652 research outputs found

    Big Data: Concept, Potentialities and Vulnerabilities

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    The evolution of information systems and the growth in the use of the Internet and social networks has caused an explosion in the amount of available data relevant to the activities of the companies. Therefore, the treatment of these available data is vital to support operational, tactical and strategic decisions. This paper aims to present the concept of big data and the main technologies that support the analysis of large data volumes. The potential of big data is explored considering nine sectors of activity, such as financial, retail, healthcare, transports, agriculture, energy, manufacturing, public, and media and entertainment. In addition, the main current opportunities, vulnerabilities and privacy challenges of big data are discussed. It was possible to conclude that despite the potential for using the big data to grow in the previously identified areas, there are still some challenges that need to be considered and mitigated, namely the privacy of information, the existence of qualified human resources to work with Big Data and the promotion of a data-driven organizational culture

    Bio-inspired computation for big data fusion, storage, processing, learning and visualization: state of the art and future directions

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    This overview gravitates on research achievements that have recently emerged from the confluence between Big Data technologies and bio-inspired computation. A manifold of reasons can be identified for the profitable synergy between these two paradigms, all rooted on the adaptability, intelligence and robustness that biologically inspired principles can provide to technologies aimed to manage, retrieve, fuse and process Big Data efficiently. We delve into this research field by first analyzing in depth the existing literature, with a focus on advances reported in the last few years. This prior literature analysis is complemented by an identification of the new trends and open challenges in Big Data that remain unsolved to date, and that can be effectively addressed by bio-inspired algorithms. As a second contribution, this work elaborates on how bio-inspired algorithms need to be adapted for their use in a Big Data context, in which data fusion becomes crucial as a previous step to allow processing and mining several and potentially heterogeneous data sources. This analysis allows exploring and comparing the scope and efficiency of existing approaches across different problems and domains, with the purpose of identifying new potential applications and research niches. Finally, this survey highlights open issues that remain unsolved to date in this research avenue, alongside a prescription of recommendations for future research.This work has received funding support from the Basque Government (Eusko Jaurlaritza) through the Consolidated Research Group MATHMODE (IT1294-19), EMAITEK and ELK ARTEK programs. D. Camacho also acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education under PID2020-117263GB-100 grant (FightDIS), the Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid under S2018/TCS-4566 grant (CYNAMON), and the CHIST ERA 2017 BDSI PACMEL Project (PCI2019-103623, Spain)

    Real-time performance diagnosis and evaluation of big data systems in cloud datacenters

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    PhD ThesisModern big data processing systems are becoming very complex in terms of largescale, high-concurrency and multiple talents. Thus, many failures and performance reductions only happen at run-time and are very difficult to capture. Moreover, some issues may only be triggered when some components are executed. To analyze the root cause of these types of issues, we have to capture the dependencies of each component in real-time. Big data processing systems, such as Hadoop and Spark, usually work in large-scale, highly-concurrent, and multi-tenant environments that can easily cause hardware and software malfunctions or failures, thereby leading to performance degradation. Several systems and methods exist to detect big data processing systems’ performance degradation, perform root-cause analysis, and even overcome the issues causing such degradation. However, these solutions focus on specific problems such as stragglers and inefficient resource utilization. There is a lack of a generic and extensible framework to support the real-time diagnosis of big data systems. Performance diagnosis and prediction of big data systems are highly complex as these frameworks are typically deployed in cloud data centers that are large-scale, highly concurrent, and follows a multi-tenant model. Several factors, including hardware heterogeneity, stochastic networks and application workloads may impact the performance of big data systems. The current state-of-the-art does not sufficiently address the challenge of determining complex, usually stochastic and hidden relationships between these factors. To handle performance diagnosis and evaluation of big data systems in cloud environments, this thesis proposes multilateral research towards monitoring and performance diagnosis and prediction in cloud-based large-scale distributed systems by involving a novel combination of an effective and efficient deployment pipeline.The key contributions of this dissertation are listed below: - i - • Designing a real-time big data monitoring system called SmartMonit that efficiently collects the runtime system information including computing resource utilization and job execution information and then interacts the collected information with the Execution Graph modeled as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). • Developing AutoDiagn, an automated real-time diagnosis framework for big data systems, that automatically detects performance degradation and inefficient resource utilization problems, while providing an online detection and semi-online root-cause analysis for a big data system. • Designing a novel root-cause analysis technique/system called BigPerf for big data systems that analyzes and characterizes the performance of big data applications by incorporating Bayesian networks to determine uncertain and complex relationships between performance related factors. The key contributions of this dissertation are listed below: - i - • Designing a real-time big data monitoring system called SmartMonit that efficiently collects the runtime system information including computing resource utilization and job execution information and then interacts the collected information with the Execution Graph modeled as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). • Developing AutoDiagn, an automated real-time diagnosis framework for big data systems, that automatically detects performance degradation and inefficient resource utilization problems, while providing an online detection and semi-online root-cause analysis for a big data system. • Designing a novel root-cause analysis technique/system called BigPerf for big data systems that analyzes and characterizes the performance of big data applications by incorporating Bayesian networks to determine uncertain and complex relationships between performance related factors. The key contributions of this dissertation are listed below: - i - • Designing a real-time big data monitoring system called SmartMonit that efficiently collects the runtime system information including computing resource utilization and job execution information and then interacts the collected information with the Execution Graph modeled as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). • Developing AutoDiagn, an automated real-time diagnosis framework for big data systems, that automatically detects performance degradation and inefficient resource utilization problems, while providing an online detection and semi-online root-cause analysis for a big data system. • Designing a novel root-cause analysis technique/system called BigPerf for big data systems that analyzes and characterizes the performance of big data applications by incorporating Bayesian networks to determine uncertain and complex relationships between performance related factors.State of the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish Ministry of National Educatio

    Preserving the Quality of Architectural Tactics in Source Code

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    In any complex software system, strong interdependencies exist between requirements and software architecture. Requirements drive architectural choices while also being constrained by the existing architecture and by what is economically feasible. This makes it advisable to concurrently specify the requirements, to devise and compare alternative architectural design solutions, and ultimately to make a series of design decisions in order to satisfy each of the quality concerns. Unfortunately, anecdotal evidence has shown that architectural knowledge tends to be tacit in nature, stored in the heads of people, and lost over time. Therefore, developers often lack comprehensive knowledge of underlying architectural design decisions and inadvertently degrade the quality of the architecture while performing maintenance activities. In practice, this problem can be addressed through preserving the relationships between the requirements, architectural design decisions and their implementations in the source code, and then using this information to keep developers aware of critical architectural aspects of the code. This dissertation presents a novel approach that utilizes machine learning techniques to recover and preserve the relationships between architecturally significant requirements, architectural decisions and their realizations in the implemented code. Our approach for recovering architectural decisions includes the two primary stages of training and classification. In the first stage, the classifier is trained using code snippets of different architectural decisions collected from various software systems. During this phase, the classifier learns the terms that developers typically use to implement each architectural decision. These ``indicator terms\u27\u27 represent method names, variable names, comments, or the development APIs that developers inevitably use to implement various architectural decisions. A probabilistic weight is then computed for each potential indicator term with respect to each type of architectural decision. The weight estimates how strongly an indicator term represents a specific architectural tactics/decisions. For example, a term such as \emph{pulse} is highly representative of the heartbeat tactic but occurs infrequently in the authentication. After learning the indicator terms, the classifier can compute the likelihood that any given source file implements a specific architectural decision. The classifier was evaluated through several different experiments including classical cross-validation over code snippets of 50 open source projects and on the entire source code of a large scale software system. Results showed that classifier can reliably recognize a wide range of architectural decisions. The technique introduced in this dissertation is used to develop the Archie tool suite. Archie is a plug-in for Eclipse and is designed to detect wide range of architectural design decisions in the code and to protect them from potential degradation during maintenance activities. It has several features for performing change impact analysis of architectural concerns at both the code and design level and proactively keep developers informed of underlying architectural decisions during maintenance activities. Archie is at the stage of technology transfer at the US Department of Homeland Security where it is purely used to detect and monitor security choices. Furthermore, this outcome is integrated into the Department of Homeland Security\u27s Software Assurance Market Place (SWAMP) to advance research and development of secure software systems

    Big data and IoT-based applications in smart environments: A systematic review

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    This paper reviews big data and Internet of Things (IoT)-based applications in smart environments. The aim is to identify key areas of application, current trends, data architectures, and ongoing challenges in these fields. To the best of our knowledge, this is a first systematic review of its kind, that reviews academic documents published in peer-reviewed venues from 2011 to 2019, based on a four-step selection process of identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion for the selection process. In order to examine these documents, a systematic review was conducted and six main research questions were answered. The results indicate that the integration of big data and IoT technologies creates exciting opportunities for real-world smart environment applications for monitoring, protection, and improvement of natural resources. The fields that have been investigated in this survey include smart environment monitoring, smart farming/agriculture, smart metering, and smart disaster alerts. We conclude by summarizing the methods most commonly used in big data and IoT, which we posit to serve as a starting point for future multi-disciplinary research in smart cities and environments

    Divide and Recombine for Large and Complex Data: Model Likelihood Functions using MCMC and TRMM Big Data Analysis

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    Divide & Recombine (D&R) is a powerful and practical statistical framework for the analysis of large and complex data. In D&R, big data are divided into subsets, each analytic method is applied to subsets with no communication among subsets, and the outputs are recombined to form a result of the analytic method for the entire data. This enables deep analysis and practical computational performance. The aim of this thesis is to provide an innovative D&R procedure to model likelihood of the generalized linear model for large data sets using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods and to present an analysis of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data utilizing the DeltaRho D&R computational environment. The first chapter briefly introduces DeltaRho computation environment, followed by the introduction of univariate and multivariate skew-normal distribution and the derivation of parameter estimation using sample moments. Then a very basic introduction to MCMC sampling is provided as the MCMC sampling method could be used to characterize the posterior distribution in Chapter 3. Finally, the chapter is closed by a nonparametric procedure for decomposing a seasonal time series into seasonal, trend and remainder components – STL. In the second chapter, an innovate D&R procedure is proposed to compute likelihood functions of data-model (DM) parameters for big data. The likelihood-model (LM) is a parametric probability density function of the DM parameters. The density parameters are estimated by fitting the density to MCMC draws from each subset DM likelihood function, and then the fitted densities are recombined. The procedure is illustrated using normal and skew-normal LMs for the logistic regression DM on simulated data. Also, a novel diagnostic method is developed to measure the degree of the similarity between fitted density and the true likelihood function, with a real data application illustrated in the later section. In the last chapter, the focus is to present an analysis of TRMM big data utilizing the DeltaRho D&R computational environment. First, the exploratory data analysis is conducted to investigate the spatial patterns of precipitation and the seasonal behaviors of rain rates at different time scales. Then, spatio-temporal logistic models are constructed to explain the variation of 3-hr precipitation occurrence in automation for 460,800 locations, followed by model diagnostics and model inference. Furthermore, more advanced predictive models– two-stage logistic regression model, spatial-temporal autologistic regression model, and neighbor recurrent logistic regression model– are developed to forecast the probability of 3-hr precipitation occurrence at all locations. Finally, the chapter is ended with the application of spatio-temporal logistic models on daily heavy rainfall data

    Geospatial Information Research: State of the Art, Case Studies and Future Perspectives

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    Geospatial information science (GI science) is concerned with the development and application of geodetic and information science methods for modeling, acquiring, sharing, managing, exploring, analyzing, synthesizing, visualizing, and evaluating data on spatio-temporal phenomena related to the Earth. As an interdisciplinary scientific discipline, it focuses on developing and adapting information technologies to understand processes on the Earth and human-place interactions, to detect and predict trends and patterns in the observed data, and to support decision making. The authors – members of DGK, the Geoinformatics division, as part of the Committee on Geodesy of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, representing geodetic research and university teaching in Germany – have prepared this paper as a means to point out future research questions and directions in geospatial information science. For the different facets of geospatial information science, the state of art is presented and underlined with mostly own case studies. The paper thus illustrates which contributions the German GI community makes and which research perspectives arise in geospatial information science. The paper further demonstrates that GI science, with its expertise in data acquisition and interpretation, information modeling and management, integration, decision support, visualization, and dissemination, can help solve many of the grand challenges facing society today and in the future

    Proceedings of the 3rd Open Source Geospatial Research & Education Symposium OGRS 2014

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    The third Open Source Geospatial Research & Education Symposium (OGRS) was held in Helsinki, Finland, on 10 to 13 June 2014. The symposium was hosted and organized by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Aalto University School of Engineering, in partnership with the OGRS Community, on the Espoo campus of Aalto University. These proceedings contain the 20 papers presented at the symposium. OGRS is a meeting dedicated to exchanging ideas in and results from the development and use of open source geospatial software in both research and education.  The symposium offers several opportunities for discussing, learning, and presenting results, principles, methods and practices while supporting a primary theme: how to carry out research and educate academic students using, contributing to, and launching open source geospatial initiatives. Participating in open source initiatives can potentially boost innovation as a value creating process requiring joint collaborations between academia, foundations, associations, developer communities and industry. Additionally, open source software can improve the efficiency and impact of university education by introducing open and freely usable tools and research results to students, and encouraging them to get involved in projects. This may eventually lead to new community projects and businesses. The symposium contributes to the validation of the open source model in research and education in geoinformatics

    Advances in Big Data Analytics: Algorithmic Stability and Data Cleansing

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    Analysis of what has come to be called “big data” presents a number of challenges as data continues to grow in size, complexity and heterogeneity. To help addresses these challenges, we study a pair of foundational issues in algorithmic stability (robustness and tuning), with application to clustering in high-throughput computational biology, and an issue in data cleansing (outlier detection), with application to pre-processing in streaming meteorological measurement. These issues highlight major ongoing research aspects of modern big data analytics. First, a new metric, robustness, is proposed in the setting of biological data clustering to measure an algorithm’s tendency to maintain output coherence over a range of parameter settings. It is well known that different algorithms tend to produce different clusters, and that the choice of algorithm is often driven by factors such as data size and type, similarity measure(s) employed, and the sort of clusters desired. Even within the context of a single algorithm, clusters often vary drastically depending on parameter settings. Empirical comparisons performed over a variety of algorithms and settings show highly differential performance on transcriptomic data and demonstrate that many popular methods actually perform poorly. Second, tuning strategies are studied for maximizing biological fidelity when using the well-known paraclique algorithm. Three initialization strategies are compared, using ontological enrichment as a proxy for cluster quality. Although extant paraclique codes begin by simply employing the first maximum clique found, results indicate that by generating all maximum cliques and then choosing one of highest average edge weight, one can produce a small but statistically significant expected improvement in overall cluster quality. Third, a novel outlier detection method is described that helps cleanse data by combining Pearson correlation coefficients, K-means clustering, and Singular Spectrum Analysis in a coherent framework that detects instrument failures and extreme weather events in Atmospheric Radiation Measurement sensor data. The framework is tested and found to produce more accurate results than do traditional approaches that rely on a hand-annotated database
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