7 research outputs found

    Implementaciones hardware de circuitos aritméticos sobre cuerpos finitos (Hardwareimolementations of arithmetic circuits over finite field)

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    La aritmética sobre cuerpos finitos ha recibido mucho interés debido a su importancia en criptografía, control de errores de codificación y procesado de señales digitales. Una gran parte del tiempo de las rutinas criptográficas se dedica al cálculo de operaciones aritméticas sobre cuerpos finitos. Los sistemas que usan esta aritmética deben ser rápidos debido a los rendimientos requeridos en los sistemas de comunicación actuales. La suma en GF(2^m) es una operación XOR binaria independiente, puede ser realizada de forma rápida y sin retardo. Sin embargo otras operaciones son mucho más complejas y con mayor retardo. La eficiencia de las implementaciones hardware se mide en términos del número de puertas (XOR y AND) y del retardo total debido a esas puertas del circuito. El objetivo de este documento es hacer un estudio comparativo de diferentes circuitos aritméticos sobre GF(2^m), se utilizarán los cuerpos recomendados por el NIST y el SECG. Por su importancia, se han estudiado diferentes implementaciones para los algoritmos de multiplicación, tanto multiplicación serie como paralela junto con multiplicación dígito serie. Para el estudio de toras operaciones aritméticas, también se estudian algoritmos para obtener el cuadrado y el inverso de elementos pertencientes a GF(2^m). Para realizar este trabajo se implentarán los algoritmos mencionados en VHDL para FPGAs estudiando el consumo de área y tiempo de las operaciones comparando los resultados entre sí y con los obtenidos por otros autores. [ABSTRACT]Finite field arithmetic has received much attention due to its importance in cryptography, error control coding and digital signal processing. A large portion of time from the routines of the cryptographies algorithms is used in the calculation of arithmetic operations on finite fields. Systems using this arithmetic must be faster because of performance required in current communication systems. Addition in GF(2^m) is bit independent XOR operation, it can be implemented in fast and inexpensive ways. Nevertheless other operations are much more complex and expensive. The efficiency of the hardware implementations is measured in terms of the numbers of gates (XOR and AND) and of the total gate delay of the circuit. The aim of this document is to make a comparative study of different arithmetic circuits over GF(2^m), NIST and SECG recommended fields will be used. Due to multiplication is one of the most complex and important operation in finite field arithmetic, different implementations will be treated, parallel and serial along with digit-serial algorithms. To perform other operations, also inversion and square algorithms over GF(2^m) have been discussed. VHDL implementations of these algorithms for FPGAs have been realized to study time and area consumption and to compare the result each other and with other authors'results

    Contribution aux opérateurs arithmétiques GF(2m) et leurs applications à la cryptographie sur courbes elliptiques

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    Cryptography and security market is growing up at an annual rate of 17 % according to some recent studies. Cryptography is known to be the science of secret. It is based on mathematical hard problems as integers factorization, the well-known discrete logarithm problem. Although those problems are trusted, software or hardware implementations of cryptographic algorithms can suffer from inherent weaknesses. Execution time, power consumption (...) can differ depending on secret informations such as the secret key. Because of that, some malicious attacks could be used to exploit these weak points and therefore can be used to break the whole crypto-system. In this thesis, we are interested in protecting our physical device from the so called side channel attacks as well as interested in proposing new GF(2^m) multiplication algorithms used over elliptic curves cryptography. As a protection, we first thought that parallel scalar multiplication (using halve-and-add and double-and-add algorithms both executed at the same time) would be a great countermeasure against template attacks. We showed that it was not the case and that parallelism could not be used as protection by itself : it had to be combined with more conventional countermeasures. We also proposed two new GF(2^m) representations we respectively named permuted normal basis (PNB) and Phi-RNS. Those two representations, under some requirements, can offer a great time-area trade-off on FPGAs.La cryptographie et la problématique de la sécurité informatique deviennent des sujets de plus en plus prépondérants dans un monde hyper connecté et souvent embarqué. La cryptographie est un domaine dont l'objectif principal est de ''protéger'' l'information, de la rendre inintelligible à ceux ou à celles à qui elle n'est pas destinée. La cryptographie repose sur des algorithmes solides qui s'appuient eux-mêmes sur des problèmes mathématiques réputés difficiles (logarithme discret, factorisation des grands nombres etc). Bien qu'il soit complexe, sur papier, d'attaquer ces systèmes de protection, l'implantation matérielle ou logicielle, si elle est négligée (non protégée contre les attaques physiques), peut apporter à des entités malveillantes des renseignements complémentaires (temps d’exécution, consommation d'énergie etc) : on parle de canaux cachés ou de canaux auxiliaires. Nous avons, dans cette thèse, étudié deux aspects. Le premier est l'apport de nouvelles idées algorithmiques pour le calcul dans les corps finis binaires GF(2^m) utilisés dans le cadre de la cryptographie sur courbes elliptiques. Nous avons proposé deux nouvelles représentations des éléments du corps : la base normale permutée et le Phi-RNS. Ces deux nouveautés algorithmiques ont fait l'objet d'implémentations matérielles en FPGA dans laquelle nous montrons que ces premières, sous certaines conditions, apportent un meilleur compromis temps-surface. Le deuxième aspect est la protection d'un crypto-processeur face à une attaque par canaux cachés (dite attaque par «templates»). Nous avons implémenté, en VHDL, un crypto-processeur complet et nous y avons exécuté, en parallèle, des algorithmes de «double-and-add» et «halve-and-add» afin d'accélérer le calcul de la multiplication scalaire et de rendre, de par ce même parallélisme, notre crypto-processeur moins vulnérable face à certaines attaques par canaux auxiliaires. Nous montrons que le parallélisme seul des calculs ne suffira pas et qu'il faudra marier le parallélisme à des méthodes plus conventionnelles pour assurer, à l'implémentation, une sécurité raisonnable

    Secure architectures for pairing based public key cryptography

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    Along with the growing demand for cryptosystems in systems ranging from large servers to mobile devices, suitable cryptogrophic protocols for use under certain constraints are becoming more and more important. Constraints such as calculation time, area, efficiency and security, must be considered by the designer. Elliptic curves, since their introduction to public key cryptography in 1985 have challenged established public key and signature generation schemes such as RSA, offering more security per bit. Amongst Elliptic curve based systems, pairing based cryptographies are thoroughly researched and can be used in many public key protocols such as identity based schemes. For hardware implementions of pairing based protocols, all components which calculate operations over Elliptic curves can be considered. Designers of the pairing algorithms must choose calculation blocks and arrange the basic operations carefully so that the implementation can meet the constraints of time and hardware resource area. This thesis deals with different hardware architectures to accelerate the pairing based cryptosystems in the field of characteristic two. Using different top-level architectures the hardware efficiency of operations that run at different times is first considered in this thesis. Security is another important aspect of pairing based cryptography to be considered in practically Side Channel Analysis (SCA) attacks. The naively implemented hardware accelerators for pairing based cryptographies can be vulnerable when taking the physical analysis attacks into consideration. This thesis considered the weaknesses in pairing based public key cryptography and addresses the particular calculations in the systems that are insecure. In this case, countermeasures should be applied to protect the weak link of the implementation to improve and perfect the pairing based algorithms. Some important rules that the designers must obey to improve the security of the cryptosystems are proposed. According to these rules, three countermeasures that protect the pairing based cryptosystems against SCA attacks are applied. The implementations of the countermeasures are presented and their performances are investigated

    Hardware processors for pairing-based cryptography

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    Bilinear pairings can be used to construct cryptographic systems with very desirable properties. A pairing performs a mapping on members of groups on elliptic and genus 2 hyperelliptic curves to an extension of the finite field on which the curves are defined. The finite fields must, however, be large to ensure adequate security. The complicated group structure of the curves and the expensive field operations result in time consuming computations that are an impediment to the practicality of pairing-based systems. The Tate pairing can be computed efficiently using the ÉłT method. Hardware architectures can be used to accelerate the required operations by exploiting the parallelism inherent to the algorithmic and finite field calculations. The Tate pairing can be performed on elliptic curves of characteristic 2 and 3 and on genus 2 hyperelliptic curves of characteristic 2. Curve selection is dependent on several factors including desired computational speed, the area constraints of the target device and the required security level. In this thesis, custom hardware processors for the acceleration of the Tate pairing are presented and implemented on an FPGA. The underlying hardware architectures are designed with care to exploit available parallelism while ensuring resource efficiency. The characteristic 2 elliptic curve processor contains novel units that return a pairing result in a very low number of clock cycles. Despite the more complicated computational algorithm, the speed of the genus 2 processor is comparable. Pairing computation on each of these curves can be appealing in applications with various attributes. A flexible processor that can perform pairing computation on elliptic curves of characteristic 2 and 3 has also been designed. An integrated hardware/software design and verification environment has been developed. This system automates the procedures required for robust processor creation and enables the rapid provision of solutions for a wide range of cryptographic applications

    Methoden und Werkzeuge zum Einsatz von rekonfigurierbaren Akzeleratoren in Mehrkernsystemen

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    Rechensysteme mit Mehrkernprozessoren werden häufig um einen rekonfigurierbaren Akzelerator wie einen FPGA erweitert. Die Verlagerung von Anwendungsteilen in Hardware wird meist von Spezialisten vorgenommen. Damit Anwender selbst rekonfigurierbare Hardware programmieren können, ist mein Beitrag die komponentenbasierte Programmierung und Verwendung mit automatischer Beachtung der Datenlokalität. So lässt sich auch bei datenintensiven Anwendungen Nutzen aus den Akzeleratoren erzielen

    A Fast Finite Field Multiplier

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