228 research outputs found

    A design science framework for research in health analytics

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    Data analytics provide the ability to systematically identify patterns and insights from a variety of data as organizations pursue improvements in their processes, products, and services. Analytics can be classified based on their ability to: explore, explain, predict, and prescribe. When applied to the field of healthcare, analytics presents a new frontier for business intelligence. In 2013 alone, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reported that the national health expenditure was $2.9 trillion, representing 17.4% of the total United States GDP. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) requires all hospitals to implement electronic medical record (EMR) technologies by year 2014 (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 2010). Moreover, the ACA makes healthcare process and outcomes more transparent by making related data readily available for research. Enterprising organizations are employing analytics and analytical techniques to find patterns in healthcare data (I. R. Bardhan & Thouin, 2013; Hansen, Miron-Shatz, Lau, & Paton, 2014). The goal is to assess the cost and quality of care and identify opportunities for improvement for organizations as well as the healthcare system as a whole. Yet, there remains a need for research to systematically understand, explain, and predict the sources and impacts of the widely observed variance in the cost and quality of care available. This is a driving motivation for research in healthcare. This dissertation conducts a design theoretic examination of the application of advanced data analytics in healthcare. Heart Failure is the number one cause of death and the biggest contributor healthcare costs in the United States. An exploratory examination of the application of predictive analytics is conducted in order to understand the cost and quality of care provided to heart failure patients. The specific research question is addressed: How can we improve and expand upon our understanding of the variances in the cost of care and the quality of care for heart failure? Using state level data from the State Health Plan of North Carolina, a standard readmission model was assessed as a baseline measure for prediction, and advanced analytics were compared to this baseline. This dissertation demonstrates that advanced analytics can improve readmission predictions as well as expand understanding of the profile of a patient readmitted for heart failure. Implications are assessed for academics and practitioners

    A systematic review of the prediction of hospital length of stay:Towards a unified framework

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    Hospital length of stay of patients is a crucial factor for the effective planning and management of hospital resources. There is considerable interest in predicting the LoS of patients in order to improve patient care, control hospital costs and increase service efficiency. This paper presents an extensive review of the literature, examining the approaches employed for the prediction of LoS in terms of their merits and shortcomings. In order to address some of these problems, a unified framework is proposed to better generalise the approaches that are being used to predict length of stay. This includes the investigation of the types of routinely collected data used in the problem as well as recommendations to ensure robust and meaningful knowledge modelling. This unified common framework enables the direct comparison of results between length of stay prediction approaches and will ensure that such approaches can be used across several hospital environments. A literature search was conducted in PubMed, Google Scholar and Web of Science from 1970 until 2019 to identify LoS surveys which review the literature. 32 Surveys were identified, from these 32 surveys, 220 papers were manually identified to be relevant to LoS prediction. After removing duplicates, and exploring the reference list of studies included for review, 93 studies remained. Despite the continuing efforts to predict and reduce the LoS of patients, current research in this domain remains ad-hoc; as such, the model tuning and data preprocessing steps are too specific and result in a large proportion of the current prediction mechanisms being restricted to the hospital that they were employed in. Adopting a unified framework for the prediction of LoS could yield a more reliable estimate of the LoS as a unified framework enables the direct comparison of length of stay methods. Additional research is also required to explore novel methods such as fuzzy systems which could build upon the success of current models as well as further exploration of black-box approaches and model interpretability

    Linking social media, medical literature, and clinical notes using deep learning.

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    Researchers analyze data, information, and knowledge through many sources, formats, and methods. The dominant data format includes text and images. In the healthcare industry, professionals generate a large quantity of unstructured data. The complexity of this data and the lack of computational power causes delays in analysis. However, with emerging deep learning algorithms and access to computational powers such as graphics processing unit (GPU) and tensor processing units (TPUs), processing text and images is becoming more accessible. Deep learning algorithms achieve remarkable results in natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision. In this study, we focus on NLP in the healthcare industry and collect data not only from electronic medical records (EMRs) but also medical literature and social media. We propose a framework for linking social media, medical literature, and EMRs clinical notes using deep learning algorithms. Connecting data sources requires defining a link between them, and our key is finding concepts in the medical text. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) introduces a Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) and we use this system as the foundation of our own system. We recognize social media’s dynamic nature and apply supervised and semi-supervised methodologies to generate concepts. Named entity recognition (NER) allows efficient extraction of information, or entities, from medical literature, and we extend the model to process the EMRs’ clinical notes via transfer learning. The results include an integrated, end-to-end, web-based system solution that unifies social media, literature, and clinical notes, and improves access to medical knowledge for the public and experts

    Centralized and distributed learning methods for predictive health analytics

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    The U.S. health care system is considered costly and highly inefficient, devoting substantial resources to the treatment of acute conditions in a hospital setting rather than focusing on prevention and keeping patients out of the hospital. The potential for cost savings is large; in the U.S. more than $30 billion are spent each year on hospitalizations deemed preventable, 31% of which is attributed to heart diseases and 20% to diabetes. Motivated by this, our work focuses on developing centralized and distributed learning methods to predict future heart- or diabetes- related hospitalizations based on patient Electronic Health Records (EHRs). We explore a variety of supervised classification methods and we present a novel likelihood ratio based method (K-LRT) that predicts hospitalizations and offers interpretability by identifying the K most significant features that lead to a positive prediction for each patient. Next, assuming that the positive class consists of multiple clusters (hospitalized patients due to different reasons), while the negative class is drawn from a single cluster (non-hospitalized patients healthy in every aspect), we present an alternating optimization approach, which jointly discovers the clusters in the positive class and optimizes the classifiers that separate each positive cluster from the negative samples. We establish the convergence of the method and characterize its VC dimension. Last, we develop a decentralized cluster Primal-Dual Splitting (cPDS) method for large-scale problems, that is computationally efficient and privacy-aware. Such a distributed learning scheme is relevant for multi-institutional collaborations or peer-to-peer applications, allowing the agents to collaborate, while keeping every participant's data private. cPDS is proved to have an improved convergence rate compared to existing centralized and decentralized methods. We test all methods on real EHR data from the Boston Medical Center and compare results in terms of prediction accuracy and interpretability

    Time-to-Event Modeling for Hospital Length of Stay Prediction for COVID-19 Patients

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    Providing timely patient care while maintaining optimal resource utilization is one of the central operational challenges hospitals have been facing throughout the pandemic. Hospital length of stay (LOS) is an important indicator of hospital efficiency, quality of patient care, and operational resilience. Numerous researchers have developed regression or classification models to predict LOS. However, conventional models suffer from the lack of capability to make use of typically censored clinical data. We propose to use time-to-event modeling techniques, also known as survival analysis, to predict the LOS for patients based on individualized information collected from multiple sources. The performance of six proposed survival models is evaluated and compared based on clinical data from COVID-19 patients

    A review on Natural Language Processing Models for COVID-19 research

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    This survey paper reviews Natural Language Processing Models and their use in COVID-19 research in two main areas. Firstly, a range of transformer-based biomedical pretrained language models are evaluated using the BLURB benchmark. Secondly, models used in sentiment analysis surrounding COVID-19 vaccination are evaluated. We filtered literature curated from various repositories such as PubMed and Scopus and reviewed 27 papers. When evaluated using the BLURB benchmark, the novel T-BPLM BioLinkBERT gives groundbreaking results by incorporating document link knowledge and hyperlinking into its pretraining. Sentiment analysis of COVID-19 vaccination through various Twitter API tools has shown the public’s sentiment towards vaccination to be mostly positive. Finally, we outline some limitations and potential solutions to drive the research community to improve the models used for NLP tasks

    Computational intelligence contributions to readmisision risk prediction in Healthcare systems

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    136 p.The Thesis tackles the problem of readmission risk prediction in healthcare systems from a machine learning and computational intelligence point of view. Readmission has been recognized as an indicator of healthcare quality with primary economic importance. We examine two specific instances of the problem, the emergency department (ED) admission and heart failure (HF) patient care using anonymized datasets from three institutions to carry real-life computational experiments validating the proposed approaches. The main difficulties posed by this kind of datasets is their high class imbalance ratio, and the lack of informative value of the recorded variables. This thesis reports the results of innovative class balancing approaches and new classification architectures

    Online Machine Learning Algorithms Review and Comparison in Healthcare

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    Currently, the healthcare industry uses Big Data for essential patient care information. Electronic Health Records (EHR) store massive data and are continuously updated with information such as laboratory results, medication, and clinical events. There are various methods by which healthcare data is generated and collected, including databases, healthcare websites, mobile applications, wearable technologies, and sensors. The continuous flow of data will improve healthcare service, medical diagnostic research and, ultimately, patient care. Thus, it is important to implement advanced data analysis techniques to obtain more precise prediction results.Machine Learning (ML) has acquired an important place in Big Healthcare Data (BHD). ML has the capability to run predictive analysis, detect patterns or red flags, and connect dots to enhance personalized treatment plans. Because predictive models have dependent and independent variables, ML algorithms perform mathematical calculations to find the best suitable mathematical equations to predict dependent variables using a given set of independent variables. These model performances depend on datasets and response, or dependent, variable types such as binary or multi-class, supervised or unsupervised.The current research analyzed incremental, or streaming or online, algorithm performance with offline or batch learning (these terms are used interchangeably) using performance measures such as accuracy, model complexity, and time consumption. Batch learning algorithms are provided with the specific dataset, which always constrains the size of the dataset depending on memory consumption. In the case of incremental algorithms, data arrive sequentially, which is determined by hyperparameter optimization such as chunk size, tree split, or hoeffding bond. The model complexity of an incremental learning algorithm is based on a number of parameters, which in turn determine memory consumption
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