876 research outputs found

    Solving Irregular Strip Packing Problems With Free Rotations Using Separation Lines

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    Solving nesting problems or irregular strip packing problems is to position polygons in a fixed width and unlimited length strip, obeying polygon integrity containment constraints and non-overlapping constraints, in order to minimize the used length of the strip. To ensure non-overlapping, we used separation lines. A straight line is a separation line if given two polygons, all vertices of one of the polygons are on one side of the line or on the line, and all vertices of the other polygon are on the other side of the line or on the line. Since we are considering free rotations of the polygons and separation lines, the mathematical model of the studied problem is nonlinear. Therefore, we use the nonlinear programming solver IPOPT (an algorithm of interior points type), which is part of COIN-OR. Computational tests were run using established benchmark instances and the results were compared with the ones obtained with other methodologies in the literature that use free rotation

    An anytime tree search algorithm for two-dimensional two- and three-staged guillotine packing problems

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    [libralesso_anytime_2020] proposed an anytime tree search algorithm for the 2018 ROADEF/EURO challenge glass cutting problem (https://www.roadef.org/challenge/2018/en/index.php). The resulting program was ranked first among 64 participants. In this article, we generalize it and show that it is not only effective for the specific problem it was originally designed for, but is also very competitive and even returns state-of-the-art solutions on a large variety of Cutting and Packing problems from the literature. We adapted the algorithm for two-dimensional Bin Packing, Multiple Knapsack, and Strip Packing Problems, with two- or three-staged exact or non-exact guillotine cuts, the orientation of the first cut being imposed or not, and with or without item rotation. The combination of efficiency, ability to provide good solutions fast, simplicity and versatility makes it particularly suited for industrial applications, which require quickly developing algorithms implementing several business-specific constraints. The algorithm is implemented in a new software package called PackingSolver

    Discretization-Based Solution Approaches for the Circle Packing Problem

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    The problem of packing a set of circles into the smallest surrounding container is considered. This problem arises in different application areas such as automobile, textile, food, and chemical industries. The so-called circle packing problem can be cast as a nonconvex quadratically constrained program, and is difficult to solve in general. An iterative solution approach based on a bisection-type algorithm on the radius of the larger circle is provided. The present algorithm discretizes the container into small cells and solves two different integer linear programming formulations proposed for a restricted and a relaxed version of the original problem. The present algorithm is enhanced with solution space reduction, bound tightening and variable elimination techniques. Then, a computational study is performed to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. The present algorithm is compared with BARON and Gurobi that solve the original nonlinear formulation and heuristic methods from literature, and obtain promising results

    Methodology to Solve Multi-Dimentional Sphere Packing Problems

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    This paper discusses the problem of optimally packing spheres of various dimensions into containers of arbitrary geometrical shapes. According to the international classification, this problem belongs to Sphere Packing Problems (SPPs). The aim of this work is to create an integrated methodology for solving SPPs.В статті розглядається задача оптимального розміщення куль різної розмірності в контейнерах довільних геометричних форм. Згідно з міжнародною класифікацією ця задача належить до класу SPP (Sphere Packing Problems). Метою даної роботи є створення єдиної методології розв’язання задач SPP.В статье рассматривается задача оптимального размещения шаров различной размерности в контейнерах произвольных геометрических форм. Согласно международной классификации эта задача относится к классу SPP (Sphere Packing Problems). Целью данной работы является создание единой методологии решения задач SPP

    A beam search approach to solve the convex irregular bin packing problem with guillotine cuts

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    This paper presents a two dimensional convex irregular bin packing problem with guillotine cuts. The problem combines the challenges of tackling the complexity of packing irregular pieces, guaranteeing guillotine cuts that are not always orthogonal to the edges of the bin, and allocating pieces to bins that are not necessarily of the same size. This problem is known as a two-dimensional multi bin size bin packing problem with convex irregular pieces and guillotine cuts. Since pieces are separated by means of guillotine cuts, our study is restricted to convex pieces.A beam search algorithm is described, which is successfully applied to both the multi and single bin size instances. The algorithm is competitive with the results reported in the literature for the single bin size problem and provides the first results for the multi bin size problem