6 research outputs found

    Requerimientos de Software: Prototipado, software heredado y análisis de documentos

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    This paper presents a literature review about alternatives for determination of requirements in software development projects. The literature searching begins from a fundamental principle, request information about methods of determination of requirements that do not need a high percentage of interaction with users or customers. This usually happens because users or customers don’t have time as it happens when traditional methods are used. The search for information was made taking into account the low interaction with the user or customer and in this vein, it was needed to expand the search horizon until 2000 and it includes classic texts in the study area. The search results provided insights about the techniques of requirements engineering, whose main characteristic is to minimize the interaction with users, such as, prototyping, document analysis and legacy software which are the closest ones to the search condition.Este artículo presenta un rastreo bibliográfico sobre alternativas poco usuales para el levantamiento de requisitos en proyectos de desarrollo de software. La búsqueda bibliográfica parte de un principio fundamental, recabar información sobre métodos de levantamiento de requisitos que no requieran de un alto porcentaje de interacción con los usuarios o clientes. Esta situación obedece a que usualmente los usuarios o clientes no disponen del tiempo requerido como ocurre cuando se usan métodos tradicionales. La búsqueda de información se realizó teniendo como clave principal la baja interacción con el usuario o cliente y en este orden de ideas, hubo necesidad de ampliar el horizonte temporal de búsqueda hasta el año 2000 e incluir textos clásicos en el área de estudio. Los resultados de la búsqueda arrojaron luces sobre las técnicas de la Ingeniería de Requisitos, cuya característica principal es la minimizar la interacción con los usuarios, siendo, el prototipado, el análisis de documentos y el software heredado las que más se aproximan a la condición de búsqueda

    A comparison of statistical machine learning methods in heartbeat detection and classification

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    In health care, patients with heart problems require quick responsiveness in a clinical setting or in the operating theatre. Towards that end, automated classification of heartbeats is vital as some heartbeat irregularities are time consuming to detect. Therefore, analysis of electro-cardiogram (ECG) signals is an active area of research. The methods proposed in the literature depend on the structure of a heartbeat cycle. In this paper, we use interval and amplitude based features together with a few samples from the ECG signal as a feature vector. We studied a variety of classification algorithms focused especially on a type of arrhythmia known as the ventricular ectopic fibrillation (VEB). We compare the performance of the classifiers against algorithms proposed in the literature and make recommendations regarding features, sampling rate, and choice of the classifier to apply in a real-time clinical setting. The extensive study is based on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. Our main contribution is the evaluation of existing classifiers over a range sampling rates, recommendation of a detection methodology to employ in a practical setting, and extend the notion of a mixture of experts to a larger class of algorithms

    The Introduction of a Catalog Automation And Manufacturing Costing System For Use in a Jewelry Manufacturing Company

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    The jewelry manufacturing industry is an example of an industry that is slow to accept and incorporate new technology. There are, however, some large companies that have automated the accounting and inventory functions. Some of these companies have even invested in systems that can do image storage and retrieval. Until recently, these computer systems have been very expensive to purchase. Prestige Marketing, Ltd. is a small jewelry manufacturing company. The owner of Prestige recognized the advantage of utilizing inexpensive personal computers to develop a software system that would calculate the cost of manufacturing and determine the recommended selling price of a jewelry item. Simultaneously, this system would maintain a catalog of all items manufactured with a high resolution digitized color image of each item. The author, owner of Biconix Systems, Inc., was requested by the owner of Prestige Marketing to develop this system which was called the Jeweler\u27s Showcase. The literature review has shown that there are no existing systems that satisfy all the requirements of the Jeweler\u27s Showcase as defined by the owner of Prestige. The review did show, however, that there is a trend for the larger companies to invest in imaging systems. An analysis of a business idea to market the Jeweler\u27s Showcase suggested that this new software system would be marketable. Requirements and design specifications were developed by the author and approved by the owner of Prestige Marketing. DOS and Windows were selected as the operating system and environment. The program was written in C using Microsoft\u27s C Compiler and the Windows Software Development Kit. The Jeweler\u27s Showcase program was written and thoroughly tested. It has been well received by the users and reviewed favorably in the press. It is currently being marketed by Prestige Marketing

    A formalised business forms driven object oriented user approach

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