48,935 research outputs found

    Electronic Report Generation Web Service evaluated within a Telemedicine System

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    This work presents a generic tool based on a client-server architecture that generates electronic reports helping the evaluation process of any information system. For the specific evaluation of telemedicine systems the defined reports cover four dimensions: auditory of the system; evolution of clinical protocols; results from the questionnaires for user acceptance and quality of life; and surveillance of clinical variables. The use of a Web Service approach allows multiplatform use of the developed electronic report service and the modularity followed in the implementation enables easy system evolution and scalability

    Generic multisensor multitarget bias estimation architecture

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    Current bias estimation algorithms for air traffic control (ATC) surveillance are focused on radar sensors, but the integration of new sensors (especially automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast and wide area multilateration) demands the extension of traditional procedures. This study describes a generic architecture for bias estimation applicable to multisensor multitarget surveillance systems. It consists on first performing bias estimations using measurements from each target, of a subset of sensors, assumed to be reliable, forming track bias estimations. All track bias estimations are combined to obtain, for each of those sensors, the corresponding sensor bias. Then, sensor bias terms are corrected, to subsequently calculate the target or sensor-target pair specific biases. Once these target-specific biases are corrected, the process is repeated recursively for other sets of less reliable sensors, assuming bias corrected measures from previous iterations are unbiased. This study describes the architecture and outlines the methodology for the estimation and the bias estimation design processes. Then the approach is validated through simulation, and compared with previous methods in the literature. Finally, the study describes the application of the methodology to the design of the bias estimation procedures for a modern ATC surveillance application, specifically for off-line assessment of ATC surveillance performance

    Big Data Model Simulation on a Graph Database for Surveillance in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

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    Sensors are present in various forms all around the world such as mobile phones, surveillance cameras, smart televisions, intelligent refrigerators and blood pressure monitors. Usually, most of the sensors are a part of some other system with similar sensors that compose a network. One of such networks is composed of millions of sensors connect to the Internet which is called Internet of things (IoT). With the advances in wireless communication technologies, multimedia sensors and their networks are expected to be major components in IoT. Many studies have already been done on wireless multimedia sensor networks in diverse domains like fire detection, city surveillance, early warning systems, etc. All those applications position sensor nodes and collect their data for a long time period with real-time data flow, which is considered as big data. Big data may be structured or unstructured and needs to be stored for further processing and analyzing. Analyzing multimedia big data is a challenging task requiring a high-level modeling to efficiently extract valuable information/knowledge from data. In this study, we propose a big database model based on graph database model for handling data generated by wireless multimedia sensor networks. We introduce a simulator to generate synthetic data and store and query big data using graph model as a big database. For this purpose, we evaluate the well-known graph-based NoSQL databases, Neo4j and OrientDB, and a relational database, MySQL.We have run a number of query experiments on our implemented simulator to show that which database system(s) for surveillance in wireless multimedia sensor networks is efficient and scalable

    Understanding System of Systems Development Using an Agent- Based Wave Model

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    System of Systems (SoS) development is a complex process that depends on the cooperation of various independent Systems[1]. SoS acquisition and development differs from that typical for a single System; it has been shown to follow a wave paradigm known as the Wave Model[2]. Agent based models (ABMs) consist of a set of abstracted entities referred to as agents, and a framework using simplified rules for simulating agent decisions and interactions. Agents have their own goals and are capable of perceiving changes in the environment. Systemic (global) behavior emerges from the decisions and interactions of the agents. This research provides a generic model of SoS development with a genetic algorithm and fuzzy assessor implemented in an agent based model. The generic SoS development follows the Wave Model. The genetic algorithm provides an initial SoS meta- architecture. The fuzzy assessor qualitatively evaluates SoS meta-architectures. The agent-based model implements the generic SoS development, the genetic algorithm, the fuzzy assessor, and independent SoS and system agents and shows the SoS development based on an initial set of conditions. A prototype model is developed to test the concept on a sample from the DoD Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) domain

    A modular software architecture for UAVs

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    There have been several attempts to create scalable and hardware independent software architectures for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). In this work, we propose an onboard architecture for UAVs where hardware abstraction, data storage and communication between modules are efficiently maintained. All processing and software development is done on the UAV while state and mission status of the UAV is monitored from a ground station. The architecture also allows rapid development of mission-specific third party applications on the vehicle with the help of the core module

    A Taxonomy for Management and Optimization of Multiple Resources in Edge Computing

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    Edge computing is promoted to meet increasing performance needs of data-driven services using computational and storage resources close to the end devices, at the edge of the current network. To achieve higher performance in this new paradigm one has to consider how to combine the efficiency of resource usage at all three layers of architecture: end devices, edge devices, and the cloud. While cloud capacity is elastically extendable, end devices and edge devices are to various degrees resource-constrained. Hence, an efficient resource management is essential to make edge computing a reality. In this work, we first present terminology and architectures to characterize current works within the field of edge computing. Then, we review a wide range of recent articles and categorize relevant aspects in terms of 4 perspectives: resource type, resource management objective, resource location, and resource use. This taxonomy and the ensuing analysis is used to identify some gaps in the existing research. Among several research gaps, we found that research is less prevalent on data, storage, and energy as a resource, and less extensive towards the estimation, discovery and sharing objectives. As for resource types, the most well-studied resources are computation and communication resources. Our analysis shows that resource management at the edge requires a deeper understanding of how methods applied at different levels and geared towards different resource types interact. Specifically, the impact of mobility and collaboration schemes requiring incentives are expected to be different in edge architectures compared to the classic cloud solutions. Finally, we find that fewer works are dedicated to the study of non-functional properties or to quantifying the footprint of resource management techniques, including edge-specific means of migrating data and services.Comment: Accepted in the Special Issue Mobile Edge Computing of the Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing journa

    Post-Westgate SWAT : C4ISTAR Architectural Framework for Autonomous Network Integrated Multifaceted Warfighting Solutions Version 1.0 : A Peer-Reviewed Monograph

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    Police SWAT teams and Military Special Forces face mounting pressure and challenges from adversaries that can only be resolved by way of ever more sophisticated inputs into tactical operations. Lethal Autonomy provides constrained military/security forces with a viable option, but only if implementation has got proper empirically supported foundations. Autonomous weapon systems can be designed and developed to conduct ground, air and naval operations. This monograph offers some insights into the challenges of developing legal, reliable and ethical forms of autonomous weapons, that address the gap between Police or Law Enforcement and Military operations that is growing exponentially small. National adversaries are today in many instances hybrid threats, that manifest criminal and military traits, these often require deployment of hybrid-capability autonomous weapons imbued with the capability to taken on both Military and/or Security objectives. The Westgate Terrorist Attack of 21st September 2013 in the Westlands suburb of Nairobi, Kenya is a very clear manifestation of the hybrid combat scenario that required military response and police investigations against a fighting cell of the Somalia based globally networked Al Shabaab terrorist group.Comment: 52 pages, 6 Figures, over 40 references, reviewed by a reade

    Ontology For Europe's Space Situational Awareness Program

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    This paper presents an ontology architecture concept for the European Space Agency‘s (ESA) Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Program. It incorporates the author‘s domain ontology, The Space Situational Awareness Ontology and related ontology work. I summarize computational ontology, discuss the segments of ESA SSA, and introduce an option for a modular ontology framework reflecting the divisionsof the SSA program. Among other things, ontologies are used for data sharing and integration. By applying ontology to ESA data, the ESA may better achieve its integration and innovation goals, while simultaneously improving the state of peaceful SSA