192,465 research outputs found

    A Workflow-oriented Language for Scalable Data Analytics

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    Proceedings of: First International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2014). Porto (Portugal), August 27-28, 2014.Data in digital repositories are everyday more and more massive and distributed. Therefore analyzing them requires efficient data analysis techniques and scalable storage and computing platforms. Cloud computing infrastructures offer an effective support for addressing both the computational and data storage needs of big data mining and parallel knowledge discovery applications. In fact, complex data mining tasks involve data- and compute-intensive algorithms that require large and efficient storage facilities together with high performance processors to get results in acceptable times. In this paper we describe a Data Mining Cloud Framework (DMCF) designed for developing and executing distributed data analytics applications as workflows of services. We describe also a workflow-oriented language, called JS4Cloud, to support the design and execution of script-based data analysis workflows on DMCF. We finally present a data analysis application developed with JS4Cloud, and the scalability achieved executing it on DMCF.The work presented in this paper has been partially supported by EU under the COST programme Action IC1305, ’Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)’

    Analysis and acceleration of data mining algorithms on high performance reconfigurable computing platforms

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    With the continued development of computation and communication technologies, we are overwhelmed with electronic data. Ubiquitous data in governments, commercial enterprises, universities and various organizations records our decisions, transactions and thoughts. The data collection rate is undergoing tremendous increase. And there is no end in sight. On one hand, as the volume of data explodes, the gap between the human being\u27s understanding of the data and the knowledge hidden in the data will be enlarged. The algorithms and techniques, collectively known as data mining, are emerged to bridge the gap. The data mining algorithms are usually data-compute intensive. On the other hand, the overall computing system performance is not increasing at an equal rate. Consequently, there is strong requirement to design special computing systems to accelerate data mining applications. FPGAs based High Performance Reconfigurable Computing(HPRC) system is to design optimized hardware architecture for a given problem. The increased gate count, arithmetic capability, and other features of modern FPGAs now allow researcher to implement highly complicated reconfigurable computational architecture. In contrast with ASICs, FPGAs have the advantages of low power, low nonrecurring engineering costs, high design flexibility and the ability to update functionality after shipping. In this thesis, we first design the architectures for data intensive and data-compute intensive applications respectively. Then we present a general HPRC framework for data mining applications: Frequent Pattern Mining(FPM) is a data-compute intensive application which is to find commonly occurring itemsets in databases. We use systolic tree architecture in FPGA hardware to mimic the internal memory layout of FP-growth algorithm while achieving higher throughput. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed hardware architecture is faster than the software approach. Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication(SMVM) is a data-intensive application which is an important computing core in many applications. We present a scalable and efficient FPGA-based SMVM architecture which can handle arbitrary matrix sizes without preprocessing or zero padding and can be dynamically expanded based on the available I/O bandwidth. The experimental results using a commercial FPGA-based acceleration system demonstrate that our reconfigurable SMVM engine is more efficient than existing state-of-the-art, with speedups over a highly optimized software implementation of 2.5X to 6.5X, depending on the sparsity of the input benchmark. Accelerating Text Classification Using SMVM is performed in Convey HC-1 HPRC platform. The SMVM engines are deployed into multiple FPGA chips. Text documents are represented as large sparse matrices using Vector Space Model(VSM). The k-nearest neighbor algorithm uses SMVM to perform classification simultaneously on multiple FPGAs. Our experiment shows that the classification in Convey HC-1 is several times faster compared with the traditional computing architecture. MapReduce Reconfigurable Framework for Data Mining Applications is a pipelined and high performance framework for FPGA design based on the MapReduce model. Our goal is to lessen the FPGA programmer burden while minimizing performance degradation. The designer only need focus on the mapper and reducer modules design. We redesigned the SMVM architecture using the MapReduce Framework. The manual VHDL code is only 15 percent of that used in the customized architecture

    Distributed data mining using web services.

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    With the increasing computational power and the decreasing cost of high bandwidth networks resulted in Distibuted Systems. Distributed Data Mining is being used to analyze and monitor data in distributed systems. In the past, distributed technologies like Java RMI, CORBA were used for data mining but the result was a more tightly coupled system. Using web services a loosely coupled, interoperable distributed computing framework can be built. The topic of this thesis is to investigate the use of web service in distributed data mining. This thesis involves the design, development and implementation of distributed data mining using web services as well as an in-depth look at technical aspects and future implication of such framework. A working framework will be created allowing a user to dynamically locate and run mining algorithms on data services or vice versa. The algorithm and data will be deployed as web services. The created web services will be registered at public registry servers. Two distributed data mining architectures will be presented, Data to Algorithm and Algorithm to Data. Finally, performance of the both the architectures will be compared with varying data using different public registry servers

    High Performance Frequent Subgraph Mining on Transactional Datasets

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    Graph data mining has been a crucial as well as inevitable area of research. Large amounts of graph data are produced in many areas, such as Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics, Social Networks, and Web etc. Scalable graph data mining methods are getting increasingly popular and necessary due to increased graph complexities. Frequent subgraph mining is one such area where the task is to find overly recurring patterns/subgraphs. To tackle this problem, many main memory-based methods were proposed, which proved to be inefficient as the data size grew exponentially over time. In the past few years several research groups have attempted to handle the frequent subgraph mining (FSM) problem in multiple ways. Many authors have tried to achieve better performance using Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) which has multi-fold improvement over in-memory while dealing with large datasets. Later, Google\u27s MapReduce model with the Hadoop framework proved to be a major breakthrough in high performance large batch processing. Although MapReduce came with many benefits, its disk I/O and non-iterative style model could not help much for FSM domain since subgraph mining process is an iterative approach. In recent years, Spark has emerged to be the De Facto industry standard with its distributed in-memory computing capability. This is a right fit solution for iterative style of programming as well. In this work, we cover how high-performance computing has helped in improving the performance tremendously in the transactional directed and undirected aspect of graphs and performance comparisons of various FSM techniques are done based on experimental results

    Data distribution and task scheduling for distributed computing of all-to-all comparison problems

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    This research studied distributed computing of all-to-all comparison problems with big data sets. The thesis formalised the problem, and developed a high-performance and scalable computing framework with a programming model, data distribution strategies and task scheduling policies to solve the problem. The study considered storage usage, data locality and load balancing for performance improvement in solving the problem. The research outcomes can be applied in bioinformatics, biometrics and data mining and other domains in which all-to-all comparisons are a typical computing pattern

    Autoencoder for clinical data analysis and classification : data imputation, dimensional reduction, and pattern recognition

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    Over the last decade, research has focused on machine learning and data mining to develop frameworks that can improve data analysis and output performance; to build accurate decision support systems that benefit from real-life datasets. This leads to the field of clinical data analysis, which has attracted a significant amount of interest in the computing, information systems, and medical fields. To create and develop models by machine learning algorithms, there is a need for a particular type of data for the existing algorithms to build an efficient model. Clinical datasets pose several issues that can affect the classification of the dataset: missing values, high dimensionality, and class imbalance. In order to build a framework for mining the data, it is necessary first to preprocess data, by eliminating patients’ records that have too many missing values, imputing missing values, addressing high dimensionality, and classifying the data for decision support.This thesis investigates a real clinical dataset to solve their challenges. Autoencoder is employed as a tool that can compress data mining methodology, by extracting features and classifying data in one model. The first step in data mining methodology is to impute missing values, so several imputation methods are analysed and employed. Then high dimensionality is demonstrated and used to discard irrelevant and redundant features, in order to improve prediction accuracy and reduce computational complexity. Class imbalance is manipulated to investigate the effect on feature selection algorithms and classification algorithms.The first stage of analysis is to investigate the role of the missing values. Results found that techniques based on class separation will outperform other techniques in predictive ability. The next stage is to investigate the high dimensionality and a class imbalance. However it was found a small set of features that can improve the classification performance, the balancing class does not affect the performance as much as imbalance class

    March 2016 progress report

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    Cyberinfrastructure is broadly defined as the human and technological support framework for advanced data acquisition, data storage, data management, data integration, data mining, data visualization, data curation and other computing and information processing services within the research environment. Research Computing has been growing to meet the needs of researchers on campus with a number of improvements, new services, and a new direction. Highlights of 2015 include the following: More than one petabyte of newly installed General Purpose Research Storage has been installed on campus to address the urgent need for research data storage. ; The High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster has been upgraded with more capacity and an updated architecture, and user training has been expanded. ; MU faculty has helped guide the introduction of a number of grant-friendly services to help researchers gain computing capacity without having to worry about managing the underlying infrastructure. ; A next generation 100-Gigabit Software Defined Networking (SDN) high-speed network has been installed to address the future needs of researchers and their need to access off-campus resources and remote collaboration. Through all these changes, and with the guidance of MU's Cyberinfrastructure Council, the Division of IT is striving to better support MU researchers with their computational needs

    Machine learning ensemble method for discovering knowledge from big data

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    Big data, generated from various business internet and social media activities, has become a big challenge to researchers in the field of machine learning and data mining to develop new methods and techniques for analysing big data effectively and efficiently. Ensemble methods represent an attractive approach in dealing with the problem of mining large datasets because of their accuracy and ability of utilizing the divide-and-conquer mechanism in parallel computing environments. This research proposes a machine learning ensemble framework and implements it in a high performance computing environment. This research begins by identifying and categorising the effects of partitioned data subset size on ensemble accuracy when dealing with very large training datasets. Then an algorithm is developed to ascertain the patterns of the relationship between ensemble accuracy and the size of partitioned data subsets. The research concludes with the development of a selective modelling algorithm, which is an efficient alternative to static model selection methods for big datasets. The results show that maximising the size of partitioned data subsets does not necessarily improve the performance of an ensemble of classifiers that deal with large datasets. Identifying the patterns exhibited by the relationship between ensemble accuracy and partitioned data subset size facilitates the determination of the best subset size for partitioning huge training datasets. Finally, traditional model selection is inefficient in cases wherein large datasets are involved
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