602 research outputs found

    Microservice Transition and its Granularity Problem: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Microservices have gained wide recognition and acceptance in software industries as an emerging architectural style for autonomic, scalable, and more reliable computing. The transition to microservices has been highly motivated by the need for better alignment of technical design decisions with improving value potentials of architectures. Despite microservices' popularity, research still lacks disciplined understanding of transition and consensus on the principles and activities underlying "micro-ing" architectures. In this paper, we report on a systematic mapping study that consolidates various views, approaches and activities that commonly assist in the transition to microservices. The study aims to provide a better understanding of the transition; it also contributes a working definition of the transition and technical activities underlying it. We term the transition and technical activities leading to microservice architectures as microservitization. We then shed light on a fundamental problem of microservitization: microservice granularity and reasoning about its adaptation as first-class entities. This study reviews state-of-the-art and -practice related to reasoning about microservice granularity; it reviews modelling approaches, aspects considered, guidelines and processes used to reason about microservice granularity. This study identifies opportunities for future research and development related to reasoning about microservice granularity.Comment: 36 pages including references, 6 figures, and 3 table

    Microservice-based Reference Architecture for Semantics-aware Measurement Systems

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    Cloud technologies have become more important than ever with the rising need for scalable and distributed software systems. A pattern that is used in many such systems is a microservice-based architecture (MSA). MSAs have become a blueprint for many large companies and big software systems. In many scientific fields like energy and environmental informatics, efficient and scalable software systems with a primary focus on measurement data are a core requirement. Nowadays, there are many ways to solve research questions using data-driven approaches. Most of them have a need for large amounts of measurement data and according metadata. However, many measurement systems still follow deprecated guidelines such as monolithic architectures, classic relational database principles and are missing semantic awareness and interpretation of data. These problems and the resulting requirements are tackled by the introduction of a reference architecture with a focus on measurement systems that utilizes the principles of microservices. The thesis first presents the systematic design of the reference architecture by using the principles of Domain-driven Design (DDD). This process ensures that the reference architecture is defined in a modular and sustainable way in contrast to complex monolithic software systems. An extensive scientific analysis leads to the core parts of the concept consisting of the data management and semantics for measurement systems. Different data services define a concept for managing measurement data, according meta data and master data describing the business objects of the application implemented by using the reference architecture. Further concepts allow the reference architecture to define a way for the system to understand and interpret the data using semantic information. Lastly, the introduction of a frontend framework for dashboard applications represents an example for visualizing the data managed by the microservices

    Microservices and Machine Learning Algorithms for Adaptive Green Buildings

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    In recent years, the use of services for Open Systems development has consolidated and strengthened. Advances in the Service Science and Engineering (SSE) community, promoted by the reinforcement of Web Services and Semantic Web technologies and the presence of new Cloud computing techniques, such as the proliferation of microservices solutions, have allowed software architects to experiment and develop new ways of building open and adaptable computer systems at runtime. Home automation, intelligent buildings, robotics, graphical user interfaces are some of the social atmosphere environments suitable in which to apply certain innovative trends. This paper presents a schema for the adaptation of Dynamic Computer Systems (DCS) using interdisciplinary techniques on model-driven engineering, service engineering and soft computing. The proposal manages an orchestrated microservices schema for adapting component-based software architectural systems at runtime. This schema has been developed as a three-layer adaptive transformation process that is supported on a rule-based decision-making service implemented by means of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. The experimental development was implemented in the Solar Energy Research Center (CIESOL) applying the proposed microservices schema for adapting home architectural atmosphere systems on Green Buildings

    An IoT Platform Based on Microservices and Serverless Paradigms for Smart Farming Purposes

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    Nowadays, the concept of “Everything is connected to Everything” has spread to reach increasingly diverse scenarios, due to the benefits of constantly being able to know, in real-time, the status of your factory, your city, your health or your smallholding. This wide variety of scenarios creates different challenges such as the heterogeneity of IoT devices, support for large numbers of connected devices, reliable and safe systems, energy efficiency and the possibility of using this system by third-parties in other scenarios. A transversal middleware in all IoT solutions is called an IoT platform. the IoT platform is a piece of software that works like a kind of “glue” to combine platforms and orchestrate capabilities that connect devices, users and applications/services in a “cyber-physical” world. In this way, the IoT platform can help solve the challenges listed above. This paper proposes an IoT agnostic architecture, highlighting the role of the IoT platform, within a broader ecosystem of interconnected tools, aiming at increasing scalability, stability, interoperability and reusability. For that purpose, different paradigms of computing will be used, such as microservices architecture and serverless computing. Additionally, a technological proposal of the architecture, called SEnviro Connect, is presented. This proposal is validated in the IoT scenario of smart farming, where five IoT devices (SEnviro nodes) have been deployed to improve wine production. A comprehensive performance evaluation is carried out to guarantee a scalable and stable platform

    Development and evaluation of a microservice-based virtual assistant for chronic patients support

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    Los asistentes virtuales (también conocidos como chatbots) son programas que interactúan con los usuarios simulando una conversación humana a través de mensajes de texto o de voz. Los asistentes virtuales destinados al cuidado de la salud ofrecen servicios, herramientas, asesoramiento, ayuda, soporte y gestión de diferentes enfermedades. Los usuarios de este tipo de asistente virtual pueden ser, por ejemplo, pacientes, cuidadores y profesionales sanitarios, los cuales poseen diferentes necesidades y requerimientos. Los pacientes con enfermedades crónicas podrían beneficiarse de los asistentes virtuales que se encargan de realizar seguimientos de su condición, proporcionar información específica, fomentar la adherencia a la medicación, etc. Para realizar estas funciones, los asistentes virtuales necesitan una arquitectura de software adecuada. Esta tesis doctoral propone el diseño de una arquitectura específica para el desarrollo de asistentes virtuales destinados a proporcionar soporte a pacientes crónicos. Hoy en día, las personas interactúan entre sí diariamente utilizando plataformas de mensajería. Para alinear este tipo de interacción con la arquitectura del asistente virtual, proponemos el uso de plataformas de mensajería para la interacción asistente virtual-paciente, prestando especial atención a las cuestiones de seguridad y privacidad (es decir, el uso de plataformas de mensajería seguras con cifrado de extremo a extremo).Los asistentes virtuales pueden implementar sistemas conversacionales para que la interacción con los pacientes sea más natural. Los sistemas conversacionales en escenarios de atención médica complejos, como la gestión de enfermedades, deben ser capaces de poder comprender oraciones complejas utilizadas durante la interacción. La adaptación de nuevos métodos con el procesamiento de lenguaje natural (NLP, por su nombre en inglés, Natural Language Processing) puede aportar una mejora a la arquitectura del asistente virtual. Los word embeddings (incrustación de palabras) se han utilizado ampliamente en NLP como entrada en las redes neuronales. Tales word embeddings pueden ayudar a comprender el objetivo final y las palabras clave en una oración. Por ello, en esta tesis estudiamos el impacto de diferentes word embeddings entrenados con corpus generales y específicos utilizando el entendimiento del lenguaje natural conjunto (Joint NLU, por su nombre en inglés, Joint Natural Language Understanding) en el dominio de la medicación en español. Los datos para entrenar el modelo NLU conjunto se generan usando plantillas. Dicho modelo se utiliza para la detección de intenciones, así como para el slot filling (llenado de ranuras). En este estudio comparamos word2vec y fastText como word embeddings y ELMo y BERT como modelos de lenguaje. Para entrenar los embeddings utilizamos tres corpus diferentes: los datos de entrenamiento generados para este escenario, la Wikipedia en español como dominio general y la base de datos de medicamentos en español como datos especializados. El mejor resultado se obtuvo con el modelo ELMo entrenado con Wikipedia en español.Dotamos al asistente virtual de capacidades de gestión de medicamentos basadas en NLP. En consecuencia, se analiza el impacto del etiquetado de slots y la longitud de los datos de entrenamiento en modelos NLU conjuntos para escenarios de gestión de medicamentos utilizando asistentes virtuales en español. En este estudio definimos las intenciones (propósitos de las oraciones) para escenarios centrados en la administración de medicamentos y dos tipos de etiquetas de slots. Para entrenar el modelo, generamos cuatro conjuntos de datos, combinando oraciones largas o cortas con slots largos o cortos. Para el análisis comparativo, elegimos seis modelos NLU conjuntos (SlotRefine, stack-propagation framework, SF-ID network, capsule-NLU, slot-gated modeling y joint SLU-LM) de la literatura existente. Tras el análisis competitivo, se observa que el mejor resultado se obtuvo utilizando oraciones y slots cortos. Nuestros resultados sugirieron que los modelos NLU conjuntos entrenados con slots cortos produjeron mejores resultados que aquellos entrenados con slots largos para la tarea de slot filling.En definitiva, proponemos una arquitectura de microservicios genérica válida para cualquier tipo de gestión de enfermedades crónicas. El prototipo genérico ofrece un asistente virtual operativo para gestionar información básica y servir de base para futuras ampliaciones. Además, en esta tesis presentamos dos prototipos especializados con el objetivo de mostrar cómo esta nueva arquitectura permite cambiar, añadir o mejorar diferentes partes del asistente virtual de forma dinámica y flexible. El primer prototipo especializado tiene como objetivo ayudar en la gestión de la medicación del paciente. Este prototipo se encargará de recordar la ingesta de medicamentos a través de la creación de una comunidad de apoyo donde los pacientes, cuidadores y profesionales sanitarios interactúen con herramientas y servicios útiles ofrecidos por el asistente virtual. La implementación del segundo prototipo especializado está diseñada para una enfermedad crónica específica, la psoriasis. Este prototipo ofrece teleconsulta y almacenamiento de fotografías.Por último, esta tesis tiene como objetivo validar la eficacia del asistente virtual integrado en las plataformas de mensajería, destinado al cuidado de la salud. Por ello, esta tesis incluye la evaluación de los dos prototipos especializados. El primer estudio tiene como objetivo mejorar la adherencia a la medicación en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 comórbida y trastorno depresivo. Para ello, se diseñó y posteriormente se realizó un estudio piloto de nueve meses. En el estudio analizamos la Tasa de Posesión de Medicamentos (MPR, por su nombre en inglés, Medication Possession Ratio), obtuvimos la puntuación del Cuestionario sobre la Salud del Paciente (PHQ-9, por su nombre en inglés, Patient Health Questionnaire) y medimos el nivel de hemoglobina glicosilada (HbA1c), en los pacientes antes y después del estudio. También realizamos entrevistas a todos los participantes. Un total de trece pacientes y cinco enfermeras utilizaron y evaluaron el asistente virtual propuesto. Los resultados mostraron que, en promedio, la adherencia a la medicación de los pacientes mejoró. El segundo estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar un año de uso entre el asistente virtual y pacientes con psoriasis y dermatólogos, y el impacto en su calidad de vida. Para ello se diseñó y realizó un estudio prospectivo de un año de duración con pacientes con psoriasis y dermatólogos. Para medir la mejora en la calidad de vida, en este estudio analizamos los cuestionarios de Calidad de Vida de los Pacientes con Psoriasis (PSOLIFE, por su nombre en inglés, Psoriasis Quality of Life) y el Índice de Calidad de Vida en Dermatología (DLQI, por su nombre en inglés, Dermatology Life Quality Index). Además, realizamos encuestas a todos los participantes y obtuvimos el número de consultas médicas realizadas a través del asistente virtual. Se incluyeron en el estudio un total de 34 participantes (30 pacientes diagnosticados con psoriasis moderada-grave y cuatro profesionales sanitarios). Los resultados mostraron que, en promedio, la calidad de vida mejoró.<br /

    Eco‐Holonic 4.0 Circular Business Model to  Conceptualize Sustainable Value Chain Towards  Digital Transition 

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    The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize a circular business model based on an Eco-Holonic Architecture, through the integration of circular economy and holonic principles. A conceptual model is developed to manage the complexity of integrating circular economy principles, digital transformation, and tools and frameworks for sustainability into business models. The proposed architecture is multilevel and multiscale in order to achieve the instantiation of the sustainable value chain in any territory. The architecture promotes the incorporation of circular economy and holonic principles into new circular business models. This integrated perspective of business model can support the design and upgrade of the manufacturing companies in their respective industrial sectors. The conceptual model proposed is based on activity theory that considers the interactions between technical and social systems and allows the mitigation of the metabolic rift that exists between natural and social metabolism. This study contributes to the existing literature on circular economy, circular business models and activity theory by considering holonic paradigm concerns, which have not been explored yet. This research also offers a unique holonic architecture of circular business model by considering different levels, relationships, dynamism and contextualization (territory) aspects

    Designing a Smart City Internet of Things Platform with Microservice Architecture

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is being adopted in different application domains and is recognized as one of the key enablers of the Smart City vision. Despite the standard-ization efforts and wide adoption of Web standards and cloud computing technologies, however, building large-scale Smart City IoT platforms in practice remains challenging. The dynamically changing IoT environment requires these systems to be able to scale and evolve over time adopting new technologies and requirements. In response to the similar challenges in building large-scale distributed applications and platforms on the Web, microservice architecture style has emerged and gained a lot of popularity in the industry in recent years. In this work, we share our early experience of applying the microservice architecture style to design a Smart City IoT platform. Our experience suggests significant benefits provided by this architectural style compared to the more generic Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) approaches, as well as highlights some of the challenges it introduces

    Chapter xCARE: A Development Platform for Supporting Smart and Pervasive Healthcare

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    We are assisting to an important change in the healthcare domain where healthy citizens and patients are more and more in the center and become active partners in the entire process. In this scenario, smart and pervasive solutions assume a relevant role for remotely assisting citizens and patients together with their carers and supporting the overall team of professionals. From a software-engineering perspective, to follow and/or anticipate changes in requirements, modular solutions must be investigated and developed. Moreover, issues like personalization, adaptation, and scalability must be considered from the very beginning. In this chapter, we present xCARE, a microservices-based platform explicitly implemented to support the development of smart and pervasive healthcare systems. To show the potentiality and adaptability of xCARE, three relevant applications are presented: (i) a self-management system to support chronic complex patients; (ii) a patient management system that allows the team of professionals to assist patients before a major surgery together with a self-management system for the patients themselves; and (iii) an automatic self-management system for healthy citizens that want to follow healthier habits and that supports behavioral change