34 research outputs found

    Lung disease classification using GLCM and deep features from different deep learning architectures with principal component analysis

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    Lung disease classification is an important stage in implementing a Computer Aided Diagnosis (CADx) system. CADx systems can aid doctors as a second rater to increase diagnostic accuracy for medical applications. It has also potential to reduce waiting time and increasing patient throughput when hospitals high workload. Conventional lung classification systems utilize textural features. However textural features may not be enough to describe properties of an image. Deep features are an emerging source of features that can combat the weaknesses of textural features. The goal of this study is to propose a lung disease classification framework using deep features from five different deep networks and comparing its results with the conventional Gray-level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). This study used a dataset of 81 diseased and 15 normal patients with five levels of High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) slices. A comparison of five different deep learning networks namely, Alexnet, VGG16, VGG19, Res50 and Res101, with textural features from Gray-level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) was performed. This study used a K-fold validation protocol with K = 2, 3, 5 and 10. This study also compared using five classifiers; Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Regression and k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classifiers. The usage of PCA increased the classification accuracy from 92.01% to 97.40% when using k-NN classifier. This was achieved with only using 14 features instead of the initial 1000 features. Using SVM classifier, a maximum accuracy of 100% was achieved when using all five of the deep learning features. Thus deep features show a promising application for classifying diseased and normal lungs

    Computed-Tomography (CT) Scan

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    A computed tomography (CT) scan uses X-rays and a computer to create detailed images of the inside of the body. CT scanners measure, versus different angles, X-ray attenuations when passing through different tissues inside the body through rotation of both X-ray tube and a row of X-ray detectors placed in the gantry. These measurements are then processed using computer algorithms to reconstruct tomographic (cross-sectional) images. CT can produce detailed images of many structures inside the body, including the internal organs, blood vessels, and bones. This book presents a comprehensive overview of CT scanning. Chapters address such topics as instrumental basics, CT imaging in coronavirus, radiation and risk assessment in chest imaging, positron emission tomography (PET), and feature extraction

    Analyse automatique de radiographies pulmonaires pour le diagnostic précoce du syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë

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    RÉSUMÉ Le Syndrome de Détresse Respiratoire Aiguë (SDRA) est une maladie pulmonaire qui représente la forme la plus grave de l’insuffisance respiratoire aiguë. Elle consiste en une atteinte inflammatoire aiguë des poumons et se manifeste au niveau de la radiographie pulmonaire sous forme d’opacités bilatérales. Le diagnostic de cette maladie est effectué à partir de données sur l’hypoxémie et de l’analyse de la radiographie pulmonaire. L’interprétation de la radiographie pulmonaire par des experts souffre d’une variabilité inter-observateurs élevée, ce qui peut entraîner un diagnostic tardif. Cela est problématique, car un diagnostic retardé d’un patient atteint du SDRA rend son traitement moins efficace et peut, par conséquent, grever son pronostic. D’où l’intérêt de développer un système d’aide à la décision clinique (SADC) pour aider le médecin à établir un diagnostic précoce de la maladie. Les SADC pour le diagnostic automatique de maladies à partir des radiographies sont devenus des outils très importants. Ils consistent à analyser automatiquement les radiographies pour identifier les anomalies et procurer un deuxième avis diagnostic aux médecins. Même si plusieurs SADC ont été déjà développés, il n’existe aucun SADC pour le diagnostic du SDRA. La difficulté principale est due à la superposition de structures osseuses telle que la cage thoracique, dont la propriété de radio-opacité rend leur apparence très similaire à celle des opacités diffuses liées au SDRA dans la radiographie pulmonaire. Une segmentation préalable des côtes entières est requise dans le but de les exclure de l’analyse et de focaliser sur l’étude des opacités diffuses due au SDRA. Pour pouvoir valider un SADC pour le diagnostic du SDRA, la création d’une base de radiographies pulmonaires diagnostiquées avec précision est aussi indispensable. La première partie de cette thèse propose un SADC original pour le diagnostic du SDRA à partir de radiographies pulmonaires. Comme il n’existe actuellement aucun système dédié pour cette pathologie, il a fallu le construire de novo. Le SADC développé consiste à analyser une radiographie du thorax après soustraction des côtes entières (postérieures et antérieures) pour pouvoir extraire des régions d’intérêt (ROI) intercostales qui se composent de tissus pulmonaires et analyser uniquement ces régions. Des caractéristiques statistiques et spectrales sont extraites pour chaque ROI. Ensuite, une méthode de transformation des caractéristiques est appliquée en utilisant l’analyse discriminante linéaire (Linear Discriminant Analysis). Les ROI sont ensuite classifiées comme normales ou anormales en utilisant un classifieur SVM. Finalement, le pourcentage des ROI anormales est calculé pour chaque cadran (chaque poumon est divisé en deux parties appelées cadrans). Si ce pourcentage est supérieur à 34%, le cadran donné est alors considéré comme touché. Et si au moins un cadran du poumon gauche et un cadran du poumon droit sont touchés, alors la radiographie pulmonaire est considérée comme un cas de SDRA. Le SADC proposé a été évalué en utilisant une base de radiographies pulmonaires diagnostiquées avec consensus entre plusieurs experts et des mesures de performance telles que la sensibilité et la spécificité ont été calculées. Le système automatisé développé pour le diagnostic du SDRA a permis d’obtenir une bonne sensibilité et une bonne spécificité (sensibilité = 90.6% et spécificité = 86.5%). La deuxième partie de cette thèse présente une étude sur la variabilité inter-observateurs pour le diagnostic du SDRA à partir de radiographies pulmonaires en utilisant notre système, soit individuellement, soit comme deuxième avis. Cette étude a été réalisée en calculant le coefficient Kappa, d’abord entre les experts, ensuite en utilisant le système d’analyse développé. Notre système d’analyse automatique a permis d’améliorer le coefficient Kappa et d’obtenir une bonne concordance de diagnostic en l’utilisant individuellement (Kappa = 0.77) ainsi qu’une meilleure concordance ou une concordance presque parfaite de diagnostic en l’utilisant comme deuxième avis (Kappa = 0.79-0.86). La troisième partie de cette thèse est consacrée à une analyse des besoins pour un SADC déployable en clinique. Dans cette étude, nous avons remarqué que peu de SADC pour l’interprétation de radiographies pulmonaires ont été commercialisés. Aussi, nous avons montré que plusieurs facteurs doivent être considérés pour développer un SADC en soins intensifs. Ces facteurs incluent : la segmentation interactive pour l’extraction des régions d’intérêt (ROI) afin d’améliorer la performance; le choix des caractéristiques devrait être basé sur les différents aspects qui caractérisent l’apparence de la pathologie sur les radiographies pulmonaires et devraient être combinées pour atteindre une meilleure performance; et la construction de la base de données pour la validation du système joue un rôle très important dans la performance de tout SADC. Ce dernier facteur implique que la base des radiographies pulmonaires doit être construite avec précaution en considérant les facteurs suivants: le nombre de radiographies normales et anormales à utiliser ainsi que la représentativité de la diversité des anomalies; la méthodologie à utiliser pour élaborer l’interprétation des radiographies pulmonaires; et la qualité des images à utiliser. Finalement, la création de bases de radiographies pulmonaires publiques permettrait de comparer différents SADC et de choisir celui ayant la meilleure performance, et par conséquent celui qui doit être testé en premier en clinique. En conclusion, ce projet propose un SADC pour le diagnostic précoce du SDRA à partir de radiographies pulmonaires. Son évaluation a permis de confirmer qu’il peut être utilisé par les médecins pour fournir un deuxième avis afin d’élaborer un diagnostic plus précis. En perspective, pour utiliser notre système tout au long du traitement d’un patient atteint du SDRA, une fusion multimodale d’images (RX/ CT/ TIE) permettrait de visualiser à la fois l’information fonctionnelle et l’information morphologique, ainsi que de connaître l’état actuel du patient. Ceci donnerait lieu à un suivi clinique plus efficace au chevet du patient, entre autres en choisissant les paramètres optimaux pour la ventilation mécanique.----------ABSTRACT Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a lung disease which represents the most severe form of acute respiratory failure. It consists of an acute inflammation of the lungs and manifests as bilateral opacities in chest radiographs. The diagnosis of this disease is done using the chest X-ray and hypoxemia criteria. However, interpretation of chest X-ray by medical experts suffers from high inter-observer variability, which can lead to a delayed diagnosis. This is problematic because any delay in diagnosing ARDS makes its treatment less effective and may, therefore, burden the patient’s prognosis. Hence, there is a clear clinical motivation to develop a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system to help the doctor establish an early chest X-ray diagnosis of the disease. CAD systems using X-rays for automatic diagnosis of diseases have become very important tools. They consist in automatically analyzing radiographs to identify abnormalities and providing a second diagnostic opinion to physicians. Even though several CAD systems have already been developed, there is currently no such system for the diagnosis of ARDS. The main difficulty is due to the superposition of bone structures such as the rib cage, whose radiopacity makes their appearance very similar to that of diffuse opacities associated with ARDS in chest radiographs. A preliminary segmentation of the whole ribs is thereby required in order to exclude them from the analysis and to focus on studying only the diffuse opacities linked with ARDS. To validate a CAD system for diagnosing ARDS, the creation of a database of chest X-rays diagnosed accurately is also essential. The first part of this thesis proposes a novel CAD system for the diagnosis of ARDS from chest radiographs. As there is currently no dedicated system for this disease, it was necessary to build it de novo. The CAD system we developed consists in analyzing a chest radiograph by first subtracting the whole ribs (anterior and posterior) from the image, and subsequently extracting intercostal patches and analyzing these regions of interest only, which are made up of lung tissues. Statistical and spectral features are extracted from each patch. A feature transformation method is then applied using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). The patches are then classified as either normal or abnormal using an SVM classifier. Finally, the rate of abnormal patches is calculated for each quadrant (each lung is divided into two parts called quadrants). If this rate is greater than 34%, the given quadrant is then considered as affected. And if at least one quadrant of the left lung and one of the right lung are affected, then the chest radiograph is considered as an ARDS case. The proposed CAD system was evaluated using a database of chest radiographs diagnosed with consensus among several experts, and performance measurements such as sensitivity and specificity were calculated. The automated system developed for diagnosing ARDS achieved a sensitivity and specificity that are both good (sensitivity = 90.6% and specificity = 86.5%). The second part of this thesis presents a study of the inter-observer variability for the diagnosis of ARDS from chest radiographs using our system either by itself or as providing a second opinion. This study was carried out by calculating the Kappa coefficient, first between the medical experts, then by using the proposed CAD system. Our automatic analysis system improved the Kappa coefficient and showed a good diagnostic agreement when used individually (Kappa = 0.77) and a better diagnostic agreement or an almost perfect agreement diagnosis using it to give a second opinion (kappa = 0.79-0.86). The third part of this thesis is devoted to a requirements analysis for a CAD system to be used in the clinical setting. In this study, we noticed that only a few CAD systems for chest X-ray interpretation are commercially available. Thus, we showed that several factors must be considered when developing a CAD system for use in intensive care. These factors include: interactive segmentation for extracting regions of interest (ROI) to improve performance; the choice of features should be based on the different aspects that characterize the appearance of the pathology in chest X-rays and should be combined to achieve better performance; and the construction of a validation database, which plays a very important role in the performance of any CAD system. The latter implies that the database must be carefully constructed by considering the following factors: the number of normal and abnormal chest X-rays to be used and the representativeness of the diversity of abnormalities, the methodology used to interpret the chest X-rays, and the quality of the images to use. Finally, the creation of public databases of pulmonary radiographs would make it easier to compare different CAD systems and to choose the one that performs best and therefore the one to be tested first in the clinical setting. In conclusion, this project proposes a CAD system for the early diagnosis of ARDS from chest X-rays. Its evaluation allowed us to confirm that it can be used by doctors to provide a second opinion with the aim of elaborating a more accurate diagnosis. In future work, to utilize our system throughout the treatment of an ARDS patient, a multimodal image fusion approach (RX / CT / EIT) would allow the visualization of both functional and morphological information, as well as knowing the patient's current condition. This would give rise to more efficient monitoring at the patient’s bedside, in particular by choosing the optimal settings for mechanical ventilation

    A Survey of Deep Learning for Lung Disease Detection on Medical Images: State-of-the-Art, Taxonomy, Issues and Future Directions

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    The recent developments of deep learning support the identification and classification of lung diseases in medical images. Hence, numerous work on the detection of lung disease using deep learning can be found in the literature. This paper presents a survey of deep learning for lung disease detection in medical images. There has only been one survey paper published in the last five years regarding deep learning directed at lung diseases detection. However, their survey is lacking in the presentation of taxonomy and analysis of the trend of recent work. The objectives of this paper are to present a taxonomy of the state-of-the-art deep learning based lung disease detection systems, visualise the trends of recent work on the domain and identify the remaining issues and potential future directions in this domain. Ninety-eight articles published from 2016 to 2020 were considered in this survey. The taxonomy consists of seven attributes that are common in the surveyed articles: image types, features, data augmentation, types of deep learning algorithms, transfer learning, the ensemble of classifiers and types of lung diseases. The presented taxonomy could be used by other researchers to plan their research contributions and activities. The potential future direction suggested could further improve the efficiency and increase the number of deep learning aided lung disease detection applications

    Analysis and Quantification of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Based on HRCT Images

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    Artificial Intelligence in Image-Based Screening, Diagnostics, and Clinical Care of Cardiopulmonary Diseases

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    Cardiothoracic and pulmonary diseases are a significant cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the lack of access to clinical care, the overburdened medical system, and the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in improving medicine. There are a variety of diseases affecting the cardiopulmonary system including lung cancers, heart disease, tuberculosis (TB), etc., in addition to COVID-19-related diseases. Screening, diagnosis, and management of cardiopulmonary diseases has become difficult owing to the limited availability of diagnostic tools and experts, particularly in resource-limited regions. Early screening, accurate diagnosis and staging of these diseases could play a crucial role in treatment and care, and potentially aid in reducing mortality. Radiographic imaging methods such as computed tomography (CT), chest X-rays (CXRs), and echo ultrasound (US) are widely used in screening and diagnosis. Research on using image-based AI and machine learning (ML) methods can help in rapid assessment, serve as surrogates for expert assessment, and reduce variability in human performance. In this Special Issue, “Artificial Intelligence in Image-Based Screening, Diagnostics, and Clinical Care of Cardiopulmonary Diseases”, we have highlighted exemplary primary research studies and literature reviews focusing on novel AI/ML methods and their application in image-based screening, diagnosis, and clinical management of cardiopulmonary diseases. We hope that these articles will help establish the advancements in AI

    Pulmonary structure and function analysis in systemic sclerosis : clinical assessment of complicating interstitial lung disease and pulmonary vasculopathy

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    In SSc, we evaluated the optimal percentile density score in SSc by quantitative CT densitometry, against pulmonary function. Lung volumes and the nth percentile density (between 1 and 99%) of the entire lungs were calculated from CT histograms. The nth percentile density is defined as the threshold value of densities expressed in Hounsfield units. A prerequisite for an optimal percentage was its correlation with baseline DLCO% predicted. Regression analysis for the relation between DLCO% predicted and the nth percentile density was optimal at 85% (Perc85). There was significant agreement between Perc85 and DLCO %predicted and FVC% predicted. Of interest, two patients showed a marked change in Perc85 over a two year period, but the localisation of change differed clearly. We conclude that we identified Perc85 as optimal lung density parameter, which correlated significantly with DLCO and FVC, confirming a lung parenchymal structure-function relation in SSc. This provides support for future studies to determine whether structural changes do precede lung function decline.UBL - phd migration 201

    Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    The accelerating power of deep learning in diagnosing diseases will empower physicians and speed up decision making in clinical environments. Applications of modern medical instruments and digitalization of medical care have generated enormous amounts of medical images in recent years. In this big data arena, new deep learning methods and computational models for efficient data processing, analysis, and modeling of the generated data are crucially important for clinical applications and understanding the underlying biological process. This book presents and highlights novel algorithms, architectures, techniques, and applications of deep learning for medical image analysis