4,111 research outputs found

    Big data analytics:Computational intelligence techniques and application areas

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    Big Data has significant impact in developing functional smart cities and supporting modern societies. In this paper, we investigate the importance of Big Data in modern life and economy, and discuss challenges arising from Big Data utilization. Different computational intelligence techniques have been considered as tools for Big Data analytics. We also explore the powerful combination of Big Data and Computational Intelligence (CI) and identify a number of areas, where novel applications in real world smart city problems can be developed by utilizing these powerful tools and techniques. We present a case study for intelligent transportation in the context of a smart city, and a novel data modelling methodology based on a biologically inspired universal generative modelling approach called Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal State Machine (HSTSM). We further discuss various implications of policy, protection, valuation and commercialization related to Big Data, its applications and deployment

    Characterizing Transgender Health Issues in Twitter

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    Although there are millions of transgender people in the world, a lack of information exists about their health issues. This issue has consequences for the medical field, which only has a nascent understanding of how to identify and meet this population's health-related needs. Social media sites like Twitter provide new opportunities for transgender people to overcome these barriers by sharing their personal health experiences. Our research employs a computational framework to collect tweets from self-identified transgender users, detect those that are health-related, and identify their information needs. This framework is significant because it provides a macro-scale perspective on an issue that lacks investigation at national or demographic levels. Our findings identified 54 distinct health-related topics that we grouped into 7 broader categories. Further, we found both linguistic and topical differences in the health-related information shared by transgender men (TM) as com-pared to transgender women (TW). These findings can help inform medical and policy-based strategies for health interventions within transgender communities. Also, our proposed approach can inform the development of computational strategies to identify the health-related information needs of other marginalized populations

    Sentiment analytics: Lexicons construction and analysis

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    With the increasing amount of text data, sentiment analysis (SA) is becoming more and more important. An automated approach is needed to parse the online reviews and comments, and analyze their sentiments. Since lexicon is the most important component in SA, enhancing the quality of lexicons will improve the efficiency and accuracy of sentiment analysis. In this research, the effect of coupling a general lexicon with a specialized lexicon (for a specific domain) and its impact on sentiment analysis was presented. Two special domains and one general domain were studied. The two special domains are the petroleum domain and the biology domain. The general domain is the social network domain. The specialized lexicon for the petroleum domain was created as part of this research. The results, as expected, show that coupling a general lexicon with a specialized lexicon improves the sentiment analysis. However, coupling a general lexicon with another general lexicon does not improve the sentiment analysis --Abstract, page iii


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    The detecting and clustering of data and users into communities on the social web are important and complex issues in order to develop smart marketing models in changing and evolving social ecosystems. These marketing models are created by individual decision to purchase a product and are influenced by friends and acquaintances. This leads to novel marketing models, which view users as members of online social network communities, rather than the traditional view of marketing to individuals. This thesis starts by examining models that detect communities in online social networks. Then an enhanced approach to detect community which clusters similar nodes together is suggested. Social relationships play an important role in determining user behavior. For example, a user might purchase a product that his/her friend recently bought. Such a phenomenon is called social influence and is used to study how far the action of one user can affect the behaviors of others. Then an original metric used to compute the influential power of social network users based on logs of common actions in order to infer a probabilistic influence propagation model. Finally, a combined community detection algorithm and suggested influence propagation approach reveals a new influence maximization model by identifying and using the most influential users within their communities. In doing so, we employed a fuzzy logic based technique to determine the key users who drive this influence in their communities and diffuse a certain behavior. This original approach contrasts with previous influence propagation models, which did not use similarity opportunities among members of communities to maximize influence propagation. The performance results show that the model activates a higher number of overall nodes in contemporary social networks, starting from a smaller set of key users, as compared to existing landmark approaches which influence fewer nodes, yet employ a larger set of key users

    Argumentation Stance Polarity and Intensity Prediction and its Application for Argumentation Polarization Modeling and Diverse Social Connection Recommendation

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    Cyber argumentation platforms implement theoretical argumentation structures that promote higher quality argumentation and allow for informative analysis of the discussions. Dr. Liu’s research group has designed and implemented a unique platform called the Intelligent Cyber Argumentation System (ICAS). ICAS structures its discussions into a weighted cyber argumentation graph, which describes the relationships between the different users, their posts in a discussion, the discussion topic, and the various subtopics in a discussion. This platform is unique as it encodes online discussions into weighted cyber argumentation graphs based on the user’s stances toward one another’s arguments and ideas. The resulting weighted cyber argumentation graphs can then be used by various analytical models to measure aspects of the discussion. In prior work, many aspects of cyber argumentation have been modeled and analyzed using these stance relationships. However, many challenging problems remain in cyber argumentation. In this dissertation, I address three of these problems: 1) modeling and measure argumentation polarization in cyber argumentation discussions, 2) encouraging diverse social networks and preventing echo chambers by injecting ideological diversity into social connection recommendations, and 3) developing a predictive model to predict the stance polarity and intensity relationships between posts in online discussions, allowing discussions from outside of the ICAS platform to be encoded as weighted cyber argumentation graphs and be analyzed by the cyber argumentation models. In this dissertation, I present models to measure polarization in online argumentation discussions, prevent polarizing echo-chambers and diversifying users’ social networks ideologically, and allow online discussions from outside of the ICAS environment to be analyzed using the previous models from this dissertation and the prior work from various researchers on the ICAS system. This work serves to progress the field of cyber argumentation by introducing a new analytical model for measuring argumentation polarization and developing a novel method of encouraging ideological diversity into social connection recommendations. The argumentation polarization model is the first of its kind to look specifically at the polarization among the users contained within a single discussion in cyber argumentation. Likewise, the diversity enhanced social connection recommendation re-ranking method is also the first of its kind to introduce ideological diversity into social connections. The former model will allow stakeholders and moderators to monitor and respond to argumentation polarization detected in online discussions in cyber argumentation. The latter method will help prevent network-level social polarization by encouraging social connections among users who differ in terms of ideological beliefs. This work also serves as an initial step to expanding cyber argumentation research into the broader online deliberation field. The stance polarity and intensity prediction model presented in this dissertation is the first step in allowing discussions from various online platforms to be encoded into weighted cyber argumentation graphs by predicting the stance weights between users’ posts. These resulting predicted weighted cyber augmentation graphs could then be used to apply cyber argumentation models and methods to these online discussions from popular online discussion platforms, such as Twitter and Reddit, opening many new possibilities for cyber argumentation research in the future

    Big data and Sentiment Analysis considering reviews from e-commerce platforms to predict consumer behavior

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    Treballs Finals del Màster de Recerca en Empresa, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020, Tutor: Javier Manuel Romaní Fernández ; Jaime Gil LafuenteNowadays and since the last two decades, digital data is generated on a massive scale, this phenomenon is known as Big Data (BD). This phenomenon supposes a change in the way of managing and drawing conclusions from data. Moreover, techniques and methods used in artificial intelligence shape new ways of analysis considering BD. Sentiment Analysis (SA) or Opinion Mining (OM) is a topic widely studied for the last few years due to its potential in extracting value from data. However, it is a topic that has been more explored in the fields of engineering or linguistics and not so much in business and marketing fields. For this reason, the aim of this study is to provide a reachable guide that includes the main BD concepts and technologies to those who do not come from a technical field such as Marketing directors. This essay is articulated in two parts. Firstly, it is described the BD ecosystem and the technologies involved. Secondly, it is conducted a systematic literature review in which articles related with the field of SA are analysed. The contribution of this study is a summarization and a brief description of the main technologies behind BD, as well as the techniques and procedures currently involved in SA
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