123,185 research outputs found

    Sustainability appraisal and public examination of a regional spatial strategy

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    UK spatial planning guidance now recognises the importance of engaging stakeholders in appraisal processes at an early stage in the plan-making process. Regional Planning Authorities are required to consult proactively with a wide range of stakeholders on both the development of planning policy and the sustainability appraisal of that policy. However, there is no clear indication as to how they might go about this process, other than to confront the various stakeholders with a Sustainability Appraisal Report. Participation in Sustainability Appraisal therefore still relies on reaction to a technical appraisal of an existing plan – and in this situation stakeholders might lack the incentive to participate. More thoughtful ways need to be devised to involve people in the sustainability debate – so that spatial policy more accurately reflects their knowledge and aspirations. The focus of this paper is to investigate ways in which Sustainability Appraisal of spatial plans can be made more accessible and transparent within the context of wider governance mechanisms. Of particular interest is the Public Examination of a Regional Spatial Strategy. The following research questions attempt to address the gaps in knowledge: 1. How can the quality and extent of engagement of stakeholders be improved, so that policy approaches delivered via Sustainability Appraisal more effectively reflect their ambitions, whilst continuing to meet the objectives for sustainability ? 2. How can the sustainability issues that might form the basis of discussions in a proactive engagement of interests be identified, and how can these issues be framed within a contextual setting that is meaningful to a range of stakeholders ? 3. What mediatory techniques can be identified to accommodate the various frames of reference that arise in potentially conflict situations

    MOSAIC: A Model for Technologically Enhanced Educational Linguistics

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    Pursuing an Export Culture Through the Teaching of Asian Languages in Australian Schools - the Gap between Theory, Practice and Policy Prescription

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    In February 1994, the Coalition of Australian Governments (COAG) endorsed a report it commissioned in December 1992 on a policy prescription for the study of Asian Languages and Cultures in Australian schools. The acceptance of this report, Asian Languages and Australia's Economic Future (1994), referred to as the Rudd Report after the Chair of the Working Group, was significant. It offered a 15-year plan that aimed to produce an Asia-literate generation fluent and familiar with "export" Asian languages and cultures. In particular, students would have the opportunity to commence the study of one of four priority "export" Asian languages, namely, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, and Chinese, in primary school. However, the Rudd Report’s emphasis on prioritising Asian languages for utilitarian reasons was opposed by those who advocated the study of European languages. This paper examines some of the assumptions about second language acquisition that the Rudd Report made and argues that greater emphasis should have been placed on addressing those theoretical and pedagogical issues significant to LOTE teaching in Australia

    Metaphoric competence and communicative language ability

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    Recent developments in cognitive linguistics have highlighted the importance as well as the ubiquity of metaphor in language. Despite this, the ability of second language learners to use metaphors is often still not seen as a core ability. In this paper, we take a model of communicative competence that has been widely influential in both language teaching and language testing, namely Bachman (1990), and argue, giving a range of examples of language use and learner difficulty, that metaphoric competence has in fact an important role to play in all areas of communicative competence. In other words, it can contribute centrally to grammatical competence, textual competence, illocutionary competence, sociolinguistic competence, and strategic competence. Metaphor is thus highly relevant to second language learning, teaching and testing, from the earliest to the most advanced stages of learning

    Editorial: Relevance Theory and Intercultural Communication Problems

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    This editorial to the special issue of RiL dedicated to relevance theory and problems of intercultural communication addresses the general requirements that a theory of communication must meet to be applicable to the analysis of intercultural communication. Then it discusses criticism levelled against Grice’s theory of conversational implicature and Brown and Levinson’s theory of politeness on the grounds that these theories were not universal enough to be applied to all data. Finally, it offers some remarks on the applicability of relevance theory to intercultural pragmatics

    The translatability of metaphor in LSP: application of a decision-making model

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    The pragmatic approach to translation implies the consideration of translation as a useful test case for understanding the role of language in social life. Under this view this article analyses the decision-making stage translators go through in the course of formulating a TT. Hence this article contributes both to enhance the status of translation theory and to explain some of the decisions taken by the Spanish translators of three English Manuals of Economics. In short, we have argued that the use of a 'maximax' strategy for translating English metaphors as Spanish similarity-creating metaphors can be attributed to subjective factors, especially to the translators' cognitive system, their knowledge bases, the task specification, and the text type specific problem space. As a result, we have also claimed that proposals for translating microtextual problems —for example, metaphors — can benefit from the study of the above-mentioned subjective factors since they allow or inhibit the translators' choices in the decision-making stage of the translation process

    The translatability of metaphor in LSP: application of a decision-making model

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    The pragmatic approach to translation implies the consideration of translation as a useful test case for understanding the role of language in social life. Under this view this article analyses the decision-making stage translators go through in the course of formulating a TT. Hence this article contributes both to enhance the status of translation theory and to explain some of the decisions taken by the Spanish translators of three English Manuals of Economics. In short, we have argued that the use of a 'maximax' strategy for translating English metaphors as Spanish similarity-creating metaphors can be attributed to subjective factors, especially to the translators' cognitive system, their knowledge bases, the task specification, and the text type specific problem space. As a result, we have also claimed that proposals for translating microtextual problems —for example, metaphors — can benefit from the study of the above-mentioned subjective factors since they allow or inhibit the translators' choices in the decision-making stage of the translation process