266 research outputs found

    A Forward Collision Warning System for Smartphones Using Image Processing and V2V Communication

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    [EN] In this paper, we present a forward collision warning application for smartphones that uses license plate recognition and vehicular communication to generate warnings for notifying the drivers of the vehicle behind and the one ahead, of a probable collision when the vehicle behind does not maintain an established safe distance between itself and the vehicle ahead. The application was tested in both static and mobile scenarios, from which we confirmed the working of our application, even though its performance is affected by the hardware limitations of the smartphones.Patra, S.; Veelaert, P.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Cano, J.; Zamora-Mero, WJ.; Manzoni, P.; Gonzalez, F. (2018). A Forward Collision Warning System for Smartphones Using Image Processing and V2V Communication. Sensors. 18(8):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/s18082672S11718

    An Overview of Vehicular Communications

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    The transport sector is commonly subordinate to several issues, such as traffic congestion and accidents. Despite this, in recent years, it is also evolving with regard to cooperation between vehicles. The fundamental objective of this trend is to increase road safety, attempting to anticipate the circumstances of potential danger. Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technologies strive to give communication models that can be employed by vehicles in different application contexts. The resulting infrastructure is an ad-hoc mesh network whose nodes are not only vehicles but also all mobile devices equipped with wireless modules. The interaction between the multiple connected entities consists of information exchange through the adoption of suitable communication protocols. The main aim of the review carried out in this paper is to examine and assess the most relevant systems, applications, and communication protocols that will distinguish the future road infrastructures used by vehicles. The results of the investigation reveal the real benefits that technological cooperation can involve in road safety. Document type: Articl

    Development and evaluation of smartphone-based ITS applications for vehicular networks

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    [ES] Una de las áreas de investigación que está recibiendo más atención recientemente es la de vehículos autónomos. Los investigadores están en este momento centrados en el tercer de los cinco niveles de autonomía, los cuales son: asistencia en la conducción, automatización parcial, automatización condicional, alta automatización y automatización completa. A pesar de los rápidos progresos que están habiendo en este campo, la adopción de estas soluciones llevará tiempo no sólo debido a cuestiones legales, sino también por el hecho de que los avances tecnológicos se enfrentan a un lento respaldo por parte de los fabricantes. Además, la baja tasa de renovación de vehículos de carretera, dificulta el despliegue de tecnologías innovadoras, como es el caso de la red vehicular. Ocho años después de la introducción de la norma 802.11p para la comunicación vehicular del Instituto de Ingenieros Eléctricos y Electrónicos (IIEE), los vehículos que se usan a diario todavía carecen de la capacidad de comunicarse entre sí. Este hecho impide el uso de las muchas aplicaciones de seguridad del Sistema de Inteligencia de Transporte (SIT) que aprovecha la red vehicular para el intercambio de datos. La forma obvia de manejar este problema es poner las tecnologías disponibles a la disposición de los usuarios comunes para desarrollar soluciones que se puedan implementar fácilmente y, además, económicas. Por esta razón, trasladamos nuestra atención a los dispositivos inteligentes, especialmente a los teléfonos inteligentes, los cuales han recorrido un largo camino desde la primera introducción de teléfonos móviles a finales del siglo XX. Hoy en día casi todos llevan uno en su bolsillo a donde sea que vayan, permitiéndoles no sólo hacer llamadas, sino también medir y controlar diferentes parámetros con la ayuda de los muchos sensores integrados que están disponibles para estos dispositivos compactos pero potentes. Nuestro objetivo es estudiar los efectos de la integración de los teléfonos inteligentes a la red vehicular para desarrollar aplicaciones de seguridad del SIT. La elección de los teléfonos inteligentes aquí no solo está justificada por su amplia disponibilidad y uso, sino también porque están evolucionando hacia terminales de alto rendimiento con microprocesadores de múltiples núcleos cargados dotados de un grupo suficientemente diverso de sensores. En esta tesis proponemos tres diferentes aplicaciones de seguridad SIT para teléfonos inteligentes, diseñados para aprovechar el entorno de red vehicular: una aplicación de generación de advertencia llamada Messiah que alerta a los conductores de la presencia de vehículos de emergencia en las cercanías; una aplicación de Advertencia de Colisión Frontal (ACF) que advierte a los conductores si no se mantiene la distancia de seguridad mínima entre el vehículo que va delante y el que lo sigue; y, por último, una aplicación que tiene como objetivo ayudar a los conductores con asistencia visual durante el adelantamiento, llamada EYES. Todas estas aplicaciones han sido desarrolladas para la plataforma Android, y dependen de la transmisión de datos entre vehículos. Dado que los vehículos que utilizamos día a día no admiten la posibilidad de comunicarse entre sí, también diseñamos GRCBox, que es una unidad integrada de bajo coste que permite la comunicación del Vehículo a Todo (V2X). A partir de nuestro estudio de aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles diseñados para redes vehiculares, descubrimos que el uso de teléfonos inteligentes proporciona una nueva dirección para la investigación relacionada con SIT y redes vehiculares al permitir la adopción rápida de las soluciones existentes, donde los usuarios pueden descargar y usar las aplicaciones con sólo un clic a un botón. Al mismo tiempo, la portabilidad y compacidad de los dispositivos los hace limitados en términos de velocidad, potencia de procesamiento y precisi[CA] Una de les àrees d'investigació que està rebent més atenció recentment és la de vehicles autònoms. Els investigadores estan en este moment centrats en el tercer dels cinc nivells d'autonomia, els quals són: assistència en la conducció, automatització parcial, automatització condicional, alta automatització i automatització completa. Malgrat els ràpids progressos que s'estan donant en este camp, l'adopció d'estes solucions portarà temps no sols degut a qüestions legals, sinó també pel fet que els avanços tecnològics s'enfronten a un lent recolzament per part dels fabricants. A més a més, la baixa taxa de renovació de vehicles de carretera, dificulta el desplegament de tecnologies innovadores com és el cas de la xarxa vehicular. Huit anys després de la introducció de la norma 802.11p per a la comunicació vehicular de l'Institut d'Enginyers Elèctrics i Electrònics (IEEE), els vehicles que s'utilitzen a diari encara manquen de la capacitat de comunicar-se entre sí. Este fet impedeix l'ús de les moltes aplicacions de seguretat del Sistema d'Intel·ligència de Transport (SIT) que aprofita la xarxa vehicular per a l'intercanvi de dades. La forma òbvia de tractar aquest problema és posar les tecnologies disponibles a la disposició dels usuaris comuns per a desenvolupar solucions que es puguen implementar fàcilment, còmodes d'adoptar i, a més a més, econòmiques. Per aquesta raó, traslladem la nostra atenció als dispositius intel·ligents, especialment als telèfons intel·ligents, els quals han recorregut un llarg camí des de la primera introducció de telèfons mòbils a finals del segle XX. Hui en dia quasi tots porten un en la butxaca on siga que vagen, permetent-los no sols fer cridades, sinó també mesurar i controlar diferents paràmetres amb l'ajuda dels molts sensors integrats que estan disponibles per a estos dispositius compactes però potents. El nostre objectiu és estudiar els efectes de la integració dels telèfons intel·ligents a la xarxa vehicular per a desenvolupar aplicacions de seguretat del SIT. L'elecció dels telèfons intel·ligents ací no està sols justificada per la seua àmplia disponibilitat i ús, sinó també perquè estan evolucionant cap a terminals d'alt rendiment amb microprocessadors de múltiples nuclis dotats amb un grup suficientment divers de sensors. En esta tesi proposem tres diferents aplicacions de seguretat SIT per a telèfons intel·ligents, dissenyats per a aprofitar l'entorn de xarxa vehicular: una aplicació de generació d'advertència anomenada Messiah que alerta els conductors de la presència de vehicles d'emergència en les proximitats; una aplicació Advertència de Col·lisió Frontal (ACF) que adverteix els conductors si no mantenen la distància de seguretat mínima entre el vehicle que va davant i el que el segueix; i, per últim, una aplicació que té com objectiu ajudar els conductors amb assistència visual durant l'avançament, anomenat EYES. Totes aquestes aplicacions han sigut desenvolupades per a la plataforma Android, i depenen de la transmissió de dades entre vehicles. Donat que els vehicles que utilitzem a diari no admeten la possibilitat de comunicar-se entre sí, també dissenyem GRCBox, que és una unitat integrada de baix cost que permet la comunicació de Vechicle a Tot (V2X). A partir del nostre estudi d'aplicacions per a dispositius mòbils dissenyats per a xarxes vehiculars, descobrim que l'ús de telèfons intel·ligents proporciona una nova direcció per a la investigació relacionada amb SIT i xarxes vehiculars al permetre l'adopció ràpida de les solucions existents, on els usuaris poden descarregar i utilitzar les aplicacions amb un sol clic a un botó. Però al mateix temps, la portabilitat i la compacitat dels dispositius els fa limitats en termes de velocitat, potència de processament i precisió del sensor integrat, cosa que afecta al rendiment de les aplicacions.[EN] One of the research areas that is receiving a lot of attention recently is autonomous vehicles. Researchers are currently focused on the third level of autonomy out of the five levels, which are: drive assistance, partial automation, conditional automation, high automation, and full automation. Even though rapid progress is being made in this field, the adoption of these solutions will take time not only due to legal issues, but also due to the fact that technological improvements face slow endorsement by manufacturers. Also, the slow renewal rate of vehicles on road hinders the deployment of novel technologies, as is the case of Vehicular Networks (VNs). Eight years after the introduction of the IEEE 802.11p standard for vehicular communication, vehicles used on a daily basis still lack the capability of communicating with one other. This fact impedes the use of the many ITS safety applications that take advantage of VNs for data exchange. The obvious way to handle this problem is to use the available technologies at the disposal of common users to develop solutions that are easily deployable, effortless to adopt, and moreover, cost effective. For this reason we shift our attention to smart devices, specially smartphones, which have come a long way since the first introduction of mobile phones in the late 20th century. Nowadays, nearly everyone carries one in their pocket anywhere they go, allowing them to not only make calls, but also to measure and monitor different parameters with the help of the many on-board sensors that are available to these compact yet powerful devices. Our objective is to study the effects of integrating smartphones to vehicular networks, to develop ITS safety applications. The choice of smartphones here is not only justified by their wide availability and use, but also because they are evolving towards high performance terminals with multi-core microprocessors packed with a sufficiently diverse group of sensors. In this thesis we propose three different ITS safety applications for smartphones, designed to take advantage of the vehicular network environment: a warning generation application called Messiah that alerts drivers of the presence of emergency vehicles in close proximity; a FCW application which warns drivers if a minimum safe distance is not maintained between the vehicle ahead and the one following it; and lastly an application that aims to aid drivers with visual assistance while overtaking, named EYES. All these applications have been developed for the Android platform, and are dependent on the data transmission among vehicles. Since vehicles we use on a day to day basis still do not accommodate the possibility to communicate with one another, we also designed the GRCBox, which is a low cost on-board unit that supports V2X communication. From our study of applications for mobile devices designed for VNs, we found that the use of smartphones provides a new direction to research related to ITS and VNs by allowing a quick adoption of the existing solutions, where users are able to download and use applications just by one click of a button. But at the same time, the portability and compactness of the devices makes them limited in terms of speed, processing power, and accuracy of the on-board sensor, thus affecting the performance of the applications. In our case, the simpler Messiah application performed very well, while the EYES application that is dependent on GPS data, and the FCW application which required heavy processing and use of the camera due to its dependence on plate recognition, were affected by the hardware limitations of the smartphones.Patra, S. (2019). Development and evaluation of smartphone-based ITS applications for vehicular networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/124058TESI

    Identification, Calculation and Warning of Horizontal Curves for Low-volume Two-lane Roadways Using Smartphone Sensors

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    Smartphones and other portable personal devices that integrate global positioning systems, Bluetooth Low Energy, and advanced computing technologies have become more accessible due to affordable prices, product innovation, and people’s desire to be connected. As more people own these devices, there are greater opportunities for data acquisition in Intelligent Transportation Systems, and for vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. Horizontal curves are a common factor in the number of observed roadway crashes. Identifying locations and geometric characteristics of the horizontal curves plays a critical role in crash prediction and prevention, and timely curve warnings save lives. However, most states in the US face a challenge to maintain detailed and highquality roadway inventory databases for low volume rural roads due to the laborintensive and time-consuming nature of collecting and maintaining the data. This thesis proposes two smartphone applications C-Finder and C-Alert, to collect two-lane road horizontal curves data (including radius, superelevation, length, etc.), collect this data for transportation agencies (providing a low-cost alternative to mobile asset data collection vehicles), and for warning drivers of sharp horizontal curves, respectively. C-Finder is capable of accurately detecting horizontal curves by exploiting an unsupervised K-means machine learning technique. Butterworth low pass filtering was applied to reduce sensor noise. Extended Kalman filtering was adopted to improve GPS accuracy. Chord method-based radius computation, and superelevation estimation were introduced to achieve accurate and robust results despite of the low-frequency GPS and noisy sensor signals obtained from the smartphone. C-Alert applies BLE technology and a head-up display (HUD) to track driver speed and compare vehicle position with curve locations in a real-time fashion. Messages can be wirelessly communicated from the smartphone to a receiving unit through BLE technology, and then displayed by HUD on the vehicle’s front windshield. The field test demonstrated that C-Finder achieves high curve identification accuracy, reasonable accuracy for calculating curve radius and superelevation compared to the previous road survey studies, and C-Alert indicates relatively high accuracy for speeding warning when approaching sharp curves

    Motorcycle detection for ADAS through camera and V2V communication, a comparative analysis of two modern technologies

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    Motorcycles are one of the most dangerous means of transportation. Its death toll is higher than in others, due to the inherent vulnerability of motorcycle drivers. The latest strategies in Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) are trying to mitigate this problem by applying the advances of modern technologies to the road transport. This paper presents two different approaches on motorcycle protection, based on two of the most modern available technologies in ADAS, i.e. Computer Vision and Vehicle to Vehicle Communication (V2V). The first approach is based on data fusion of Laser Scanner and Computer Vision, providing accurate obstacle detection and localization based on laser scanner, and obstacle classification using computer vision and laser. The second approach is based on ad-hoc V2V technology and provides detection in case of occlusion for visual sensors. Both technologies have been tested in the presented work, and a performance comparison is given. Tests performed in different driving situations allows to measure the performance of every algorithm and the limitations of each of them based on empirical and scientific foundations. The conclusions of the presented work help foster of expert systems in the automotive sector by providing further discussion of the viability and impact from each of these systems in real scenarios

    Leveraging a Publish/Subscribe Fog System to Provide Collision Warnings in Vehicular Networks

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    [EN] Fog computing, an extension of the Cloud Computing paradigm where routers themselves may provide the virtualisation infrastructure, aims at achieving fluidity when distributing in-network functions, in addition to allowing fast and scalable processing, and exchange of information. In this paper we present a fog computing architecture based on a content island which interconnects sets of things to exchange and process data among themselves or with other content islands. We then present a use case that focuses on a smartphone-based forward collision warning application for a connected vehicle scenario. This application makes use of the optical sensor of smartphones to estimate the distance between the device itself and other vehicles in its field of view. The vehicle travelling directly ahead is identified relying on the information from the GPS, camera, and inter-island communication. Warnings are generated at both content islands, if the driver does not maintain a predefined safe distance towards the vehicle ahead. Experiments performed with the application show that with the developed method, we are able to estimate the distance between vehicles, and the inter-island communication has a very low overhead, resulting in improved performance. On comparing our proposed solution based on edge/fog computing with a cloud-based api, it was observed that our solution outperformed the cloud-based api, thus making us optimistic of the utility of the proposed architectureThis work was partially funding by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Proyectos I+D+I 2018 , Spain, under Grant RTI2018-096384-B-I00Patra, S.; Manzoni, P.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Zamora-Mero, WJ.; Cano, J. (2019). Leveraging a Publish/Subscribe Fog System to Provide Collision Warnings in Vehicular Networks. Sensors. 19(18):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19183852S1221918Vaquero, L. M., & Rodero-Merino, L. (2014). Finding your Way in the Fog. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 44(5), 27-32. doi:10.1145/2677046.2677052MQTT Version 3.1.1 http://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/os/mqtt-v3.1.1-os.docSultana, T., & Wahid, K. A. (2019). Choice of Application Layer Protocols for Next Generation Video Surveillance Using Internet of Video Things. IEEE Access, 7, 41607-41624. doi:10.1109/access.2019.2907525Mehmood, F., Ullah, I., Ahmad, S., & Kim, D. (2019). Object detection mechanism based on deep learning algorithm using embedded IoT devices for smart home appliances control in CoT. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. doi:10.1007/s12652-019-01272-8https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7252Volvo Official Website https://www.volvocars.com/Chang, B. R., Tsai, H. F., & Young, C.-P. (2010). Intelligent data fusion system for predicting vehicle collision warning using vision/GPS sensing. Expert Systems with Applications, 37(3), 2439-2450. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2009.07.036Tan, H.-S., & Huang, J. (2006). DGPS-Based Vehicle-to-Vehicle Cooperative Collision Warning: Engineering Feasibility Viewpoints. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 7(4), 415-428. doi:10.1109/tits.2006.883938Gelernter, D. (1985). Generative communication in Linda. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 7(1), 80-112. doi:10.1145/2363.2433Raspberry Pi Official Website https://www.raspberrypi.org/https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc768Wallace, G. K. (1991). The JPEG still picture compression standard. Communications of the ACM, 34(4), 30-44. doi:10.1145/103085.103089Sauvola, J., & Pietikäinen, M. (2000). Adaptive document image binarization. Pattern Recognition, 33(2), 225-236. doi:10.1016/s0031-3203(99)00055-2Road Safety Authority of Ireland Suggest the Use of Two Second Rule http://www.rotr.ie/Rules_of_the_road.pdfOpenALPR Cloud-API Website https://www.openalpr.com/cloud-api.htmlPatra, S., Calafate, C. T., Cano, J.-C., & Manzoni, P. (2015). An ITS solution providing real-time visual overtaking assistance using smartphones. 2015 IEEE 40th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). doi:10.1109/lcn.2015.736632

    Mobile Safety Application for Pedestrians

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    Vulnerable Road User (VRU) safety has been an important issue throughout the years as corresponding fatality numbers in traffic have been increasing each year. With the developments in connected vehicle technology, there are new and easier ways of implementing Vehicle to Everything (V2X) communication which can be utilized to provide safety and early warning benefits for VRUs. Mobile phones are one important point of interest with their sensors being increased in quantity and quality and improved in terms of accuracy. Bluetooth and extended Bluetooth technology in mobile phones has enhanced support to carry larger chunks of information to longer distances. The work we discuss in this paper is related to a mobile application that utilizes the mobile phone sensors and Bluetooth communication to implement Personal Safety Message (PSM) broadcast using the SAE J2735 standard to create a Pedestrian to Vehicle (P2V) based safety warning structure. This implementation allows the drivers to receive a warning on their mobile phones and be more careful about the pedestrian intending to cross the street. As a result, the driver has much more time to safely slow down and stop at the intersection. Most importantly, thanks to the wireless nature of Bluetooth connection and long-range mode in Bluetooth 5.0, most dangerous cases such as reduced visibility or No-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) conditions can be remedied

    Safe Intelligent Driver Assistance System in V2X Communication Environments based on IoT

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    In the modern world, power and speed of cars have increased steadily, as traffic continued to increase. At the same time highway-related fatalities and injuries due to road incidents are constantly growing and safety problems come first. Therefore, the development of Driver Assistance Systems (DAS) has become a major issue. Numerous innovations, systems and technologies have been developed in order to improve road transportation and safety. Modern computer vision algorithms enable cars to understand the road environment with low miss rates. A number of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs), Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) have been applied in the different cities over the world. Recently, a new global paradigm, known as the Internet of Things (IoT) brings new idea to update the existing solutions. Vehicle-to-Infrastructure communication based on IoT technologies would be a next step in intelligent transportation for the future Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV). The overall purpose of this research was to come up with a scalable IoT solution for driver assistance, which allows to combine safety relevant information for a driver from different types of in-vehicle sensors, in-vehicle DAS, vehicle networks and driver`s gadgets. This study brushed up on the evolution and state-of-the-art of Vehicle Systems. Existing ITSs, VANETs and DASs were evaluated in the research. The study proposed a design approach for the future development of transport systems applying IoT paradigm to the transport safety applications in order to enable driver assistance become part of Internet of Vehicles (IoV). The research proposed the architecture of the Safe Intelligent DAS (SiDAS) based on IoT V2X communications in order to combine different types of data from different available devices and vehicle systems. The research proposed IoT ARM structure for SiDAS, data flow diagrams, protocols. The study proposes several IoT system structures for the vehicle-pedestrian and vehicle-vehicle collision prediction as case studies for the flexible SiDAS framework architecture. The research has demonstrated the significant increase in driver situation awareness by using IoT SiDAS, especially in NLOS conditions. Moreover, the time analysis, taking into account IoT, Cloud, LTE and DSRS latency, has been provided for different collision scenarios, in order to evaluate the overall system latency and ensure applicability for real-time driver emergency notification. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed SiDAS improves traffic safety

    A comprehensive survey on cooperative intersection management for heterogeneous connected vehicles

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    Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, world is trending toward high mobility and dynamics. In this context, intersection management (IM) as one of the most crucial elements of the transportation sector demands high attention. Today, road entities including infrastructures, vulnerable road users (VRUs) such as motorcycles, moped, scooters, pedestrians, bicycles, and other types of vehicles such as trucks, buses, cars, emergency vehicles, and railway vehicles like trains or trams are able to communicate cooperatively using vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications and provide traffic safety, efficiency, infotainment and ecological improvements. In this paper, we take into account different types of intersections in terms of signalized, semi-autonomous (hybrid) and autonomous intersections and conduct a comprehensive survey on various intersection management methods for heterogeneous connected vehicles (CVs). We consider heterogeneous classes of vehicles such as road and rail vehicles as well as VRUs including bicycles, scooters and motorcycles. All kinds of intersection goals, modeling, coordination architectures, scheduling policies are thoroughly discussed. Signalized and semi-autonomous intersections are assessed with respect to these parameters. We especially focus on autonomous intersection management (AIM) and categorize this section based on four major goals involving safety, efficiency, infotainment and environment. Each intersection goal provides an in-depth investigation on the corresponding literature from the aforementioned perspectives. Moreover, robustness and resiliency of IM are explored from diverse points of view encompassing sensors, information management and sharing, planning universal scheme, heterogeneous collaboration, vehicle classification, quality measurement, external factors, intersection types, localization faults, communication anomalies and channel optimization, synchronization, vehicle dynamics and model mismatch, model uncertainties, recovery, security and privacy

    V2V communication-enabled collision avoidance for railroad vehicles

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem systému pro predejití srážce tramvají s využitím V2V (vehicleto-vehicle) komunikace mezi tramvajemi. V2V komunikace spadá pod kategorii vyhrazené komunikace krátkého dosahu umožnující bezdrátovou komunikaci mezi vozidly. V práci je popsán návrh algoritmu, který by mohl bežet na palube tramvaje a v prípade hrozící srážky s tramvají jedoucí vpred upozornit ridice na nutnost neprodlené akce pro zabránení srážky. Jednou ze soucástí algoritmu je pozorovatel stavu systému založený na Kalmanovu filtru využívající k odhadu stavu systému merení z inerciálních senzoru a GNSS/GPS. Funkcnost navrženého algoritmu je následne rozsáhle otestována na simulacích s ruzným nastavením parametru algoritmu i simulace. K tomuto úcelu práce také predkládá odvození matematického modelu podélné dynamiky tramvaje spolecne s modelem ridice. Pomocí tohoto modelu lze generovat data verná reálným merením ze senzoru s prijatelnou presností.This thesis deals with the design of a collision avoidance system for trams utilizing V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle) communication between trams. V2V communication falls under the category of dedicated short-range communication technology, allowing to establish wireless communication between two vehicles. The thesis presents an algorithm which could run onboard a tram and in case of an imminent collision with tram ahead warn a driver that immediate action is required to prevent the collision. One part of the algorithm is an estimator of tram longitudinal motion based on Kalman filter which uses for estimation measurements from inertial sensors and GNSS/GPS. The functionality of this algorithm is then extensively tested using simulations with a different set of parameters of both the algorithm and simulations. For this purpose, the thesis also presents a mathematical model of longitudinal dynamics of a tram, including a model of a driver. The model generates data with acceptable accuracy close to real measurements