170 research outputs found

    A Hierarchical Segmentation Algorithm for Face Analysis. Application to Lipreading

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    International audienceA hierarchical algorithm for face analysis is presented in this paper. A color video sequence of speaker's face is acquired, under natural lighting conditions and without any particular make-up. The application aims at providing geometrical features of the face for scalable video transmission when no specific model of the speaker face is assumed. First, a logarithmic hue transform is performed from RGB to HI (hue, intensity) color space. Next, a Markov random field modeling regularizes motion and hue information within a spatiotemporal neighborhood. The hierarchical segmentation labels the different areas of the face. Results are shown on the lower part of the face and compared with standard color segmentation algorithm (fuzzy c-means). A speaker's lip shape with inner and outer borders is extracted from the final labeling and used to initialize an active contours stage

    Deep Learning applied to Visual Speech Recognition

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    Visual Speech Recognition (VSR) or Automatic Lip-Reading (ALR), the artificial process used to infer visemes, words, or sentences from video inputs, is an efficient yet far from being a day-to-day tool. With the evolution of deep learning models and the proliferation of databases (DB), vocabularies increase in quality and quantity. Large DB feed end-to-end deep learning (DL) models that extract speech, solely on the visual recognition of the speaker’s lips movements. However, large DB production requires large resources, unavailable to the majority of ALR researchers, impairing a larger scale evolution. This dissertation contributes to the development of ALR by diversifying training data, on which the DL depends upon. This includes producing a new DB, in Portuguese language, capable of state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. As DL only shows a SOTA performance if trained on a large DB, whose resources are not on the scope of this dissertation, a knowledge leveraging method emerges, as a necessary subsequent objective. A large DB and a SOTA model are selected and used as templates, from which a smaller DB (LusaPt) is created, comprising 100 phrases by 10 speakers, uttering 50 typical Portuguese digits and words, recorded and processed by day-to-day equipment. After having pre-trained on the SOTA DB, the new model is then fine-tuned on the new DB. For LusaPt’s validation, the performance of new and the SOTA’s are compared. Results reveal that, if the same video is recurrently subject to the same model, the same prediction is obtained. Tests also show a clear increase on the word recognition rate (WRR), from the 0% when inferring with the SOTA model with no further training on the new DB, to an over 95% when inferring with the new model. Besides showing a “powerful belief” of the SOTA model in its predictions, this work also validates the new DB and its creation methodology. It reenforces that the transfer learning process is efficient in learning a new language, therefore new words. Another contribution is to demonstrate that, with a day-to-day equipment and limited human resources, it is possible to enrich the DB corpora and, ultimately, to positively impact the performance and future of Automatic Lip-Reading

    A Systematic Study and Empirical Analysis of Lip Reading Models using Traditional and Deep Learning Algorithms

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    Despite the fact that there are many applications for analyzing and recreating the audio through existinglip movement recognition, the researchers have shown the interest in developing the automatic lip-readingsystems to achieve the increased performance. Modelling of the framework has been playing a major role inadvance yield of sequential framework. In recent years there have been lot of interest in Deep Neural Networks(DNN) and break through results in various domains including Image Classification, Speech Recognition andNatural Language Processing. To represents complex functions DNNs are used and also they play a vital rolein Automatic Lip Reading (ALR) systems. This paper mainly focuses on the traditional pixel, shape and mixedfeature extractions and their improved technologies for lip reading recognitions. It highlights the mostimportant techniques and progression from end-to-end deep learning architectures that were evolved duringthe past decade. The investigation points out the voice-visual databases that are used for analyzing and trainthe system with the most common words and the count of speakers and the size, length of the language andtime duration. On the flip side, ALR systems developed were compared with their old-style systems. Thestatistical analysis is performed to recognize the characters or numerals and words or sentences in English andcompared their performances

    Robust visual speech recognition using optical flow analysis and rotation invariant features

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    The focus of this thesis is to develop computer vision algorithms for visual speech recognition system to identify the visemes. The majority of existing speech recognition systems is based on audio-visual signals and has been developed for speech enhancement and is prone to acoustic noise. Considering this problem, aim of this research is to investigate and develop a visual only speech recognition system which should be suitable for noisy environments. Potential applications of such a system include the lip-reading mobile phones, human computer interface (HCI) for mobility-impaired users, robotics, surveillance, improvement of speech based computer control in a noisy environment and for the rehabilitation of the persons who have undergone a laryngectomy surgery. In the literature, there are several models and algorithms available for visual feature extraction. These features are extracted from static mouth images and characterized as appearance and shape based features. However, these methods rarely incorporate the time dependent information of mouth dynamics. This dissertation presents two optical flow based approaches of visual feature extraction, which capture the mouth motions in an image sequence. The motivation for using motion features is, because the human perception of lip-reading is concerned with the temporal dynamics of mouth motion. The first approach is based on extraction of features from the optical flow vertical component. The optical flow vertical component is decomposed into multiple non-overlapping fixed scale blocks and statistical features of each block are computed for successive video frames of an utterance. To overcome the issue of large variation in speed of speech, each utterance is normalized using simple linear interpolation method. In the second approach, four directional motion templates based on optical flow are developed, each representing the consolidated motion information in an utterance in four directions (i.e.,up, down, left and right). This approach is an evolution of a view based approach known as motion history image (MHI). One of the main issues with the MHI method is its motion overwriting problem because of self-occlusion. DMHIs seem to solve this issue of overwriting. Two types of image descriptors, Zernike moments and Hu moments are used to represent each image of DMHIs. A support vector machine (SVM) classifier was used to classify the features obtained from the optical flow vertical component, Zernike and Hu moments separately. For identification of visemes, a multiclass SVM approach was employed. A video speech corpus of seven subjects was used for evaluating the efficiency of the proposed methods for lip-reading. The experimental results demonstrate the promising performance of the optical flow based mouth movement representations. Performance comparison between DMHI and MHI based on Zernike moments, shows that the DMHI technique outperforms the MHI technique. A video based adhoc temporal segmentation method is proposed in the thesis for isolated utterances. It has been used to detect the start and the end frame of an utterance from an image sequence. The technique is based on a pair-wise pixel comparison method. The efficiency of the proposed technique was tested on the available data set with short pauses between each utterance

    Non-linear echo cancellation - a Bayesian approach

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    Echo cancellation literature is reviewed, then a Bayesian model is introduced and it is shown how how it can be used to model and fit nonlinear channels. An algorithm for cancellation of echo over a nonlinear channel is developed and tested. It is shown that this nonlinear algorithm converges for both linear and nonlinear channels and is superior to linear echo cancellation for canceling an echo through a nonlinear echo-path channel

    Lip region feature extraction analysis by means of stochastic variability modeling

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    En este trabajo de tesis se analizaron diferentes técnicas de caracterización de la región labial, usadas para modelar la dinámica labial. Para llevar a cabo este análisis, se construyó ´o una base de datos de secuencias de video de la pronunciación del alfabeto español. Esta base de datos se utilizo para entrenar un sistema de reconocimiento visual del habla usando diferentes metodologías de extracción de características. El objetivo del experimento es evaluar la habilidad de cada conjunto de características para modelar adecuadamente el movimiento labial. Se probaron metodologías basadas en apariencia, forma y una representación espacio-temporal. Los resultados reportados permiten seleccionar las características espacio-temporales como los mejores descriptores, dentro de los evaluados, de la dinámica visual del habla / Abstract: On this thesis work, an analysis of lip region characterization techniques used to model lip dynamics was performed. To carry out the analysis a video sequence database of Spanish alphabet was built and used to train a visual speech recognition system with several feature extraction methodologies. The aim of the experiment is to evaluate the ability of each feature set to model accurately lip movement. Appearance based, shape-based and spatiotemporal-based feature extraction methodologies were tested. Reported results let choose the spatiotemporal features as the best descriptors for visual speech dynamicsMaestrí

    Audio-visual speech processing system for Polish applicable to human-computer interaction

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    This paper describes audio-visual speech recognition system for Polish language and a set of performance tests under various acoustic conditions. We first present the overall structure of AVASR systems with three main areas: audio features extraction, visual features extraction and subsequently, audiovisual speech integration. We present MFCC features for audio stream with standard HMM modeling technique, then we describe appearance and shape based visual features. Subsequently we present two feature integration techniques, feature concatenation and model fusion. We also discuss the results of a set of experiments conducted to select best system setup for Polish, under noisy audio conditions. Experiments are simulating human-computer interaction in computer control case with voice commands in difficult audio environments. With Active Appearance Model (AAM) and multistream Hidden Markov Model (HMM) we can improve system accuracy by reducing Word Error Rate for more than 30%, comparing to audio-only speech recognition, when Signal-to-Noise Ratio goes down to 0dB

    A Survey on Deep Multi-modal Learning for Body Language Recognition and Generation

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    Body language (BL) refers to the non-verbal communication expressed through physical movements, gestures, facial expressions, and postures. It is a form of communication that conveys information, emotions, attitudes, and intentions without the use of spoken or written words. It plays a crucial role in interpersonal interactions and can complement or even override verbal communication. Deep multi-modal learning techniques have shown promise in understanding and analyzing these diverse aspects of BL. The survey emphasizes their applications to BL generation and recognition. Several common BLs are considered i.e., Sign Language (SL), Cued Speech (CS), Co-speech (CoS), and Talking Head (TH), and we have conducted an analysis and established the connections among these four BL for the first time. Their generation and recognition often involve multi-modal approaches. Benchmark datasets for BL research are well collected and organized, along with the evaluation of SOTA methods on these datasets. The survey highlights challenges such as limited labeled data, multi-modal learning, and the need for domain adaptation to generalize models to unseen speakers or languages. Future research directions are presented, including exploring self-supervised learning techniques, integrating contextual information from other modalities, and exploiting large-scale pre-trained multi-modal models. In summary, this survey paper provides a comprehensive understanding of deep multi-modal learning for various BL generations and recognitions for the first time. By analyzing advancements, challenges, and future directions, it serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in advancing this field. n addition, we maintain a continuously updated paper list for deep multi-modal learning for BL recognition and generation: https://github.com/wentaoL86/awesome-body-language