139 research outputs found

    Energy-aware Successor Tree Consistent EDF Scheduling for PCTGs on MPSoCs

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    Multiprocessor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs) computing architectures are gaining popularity due to their high-performance capabilities and exceptional Quality-of-Service (QoS), making them a particularly well-suited computing platform for computationally intensive workloads and applications.} Nonetheless, The scheduling and allocation of a single task set with precedence restrictions on MPSoCs have presented a persistent research challenge in acquiring energy-efficient solutions. The complexity of this scheduling problem escalates when subject to conditional precedence constraints between the tasks, creating what is known as a Conditional Task Graph (CTG). Scheduling sets of Periodic Conditional Task Graphs (PCTGs) on MPSoC platforms poses even more challenges. This paper focuses on tackling the scheduling challenge for a group of PCTGs on MPSoCs equipped with shared memory. The primary goal is to minimize the overall anticipated energy usage, considering two distinct power models: dynamic and static power models. To address this challenge, this paper introduces an innovative scheduling method named Energy Efficient Successor Tree Consistent Earliest Deadline First (EESEDF). The EESEDF approach is primarily designed to maximize the worst-case processor utilization. Once the tasks are assigned to processors, it leverages the earliest successor tree consistent deadline-first strategy to arrange tasks on each processor. To minimize the overall expected energy consumption, EESEDF solves a convex Non-Linear Program (NLP) to determine the optimal speed for each task. Additionally, the paper presents a highly efficient online Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) heuristic, which operates in O(1) time complexity and dynamically adjusts the task speeds in real-time}. We achieved the average improvement, maximum improvement, and minimum improvement of EESEDF+Online-DVS 15%, 17%, and 12%, respectively compared to EESEDF alone. Furthermore, in the second set of experiments, we compared EESEDF against state-of-the-art techniques LESA and NCM. The results showed that EESEDF+Online-DVS outperformed these existing approaches, achieving notable energy efficiency improvements of 25% and 20% over LESA and NCM, respectively. \hl{Our proposed scheduler, EESEDF+Online-DVS, also achieves significant energy efficiency gains compared to existing methods. It outperforms IOETCS-Heuristic by approximately 13% while surpassing BESS and CAP-Online by impressive margins of 25% and 35%, respectively

    Multiprocessor System-on-Chips based Wireless Sensor Network Energy Optimization

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an integrated part of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) used to monitor the physical or environmental conditions without human intervention. In WSN one of the major challenges is energy consumption reduction both at the sensor nodes and network levels. High energy consumption not only causes an increased carbon footprint but also limits the lifetime (LT) of the network. Network-on-Chip (NoC) based Multiprocessor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs) are becoming the de-facto computing platform for computationally extensive real-time applications in IoT due to their high performance and exceptional quality-of-service. In this thesis a task scheduling problem is investigated using MPSoCs architecture for tasks with precedence and deadline constraints in order to minimize the processing energy consumption while guaranteeing the timing constraints. Moreover, energy-aware nodes clustering is also performed to reduce the transmission energy consumption of the sensor nodes. Three distinct problems for energy optimization are investigated given as follows: First, a contention-aware energy-efficient static scheduling using NoC based heterogeneous MPSoC is performed for real-time tasks with an individual deadline and precedence constraints. An offline meta-heuristic based contention-aware energy-efficient task scheduling is developed that performs task ordering, mapping, and voltage assignment in an integrated manner. Compared to state-of-the-art scheduling our proposed algorithm significantly improves the energy-efficiency. Second, an energy-aware scheduling is investigated for a set of tasks with precedence constraints deploying Voltage Frequency Island (VFI) based heterogeneous NoC-MPSoCs. A novel population based algorithm called ARSH-FATI is developed that can dynamically switch between explorative and exploitative search modes at run-time. ARSH-FATI performance is superior to the existing task schedulers developed for homogeneous VFI-NoC-MPSoCs. Third, the transmission energy consumption of the sensor nodes in WSN is reduced by developing ARSH-FATI based Cluster Head Selection (ARSH-FATI-CHS) algorithm integrated with a heuristic called Novel Ranked Based Clustering (NRC). In cluster formation parameters such as residual energy, distance parameters, and workload on CHs are considered to improve LT of the network. The results prove that ARSH-FATI-CHS outperforms other state-of-the-art clustering algorithms in terms of LT.University of Derby, Derby, U

    Green computing: power optimisation of VFI-based real-time multiprocessor dataflow applications (extended version)

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    Execution time is no longer the only performance metric for computer systems. In fact, a trend is emerging to trade raw performance for energy savings. Techniques like Dynamic Power Management (DPM, switching to low power state) and Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS, throttling processor frequency) help modern systems to reduce their power consumption while adhering to performance requirements. To balance flexibility and design complexity, the concept of Voltage and Frequency Islands (VFIs) was recently introduced for power optimisation. It achieves fine-grained system-level power management, by operating all processors in the same VFI at a common frequency/voltage.This paper presents a novel approach to compute a power management strategy combining DPM and DVFS. In our approach, applications (modelled in full synchronous dataflow, SDF) are mapped on heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms (partitioned in voltage and frequency islands). We compute an energy-optimal schedule, meeting minimal throughput requirements. We demonstrate that the combination of DPM and DVFS provides an energy reduction beyond considering DVFS or DMP separately. Moreover, we show that by clustering processors in VFIs, DPM can be combined with any granularity of DVFS. Our approach uses model checking, by encoding the optimisation problem as a query over priced timed automata. The model-checker Uppaal Cora extracts a cost minimal trace, representing a power minimal schedule. We illustrate our approach with several case studies on commercially available hardware

    Measurement, Modeling, and Characterization for Power-Aware Computing

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    Society’s increasing dependence on information technology has resulted in the deployment of vast compute resources. The energy costs of operating these resources coupled with environmental concerns have made power-aware computingone of the primary challenges for the IT sector. Making energy-efficient computing a rule rather than an exception requires that researchers and system designers use the right set of techniques and tools. These involve measuring,modeling, and characterizing the energy consumption of computers at varying degrees of granularity.In this thesis, we present techniques to measure power consumption of computer systems at various levels. We compare them for accuracy and sensitivityand discuss their effectiveness. We test Intel’s hardware power model for estimation accuracy and show that it is fairly accurate for estimating energy consumption when sampled at the temporal granularity of more than tens ofmilliseconds.We present a methodology to estimate per-core processor power consumption using performance counter and temperature-based power modeling and validate it across multiple platforms. We show our model exhibits negligible computationoverhead, and the median estimation errors ranges from 0.3% to 10.1% for applications from SPEC2006, SPEC-OMP and NAS benchmarks. We test the usefulness of the model in a meta-scheduler to enforce power constraint on a system.Finally, we perform a detailed performance and energy characterization of Intel’s Restricted Transactional Memory (RTM). We use TinySTM software transactional memory (STM) system to benchmark RTM’s performance against competing STM alternatives. We use microbenchmarks and STAMP benchmarksuite to compare RTM versus STM performance and energy behavior. We quantify the RTM hardware limitations that affect its success rate. We show that RTM performs better than TinySTM when working-set fits inside the cache and that RTM is better at handling high contention workloads

    Online Energy-Efficient Task-Graph Scheduling for Multicore Platforms

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    Numerous Directed-Acyclic Graph (DAG) schedulers have been developed to improve the energy efficiency of various multi-core platforms. However, these schedulers make a priori assumptions about the relationship between the task dependencies, and they are unable to adapt online to the characteristics of each application without offline profiling data. Therefore, we propose a novel energy-efficient online scheduling solution for the general DAG model to address the two aforementioned problems. Our proposed scheduler is able to adapt at runtime to the characteristics of each application by making smart foresighted decisions, which take into account the impact of current scheduling decisions on the present and future deadline miss rates and energy efficiency. Moreover, our scheduler is able to efficiently handle execution with very limited resources by avoiding scheduling tasks that are expected to miss their deadlines and do not have an impact on future deadlines. We validate our approach against state-of-the-art solutions. In our first set of experiments, our results with the H.264 video decoder demonstrate that the proposed low-complexity solution for the general DAG model reduces the energy consumption by up to 15% compared to an existing sophisticated and complex scheduler that was specifically built for the H.264 video decoder application. In our second set of experiments, our results with different configurations of synthetic DAGs demonstrate that our proposed solution is able to reduce the energy consumption by up to 55% and the deadline miss rates by up to 99% compared to a second existing scheduling solution. Finally, we show that our DFM and scheduler have low complexities on a real mobile platform and we show that our solution is resilient to workload prediction errors by using different estimator accuracies

    Energy-efficient Static Task Scheduling on VFI based NoC-HMPSoCs for Intelligent Edge Devices in Cyber-Physical Systems

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    The interlinked processing units in the modern Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) creates a large network of connected computing embedded systems. Network-on-Chip (NoC) based multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) architecture is becoming a de-facto computing platform for real-time applications due to its higher performance and Quality-of-Service (QoS). The number of processors has increased significantly on the multiprocessor systems in CPS therefore, Voltage Frequency Island (VFI) recently adopted for effective energy management mechanism in the large scale multiprocessor chip designs. In this paper, we investigate energy and contention-aware static scheduling for tasks with precedence and deadline constraints on intelligent edge devices deploying heterogeneous VFI based NoC-MPSoCs with DVFS-enabled processors. Unlike the existing population-based optimization algorithms, we propose a novel population-based algorithm called ARSH-FATI that can dynamically switch between explorative and exploitative search modes at run-time. Our static scheduler ARHS-FATI collectively performs task mapping, scheduling, and voltage scaling. Consequently, its performance is superior to the existing state-of-the-art approach proposed for homogeneous VFI based NoC-MPSoCs. We also developed a communication contention-aware Earliest Edge Consistent Deadline First (EECDF) scheduling algorithm and gradient descent inspired voltage scaling algorithm called Energy Gradient Decent (EGD). We have introduced a notion of Energy Gradient (EG) that guides EGD in its search for islands voltage settings and minimize the total energy consumption. We conducted the experiments on 8 real benchmarks adopted from Embedded Systems Synthesis Benchmarks (E3S). Our static scheduling approach ARSH-FATI outperformed state-of-the-art technique and achieved an average energy-efficiency of ~ 24% and ~ 30% over CA-TMES-Search and CA-TMES-Quick respectively

    Scheduling Mandatory-Optional Real-Time Tasks in Homogeneous Multi-Core Systems with Energy Constraints Using Bio-Inspired Meta-Heuristics

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    In this paper we present meta-heuristics to solve the energy aware reward based scheduling of real-time tasks with mandatory and optional parts in homogeneous multi-core processors. The problem is NP-Hard. An objective function to maximize the performance of the system considering the execution of optional parts, the benefits of slowing down the processor and a penalty for changing the operation power-mode is introduced together with a set of constraints that guarantee the real-time performance of the system. The meta-heuristics are the bio-inspired methods Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm. Experiments are made to evaluate the proposed algorithms using a set of synthetic systems of tasks. As these have been used previously with an Integer Lineal Programming approach, the results are compared and show that the solutions obtained with bio-inspired methods are within the Pareto frontier and obtained in less time. Finally, precedence related tasks systems are analyzed and the meta-heuristics proposed are extended to solve also this kind of systems. The evaluation is made by solving a traditional example of the real-time precedence related tasks systems on multiprocessors. The solutions obtained through the methods proposed in this paper are good and show that the methods are competitive. In all cases, the solutions are similar to the ones provided by other methods but obtained in less time and with fewer iterations.Fil: Micheletto, Matías Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Computadoras; ArgentinaFil: Santos, Rodrigo Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Computadoras; ArgentinaFil: Orozco, Javier Dario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Computadoras; Argentin

    Maximizing heterogeneous processor performance under power constraints

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    Parallel architectures and runtime systems co-design for task-based programming models

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    The increasing parallelism levels in modern computing systems has extolled the need for a holistic vision when designing multiprocessor architectures taking in account the needs of the programming models and applications. Nowadays, system design consists of several layers on top of each other from the architecture up to the application software. Although this design allows to do a separation of concerns where it is possible to independently change layers due to a well-known interface between them, it is hampering future systems design as the Law of Moore reaches to an end. Current performance improvements on computer architecture are driven by the shrinkage of the transistor channel width, allowing faster and more power efficient chips to be made. However, technology is reaching physical limitations were the transistor size will not be able to be reduced furthermore and requires a change of paradigm in systems design. This thesis proposes to break this layered design, and advocates for a system where the architecture and the programming model runtime system are able to exchange information towards a common goal, improve performance and reduce power consumption. By making the architecture aware of runtime information such as a Task Dependency Graph (TDG) in the case of dataflow task-based programming models, it is possible to improve power consumption by exploiting the critical path of the graph. Moreover, the architecture can provide hardware support to create such a graph in order to reduce the runtime overheads and making possible the execution of fine-grained tasks to increase the available parallelism. Finally, the current status of inter-node communication primitives can be exposed to the runtime system in order to perform a more efficient communication scheduling, and also creates new opportunities of computation and communication overlap that were not possible before. An evaluation of the proposals introduced in this thesis is provided and a methodology to simulate and characterize the application behavior is also presented.El aumento del paralelismo proporcionado por los sistemas de cómputo modernos ha provocado la necesidad de una visión holística en el diseño de arquitecturas multiprocesador que tome en cuenta las necesidades de los modelos de programación y las aplicaciones. Hoy en día el diseño de los computadores consiste en diferentes capas de abstracción con una interfaz bien definida entre ellas. Las limitaciones de esta aproximación junto con el fin de la ley de Moore limitan el potencial de los futuros computadores. La mayoría de las mejoras actuales en el diseño de los computadores provienen fundamentalmente de la reducción del tamaño del canal del transistor, lo cual permite chips más rápidos y con un consumo eficiente sin apenas cambios fundamentales en el diseño de la arquitectura. Sin embargo, la tecnología actual está alcanzando limitaciones físicas donde no será posible reducir el tamaño de los transistores motivando así un cambio de paradigma en la construcción de los computadores. Esta tesis propone romper este diseño en capas y abogar por un sistema donde la arquitectura y el sistema de tiempo de ejecución del modelo de programación sean capaces de intercambiar información para alcanzar una meta común: La mejora del rendimiento y la reducción del consumo energético. Haciendo que la arquitectura sea consciente de la información disponible en el modelo de programación, como puede ser el grafo de dependencias entre tareas en los modelos de programación dataflow, es posible reducir el consumo energético explotando el camino critico del grafo. Además, la arquitectura puede proveer de soporte hardware para crear este grafo con el objetivo de reducir el overhead de construir este grado cuando la granularidad de las tareas es demasiado fina. Finalmente, el estado de las comunicaciones entre nodos puede ser expuesto al sistema de tiempo de ejecución para realizar una mejor planificación de las comunicaciones y creando nuevas oportunidades de solapamiento entre cómputo y comunicación que no eran posibles anteriormente. Esta tesis aporta una evaluación de todas estas propuestas, así como una metodología para simular y caracterizar el comportamiento de las aplicacionesPostprint (published version

    Energy-aware scheduling in distributed computing systems

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    Distributed computing systems, such as data centers, are key for supporting modern computing demands. However, the energy consumption of data centers has become a major concern over the last decade. Worldwide energy consumption in 2012 was estimated to be around 270 TWh, and grim forecasts predict it will quadruple by 2030. Maximizing energy efficiency while also maximizing computing efficiency is a major challenge for modern data centers. This work addresses this challenge by scheduling the operation of modern data centers, considering a multi-objective approach for simultaneously optimizing both efficiency objectives. Multiple data center scenarios are studied, such as scheduling a single data center and scheduling a federation of several geographically-distributed data centers. Mathematical models are formulated for each scenario, considering the modeling of their most relevant components such as computing resources, computing workload, cooling system, networking, and green energy generators, among others. A set of accurate heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms are designed for addressing the scheduling problem. These scheduling algorithms are comprehensively studied, and compared with each other, using statistical tools to evaluate their efficacy when addressing realistic workloads and scenarios. Experimental results show the designed scheduling algorithms are able to significantly increase the energy efficiency of data centers when compared to traditional scheduling methods, while providing a diverse set of trade-off solutions regarding the computing efficiency of the data center. These results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithmic approaches for data center infrastructures.Los sistemas informáticos distribuidos, como los centros de datos, son clave para satisfacer la demanda informática moderna. Sin embargo, su consumo de energético se ha convertido en una gran preocupación. Se estima que mundialmente su consumo energético rondó los 270 TWh en el año 2012, y algunos prevén que este consumo se cuadruplicará para el año 2030. Maximizar simultáneamente la eficiencia energética y computacional de los centros de datos es un desafío crítico. Esta tesis aborda dicho desafío mediante la planificación de la operativa del centro de datos considerando un enfoque multiobjetivo para optimizar simultáneamente ambos objetivos de eficiencia. En esta tesis se estudian múltiples variantes del problema, desde la planificación de un único centro de datos hasta la de una federación de múltiples centros de datos geográficmentea distribuidos. Para esto, se formulan modelos matemáticos para cada variante del problema, modelado sus componentes más relevantes, como: recursos computacionales, carga de trabajo, refrigeración, redes, energía verde, etc. Para resolver el problema de planificación planteado, se diseñan un conjunto de algoritmos heurísticos y metaheurísticos. Estos son estudiados exhaustivamente y su eficiencia es evaluada utilizando una batería de herramientas estadísticas. Los resultados experimentales muestran que los algoritmos de planificación diseñados son capaces de aumentar significativamente la eficiencia energética de un centros de datos en comparación con métodos tradicionales planificación. A su vez, los métodos propuestos proporcionan un conjunto diverso de soluciones con diferente nivel de compromiso respecto a la eficiencia computacional del centro de datos. Estos resultados confirman la eficacia del enfoque algorítmico propuesto