusual large number of pauses within the speech segment of a given speaker

    Bot recognition in a Web store: An approach based on unsupervised learning

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    Abstract Web traffic on e-business sites is increasingly dominated by artificial agents (Web bots) which pose a threat to the website security, privacy, and performance. To develop efficient bot detection methods and discover reliable e-customer behavioural patterns, the accurate separation of traffic generated by legitimate users and Web bots is necessary. This paper proposes a machine learning solution to the problem of bot and human session classification, with a specific application to e-commerce. The approach studied in this work explores the use of unsupervised learning (k-means and Graded Possibilistic c-Means), followed by supervised labelling of clusters, a generative learning strategy that decouples modelling the data from labelling them. Its efficiency is evaluated through experiments on real e-commerce data, in realistic conditions, and compared to that of supervised learning classifiers (a multi-layer perceptron neural network and a support vector machine). Results demonstrate that the classification based on unsupervised learning is very efficient, achieving a similar performance level as the fully supervised classification. This is an experimental indication that the bot recognition problem can be successfully dealt with using methods that are less sensitive to mislabelled data or missing labels. A very small fraction of sessions remain misclassified in both cases, so an in-depth analysis of misclassified samples was also performed. This analysis exposed the superiority of the proposed approach which was able to correctly recognize more bots, in fact, and identified more camouflaged agents, that had been erroneously labelled as humans

    Advances in transfer learning methods based on computational intelligence

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    Traditional machine learning and data mining have made tremendous progress in many knowledge-based areas, such as clustering, classification, and regression. However, the primary assumption in all of these areas is that the training and testing data should be in the same domain and have the same distribution. This assumption is difficult to achieve in real-world applications due to the limited availability of labeled data. Associated data in different domains can be used to expand the availability of prior knowledge about future target data. In recent years, transfer learning has been used to address such cross-domain learning problems by using information from data in a related domain and transferring that data to the target task. The transfer learning methodology is utilized in this work with unsupervised and supervised learning methods. For unsupervised learning, a novel transfer-learning possibilistic c-means (TLPCM) algorithm is proposed to handle the PCM clustering problem in a domain that has insufficient data. Moreover, TLPCM overcomes the problem of differing numbers of clusters between the source and target domains. The proposed algorithm employs the historical cluster centers of the source data as a reference to guide the clustering of the target data. The experimental studies presented here were thoroughly evaluated, and they demonstrate the advantages of TLPCM in both synthetic and real-world transfer datasets. For supervised learning, a transfer learning (TL) technique is used to pre-train a CNN model on posture data and then fine-tune it on the sleep stage data. We used a ballistocardiography (BCG) bed sensor to collect both posture and sleep stage data to provide a non-invasive, in-home monitoring system that tracks changes in the subjects' health over time. The quality of sleep has a significant impact on health and life. This study adopts a hierarchical and none-hierarchical classification structure to develop an automatic sleep stage classification system using ballistocardiogram (BCG) signals. A leave-one-subject-out cross-validation (LOSO-CV) procedure is used for testing classification performance in most of the experiments. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Deep Neural Networks DNNs are complementary in their modeling capabilities, while CNNs have the advantage of reducing frequency variations, LSTMs are good at temporal modeling. Polysomnography (PSG) data from a sleep lab was used as the ground truth for sleep stages, with the emphasis on three sleep stages, specifically, awake, rapid eye movement (REM), and non-REM sleep (NREM). Moreover, a transfer learning approach is employed with supervised learning to address the cross-resident training problem to predict early illness. We validate our method by conducting a retrospective study on three residents from TigerPlace, a retirement community in Columbia, MO, where apartments are fitted with wireless networks of motion and bed sensors. Predicting the early signs of illness in older adults by using a continuous, unobtrusive nursing home monitoring system has been shown to increase the quality of life and decrease care costs. Illness prediction is based on sensor data and uses algorithms such as support vector machine (SVM) and k-nearest neighbors (kNN). One of the most significant challenges related to the development of prediction algorithms for sensor networks is the use of knowledge from previous residents to predict new ones' behaviors. Each day, the presence or absence of illness was manually evaluated using nursing visit reports from a homegrown electronic medical record (EMR) system. In this work, the transfer learning SVM approach outperformed three other methods, i.e., regular SVM, one-class SVM, and one-class kNN.Includes bibliographical references (pages 114-127)

    Human-assisted self-supervised labeling of large data sets

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    There is a severe demand for, and shortage of, large accurately labeled datasets to train supervised computational intelligence (CI) algorithms in domains like unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and autonomous vehicles. This has hindered our ability to develop and deploy various computer vision algorithms in/across environments and niche domains for tasks like detection, localization, and tracking. Herein, I propose a new human-in-the-loop (HITL) based growing neural gas (GNG) algorithm to minimize human intervention during labeling large UAS data collections over a shared geospatial area. Specifically, I address human driven events like new class identification and mistake correction. I also address algorithm-centric operations like new pattern discovery and self-supervised labeling. Pattern discovery and identification through self-supervised labeling is made possible through open set recognition (OSR). Herein, I propose a classifier with the ability to say "I don't know" to identify outliers in the data and bootstrap deep learning (DL) models, specifically convolutional neural networks (CNNs), with the ability to classify on N+1 classes. The effectiveness of the algorithms are demonstrated using simulated realistic ray-traced low altitude UAS data from the Unreal Engine. The results show that it is possible to increase speed and reduce mental fatigue over hand labeling large image datasets.Includes bibliographical references

    CP-nets: A Tool for Representing and Reasoning withConditional Ceteris Paribus Preference Statements

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    Information about user preferences plays a key role in automated decision making. In many domains it is desirable to assess such preferences in a qualitative rather than quantitative way. In this paper, we propose a qualitative graphical representation of preferences that reflects conditional dependence and independence of preference statements under a ceteris paribus (all else being equal) interpretation. Such a representation is often compact and arguably quite natural in many circumstances. We provide a formal semantics for this model, and describe how the structure of the network can be exploited in several inference tasks, such as determining whether one outcome dominates (is preferred to) another, ordering a set outcomes according to the preference relation, and constructing the best outcome subject to available evidence

    A review of clustering techniques and developments

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. This paper presents a comprehensive study on clustering: exiting methods and developments made at various times. Clustering is defined as an unsupervised learning where the objects are grouped on the basis of some similarity inherent among them. There are different methods for clustering the objects such as hierarchical, partitional, grid, density based and model based. The approaches used in these methods are discussed with their respective states of art and applicability. The measures of similarity as well as the evaluation criteria, which are the central components of clustering, are also presented in the paper. The applications of clustering in some fields like image segmentation, object and character recognition and data mining are highlighted
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