2,119 research outputs found

    Global dynamics of a harmonically excited oscillator with a play : Numerical studies

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    This work was supported by the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of Ecuador (SENESCYT); the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral of Ecuador (ESPOL); the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11272268, 11572263) and Scholarship of China. A.S.E. Chong and Y. Yue acknowledge the hospitality of the Centre of Applied Dynamics Research at the University of Aberdeen.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Semi-analytical method to study piecewise linear oscillators

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    Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Balseiro Institute and the National Commission of Atomic Energy for the support. In particular, financial support for the Invited Professor Programme of the Balseiro Institute, which made international collaboration possible.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Two-parameter nonsmooth grazing bifurcations of limit cycles: classification and open problems

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    This paper proposes a strategy for the classification of codimension-two grazing bifurcations of limit cycles in piecewise smooth systems of ordinary differential equations. Such nonsmooth transitions (C-bifurcations) occur when the cycle interacts with a discontinuity boundary of phase space in a non-generic way. Several such codimension-one events have recently been identified, causing for example period-adding or sudden onset of chaos. Here, the focus is on codimension-two grazings that are local in the sense that the dynamics can be fully described by an appropriate Poincaré map from a neighbourhood of the grazing point (or points) of the critical cycle to itself. It is proposed that codimension-two grazing bifurcations can be divided into three distinct types: either the grazing point is degenerate, or the the grazing cycle is itself degenerate (e.g. non-hyperbolic) or we have the simultaneous occurrence of two grazing events. A careful distinction is drawn between their occurrence in systems with discontinuous states, discontinuous vector fields, or that have discontinuity in some derivative of the vector field. Examples of each kind of bifurcation are presented, mostly derived from mechanical applications. For each example, where possible, principal bifurcation curves characteristic to the codimension-two scenario are presented and general features of the dynamics discussed. Many avenues for future research are opened.

    Two models of nonsmooth dynamical systems

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    International audienceTwo examples of nonsmooth systems are considered. The first one is a two degrees of freedom oscillator in the presence of a stop. A discontinuity appears when the system position reaches a critical value. The second example consists of coupled oscillators excited by dry friction. In this case, the discontinuity occurs when the system's velocities take a critical value. For both examples, the dynamical system can be partitioned into different configurations limited by a set of boundaries. Within each configuration, the dynamical model is linear and the close form solution is known. Periodic orbits, including several transitions between the various configurations of the system, are found in analytical form. The stability of these orbits is investigated by using the Poincaré map modeling

    Computation of periodic orbits for piecewise linear oscillator by Harmonic Balance Methods

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    Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support by NNSF of China (Nos. 11372282 and 10702065) and Scholarship of China; The National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Inno- vation of Ecuador (SENESCYT); The Escuela Superior Politcnica del Litoral of Ecuador (ESPOL).Peer reviewedPostprin

    A new SSI algorithm for LPTV systems: Application to a hinged-bladed helicopter

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    Many systems such as turbo-generators, wind turbines and helicopters show intrinsic time-periodic behaviors. Usually, these structures are considered to be faithfully modeled as linear time-invariant (LTI). In some cases where the rotor is anisotropic, this modeling does not hold and the equations of motion lead necessarily to a linear periodically time- varying (referred to as LPTV in the control and digital signal field or LTP in the mechanical and nonlinear dynamics world) model. Classical modal analysis methodologies based on the classical time-invariant eigenstructure (frequencies and damping ratios) of the system no more apply. This is the case in particular for subspace methods. For such time-periodic systems, the modal analysis can be described by characteristic exponents called Floquet multipliers. The aim of this paper is to suggest a new subspace-based algorithm that is able to extract these multipliers and the corresponding frequencies and damping ratios. The algorithm is then tested on a numerical model of a hinged-bladed helicopter on the ground