14 research outputs found

    The Role of Social Media Advertising in Consumer Buying Behavior

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    P Consumer buying behavior is known also as consumer decision making is the process by which individuals search for, select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods and services to satisfy require needs. This study has been designed to answer main question about the role of social media advertising on consumer buying behavior in very active field which is fashion retail industry, then determine the differences if existed in this relation regarding to the name of the brands and consumer demographics factors. By electronic questionnaires conducted for consumers live in Istanbul-Turkey, findings showed weak relation between social media advertising and consumer need recognition, no relation at all with search for information, strong relation with evaluate the alternatives, and moderate relation for both buying decision and post-purchase behavior, as those steps represent the five steps need recognition model in consumer buying behavior. Moreover, findings showed no changes in this relation regarding to consumer’s age, and education level. However, there were changes between Females and males in the relation with consumer need recognition, and search for information. In addition, another changes regarding to income between social media advertising and evaluate the alternatives especially for consumers earn more than 5.000TL among other income groups

    E-marketing Tools for Food Businesses Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic: Advantages and Challenges

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    Many businesses are interested in searching for the latest technologies to secure the tie with existing customers and to prevent potential customers from abandoning their businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The food industry is one of them. Therefore, this review article is an attempt to identify various e-marketing tools adopted in the business world in the pre-covid era and to underpin their applicability in the food industry in the covid era by highlighting the advantages and challenges of their adoption. Research articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, theses, and dissertations regarding the topic of applications of e-marketing published from 2000 to 2019 available in the google scholar database, were considered in the review. The final search of the literature was carried out in February 2020. The study reveals that the benefits of applying e-marketing tools in food businesses could compensate for the pitfalls of adopting them. Authors suggest that the ability to compare prices of similar products from different sellers as the most promising benefit of e-marketing, from the customer perspective. Similarly, the cost-effectiveness experienced by food suppliers compared to traditional marketing, makes the e-marketing concept attractive, for food businesses. This work discovers the ability and the inclination of people to launch, manage and organize business ventures with e-marketing approaches in the present as well as the future world.

    The Influence of Social Media Advertising Value on Consumer Behavior in Renting Apartment Rooms in Bangkok, Thailand

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    Abstract This study examines the factors that influence of social media advertising value towards rental intention behavior of apartment rooms in Bangkok Thailand. The study used the variables of  credibility, information, entertainment, and social media advertising value. The researcher carried out the analysis based on quantitative approach and applied a non-probability sampling and convenience sampling. A total of 450 respondents who experienced using  advertising in  searching information about renting apartment rooms in Bangkok participated in this study. The descriptive statistic used frequency and percentile to explain demographic information meanwhile inferential statistics such as simple linear regression (SLR) and multiple linear regression (MLR) were used to explain the causal relationship between social media advertising value and rental intention behavior. The results of  multiple linear regression revealed that information, entertainment, and credibility have significant influence on social media advertising value because all the p-value are  less than .05 and these can indicate that credibility, information, entertainment have significant influence on social media advertising value. Lastly, social media advertising value has significant effect on rental intention behavior because the  p-value is  less than .05.

    Internet marketing benefits for South African SME owner-managers

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    Published ArticleWith the recent explosion of global marketing strategies, business enterprises have to contend with severe and escalating competition. To sustain competitiveness, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa should produce high-quality, customised goods and services efficiently. Adoption of Internet marketing technologies is fundamental towards meeting this challenge. However, the adoption and diffusion of technologies in marketing practices is the outcome of purposeful processes emanating from the realisation by SMEs that adoption of these technologies yields significant paybacks. The purpose of this study was to establish the managers' perceptions of the benefits of Internet marketing adoption in small and medium enterprises. Using a quantitative approach, a questionnaire was administered to owner-managers of small and medium enterprises in the Vaal Triangle in South Africa. A total of 269 questionnaires were completed, returned and considered useful for the survey. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and factor analysis in order to establish the factors considered to be the salient Internet marketing benefits. Four underlying factors were extracted namely: customer relationship building, information gathering, promotion and enhanced productivity. The mean scores indicated that information gathering was perceived as most important, but after sturdier tests for association were applied to the data set, customer relationship management demonstrated the most significant and positive correlation with SME productivity. As such, there is need for the small and medium enterprises to develop strategies to expand and sustain the identified benefits of Internet marketing

    Customer Perceived Risks and the Choice of Mobile Phone Brand in Ghana

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    Purpose – The purpose of the study is to develop, measure and empirically validate the contribution of performance risk, social risk, financial risk and psychological risk to the customer choice of mobile phone. Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected from 267 mobile phone users applying the convenience sampling method. The study finds that performance risk, social risk, financial risk, and psychological risk relate to customer choice. Further study results demonstrate that all the predictor variables after controlling for experience and means of acquisition are statistically significant in predicting customer choice of mobile phone brand. However, performance risk showed the highest effects on customer choice. The study contributes to the development of a multi-dimensional scale for customer perceived risk and choice of mobile phone in the Ghanaian context. The study provides firms in the mobile phone industry with a deeper understanding of how the performance, financial, social and psychological factors are relevant in the development of marketing programmes in the mobile phone industry


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    Today, the number of social networks in which communications are made is increasing rapidly, and most teenagers and adults, as part of everyday life, use the benefits of knowing others and introducing themselves to others from social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, YouTube, Weblogs and Wikiquote. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of advertising on social networks on the marketing of sports services. Methodologically, this descriptive study was of correlational type and its statistical community was formed by active users in social sports networks. The statistical sample was available (from users who were active social sports networks). In this research, social networking was measured using the scale of Soleimani-Bashli and Talibi (2010) and marketing mix of sport services using Yaghoobi et al. (2011) scale. To test the research hypotheses, structural equation modeling was used. The results of the research showed that advertising in social networks has a positive and significant effect on marketing of sports services. As a result, the greater the amount of advertising on social networks, the more likely it is that customer satisfaction, attracting new customers, and increasing investment in sports services will increase. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to the aspect of advertising in these networks and to be taken into consideration in strategic strategies of sports providers.  Article visualizations

    Az online marketing szerepe az információkeresésben bioélelmiszereknél = The role of online marketing in information search for organic products

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    Online marketing opened a new platform to communicate with potential customers using inno-vative solutions in food industry. The second phase of purchasing process, the role of online marketing became even more important in information search. internet as a search engine re-placed the traditional marketing channels and became the leading platform in acquiring infor-mation. As customers have low level of interest in organic food and their consumption, online marketing has an eminent role to provide targeted and prompt information to the customers’ tight segment in Hungary. Among online marketing tools, search websites, producers’ and cus-tomers’ websites, social media are the most successful channels in information searchOnline marketing opened a new platform to communicate with potential customers using inno-vative solutions in food industry. The second phase of purchasing process, the role of online marketing became even more important in information search. internet as a search engine re-placed the traditional marketing channels and became the leading platform in acquiring infor-mation. As customers have low level of interest in organic food and their consumption, online marketing has an eminent role to provide targeted and prompt information to the customers’ tight segment in Hungary. Among online marketing tools, search websites, producers’ and cus-tomers’ websites, social media are the most successful channels in information searc

    Impact of e-marketing on consumer behavior

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    Electronic marketing or e-marketing means using digital technologies that in a complementary relationship with traditional marketing methods will create interest among consumers that will lead to a decision of buying the product or service offered. E-marketing has to be creative, constantly changing and interesting in order to keep the attention of the consumers, who nowadays have large amount of information at their disposal. In order to identify the level of awareness of e-marketing among the population of the Republic of Macedonia and the impact of e-marketing on consumer behavior, a research was conducted on a sample of 137 respondents

    Pengaruh Persepsi Risiko Finansial, Transaction Cost, dan Switching Cost terhadap Proses Pengambilan Keputusan di E-Commerce

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    Dalam transaksi di E-Commerce konsumen akan melewati tahapan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. Pada proses ini konsumen akan mempertimbangkan antara biaya dengan manfaat yang didapat dari produk, seperti persepsi akan risiko finansial, transaction cost, dan switching cost. Penelitian terdahulu tentang persepsi risiko finansial masih kurang konsisten. Penelitian tentang transaction cost juga masih minim di Indonesia. Penelitian yang membahas switching cost di Indonesia lebih fokus pada provider jaringan seluler dan belum di terapkan pada E-Commerce. Dalam penelitian ini populasi yang diambil adalah mahasiswa UKSW. Sampel diambil dengan teknik judgment sampling (non probability sampling). Dari 18,457 mahasiswa UKSW, diambil 243 mahasiswa dengan menggunakan persamaan Slovin untuk menentukan ukuran sampel. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan persepsi risiko finansial berpengarih signifikan negatif dan switching cost berpengaruh negatif tidak signifikan terhadap proses pengambilan keputusan. Berbeda dengan penelitian – penelitian sebelumnya, pada penelitian ini didapat hasil transaction cost memiliki pengaruh signifikan positif terhadap proses pengambilan keputusan di E-Commerce