781 research outputs found

    Building Combined Classifiers

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    This chapter covers different approaches that may be taken when building an ensemble method, through studying specific examples of each approach from research conducted by the authors. A method called Negative Correlation Learning illustrates a decision level combination approach with individual classifiers trained co-operatively. The Model level combination paradigm is illustrated via a tree combination method. Finally, another variant of the decision level paradigm, with individuals trained independently instead of co-operatively, is discussed as applied to churn prediction in the telecommunications industry

    A SLR on Customer Dropout Prediction

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    Dropout prediction is a problem that is being addressed with machine learning algorithms; thus, appropriate approaches to address the dropout rate are needed. The selection of an algorithm to predict the dropout rate is only one problem to be addressed. Other aspects should also be considered, such as which features should be selected and how to measure accuracy while considering whether the features are appropriate according to the business context in which they are employed. To solve these questions, the goal of this paper is to develop a systematic literature review to evaluate the development of existing studies and to predict the dropout rate in contractual settings using machine learning to identify current trends and research opportunities. The results of this study identify trends in the use of machine learning algorithms in different business areas and in the adoption of machine learning algorithms, including which metrics are being adopted and what features are being applied. Finally, some research opportunities and gaps that could be explored in future research are presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A SLR on Customer Dropout Prediction

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    Dropout prediction is a problem that is being addressed with machine learning algorithms; thus, appropriate approaches to address the dropout rate are needed. The selection of an algorithm to predict the dropout rate is only one problem to be addressed. Other aspects should also be considered, such as which features should be selected and how to measure accuracy while considering whether the features are appropriate according to the business context in which they are employed. To solve these questions, the goal of this paper is to develop a systematic literature review to evaluate the development of existing studies and to predict the dropout rate in contractual settings using machine learning to identify current trends and research opportunities. The results of this study identify trends in the use of machine learning algorithms in different business areas and in the adoption of machine learning algorithms, including which metrics are being adopted and what features are being applied. Finally, some research opportunities and gaps that could be explored in future research are presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Measuring churner influence on pre-paid subscribers using fuzzy logic

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    In the last decades, mobile phones have become the major medium for communication between humans. The site effect is the loss of subscribers. Consequently, Telecoms operators invest in developing algorithms for quantifying the risk to churn and to influence other subscribers to churn. The objective is to prioritize the retention of subscribers in their network due to the cost of obtaining a new subscriber is four times more expensive than retaining subscribers. Hence, we use Extremely Random Forest to classify churners and non-churners obtaining a Lift value at 10% of 5.5. Then, we rely on graph-based measures such as Degree of Centrality and Page rank to measure emitted and received influence in the social network of the carrier. Our methodology allows summarising churn risk score, relying on a Fuzzy Logic system, combining the churn probability and the risk of the churner to leave the network with other subscriber

    Churn Identification and Prediction from a Large-Scale Telecommunication Dataset Using NLP

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    The identification of customer churn is a major issue for large telecom businesses. In order to manage the data of current customers as well as acquire and manage new customers, every day, a substantial volume of data gets generated. Therefore, it's crucial to identify the causes of client churn so that the appropriate steps can be taken to lower it. Numerous researchers have already discussed their efforts to combine static and dynamic approaches in order to reduce churn in big data sets, but these systems still have many issues when it comes to actually identifying churn. In this paper, we suggested two methods, the first of which is churn identification and using Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods and machine learning techniques, we make predictions based on a vast telecommunication data set. The NLP process involves data pre-processing, normalization, feature extraction, and feature selection. For feature extraction, we employ unique techniques like TF-IDF, Stanford NLP, and occurrence correlation methods, have been suggested. Throughout the lesson, a machine learning classification algorithm is used for training and testing. Finally, the system employs a variety of cross validation techniques and training and evaluating Machine learning algorithms. The experimental analysis shows the system's efficacy and accuracy

    A Systematic Review of Consumer Behaviour Prediction Studies

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    Due to the importance of Customer behaviour prediction, it is necessary to have a systematic review of previous studies on this subject. To this effect, this paper therefore provides a systematic review of Customer behaviours prediction studies with a focus on components of customer relationship management, methods and datasets. In order to provide a comprehensive literature review and a classification scheme for articles on this subject 74 customer behaviour prediction papers in over 25 journals and several conference proceedings were considered between the periods of 1999- 2014. Two hundred and thirty articles were identified and reviewed for their direct relevance to predicting customer behaviour out of which 74 were subsequently selected, reviewed and classified appropriately. The findings show that the literature on predicting customer behaviour is ongoing and is of most importance to organisation. It was observed that most studies investigated customer retention prediction and organizational dataset were mostly used for the prediction as compared to other form of dataset. Also, comparing the statistical method to data mining in predicting customer behaviour, it was discovered through this review that data mining is mostly used for prediction. On the other hand, Artificial Neural Network is the most commonly used data mining method for predicting customer behaviour. The review was able to identify the limitations of the current research on the subject matter and identify future research opportunities in customer behaviour prediction

    A Systematic Review of Consumer Behaviour Prediction Studies

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    Due to the importance of Customer behaviour prediction, it is necessary to have a systematic review of previous studies on this subject. To this effect, this paper therefore provides a systematic review of Customer behaviours prediction studies with a focus on components of customer relationship management, methods and datasets. In order to provide a comprehensive literature review and a classification scheme for articles on this subject 74 customer behaviour prediction papers in over 25 journals and several conference proceedings were considered between the periods of 1999-2014. Two hundred and thirty articles were identified and reviewed for their direct relevance to predicting customer behaviour out of which 74 were subsequently selected, reviewed and classified appropriately. The findings show that the literature on predicting customer behaviour is ongoing and is of most importance to organisation. It was observed that most studies investigated customer retention prediction and organizational dataset were mostly used for the prediction as compared to other form of dataset. Also, comparing the statistical method to data mining in predicting customer behaviour, it was discovered through this review that data mining is mostly used for prediction. On the other hand, Artificial Neural Network is the most commonly used data mining method for predicting customer behaviour. The review was able to identify the limitations of the current research on the subject matter and identify future research opportunities in customer behaviour prediction.Keywords: Consumer Behaviour, Prediction, Statistics, Data Mining, Dataset, Customer Relationship Management, Literature Revie

    Churn classification model for local telecommunication company based on rough set theory

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    Customer care plays an important role in a company especially in managing churn for Telecommunication Company. Churn is perceived as the behaviour of a customer to leave or to terminate a service. This behaviour causes the loss of profit to companies because acquiring new customer requires higher investment compared to retaining existing ones. Thus, it is necessary to consider an efficient classification model to reduce the rate of churn. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to propose a new classification model based on the Rough Set Theory to classify customer churn. The results of the study show that the proposed Rough Set classification model outperforms the existing models and contributes to significant accuracy improvement.Keywords: customer churn; classification model; telecommunication industry; data mining;rough set