17 research outputs found

    Keeping Authorities "Honest or Bust" with Decentralized Witness Cosigning

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    The secret keys of critical network authorities - such as time, name, certificate, and software update services - represent high-value targets for hackers, criminals, and spy agencies wishing to use these keys secretly to compromise other hosts. To protect authorities and their clients proactively from undetected exploits and misuse, we introduce CoSi, a scalable witness cosigning protocol ensuring that every authoritative statement is validated and publicly logged by a diverse group of witnesses before any client will accept it. A statement S collectively signed by W witnesses assures clients that S has been seen, and not immediately found erroneous, by those W observers. Even if S is compromised in a fashion not readily detectable by the witnesses, CoSi still guarantees S's exposure to public scrutiny, forcing secrecy-minded attackers to risk that the compromise will soon be detected by one of the W witnesses. Because clients can verify collective signatures efficiently without communication, CoSi protects clients' privacy, and offers the first transparency mechanism effective against persistent man-in-the-middle attackers who control a victim's Internet access, the authority's secret key, and several witnesses' secret keys. CoSi builds on existing cryptographic multisignature methods, scaling them to support thousands of witnesses via signature aggregation over efficient communication trees. A working prototype demonstrates CoSi in the context of timestamping and logging authorities, enabling groups of over 8,000 distributed witnesses to cosign authoritative statements in under two seconds.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure


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    in distributed system it is sometimes necessary for users to share the power to use a cryptosystem. The system secret is divided up into shares and securely stored by the entities forming the distributed cryptosystem. We propose a new Multi signature scheme without a trusted third party (TTP), based on a round optimal, publicly verifiable distributed key generation (DKG) protocol. In this propose system, we define a new propose ElGamal algorithm, in that ElGamal algorithm has two random numbers. The origina l ElGamal algorithm is that, it has only one random number. In order to improve its security, the proposed scheme adds one more random number. The security of the proposed signature scheme is the same with the ElGamal sig nature scheme which is based on the difficult computable nature of discrete logarithm over finite fields. In this paper, the algorithm is proposed to enhance the security and usage of more random number to make algorithm more complicate d, which can also make the link between the random number and the key more complicated. The scheme presented in this paper after analysis showed that the security level is kept high by using two random numbers and the time complex ity is reduced

    Accountable Multi-Signatures with Constant Size Public Keys

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    A multisignature scheme is used to aggregate signatures by multiple parties on a common message mm into a single short signature on mm. Multisignatures are used widely in practice, most notably, in proof-of-stake consensus protocols. In existing multisignature schemes, the verifier needs the public keys of all the signers in order to verify a multisignature issued by some subset of signers. We construct new practical multisignature schemes with three properties: (i) the verifier only needs to store a constant size public key in order to verify a multisignature by an arbitrary subset of parties, (ii) signature size is constant beyond the description of the signing set, and (iii) signers generate their secret signing keys locally, that is, without a distributed key generation protocol. Existing schemes satisfy properties (ii) and (iii). The new capability is property (i) which dramatically reduces the verifier\u27s memory requirements from linear in the number of signers to constant. We give two pairing-based constructions: one in the random oracle model and one in the plain model. We also show that by relaxing property (iii), that is, allowing for a simple distributed key generation protocol, we can further improve efficiency while continuing to satisfy properties (i) and (ii). We give a pairing-based scheme and a lattice-based scheme in this relaxed model

    Trustless communication across distributed ledgers: impossibility and practical solutions

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    Since the advent of Bitcoin as the first decentralized digital currency in 2008, a plethora of distributed ledgers has been created, differing in design and purpose. Considering the heterogeneous nature of these systems, it is safe to say there shall not be ``one coin to rule them all". However, despite the growing and thriving ecosystem, blockchains continue to operate almost exclusively in complete isolation from one another: by design, blockchain protocols provide no means by which to communicate or exchange data with external systems. To this date, centralized providers hence remain the preferred route to exchange assets and information across blockchains~-- undermining the very nature of decentralized currencies. The contribution of this thesis is threefold. First, we critically evaluate the (im)possibilty, requirements, and challenges of cross-chain communication by contributing the first systematization of this field. We formalize the problem of Cross-Chain Communication (CCC) and show it is impossible without a trusted third party by relating CCC to the Fair Exchange problem. With this impossibility result in mind, we develop a framework to design new and evaluate existing CCC protocols, focusing on the inherent trust assumptions thereof, and derive a classification covering the field of cross-chain communication to date. We then present XCLAIM, the first generic framework for transferring assets and information across permissionless distributed ledgers without relying on a centralized third party. XCLAIM leverages so-called cryptocurrency-backed assets, blockchain-based assets one-to-one backed by other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin-backed tokens on Ethereum. Through the secure issuance, transfer, and redemption of these assets, users can perform cross-chain exchanges in a financially trustless and non-interactive manner, overcoming the limitations of existing solutions. To ensure the security of user funds, XCLAIM relies on collateralization of intermediaries and a proof-or-punishment approach, enforced via smart contracts equipped with cross-chain light clients, so-called chain relays. XCLAIM has been adopted in practice, among others by the Polkadot blockchain, as a bridge to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Finally, we contribute to advancing the state of the art in cross-chain light clients. We develop TxChain, a novel mechanism to significantly reduce storage and bandwidth costs of modern blockchain light clients using contingent transaction aggregation, and apply our scheme to Bitcoin and Ethereum individually, as well as in the cross-chain setting.Open Acces

    Identifiable Cheating Entity Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold (ICE FROST) Signature Protocol

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    This paper presents an Identifiable Cheating Entity (ICE) FROST signature protocol that is an improvement over the FROST signature scheme (Komlo and Goldberg, SAC 2020) since it can identify cheating participants in its Key Generation protocol. The proposed threshold signature protocol achieves robustness in the Key Generation phase of the threshold signature protocol by introducing a cheating identification mechanism and then excluding cheating participants from the protocol. By enabling the cheating identification mechanism, we remove the need to abort the Key Generation protocol every time cheating activity is suspected. Our cheating identification mechanism allows every participant to individually check the validity of complaints issued against possibly cheating participants. Then, after all of the cheating participants are eliminated, the Key Generation protocol is guaranteed to finish successfully. On the other hand, the signing process only achieves a weak form of robustness, as in the original FROST. We then introduce static public key variant of ICE FROST. Our work is the first to consider static private/public keys for a round-optimized Schnorr-based signature scheme. With static public keys, the group’s established public and private keys remain constant for the lifetime of signers, while the signing shares of each participant are updated overtime, as well as the set of group members, which ensures the long-term security of the static keys and facilitates the verification process of the generated threshold signature because a group of signers communicates their public key to the verifier only once during the group’s lifetime. Our implementation benchmarks demonstrate that the runtime of the protocol is feasible for real-world applications

    Society-oriented cryptographic techniques for information protection

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    Groups play an important role in our modern world. They are more reliable and more trustworthy than individuals. This is the reason why, in an organisation, crucial decisions are left to a group of people rather than to an individual. Cryptography supports group activity by offering a wide range of cryptographic operations which can only be successfully executed if a well-defined group of people agrees to co-operate. This thesis looks at two fundamental cryptographic tools that are useful for the management of secret information. The first part looks in detail at secret sharing schemes. The second part focuses on society-oriented cryptographic systems, which are the application of secret sharing schemes in cryptography. The outline of thesis is as follows

    Proactive Refresh for Accountable Threshold Signatures

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    An accountable threshold signature (ATS) is a threshold signature scheme where every signature identifies the quorum of signers who generated that signature. They are widely used in financial settings where signers need to be held accountable for threshold signatures they generate. In this paper we initiate the study of proactive refresh for accountable threshold signatures. Proactive refresh is a protocol that lets the group of signers refresh their shares of the secret key, without changing the public key or the threshold. We give several definitions for this notion achieving different levels of security. We observe that certain natural constructions for an ATS cannot be proactively refreshed because the secret key generated at setup is needed for accountability. We then construct three types of ATS schemes with proactive refresh. The first is a generic construction that is efficient when the number of signers is small. The second is a hybrid construction that performs well for a large number of signers and satisfies a strong security definition. The third is a collection of very practical constructions derived from ATS versions of the Schnorr and BLS signature schemes; however these practical constructions only satisfy our weaker notion of security

    Advanced Remote Attestation Protocols for Embedded Systems

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    Small integrated computers, so-called embedded systems, have become a ubiquitous and indispensable part of our lives. Every day, we interact with a multitude of embedded systems. They are, for instance, integrated in home appliances, cars, planes, medical devices, or industrial systems. In many of these applications, embedded systems process privacy-sensitive data or perform safety-critical operations. Therefore, it is of high importance to ensure their secure and safe operation. However, recent attacks and security evaluations have shown that embedded systems frequently lack security and can often be compromised and misused with little effort. A promising technique to face the increasing amount of attacks on embedded systems is remote attestation. It enables a third party to verify the integrity of a remote device. Using remote attestation, attacks can be effectively detected, which allows to quickly respond to them and thus minimize potential damage. Today, almost all servers, desktop PCs, and notebooks have the required hardware and software to perform remote attestation. By contrast, a secure and efficient attestation of embedded systems is considerably harder to achieve, as embedded systems have to encounter several additional challenges. In this thesis, we tackle three main challenges in the attestation of embedded systems. First, we address the issue that low-end embedded devices typically lack the required hardware to perform a secure remote attestation. We present an attestation protocol that requires only minimal secure hardware, which makes our protocol applicable to many existing low-end embedded devices while providing high security guarantees. We demonstrate the practicality of our protocol in two applications, namely, verifying code updates in mesh networks and ensuring the safety and security of embedded systems in road vehicles. Second, we target the efficient attestation of multiple embedded devices that are connected in challenging network conditions. Previous attestation protocols are inefficient or even inapplicable when devices are mobile or lack continuous connectivity. We propose an attestation protocol that particularly targets the efficient attestation of many devices in highly dynamic and disruptive networks. Third, we consider a more powerful adversary who is able to physically tamper with the hardware of embedded systems. Existing attestation protocols that address physical attacks suffer from limited scalability and robustness. We present two protocols that are capable of verifying the software integrity as well as the hardware integrity of embedded devices in an efficient and robust way. Whereas the first protocol is optimized towards scalability, the second protocol aims at robustness and is additionally suited to be applied in autonomous networks. In summary, this thesis contributes to enhancing the security, efficiency, robustness, and applicability of remote attestation for embedded systems

    Catena: Efficient Non-equivocation via Bitcoin

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    We present Catena, an efficiently-verifiable Bitcoin witnessing scheme. Catena enables any number of thin clients, such as mobile phones, to efficiently agree on a log of application-specific statements managed by an adversarial server. Catena implements a log as an OP_RETURN transaction chain and prevents forks in the log by leveraging Bitcoin’s security against double spends. Specifically, if a log server wants to equivocate it has to double spend a Bitcoin transaction output. Thus, Catena logs are as hard to fork as the Bitcoin blockchain: an adversary without a large fraction of the network’s computational power cannot fork Bitcoin and thus cannot fork a Catena log either. However, different from previous Bitcoin-based work, Catena decreases the bandwidth requirements of log auditors from 90 GB to only tens of megabytes. More precisely, our clients only need to download all Bitcoin block headers (currently less than 35 MB) and a small, 600-byte proof for each statement in a block. We implement Catena in Java using the bitcoinj library and use it to extend CONIKS, a recent key transparency scheme, to witness its public-key directory in the Bitcoin blockchain where it can be efficiently verified by auditors. We show that Catena can secure many systems today, such as public-key directories, Tor directory servers and software transparency schemes