52,680 research outputs found

    PPF - A Parallel Particle Filtering Library

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    We present the parallel particle filtering (PPF) software library, which enables hybrid shared-memory/distributed-memory parallelization of particle filtering (PF) algorithms combining the Message Passing Interface (MPI) with multithreading for multi-level parallelism. The library is implemented in Java and relies on OpenMPI's Java bindings for inter-process communication. It includes dynamic load balancing, multi-thread balancing, and several algorithmic improvements for PF, such as input-space domain decomposition. The PPF library hides the difficulties of efficient parallel programming of PF algorithms and provides application developers with the necessary tools for parallel implementation of PF methods. We demonstrate the capabilities of the PPF library using two distributed PF algorithms in two scenarios with different numbers of particles. The PPF library runs a 38 million particle problem, corresponding to more than 1.86 GB of particle data, on 192 cores with 67% parallel efficiency. To the best of our knowledge, the PPF library is the first open-source software that offers a parallel framework for PF applications.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures; will appear in the proceedings of the IET Data Fusion & Target Tracking Conference 201

    MPJ Express meets YARN:towards Java HPC on Hadoop systems

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    AbstractMany organizations—including academic, research, commercial institutions—have invested heavily in setting up High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities for running computational science applications. On the other hand, the Apache Hadoop software—after emerging in 2005— has become a popular, reliable, and scalable open-source framework for processing large-scale data (Big Data). Realizing the importance and significance of Big Data, an increasing number of organizations are investing in relatively cheaper Hadoop clusters for executing their mission critical data processing applications. An issue here is that system administrators at these sites might have to maintain two parallel facilities for running HPC and Hadoop computations. This, of course, is not ideal due to redundant maintenance work and poor economics. This paper attempts to bridge this gap by allowing HPC and Hadoop jobs to co-exist on a single hardware facility. We achieve this goal by exploiting YARN—Hadoop v2.0—that de-couples the computational and resource scheduling part of the Hadoop framework from HDFS. In this context, we have developed a YARN-based reference runtime system for the MPJ Express software that allows executing parallel MPI-like Java applications on Hadoop clusters. The main contribution of this paper is provide Big Data community access to MPI-like programming using MPJ Express. As an aside, this work allows parallel Java applications to perform computations on data stored in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

    Java on Networks of Workstations (JavaNOW): A Parallel Computing Framework Inspired by Linda and the Message Passing Interface (MPI)

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    Networks of workstations are a dominant force in the distributed computing arena, due primarily to the excellent price/performance ratio of such systems when compared to traditionally massively parallel architectures. It is therefore critical to develop programming languages and environments that can help harness the raw computational power available on these systems. In this article, we present JavaNOW (Java on Networks of Workstations), a Java‐based framework for parallel programming on networks of workstations. It creates a virtual parallel machine similar to the MPI (Message Passing Interface) model, and provides distributed associative shared memory similar to the Linda memory model but with a richer set of primitive operations. JavaNOW provides a simple yet powerful framework for performing computation on networks of workstations. In addition to the Linda memory model, it provides for shared objects, implicit multithreading, implicit synchronization, object dataflow, and collective communications similar to those defined in MPI. JavaNOW is also a component of the Computational Neighborhood, a Java‐enabled suite of services for desktop computational sharing. The intent of JavaNOW is to present an environment for parallel computing that is both expressive and reliable and ultimately can deliver good to excellent performance. As JavaNOW is a work in progress, this article emphasizes the expressive potential of the JavaNOW environment and presents preliminary performance results only

    Group Communication Patterns for High Performance Computing in Scala

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    We developed a Functional object-oriented Parallel framework (FooPar) for high-level high-performance computing in Scala. Central to this framework are Distributed Memory Parallel Data structures (DPDs), i.e., collections of data distributed in a shared nothing system together with parallel operations on these data. In this paper, we first present FooPar's architecture and the idea of DPDs and group communications. Then, we show how DPDs can be implemented elegantly and efficiently in Scala based on the Traversable/Builder pattern, unifying Functional and Object-Oriented Programming. We prove the correctness and safety of one communication algorithm and show how specification testing (via ScalaCheck) can be used to bridge the gap between proof and implementation. Furthermore, we show that the group communication operations of FooPar outperform those of the MPJ Express open source MPI-bindings for Java, both asymptotically and empirically. FooPar has already been shown to be capable of achieving close-to-optimal performance for dense matrix-matrix multiplication via JNI. In this article, we present results on a parallel implementation of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm in FooPar, achieving more than 94 % efficiency compared to the serial version on a cluster using 100 cores for matrices of dimension 38000 x 38000

    ITU-PRP: Parallel and Distributed Computing Middleware for Java Developers

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    ITU-PRP provides a Parallel Programming Framework for Java Developers on which they can adapt their sequential application code to operate on a distributed multi-host parallel environment. Developers would implement parallel models, such as Loop Parallelism, Divide and Conquer, Master-Slave and Fork-Join by the help of an API Library provided under framework. Produced parallel applications would be submitted to a middleware called Parallel Running Platform (PRP), on which parallel resources for parallel processing are being organized and performed. The middleware creates Task Plans (TP) according to application’s parallel model, assigns best available resource Hosts, in order to perform fast parallel processing. Task Plans will be created dynamically in real time according to resources actual utilization status or availability, instead of predefined/preconfigured task plans. ITU-PRP achieves better efficiency on parallel processing over big data sets and distributes divided base data to multiple hosts to be operated by Coarse-Grained parallelism. According to this model distributed parallel tasks would operate independently with minimal interaction until processing ends

    ITU-PRP: Parallel and Distributed Computing Middleware for Java Developers

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    ITU-PRP provides a Parallel Programming Framework for Java Developers on which they can adapt their sequential application code to operate on a distributed multi-host parallel environment. Developers would implement parallel models, such as Loop Parallelism, Divide and Conquer, Master-Slave and Fork-Join by the help of an API Library provided under framework. Produced parallel applications would be submitted to a middleware called Parallel Running Platform (PRP), on which parallel resources for parallel processing are being organized and performed. The middleware creates Task Plans (TP) according to application’s parallel model, assigns best available resource Hosts, in order to perform fast parallel processing. Task Plans will be created dynamically in real time according to resources actual utilization status or availability, instead of predefined/preconfigured task plans. ITU-PRP achieves better efficiency on parallel processing over big data sets and distributes divided base data to multiple hosts to be operated by Coarse-Grained parallelism. According to this model distributed parallel tasks would operate independently with minimal interaction until processing ends
