894 research outputs found

    Language verbalization of quantitativeness in modern mass media: linguistic-cognitive and communicative-pragmatic dimensions in ukrainian language

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    Quantitativeness is described in the article as a generalized linguistic concept of cognitive and communicative-pragmatic direction, which is characterized by an internal meaning structure and a system of specialized and transposed different-level linguistic means. The focus on content priority, in particular on the set of deep semantic invariants, ensured quantitativeness analysis in several aspects: 1) in view of thought-speech activity and the basic principles of functional-categorical grammar, which served as a basis for distinguishing predicative, substantive, adjectival, and adverbial quantitativeness; 2) on the axis of quantitative certainty - quantitative uncertainty; 3) in the context of concepts many - few (багато - мало) with their various modifications from too much to too little quantity; 4) in the plane of the ascending or descending manifestation of the sign in one subject compared to another (others) or in the same one, but at different times, which corresponds to the pattern of more (greatest) – less (least) (більше (найбільше) – менше (найменше)); 5) with an emphasis on the totality of means of expression. Verbs, numerals and their semantic correlates, in particular nouns, numeral-noun compounds, and phraseological units are distinguished among language units with a generalized quantitativeness scheme. It was found that a significant part of these markers serves as a bright emotional expressive tool, aimed not only at verbalizing media texts, but also at expressing a mocking-ironic tone. The focus on modern language practice led to the selection of quantitatively labeled compounds associated with destructiveness

    Visual essay: Inês, the divine relict

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    Este ensaio visual investiga a linguagem codificada pela vestimenta representada nos contos épicos e narrativas sobre D. Inês de Castro e D. Pedro I, destacando as efígies tumulares, lendas e crônicas relacionadas ao tema, analisando os códigos visuais e simbólicos pertencentes a estes, bem como as memórias associadas à iconografia. Apresenta a performance como linguagem vestida, como e quais códigos podemos revelar da personagem através da cena do figurino.FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, i.p., no âmbito do projeto UIDB/04042/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Messenger, Vol. 16, No. 6

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    The Messenger, Vol. 5, No. 6

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    Style and Faith in Geoffrey Hill

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    Few post-war Anglophone poets have constructed an intellectual hinterland as rich and problematic as Geoffrey Hill. This thesis examines one crucial strand of his thought: the deeply-implicated, yet uneasy imbrication of poetry and theology, style and faith. In the essay ‘Language, Suffering, and Silence’, Hill proposes ‘a theology of language’, while in the preface to his 2003 collection of essays Style and Faith, he insists that with exemplary writers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, ‘style is faith’. Finally, in ‘Eros in F.H. Bradley and T.S. Eliot’, Hill searchingly touches on the central problem in considering art in relation to faith: ‘the fundamental dilemma of the poetic craft [is] that it is simultaneously an imitation of the divine fiat and an act of enormous human self-will.’ This thesis proposes that such a ‘fundamental dilemma’, while a source of anxiety for Hill’s post-Eliotic poetics, energises and enriches his poetry. I argue that Hill’s ‘theology of language’ is derived from two radically-opposed intellectual traditions: one lineage from the philological diligence of the English Reformation, the other from the apotheosis of style in the post-Romantic poetics of individuals such as Wallace Stevens and W.B. Yeats. I situate Hill’s thoughts on the relationship of poetry to religious faith in terms of his intellectual and aesthetic engagements with literary precursors: John Donne, John Milton, Gerard Manley Hopkins, and W.B. Yeats

    Book Reviews

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    A History of Modern Criticism: Vol. III, The Age of Transition (René Wellek) (Reviewed by Richard Harter Fogle, Tulane University)The Later Nineteenth Century (René Wellek) (Reviewed by Richard Harter Fogle, Tulane University)Prose Styles: Five Primary Types (Huntington Brown) (Reviewed by Joan Webber, The Ohio State University)Twelfth Night and Shakespearian Comedy (Clifford Leech) (Reviewed by Robert Ornstein, Western Reserve University)Pioneers and Caretakers: A Study of 9 American Women Novelists (Louis Auchincloss) (Reviewed by John J. Murphy, Merrimack College)Modern Literature, I: The Literature of France (Henri Peyre) (Reviewed by Sidney D. Braun, Wayne State University)Turner: Imagination and Reality (Lawrence Gowing) (Reviewed by Sadayoshi Omoto, Michigan State University)The Clairvoyant Eye: The Poetry and Poetics of Wallace Stevens (Joseph N. Riddel) (Reviewed by Helen Hennessy Vendler, Boston University

    Of Cigarettes, High Heels, and Other Interesting Things 3/E

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    Among species, human beings seem to be a peculiar lot. Why is it, for example, that certain members of the species routinely put their survival at risk by puffing on a small stick of nicotine? Why is it that some females of the species make locomotion difficult for themselves by donning high-heel footwear? Are there hidden or unconscious reasons behind such strange behaviors that seem to be so utterly counter-instinctual, so to speak? For no manifest biological reason, humanity has always searched, and continues to search, for a purpose to its life. Is it this search that has led it to engage in such bizarre behaviors as smoking and wearing high heels? And is it the reason behind humanity’s invention of myths, art, rituals, languages, mathematics, science, and all the other truly remarkable things that set it apart from all other species? Clearly, Homo sapiens appears to be unique in the fact that many of its behaviors are shaped by forces other than the instincts. The discipline that endeavors to understand these forces is known as semiotics. Relatively unknown in comparison to, say, philosophy or psychology, semiotics probes the human condition in its own peculiar way, by unraveling the meanings of the signs that undergird not only the wearing of high-heel shoes, but also the construction of words, paintings, sculptures, and the like

    Феномен синкретизма в украинской лингвистике

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    У сучасній лінгвістиці вивчення складних системних зв’язків та динамізму мови навряд чи буде завершеним без урахування синкретизму. Традиційно явища транзитивності трактуються як поєднання різних типів утворень як результат процесів трансформації або відображення проміжних, синкретичних фактів, що характеризують мовну систему в синхронному аспекті.In modern linguistics, the study of complex systemic relations and language dynamism is unlikely to be complete without considering the transitivity. Traditionally, transitivity phenomena are treated as a combination of different types of entities, formed as a result of the transformation processes or the reflection of the intermediate, syncretic facts that characterize the language system in the synchronous aspect.В современной лингвистике изучение сложных системных отношений и языкового динамизма вряд ли будет полным без учета синкретизма. Традиционно явления транзитивности трактуются как совокупность различных типов сущностей, сформированных в результате процессов преобразования или отражения промежуточных синкретических фактов, которые характеризуют языковую систему в синхронном аспекте