37,808 research outputs found

    A computer vision model for visual-object-based attention and eye movements

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Computer Vision and Image Understanding. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2008 Elsevier B.V.This paper presents a new computational framework for modelling visual-object-based attention and attention-driven eye movements within an integrated system in a biologically inspired approach. Attention operates at multiple levels of visual selection by space, feature, object and group depending on the nature of targets and visual tasks. Attentional shifts and gaze shifts are constructed upon their common process circuits and control mechanisms but also separated from their different function roles, working together to fulfil flexible visual selection tasks in complicated visual environments. The framework integrates the important aspects of human visual attention and eye movements resulting in sophisticated performance in complicated natural scenes. The proposed approach aims at exploring a useful visual selection system for computer vision, especially for usage in cluttered natural visual environments.National Natural Science of Founda- tion of Chin

    How Does Our Visual System Achieve Shift and Size Invariance?

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    The question of shift and size invariance in the primate visual system is discussed. After a short review of the relevant neurobiology and psychophysics, a more detailed analysis of computational models is given. The two main types of networks considered are the dynamic routing circuit model and invariant feature networks, such as the neocognitron. Some specific open questions in context of these models are raised and possible solutions discussed

    Sparse visual models for biologically inspired sensorimotor control

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    Given the importance of using resources efficiently in the competition for survival, it is reasonable to think that natural evolution has discovered efficient cortical coding strategies for representing natural visual information. Sparse representations have intrinsic advantages in terms of fault-tolerance and low-power consumption potential, and can therefore be attractive for robot sensorimotor control with powerful dispositions for decision-making. Inspired by the mammalian brain and its visual ventral pathway, we present in this paper a hierarchical sparse coding network architecture that extracts visual features for use in sensorimotor control. Testing with natural images demonstrates that this sparse coding facilitates processing and learning in subsequent layers. Previous studies have shown how the responses of complex cells could be sparsely represented by a higher-order neural layer. Here we extend sparse coding in each network layer, showing that detailed modeling of earlier stages in the visual pathway enhances the characteristics of the receptive fields developed in subsequent stages. The yield network is more dynamic with richer and more biologically plausible input and output representation

    A Reverse Hierarchy Model for Predicting Eye Fixations

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    A number of psychological and physiological evidences suggest that early visual attention works in a coarse-to-fine way, which lays a basis for the reverse hierarchy theory (RHT). This theory states that attention propagates from the top level of the visual hierarchy that processes gist and abstract information of input, to the bottom level that processes local details. Inspired by the theory, we develop a computational model for saliency detection in images. First, the original image is downsampled to different scales to constitute a pyramid. Then, saliency on each layer is obtained by image super-resolution reconstruction from the layer above, which is defined as unpredictability from this coarse-to-fine reconstruction. Finally, saliency on each layer of the pyramid is fused into stochastic fixations through a probabilistic model, where attention initiates from the top layer and propagates downward through the pyramid. Extensive experiments on two standard eye-tracking datasets show that the proposed method can achieve competitive results with state-of-the-art models.Comment: CVPR 2014, 27th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). CVPR 201

    Predictive Coding as a Model of Biased Competition in Visual Attention

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    Attention acts, through cortical feedback pathways, to enhance the response of cells encoding expected or predicted information. Such observations are inconsistent with the predictive coding theory of cortical function which proposes that feedback acts to suppress information predicted by higher-level cortical regions. Despite this discrepancy, this article demonstrates that the predictive coding model can be used to simulate a number of the effects of attention. This is achieved via a simple mathematical rearrangement of the predictive coding model, which allows it to be interpreted as a form of biased competition model. Nonlinear extensions to the model are proposed that enable it to explain a wider range of data

    STNet: Selective Tuning of Convolutional Networks for Object Localization

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    Visual attention modeling has recently gained momentum in developing visual hierarchies provided by Convolutional Neural Networks. Despite recent successes of feedforward processing on the abstraction of concepts form raw images, the inherent nature of feedback processing has remained computationally controversial. Inspired by the computational models of covert visual attention, we propose the Selective Tuning of Convolutional Networks (STNet). It is composed of both streams of Bottom-Up and Top-Down information processing to selectively tune the visual representation of Convolutional networks. We experimentally evaluate the performance of STNet for the weakly-supervised localization task on the ImageNet benchmark dataset. We demonstrate that STNet not only successfully surpasses the state-of-the-art results but also generates attention-driven class hypothesis maps

    Visual selective behavior can be triggered by a feed-forward process

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    The ventral visual pathway implements object recognition and categorization in a hierarchy of processing areas with neuronal selectivities of increasing complexity. The presence of massive feedback connections within this hierarchy raises the possibility that normal visual processing relies on the use of computational loops. It is not known, however, whether object recognition can be performed at all without such loops (i.e., in a purely feed-forward mode). By analyzing the time course of reaction times in a masked natural scene categorization paradigm, we show that the human visual system can generate selective motor responses based on a single feed-forward pass. We confirm these results using a more constrained letter discrimination task, in which the rapid succession of a target and mask is actually perceived as a distractor. We show that a masked stimulus presented for only 26 msec—and often not consciously perceived—can fully determine the earliest selective motor responses: The neural representations of the stimulus and mask are thus kept separated during a short period corresponding to the feed-forward "sweep." Therefore, feedback loops do not appear to be "mandatory" for visual processing. Rather, we found that such loops allow the masked stimulus to reverberate in the visual system and affect behavior for nearly 150 msec after the feed-forward sweep

    Multi-feature Bottom-up Processing and Top-down Selection for an Object-based Visual Attention Model

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    Artificial vision systems can not process all the information that they receive from the world in real time because it is highly expensive and inefficient in terms of computational cost. However, inspired by biological perception systems, it is possible to develop an artificial attention model able to select only the relevant part of the scene, as human vision does. This paper presents an attention model which draws attention over perceptual units of visual information, called proto-objects, and which uses a linear combination of multiple low-level features (such as colour, symmetry or shape) in order to calculate the saliency of each of them. But not only bottom-up processing is addressed, the proposed model also deals with the top-down component of attention. It is shown how a high-level task can modulate the global saliency computation, modifying the weights involved in the basic features linear combination.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), proyectos: TIN2008-06196 y TIN2012-38079-C03-03. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech