637 research outputs found

    On Constructing the Minimum Orthogonal Convex Polygon in 2-D Faulty Meshes

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    New Fault Tolerant Multicast Routing Techniques to Enhance Distributed-Memory Systems Performance

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    Distributed-memory systems are a key to achieve high performance computing and the most favorable architectures used in advanced research problems. Mesh connected multicomputer are one of the most popular architectures that have been implemented in many distributed-memory systems. These systems must support communication operations efficiently to achieve good performance. The wormhole switching technique has been widely used in design of distributed-memory systems in which the packet is divided into small flits. Also, the multicast communication has been widely used in distributed-memory systems which is one source node sends the same message to several destination nodes. Fault tolerance refers to the ability of the system to operate correctly in the presence of faults. Development of fault tolerant multicast routing algorithms in 2D mesh networks is an important issue. This dissertation presents, new fault tolerant multicast routing algorithms for distributed-memory systems performance using wormhole routed 2D mesh. These algorithms are described for fault tolerant routing in 2D mesh networks, but it can also be extended to other topologies. These algorithms are a combination of a unicast-based multicast algorithm and tree-based multicast algorithms. These algorithms works effectively for the most commonly encountered faults in mesh networks, f-rings, f-chains and concave fault regions. It is shown that the proposed routing algorithms are effective even in the presence of a large number of fault regions and large size of fault region. These algorithms are proved to be deadlock-free. Also, the problem of fault regions overlap is solved. Four essential performance metrics in mesh networks will be considered and calculated; also these algorithms are a limited-global-information-based multicasting which is a compromise of local-information-based approach and global-information-based approach. Data mining is used to validate the results and to enlarge the sample. The proposed new multicast routing techniques are used to enhance the performance of distributed-memory systems. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms

    A fault-tolerant routing strategy for k-ary n-direct s-indirect topologies based on intermediate nodes

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    [EN] Exascale computing systems are being built with thousands of nodes. The high number of components of these systems significantly increases the probability of failure. A key component for them is the interconnection network. If failures occur in the interconnection network, they may isolate a large fraction of the machine. For this reason, an efficient fault-tolerant mechanism is needed to keep the system interconnected, even in the presence of faults. A recently proposed topology for these large systems is the hybrid k-ary n-direct s-indirect family that provides optimal performance and connectivity at a reduced hardware cost. This paper presents a fault-tolerant routing methodology for the k-ary n-direct s-indirect topology that degrades performance gracefully in presence of faults and tolerates a large number of faults without disabling any healthy computing node. In order to tolerate network failures, the methodology uses a simple mechanism. For any source-destination pair, if necessary, packets are forwarded to the destination node through a set of intermediate nodes (without being ejected from the network) with the aim of circumventing faults. The evaluation results shows that the proposed methodology tolerates a large number of faults. For instance, it is able to tolerate more than 99.5% of fault combinations when there are 10 faults in a 3-D network with 1000 nodes using only 1 intermediate node and more than 99.98% if 2 intermediate nodes are used. Furthermore, the methodology offers a gracious performance degradation. As an example, performance degrades only by 1% for a 2-D network with 1024 nodes and 1% faulty links.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), by FEDER funds under Grant TIN2015-66972-C5-1-R, by Programa de Ayudas de Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID) from Universitat Politècnica de alència and by the financial support of the FP7 HiPEAC Network of Excellence under grant agreement 287759Peñaranda Cebrián, R.; Gómez Requena, ME.; López Rodríguez, PJ.; Gran, EG.; Skeie, T. (2017). A fault-tolerant routing strategy for k-ary n-direct s-indirect topologies based on intermediate nodes. Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience. 29(13):1-11. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.4065S111291

    A Limited-Global Fault Information Model for Dynamic Routing in n-D Meshes

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    On Achieving the Shortest-Path Routing in 2-D Meshes

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    Low-Memory Techniques for Routing and Fault-Tolerance on the Fat-Tree Topology

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    Actualmente, los clústeres de PCs están considerados como una alternativa eficiente a la hora de construir supercomputadores en los que miles de nodos de computación se conectan mediante una red de interconexión. La red de interconexión tiene que ser diseñada cuidadosamente, puesto que tiene una gran influencia sobre las prestaciones globales del sistema. Dos de los principales parámetros de diseño de las redes de interconexión son la topología y el encaminamiento. La topología define la interconexión de los elementos de la red entre sí, y entre éstos y los nodos de computación. Por su parte, el encaminamiento define los caminos que siguen los paquetes a través de la red. Las prestaciones han sido tradicionalmente la principal métrica a la hora de evaluar las redes de interconexión. Sin embargo, hoy en día hay que considerar dos métricas adicionales: el coste y la tolerancia a fallos. Las redes de interconexión además de escalar en prestaciones también deben hacerlo en coste. Es decir, no sólo tienen que mantener su productividad conforme aumenta el tamaño de la red, sino que tienen que hacerlo sin incrementar sobremanera su coste. Por otra parte, conforme se incrementa el número de nodos en las máquinas de tipo clúster, la red de interconexión debe crecer en concordancia. Este incremento en el número de elementos de la red de interconexión aumenta la probabilidad de aparición de fallos, y por lo tanto, la tolerancia a fallos es prácticamente obligatoria para las redes de interconexión actuales. Esta tesis se centra en la topología fat-tree, ya que es una de las topologías más comúnmente usadas en los clústeres. El objetivo de esta tesis es aprovechar sus características particulares para proporcionar tolerancia a fallos y un algoritmo de encaminamiento capaz de equilibrar la carga de la red proporcionando una buena solución de compromiso entre las prestaciones y el coste.Gómez Requena, C. (2010). Low-Memory Techniques for Routing and Fault-Tolerance on the Fat-Tree Topology [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8856Palanci

    Transient and Permanent Error Control for High-End Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip

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    High-end MPSoC systems with built-in high-radix topologies achieve good performance because of the improved connectivity and the reduced network diameter. In high-end MPSoC systems, fault tolerance support is becoming a compulsory feature. In this work, we propose a combined method to address permanent and transient link and router failures in those systems. The LBDRhr mechanism is proposed to tolerate permanent link failures in some popular high-radix topologies. The increased router complexity may lead to more transient router errors than routers using simple XY routing algorithm. We exploit the inherent information redundancy (IIR) in LBDRhr logic to manage transient errors in the network routers. Thorough analyses are provided to discover the appropriate internal nodes and the forbidden signal patterns for transient error detection. Simulation results show that LBDRhr logic can tolerate all of the permanent failure combinations of long-range links and 80% of links failures at short-range links. Case studies show that the error detection method based on the new IIR extraction method reduces the power consumption and the residual error rate by 33% and up to two orders of magnitude, respectively, compared to triple modular redundancy. The impact of network topologies on the efficiency of the detection mechanism has been examined in this work, as well