16 research outputs found

    Gamifying Information System Testing–Qualitative Validation through Focus Group Discussion

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    This paper presents the evaluation of a developed gamified Information System Testing platform through results obtained from focus group sessions with software developers and testers. The purpose of this study is to understand if the developed tool and platform can help Information System Testing to be interesting while increasing the engagement of software testers in a rewarding testing environment. Findings suggest that choosing suitable game elements to design a gamified environment for performing serious tasks is very important. Moreover, findings suggest that the developed tool and gamification may be a solution to increase testers’ engagement and testing experience. Furthermore, participants suggested that game elements such as feedback and comparison may increase testing motivation, engagement and experience of software testers. The majority of participants rated the feedback element as a vital element in a gamified Information System Testing environment

    Gamifying Digital Work: An Empirical Investigation how Gamification Affects IS Use Appraisal

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    Information systems (IS) and their healthy use are becoming increasingly important in the digital work environment. The cognitive appraisal of an IS-enabled demand is decisive for whether IS use leads to positive or negative outcomes. This work investigates how gamification integrated into IS can support challenge appraisal and reduce threat appraisal of IS-enabled demands. We conduct an online experiment to examine the impact of gamification on appraisal. We simulate time urgency in a gamified IS and examine how challenge and threat appraisal develop among participants during the experiment. We examine the panel data with a Latent Growth Model and find that gamified IS does not initially reduce threat appraisal but reduces it over time. Challenge appraisal is not significantly higher among users working in gamified IS. That this hypothesiszed effect does not show in the data might require further research. Our paper contributes to a better understanding of the cognitive appraisal process in IS use research and identifies gamification as a valuable tool to positively influence the cognitive appraisal process

    Pengembangan Learning Management System Dengan Pendekatan Gamifikasi Pada Model Flipped Classroom Untuk Meningkatkan Partisipasi Belajar Siswa

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    ABSTRAK Penurunan partisipasi belajar siswa menjadi permasalahan kritis dalam dunia pendidikan. Upaya untuk meningkatkan partisipasi belajar siswa dilakukan dengan menggabungkan pendekatan gamifikasi pada model flipped classroom. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan partisipasi belajar siswa pada materi fisika kelas XI SMA dengan menggunakan metode penelitian Borg and Gall yang dibatasi 5 langkah dari 10 langkah. Model desain gamifikasi lima tahap dan teori motivasi GAFCC (goal, acces, feedback, challenge, collaboration) digunakan sebagai pendekatan gamifikasi pada LMS.Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument test dan non test dengan metode analisis data gabungan kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang di analisis menggunakan skala likert. Hasil pengembangan berbentuk Learning Management System yang bernama “Fisikawaii Adventure”. Persentase hasil rata-rata validasi ahli materi 95,6% (sangat layak) dan rata validasi ahli media 97% (sangat layak). Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah dapat membantu mengarahkan para praktisi dan akademisi dalam mengoptimalkan penggunaan teknologi pembelajaran, khususnya LMS dengan pendekatan gamifikasi dalam meningkatkan partisipasi dan kualitas pembelajaran siswa. Kata Kunci: Gamifikasi, Learning Management System, Model Flipped Classroom, Partisipasi Belajar Siswa iii ABSTRACT The decline in student learning participation is a critical problem in education. Efforts to increase participation combine a gamification approach with the flipped classroom model. This study aims to enhance student participation in grade XI high school Physics. The Borg and Gall research method is used, limited to 5 out of 10 steps. The five-stage gamification design model and GFCC motivational theory (goal, access, feedback, challenge, collaboration) applied in the LMS. Data collection techniques include test and non-test instruments, with a combined qualitative and quantitative analysis using a Likert scale. The developed Learning Management System is named Fisikawaii Adventure. Material experts validated it at 95.6% (very feasible), while media experts at 97% (very feasible). The research implications can guide practitioners and academics in optimizing the gamification-based LMS to enhance student participation and learning quality. Keyword: Gamification, Learning Management System, Flipped Classroom Model, Student Learning Participatio

    Gamifying a Learning Management System: Narrative and Team Leaderboard in the Context of Effective Information Security Education

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    Gamified learning management systems (LMS) can be effective in case game-design elements (GDE) address users’ motivation to engage with the topic and lower barriers to learning. In the context of Security Education, Training, and Awareness (SETA) programs, gamification is stated to be a major success factor. However, there is scarce research about the relationship between GDE and learning outcomes such as information security awareness. The evaluation of GDE regarding the application context is important because inappropriate gamified approaches can lead to negative outcomes, e.g., anxiety or inappropriate behavior. Thus, we first derive narrative and team leaderboard (TL) as appropriate GDE for the context of SETA. Second, Spearman correlation analyses indicate positive significant relationships between the experience of narrative and team leaderboard with information security awareness. Therefore, we implicate integrating narrative and team leaderboard within an LMS in the context of SETA programs

    Adaptive and Personalized Gamification Designs: Call for Action and Future Research

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    Gamification refers to the use of game-like elements in non-entertainment contexts to make activities more engaging and enjoyable to improve utilitarian outcomes. The gamification literature and the use of gamification in practice suggest that gamification can be a useful tool to support behavioral and psychological changes. Recent developments show that there is potential for new waves of gamification research. Therefore, we conducted a workshop at the International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) 2021 to discuss the future of gamification with interested scholars. The discussion with 25 gamification experts led to a research agenda that supports the need for adaptive and personalized gamification designs. Together with the experts, we identify three clusters for future research: 1) the personalization of gamification concepts, 2) theories and concepts for gamified human-computer interaction, and 3) the “dark side” of gamification (e.g., addiction). We also address what the gamification concept means. Aligned with the three clusters, we provide valuable starting points for future research inquiries to help researchers better understand the nature of gamification. We also discuss the capabilities and limits of gamification

    A Research Agenda for the Why, What, and How of Gamification Designs: Outcomes of an ECIS 2019 Panel

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    This report summarizes a panel session on gamification designs at the 2019 European Conference on Information Systems in Stockholm, Sweden. The panel explored a research agenda for gamification design. The panel considered the “what, why, and how” to analyze state-of-the-art gamification research. We present an adapted definition of gamification as one outcome of the workshop to better describe what gamification is and what it can be used for. We discuss “why” and “how” to employ gamification for different contexts. Researchers and practitioners can use the report’s research questions and insights to gamify information systems, identity outcomes that gamification concepts address, and explore new ways to gamify. Overall, we present new areas for future research and practice by identifying innovative ways to bring existing gamification concepts to a more impactful level

    How gamification influences employees to be more productive: a meta-analysis

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementIn an increasingly competitive environment, companies are seeking to find competitive advantages, through new ways of working. Gamification has showed some proofs that can have an impact in performance in enterprise information systems context. Especially after a pandemic context and during a global crisis, finding motivation and engagement, when people find themselves apart from each other, can be a true challenge. The purpose of this work is to analyse the gamification impact on employees’ performance and productivity, relating employees’ motivation and engagement with the gamification implementation in enterprises. A meta-analysis was performed from previous quantitative studies connected to gamification implementation in enterprises. A total of 20 articles from the last 7 years were used as input for the meta-analysis. Strong constructs were found: behavioural intention, engagement, gamification consent, intrinsic motivation, enjoyment, performance. A motivated and satisfied employee is more productive in the workplace, therefore the research carried out provides a model that supports its main purpose: gamification influences employees’ engagement and performance

    A Gamified Tool for Motivating Developers to Remove Warnings of Bug Pattern Tools

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    Gamification in Psychological Research

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    This thesis summarizes latest scientific literature on gamification; it defines this phenomenon, describes its basic principles and links it with contemporary psychological theories of motivation. Simultaneously, it is concerned with the effectiveness of gamification and describes behavioral as well as psychological variables which may be influenced by it. Furthermore, this thesis brings a summary of recommendations for the implementation of gamification in practice and describes its use in psychological research. It further fluently translates into a project proposal, which aims to investigate attrition in psychological research and the possible effect of gamification on this variable. Lastly, it includes criticisms of this phenomenon.Tato práce přehledně shrnuje dosavadní vědeckou literaturu zabývající se gamifikací; definuje tento fenomén, popisuje základní principy jeho fungování a propojuje jej s psychologickými teoriemi motivace. Zároveň se zabývá efektivitou gamifikace a popisuje jak behaviorální, tak psychologické proměnné, které gamifikace může ovlivňovat. Práce také přináší stručný přehled doporučení pro implementaci gamifikačních elementů do praxe a zkoumá využití gamifikace v psychologickém výzkumu. Dále plynuje navazuje návrhem výzkumného projektu, který má za cíl zmapovat míru návratnosti probandů v psychologickém výzkumu a možný vliv gamifikace na tuto proměnnou. V neposlední řadě shrnuje tato práce dosavadní kritiku tohoto konceptu.Department of PsychologyKatedra psychologieFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art