526 research outputs found

    DoS and DDoS Attacks: Defense, Detection and Traceback Mechanisms - A Survey

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    Denial of Service (DoS) or Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are typically explicit attempts to exhaust victim2019;s bandwidth or disrupt legitimate users2019; access to services. Traditional architecture of internet is vulnerable to DDoS attacks and it provides an opportunity to an attacker to gain access to a large number of compromised computers by exploiting their vulnerabilities to set up attack networks or Botnets. Once attack network or Botnet has been set up, an attacker invokes a large-scale, coordinated attack against one or more targets. Asa result of the continuous evolution of new attacks and ever-increasing range of vulnerable hosts on the internet, many DDoS attack Detection, Prevention and Traceback mechanisms have been proposed, In this paper, we tend to surveyed different types of attacks and techniques of DDoS attacks and their countermeasures. The significance of this paper is that the coverage of many aspects of countering DDoS attacks including detection, defence and mitigation, traceback approaches, open issues and research challenges

    Review of Detection Denial of Service Attacks using Machine Learning through Ensemble Learning

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    Today's network hacking is more resource-intensive because the goal is to prohibit the user from using the network's resources when the target is either offensive or for financial gain, especially in businesses and organizations. That relies on the Internet like Amazon Due to this, several techniques, such as artificial intelligence algorithms like machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), have been developed to identify intrusion and network infiltration and discriminate between legitimate and unauthorized users. Application of machine learning and ensemble learning algorithms to various datasets, consideration of homogeneous ensembles using a single algorithm type or heterogeneous ensembles using several algorithm types, and evaluation of the discovery outcomes in terms of accuracy or discovery error for detecting attacks. The survey literature provides an overview of the many approaches and approaches of one or more machine-learning algorithms used in various datasets to identify denial of service attacks. It has also been shown that employing the hybrid approach is the most common and produces better attack detection outcomes than using the sole approaches. Numerous machine learning techniques, including support vector machines (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and ensemble learning like random forest (RF), bagging, and boosting, are illustrated in this work (DT). That is employed in several articles to identify different denial of service (DoS) assaults, including the trojan horse, teardrop, land, smurf, flooding, and worm. That attacks network traffic and resources to deny users access to the resources or to steal confidential information from the company without damaging the system and employs several algorithms to obtain high attack detection accuracy and low false alarm rates

    The Challenges in SDN/ML Based Network Security : A Survey

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    Machine Learning is gaining popularity in the network security domain as many more network-enabled devices get connected, as malicious activities become stealthier, and as new technologies like Software Defined Networking (SDN) emerge. Sitting at the application layer and communicating with the control layer, machine learning based SDN security models exercise a huge influence on the routing/switching of the entire SDN. Compromising the models is consequently a very desirable goal. Previous surveys have been done on either adversarial machine learning or the general vulnerabilities of SDNs but not both. Through examination of the latest ML-based SDN security applications and a good look at ML/SDN specific vulnerabilities accompanied by common attack methods on ML, this paper serves as a unique survey, making a case for more secure development processes of ML-based SDN security applications.Comment: 8 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1705.0056

    An Enhanced Entropy Approach to Detect and Prevent DDoS in Cloud Environment

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    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack launched in Cloud computing environment resulted in loss of sensitive information, Data corruption and even rarely lead to service shutdown. Entropy based DDoS mitigation approach analyzes the heuristic data and acts dynamically according to the traffic behavior to effectively segregate the characteristics of incoming traffic. Heuristic data helps in detecting the traffic condition to mitigate the flooding attack. Then, the traffic data is analyzed to distinguish legitimate and attack characteristics. An additional Trust mechanism has been deployed to differentiate legitimate and aggressive legitimate users. Hence, Goodput of Datacenter has been improved by detecting and mitigating the incoming traffic threats at each stage. Simulation results proved that the Enhanced Entropy approach behaves better at DDoS attack prone zones. Profit analysis also proved that the proposed mechanism is deployable at Datacenter for attack mitigation and resource protection which eventually results in beneficial service at slenderized revenu

    Evaluation of machine learning techniques for intrusion detection in software defined networking

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    Abstract. The widespread growth of the Internet paved the way for the need of a new network architecture which was filled by Software Defined Networking (SDN). SDN separated the control and data planes to overcome the challenges that came along with the rapid growth and complexity of the network architecture. However, centralizing the new architecture also introduced new security challenges and created the demand for stronger security measures. The focus is on the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack which is a serious threat to the network system. There are several ways of detecting an attack and with the rapid growth of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence, the study evaluates several ML algorithms for detecting DDoS attacks on the system. Several factors have an effect on the performance of ML based IDS in SDN. Feature selection, training dataset, and implementation of the classifying models are some of the important factors. The balance between usage of resources and the performance of the implemented model is important. The model implemented in the thesis uses a dataset created from the traffic flow within the system and models being used are Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive-Bayes, Decision Tree and Logistic Regression. The accuracy of the models has been over 95% apart from Logistic Regression which has 90% accuracy. The ML based algorithm has been more accurate than the non-ML based algorithm. It learns from different features of the traffic flow to differentiate between normal traffic and attack traffic. Most of the previously implemented ML based IDS are based on public datasets. Using a dataset created from the flow of the experimental environment allows training of the model from a real-time dataset. However, the experiment only detects the traffic and does not take any action. However, these promising results can be used for further development of the model

    Performance Evaluation of Network Anomaly Detection Systems

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    Nowadays, there is a huge and growing concern about security in information and communication technology (ICT) among the scientific community because any attack or anomaly in the network can greatly affect many domains such as national security, private data storage, social welfare, economic issues, and so on. Therefore, the anomaly detection domain is a broad research area, and many different techniques and approaches for this purpose have emerged through the years. Attacks, problems, and internal failures when not detected early may badly harm an entire Network system. Thus, this thesis presents an autonomous profile-based anomaly detection system based on the statistical method Principal Component Analysis (PCADS-AD). This approach creates a network profile called Digital Signature of Network Segment using Flow Analysis (DSNSF) that denotes the predicted normal behavior of a network traffic activity through historical data analysis. That digital signature is used as a threshold for volume anomaly detection to detect disparities in the normal traffic trend. The proposed system uses seven traffic flow attributes: Bits, Packets and Number of Flows to detect problems, and Source and Destination IP addresses and Ports, to provides the network administrator necessary information to solve them. Via evaluation techniques, addition of a different anomaly detection approach, and comparisons to other methods performed in this thesis using real network traffic data, results showed good traffic prediction by the DSNSF and encouraging false alarm generation and detection accuracy on the detection schema. The observed results seek to contribute to the advance of the state of the art in methods and strategies for anomaly detection that aim to surpass some challenges that emerge from the constant growth in complexity, speed and size of today’s large scale networks, also providing high-value results for a better detection in real time.Atualmente, existe uma enorme e crescente preocupação com segurança em tecnologia da informação e comunicação (TIC) entre a comunidade científica. Isto porque qualquer ataque ou anomalia na rede pode afetar a qualidade, interoperabilidade, disponibilidade, e integridade em muitos domínios, como segurança nacional, armazenamento de dados privados, bem-estar social, questões econômicas, e assim por diante. Portanto, a deteção de anomalias é uma ampla área de pesquisa, e muitas técnicas e abordagens diferentes para esse propósito surgiram ao longo dos anos. Ataques, problemas e falhas internas quando não detetados precocemente podem prejudicar gravemente todo um sistema de rede. Assim, esta Tese apresenta um sistema autônomo de deteção de anomalias baseado em perfil utilizando o método estatístico Análise de Componentes Principais (PCADS-AD). Essa abordagem cria um perfil de rede chamado Assinatura Digital do Segmento de Rede usando Análise de Fluxos (DSNSF) que denota o comportamento normal previsto de uma atividade de tráfego de rede por meio da análise de dados históricos. Essa assinatura digital é utilizada como um limiar para deteção de anomalia de volume e identificar disparidades na tendência de tráfego normal. O sistema proposto utiliza sete atributos de fluxo de tráfego: bits, pacotes e número de fluxos para detetar problemas, além de endereços IP e portas de origem e destino para fornecer ao administrador de rede as informações necessárias para resolvê-los. Por meio da utilização de métricas de avaliação, do acrescimento de uma abordagem de deteção distinta da proposta principal e comparações com outros métodos realizados nesta tese usando dados reais de tráfego de rede, os resultados mostraram boas previsões de tráfego pelo DSNSF e resultados encorajadores quanto a geração de alarmes falsos e precisão de deteção. Com os resultados observados nesta tese, este trabalho de doutoramento busca contribuir para o avanço do estado da arte em métodos e estratégias de deteção de anomalias, visando superar alguns desafios que emergem do constante crescimento em complexidade, velocidade e tamanho das redes de grande porte da atualidade, proporcionando também alta performance. Ainda, a baixa complexidade e agilidade do sistema proposto contribuem para que possa ser aplicado a deteção em tempo real

    Multi-agent-based DDoS detection on big data systems

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    The Hadoop framework has become the most deployed platform for processing Big Data. Despite its advantages, Hadoop s infrastructure is still deployed within the secured network perimeter because the framework lacks adequate inherent security mechanisms against various security threats. However, this approach is not sufficient for providing adequate security layer against attacks such as Distributed Denial of Service. Furthermore, current work to secure Hadoop s infrastructure against DDoS attacks is unable to provide a distributed node-level detection mechanism. This thesis presents a software agent-based framework that allows distributed, real-time intelligent monitoring and detection of DDoS attack at Hadoop s node-level. The agent s cognitive system is ingrained with cumulative sum statistical technique to analyse network utilisation and average server load and detect attacks from these measurements. The framework is a multi-agent architecture with transducer agents that interface with each Hadoop node to provide real-time detection mechanism. Moreover, the agents contextualise their beliefs by training themselves with the contextual information of each node and monitor the activities of the node to differentiate between normal and anomalous behaviours. In the experiments, the framework was exposed to TCP SYN and UDP flooding attacks during a legitimate MapReduce job on the Hadoop testbed. The experimental results were evaluated regarding performance metrics such as false-positive ratio, false-negative ratio and response time to attack. The results show that UDP and TCP SYN flooding attacks can be detected and confirmed on multiple nodes in nineteen seconds with 5.56% false-positive ration, 7.70% false-negative ratio and 91.5% success rate of detection. The results represent an improvement compare to the state-of the-ar

    Flow-oriented anomaly-based detection of denial of service attacks with flow-control-assisted mitigation

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    Flooding-based distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks present a serious and major threat to the targeted enterprises and hosts. Current protection technologies are still largely inadequate in mitigating such attacks, especially if they are large-scale. In this doctoral dissertation, the Computer Network Management and Control System (CNMCS) is proposed and investigated; it consists of the Flow-based Network Intrusion Detection System (FNIDS), the Flow-based Congestion Control (FCC) System, and the Server Bandwidth Management System (SBMS). These components form a composite defense system intended to protect against DDoS flooding attacks. The system as a whole adopts a flow-oriented and anomaly-based approach to the detection of these attacks, as well as a control-theoretic approach to adjust the flow rate of every link to sustain the high priority flow-rates at their desired level. The results showed that the misclassification rates of FNIDS are low, less than 0.1%, for the investigated DDOS attacks, while the fine-grained service differentiation and resource isolation provided within the FCC comprise a novel and powerful built-in protection mechanism that helps mitigate DDoS attacks
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