38 research outputs found

    Modelling uncertainty in decision making : fuzzy performance measures and fuzzy target

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    Decision making processes are based on performance measures that are compared with other performance measures values or with targets. Generally, the performance measure is only a number which do not consider the uncertainty associated with obtaining it such as measurement errors, precision and accuracy of measurement tools and subjective judgment. In this work, the uncertainty associated with performance measures is quantified through fuzzy numbers. The decision criterion is also represented by a fuzzy number. An indicator that considers both uncertainties in performance measure and decision criterion is developed. This indicator will help the decision maker once it quantifies the risk associated with the decision.Centro Algoritm

    Data quality assessment in performance measurement

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    Data quality is a multi-dimensional concept and this research will explore its impact in performance measurement systems. Despite the large numbers of publications on the design of performance measurement systems (PMSs) and the definition of critical success factors to develop Performance Measures (PMs), from the data user perspective there are possibilities of finding data quality problems, that may have a negative impact in decision making. This work identifies and classifies uncertainty components of PMSs, and proposes a qualitative method for PMs’ quality assessment. Fuzzy numbers are used to represent PMs’ uncertainty and a method is proposed to calculate an indicator of the compliance between a PM and a target value that can serve as a risk indicator for the decision-maker.FEDER - Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade (COMPETE)Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) - FCOMP-01-0124-FEDE

    Explore Expert Decision-Making Method on Evaluation an Optimal E-Commerce Platform: A Case Study

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    [[abstract]]"The purpose of this paper is to propose a case of using expert decision-making of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method to finding the best e-commerce platform. This study to finding five important factors are shop fee, annual fee, publication costs, transaction costs and security by vendors, merchants and customers; after using expert questionnaires to choice four shopping platforms (yahoo auction, ruten auction, ihergo and PChome) in Taiwan. Thus, the study results to shows the best choice is ihergo on e-commerce platform. The study is to provide food industry a decision-support tool which to choice optimal platform on e-commerce.


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    An analytical way to reach the best decision is more preferable in many business platforms. When variables are quantitative and number of criteria is not high, then one can use several analysis tools and make his/her decision and solve the problem. However, many times beside the measurable variables, there exist qualitative variables for decision making problems, or people are supposed to prefer the best among the many choices. Even if only linguistic evaluations may be available for such problems, an analytical way to find the solution systematically to make a successful decision is needed. Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) is one of the best ways for deciding among the complex criteria structure in different levels. Fuzzy AHP is a synthetic extension of classical AHP method when the fuzziness of the decision makers is considered. In this paper, the criteria set and their importance for the selection of manufacturing employee in a firm producing shoe machines are analyzed. Finally a systematic solution and decision support are provided for management. Birçok is ortamında analitik yöntemler, en iyi kararı vermek adına daha çok tercih görmektedir. Sayısal olarak ölçülebilen degiskenlerin ve kriterlerin varlıgında kullanılabilecek birçok analiz ve problem çözme teknigi bulunabilirken, kalitatif degiskenlerle seçim ya da karar verme zorunlulugu oldugunda farklı yaklasımlara gerek duyulmaktadır. Böyle bir durumda, öznel ve sözel degerlendirmeler yapma zorunlugu dogmakla birlikte, sistematik ve analitik bir yol izlemek basarılı karar vermek açısından kaçınılmazdır. Bu kosularda özellikle karar verme ortamı bulanık veriler içeriyorsa, en çok tercih edilen tekniklerden biri de Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarsi Süreci (Bulanık AHS)dir. Karmasık kriter set ve çoklu düzey yapısında seçenekler içerisinde en iyi seçimi yapma konusunda basarılı kararlar alınmasında sık kullanıma sahiptir. Bulanık AHS karar vericilerin yaptıkları yorum ve degerlendirmelerde belli bir bulanıklık oldugu düsünüldügünde ortaya çıkan ve AHS'nin bir uzantısı olarak gelistirilen sentetik bir yaklasımdır. Bu çalısmada, ayakkabı makinalar üreten bir firma için imalatta çalısacak isçilerin seçiminde hangi kriterlerin gözetildigi ve bu kriterlerin hangi agırlıklarla kararda etkili oldugu bulanık AHS yöntemi ile analiz edilmis, firma yetkilerine sistematik bir çözüm ve karar destegi saglanmıstır


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    This study identifies the priority employability skills of vocational education students using Fuzzy AHP. The purpose of this study is to find out the uniformity of employability skills attributes globally, identify which attributes are the most priority needed by vocational graduates based on the perspective of vocational teachers and to know the perspective of vocational teachers regarding the importance of employability skills attributes for vocational graduates. This study involved 378 SMK teachers in Indonesia as respondents. Content analysis techniques are used to determine a set of attributes that are used in several frameworks and the MCDM based Fuzzy AHP method is used to help determine priorities and decision makers. The results show that communication skills, collaboration skills, problem solving skills, self-management skills, planning and organizing skills, the ability to use technology and lifelong learning skills are attributes of employability skills that are widely used globally. The most priority attributes needed by vocational graduates based on the teacher's perspective are the ability to interact with colleagues, the ability to use basic information technology and the ability to have a personal vision and mission. Another thing that is explored from the teacher's perspective is that according to them it is very important that vocational graduates have the ability in aspects of self-management, especially discipline towards time, have good behavior and have a high commitment to every job they do. The results of this study are expected to be used as information material for related parties such as the government as policy makers, schools in improving the quality of graduates and teaching, industry in improving the quality of workers, as well as for students and graduates in preparing themselves to become professional workers

    Ranking Knowledge Management Factors in Supply Chain of National Iranian Copper Industries Company Using FAHP Method

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    Knowledge management is considered as one of the most significant competitive resources for any organization such that most believe that the faster the companies acquire knowledge taking into application, the more they are successful in a competitive market. On the other hand, the competition among companies is no more important; instead, the competition among supply chains is highly focused in order to provide the most value to the customer. Research statistical population included 30 individuals of all practitioners and middle management experts in National copper industries company headquarter. The present research used Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to rank knowledge management effective factors in supply chain of national Iranian copper industries company. Research results showed that management factors, knowledge creation, acquisition and production process, knowledge assessment and feedback process, knowledge transformation, sharing and distribution process, organizational culture, knowledge use, application and utilization process as well as employees’ characteristics are in order the most to the least important knowledge management criteria in supply chain of national copper industries company through using FAHP technique


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    Bulanıklıgın ve belirsizligin bulundugu seçim problemlerinde Çok Kriterli Karar Verme (ÇKKV) modellerinde tamsayıların yerine bulanık sayıların kullanılması tavsiye edilmektedir. Literatürde pek çok farklı ÇKKV modeli gelistirilmis olmasına ragmen, simdiye kadar tamsayıların yerine bulanıklıgın kullanılmasının sagladıgı faydayı analiz eden bir yaklasım gelistirilmemistir. Bu çalısmada bulanık sayıların kullanılmasının getirecegi faydalar literatürde makine-ekipman seçimi çalısmalarında en sık rastlanan Bulanık ÇKKV yöntemleri olan Bulanık Analitik Hiyerarsi Süreci (BAHS) ve Bulanık TOPSIS (BTOPSIS) yöntemleri kullanılarak incelenmistir. Çalısmada, onaltı adet isleme merkezi ve yedi adet seçim kriteri içeren bir seçim problemi olusturulmustur. Bulanık sayılar için tamsayı, üçgen bulanık sayı ve trapez bulanık sayı tipleri kullanılarak seçim probleminde farklı isleme merkezi sıralamaları elde edilmistir. Sıralamalar arasındaki farklılıklar Spearman'ın Sıra 0liskisi Testi ile analiz edilmistir. Bulanık sayıların kullanımında olusan faydanın seviyesini belirlemek için çesitli senaryolar üretilmistir. Fuzzy numbers instead of crisp ones are recommended to use in Multi Criteria Decision Making Models (MCDM) when fuzziness and incomplete information exist in selection problems. Although many different fuzzy MCDM models are developed in the literature, the benefits provided by using them are not analyzed up to now. In this paper, two most common MCDM approaches, namely Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and Fuzzy TOPSIS (FTOPSIS), are used to determine the benefits provided by using fuzzy numbers in machine tool selection problems. In the paper, a sixteen alternative machining center and seven selection criteria problem is constructed. Using two different fuzzy number types (trapezoidal and triangular) and crisp (non-fuzzy) numbers separate rankings are obtained for the selection problem. The differences in the results are analyzed using Spearman's Rank Correlation Test. Various scenarios are developed to show the level of benefits in using fuzzy numbers

    Applying grey relational analysis to Italian football clubs: A measurement of the financial performance of serie a teams

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    Extant literature on the financial analysis of football clubs has applied a vast array of techniques in determining the fiscal stability of such entities. Although many studies have provided useful comparisons and analyses of the states of various clubs, direct research comparing the financial performance among various clubs is still scant. Hence, we present an application of financial ratio analysis to the greater Italian football market within the Serie A. The main purpose of this study is to assess the financial performance of the top three Italian football clubs currently listed on the Borsa Italiana (Italian Stock Exchange), those being: Juventus F.C., A.S. Roma, and S.S. Lazio. In accomplishing this, we offer a comparative analysis of these clubs through the usage of grey relational analysis (GRA), an optimal performance technique derived from engineering. Overall, our results suggest that S.S. Lazio appears to be the most financially stable club among the sampled, publicly traded Serie A teams. In light of these findings, this study furthers the application of economic evaluation into larger segments of international football

    Fuzzy AHP Method for Selection of a Suitable Seismic Retrofitting Alternative in Low-Rise Buildings

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    Decision making for selecting an appropriate alternative among nominated alternatives is still a problem among retrofit designers. It is clear that selected alternative should comply the current codes in terms of structural criteria, but the other criteria may not be considered. The main goal of this study is to introduce a suitable method for making a decision in order to find the best alternative considering the effective criteria in retrofitting of low-rise buildings. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), as a technique of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), is compatible to solve the problem. Effective criteria have been categorized to structural, operational, economic and functional criteria and sixteen sub-criteria considered as a pattern that satisfies the entire involved group including structural and architectural engineers, contractor, client, and authorities in retrofitting of low-rise buildings. Since most of the involved criteria such as aesthetic, durability, and compatibility have fuzzy nature and cannot be compared numerically, fuzzy AHP can be a compatible method for comparison different retrofitting alternatives among both fuzzy and non-fuzzy criteria. A matrix of pair-wise comparison (MPC) is used for determining the weight of criteria and also for scoring the alternatives respect to each criterion. A Fuzzy Importance scale with Triangular Fuzzy Numbers (TFN) is applied for comparing the criteria. The method is examined by a case study and the results show the used method can help designers for selecting the appropriate alternative