326 research outputs found

    Modelling mammographic microcalcification clusters using persistent mereotopology

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    AbstractIn mammographic imaging, the presence of microcalcifications, small deposits of calcium in the breast, is a primary indicator of breast cancer. However, not all microcalcifications are malignant and their distribution within the breast can be used to indicate whether clusters of microcalcifications are benign or malignant. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems can be employed to help classify such microcalcification clusters. In this paper a novel method for classifying microcalcification clusters is presented by representing discrete mereotopological relations between the individual microcalcifications over a range of scales in the form of a mereotopological barcode. This barcode based representation is able to model complex relations between multiple regions and the results on mammographic microcalcification data shows the effectiveness of this approach. Classification accuracies of 95% and 80% are achieved on the MIAS and DDSM datasets, respectively. These results are comparable to existing state-of-the art methods. This work also demonstrates that mereotopological barcodes could be used to help trained clinicians in their diagnosis by providing a clinical interpretation of barcodes that represent both benign and malignant cases

    Boundary Extraction in Images Using Hierarchical Clustering-based Segmentation

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    Hierarchical organization is one of the main characteristics of human segmentation. A human subject segments a natural image by identifying physical objects and marking their boundaries up to a certain level of detail [1]. Hierarchical clustering based segmentation (HCS) process mimics this capability of the human vision. The HCS process automatically generates a hierarchy of segmented images. The hierarchy represents the continuous merging of similar, spatially adjacent or disjoint, regions as the allowable threshold value of dissimilarity between regions, for merging, is gradually increased. HCS process is unsupervised and is completely data driven. This ensures that the segmentation process can be applied to any image, without any prior information about the image data and without any need for prior training of the segmentation process with the relevant image data. The implementation details of HCS process have been described elsewhere in the author's work [2]. The purpose of the current study is to demonstrate the performance of the HCS process in outlining boundaries in images and its possible application in processing medical images. [1] P. Arbelaez. Boundary Extraction in Natural Images Using Ultrametric Contour Maps. Proceedings 5th IEEE Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision (POCV'06). June 2006. New York, USA. [2] A. N. Selvan. Highlighting Dissimilarity in Medical Images Using Hierarchical Clustering Based Segmentation (HCS). M. Phil. dissertation, Faculty of Arts Computing Engineering and Sciences Sheffield Hallam Univ., Sheffield, UK, 2007.</p

    A Decision Support System (DSS) for Breast Cancer Detection Based on Invariant Feature Extraction, Classification, and Retrieval of Masses of Mammographic Images

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    This paper presents an integrated system for the breast cancer detection from mammograms based on automated mass detection, classification, and retrieval with a goal to support decision-making by retrieving and displaying the relevant past cases as well as predicting the images as benign or malignant. It is hypothesized that the proposed diagnostic aid would refresh the radiologist’s mental memory to guide them to a precise diagnosis with concrete visualizations instead of only suggesting a second diagnosis like many other CAD systems. Towards achieving this goal, a Graph-Based Visual Saliency (GBVS) method is used for automatic mass detection, invariant features are extracted based on using Non-Subsampled Contourlet transform (NSCT) and eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix in a histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), and finally classification and retrieval are performed based on using Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Extreme Learning Machines (ELM), and a linear combination-based similarity fusion approach. The image retrieval and classification performances are evaluated and compared in the benchmark Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM) of 2604 cases by using both the precision-recall and classification accuracies. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system and show the viability of a real-time clinical application

    Microcalcification and Macrocalcification Detection in Mammograms Based on GLCM and ODCM Texture Features Using SVM Classifier

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    Breast cancer is a common cancer in women and the second leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Photographing the changes in internal breast structure due to formation of masses and microcalcification for detection of Breast Cancer is known as Mammogram, which are low dose x-ray images. These images play a very significant role in early detection of breast cancer. Usually in pattern recognition texture analysis is used for classification based on content of image or in image segmentation based on variation of intensities of gray scale levels or colours. Similarly texture analysis can also be used to identify masses and microcalcification in mammograms. However Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrices (GLCM) technique introduced by Haralick was initially used in study of remote sensing images. Radiologists f i n d i t d i f f i c u l t to identify the mass in a mammogram, since the masses are surrounded by pectoral muscle and blood vessels. In breast cancer screening, radiologists usually miss approximately 10% - 30% of tumors because of the ambiguous margins of tumors resulting from long-time diagnosis. Computer-aided detection system is developed to aid radiologists in detecting ma mammographic masses which indicate the presence of breast cancer. In this paper the input image is pre-processed initially that includes noise removal, pectoral muscle removal, thresholding, contrast enhancement and suspicious mass is detected and the features are extracted based on the mass detected. A feature extraction method based on grey level co- occurrence matrix and optical density features called GLCM -OD features is used to describe local texture characteristics and the discrete photometric distribution of each ROI. Finally, a support vector machine is used to classify abnormal regions by selecting the individual performance of each feature. The results prove that the proposed system achieves an excellent detection performance using SVM classifier

    IMCAD: Computer Aided System for Breast Masses Detection based on Immune Recognition

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    Computer Aided Detection (CAD) systems are very important tools which help radiologists as a second reader in detecting early breast cancer in an efficient way, specially on screening mammograms. One of the challenging problems is the detection of masses, which are powerful signs of cancer, because of their poor apperance on mammograms. This paper investigates an automatic CAD for detection of breast masses in screening mammograms based on fuzzy segmentation and a bio-inspired method for pattern recognition: Artificial Immune Recognition System. The proposed approach is applied to real clinical images from the full field digital mammographic database: Inbreast. In order to validate our proposition, we propose the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve as an analyzer of our IMCAD classifier system, which achieves a good area under curve, with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 95%. The recognition system based on artificial immunity has shown its efficiency on recognizing masses from a very restricted set of training regions
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