28 research outputs found

    Digital system design and simulation

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    Geobase Information System Impacts on Space Image Formats

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    As Geobase Information Systems increase in number, size and complexity, the format compatability of satellite remote sensing data becomes increasingly more important. Because of the vast and continually increasing quantity of data available from remote sensing systems the utility of these data is increasingly dependent on the degree to which their formats facilitate, or hinder, their incorporation into Geobase Information Systems. To merge satellite data into a geobase system requires that they both have a compatible geographic referencing system. Greater acceptance of satellite data by the user community will be facilitated if the data are in a form which most readily corresponds to existing geobase data structures. The conference addressed a number of specific topics and made recommendations

    Advanced Computer Program Models : A Talking Textbook Based on Three Languages

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    The purpose of this dissertation was to develop a learning instrument, to be used by programmers preparing for the Data Processing Management Association Test as a self study book, or by college business programming and computer science students who have completed a course in data processing and a course in programming a higher level language. The mathematical ability requirement was minimized by developing the algorithms in parallel with the programs. The learner should experience _emphasis in the following .areas: l. The type of activities required to pass the DPMA test (the programming part) 2. Data Structures 3. Fortran (at the level of the DPMA test) I 4. RPG (at the level of the DPMA test) 5. Flow chart reading and writing Fortran and RPG (Report Program Generator) languages were used, since their proficiency is required for the DPMA test; however a subset of IBM Basic Assembler language was used, because the author believed that a person who is more than superficially interested in computers should demonstrate a proficiency with a machine language. An important part of this method of presentation are the cassette recordings which allow the learner to progress outside the classroom. The recordings plus the hard copy of the actual programs, diminished in size, give the learner material which he can move to any location and study without the presence of the instructor

    Crystallographic and general use programs for the XDS Sigma 5 computer

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    Programs in basic FORTRAN 4 are described, which fall into three catagories: (1) interactive programs to be executed under time sharing (BTM); (2) non interactive programs which are executed in batch processing mode (BPM); and (3) large non interactive programs which require more memory than is available in the normal BPM/BTM operating system and must be run overnight on a special system called XRAY which releases about 45,000 words of memory to the user. Programs in catagories (1) and (2) are stored as FORTRAN source files in the account FSNYDER. Programs in catagory (3) are stored in the XRAY system as load modules. The type of file in account FSNYDER is identified by the first two letters in the name

    IMB 1800 Programs for Data processing at the Accelerators of the Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements. Part 3: Programs for Interactive Data Reduction. EUR 4404.

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    <p>A, miR393 and <i>DlCHS</i>; B, miR393 and <i>DlCHI</i>; C, miR393 and <i>DlFLS</i>; D, miR393 and <i>DlF3′H</i>; E, miR393 and <i>DlDFR</i>; F, miR393 and <i>DlLAR</i>; G, miR393 and its target gene <i>DlTIR1-3</i>.</p

    Thermal analyzer computer program for the solution of general heat transfer problems

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    Computer program for thermal analyses of complex transient heat transfer problem

    Numerical analysis of shells. Volume 2 - User's manual for ''STARS-2'' - Shell Theory Automated for Rotational Structures-2, digital computer program

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    Imput information for application of Shell Theory Automated for Rotational Structures, /STARS 2/ digital computer program - Vol.