9 research outputs found

    Architecture and Analysis for Next Generation Mobile Signal Processing.

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    Mobile devices have proliferated at a spectacular rate, with more than 3.3 billion active cell phones in the world. With sales totaling hundreds of billions every year, the mobile phone has arguably become the dominant computing platform, replacing the personal computer. Soon, improvements to today’s smart phones, such as high-bandwidth internet access, high-definition video processing, and human-centric interfaces that integrate voice recognition and video-conferencing will be commonplace. Cost effective and power efficient support for these applications will be required. Looking forward to the next generation of mobile computing, computation requirements will increase by one to three orders of magnitude due to higher data rates, increased complexity algorithms, and greater computation diversity but the power requirements will be just as stringent to ensure reasonable battery lifetimes. The design of the next generation of mobile platforms must address three critical challenges: efficiency, programmability, and adaptivity. The computational efficiency of existing solutions is inadequate and straightforward scaling by increasing the number of cores or the amount of data-level parallelism will not suffice. Programmability provides the opportunity for a single platform to support multiple applications and even multiple standards within each application domain. Programmability also provides: faster time to market as hardware and software development can proceed in parallel; the ability to fix bugs and add features after manufacturing; and, higher chip volumes as a single platform can support a family of mobile devices. Lastly, hardware adaptivity is necessary to maintain efficiency as the computational characteristics of the applications change. Current solutions are tailored specifically for wireless signal processing algorithms, but lose their efficiency when other application domains like high definition video are processed. This thesis addresses these challenges by presenting analysis of next generation mobile signal processing applications and proposing an advanced signal processing architecture to deal with the stringent requirements. An application-centric design approach is taken to design our architecture. First, a next generation wireless protocol and high definition video is analyzed and algorithmic characterizations discussed. From these characterizations, key architectural implications are presented, which form the basis for the advanced signal processor architecture, AnySP.Ph.D.Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86344/1/mwoh_1.pd

    Realizing Software Defined Radio - A Study in Designing Mobile Supercomputers.

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    The physical layer of most wireless protocols is traditionally implemented in custom hardware to satisfy the heavy computational requirements while keeping power consumption to a minimum. These implementations are time consuming to design and difficult to verify. A programmable hardware platform capable of supporting software implementations of the physical layer, or Software Defined Radio (SDR), has a number of advantages. These include support for multiple protocols, faster time-to-market, higher chip volumes, and support for late implementation changes. The challenge is to achieve this under the power budget of a mobile device. Wireless communications belong to an emerging class of applications with the processing requirements of a supercomputer but the power constraints of a mobile device -- mobile supercomputing. This thesis presents a set of design proposals for building a programmable wireless communication solution. In order to design a solution that can meet the lofty requirements of SDR, this thesis takes an application-centric design approach -- evaluate and optimize all aspects of the design based on the characteristics of wireless communication protocols. This includes a DSP processor architecture optimized for wireless baseband processing, wireless algorithm optimizations, and language and compilation tool support for the algorithm software and the processor hardware. This thesis first analyzes the software characteristics of SDR. Based on the analysis, this thesis proposes the Signal-Processing On-Demand Architecture (SODA), a fully programmable multi-core architecture that can support the computation requirements of third generation wireless protocols, while operating within the power budget of a mobile device. This thesis then presents wireless algorithm implementations and optimizations for the SODA processor architecture. A signal processing language extension (SPEX) is proposed to help the software development efforts of wireless communication protocols on SODA-like multi-core architecture. And finally, the SPIR compiler is proposed to automatically map SPEX code onto the multi-core processor hardware.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/61760/1/linyz_1.pd

    From Parallel Programs to Customized Parallel Processors

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    The need for fast time to market of new embedded processor-based designs calls for a rapid design methodology of the included processors. The call for such a methodology is even more emphasized in the context of so called soft cores targeted to reconfigurable fabrics where per-design processor customization is commonplace. The C language has been commonly used as an input to hardware/software co-design flows. However, as C is a sequential language, its potential to generate parallel operations to utilize naturally parallel hardware constructs is far from optimal, leading to a customized processor design space with limited parallel resource scalability. In contrast, when utilizing a parallel programming language as an input, a wider processor design space can be explored to produce customized processors with varying degrees of utilized parallelism. This Thesis proposes a novel Multicore Application-Specific Instruction Set Processor (MCASIP) co-design methodology that exploits parallel programming languages as the application input format. In the methodology, the designer can explicitly capture the parallelism of the algorithm and exploit specialized instructions using a parallel programming language in contrast to being on the mercy of the compiler or the hardware to extract the parallelism from a sequential input. The Thesis proposes a multicore processor template based on the Transport Triggered Architecture, compiler techniques involved in static parallelization of computation kernels with barriers and a datapath integrated hardware accelerator for low overhead software synchronization implementation. These contributions enable scaling the customized processors both at the instruction and task levels to efficiently exploit the parallelism in the input program up to the implementation constraints such as the memory bandwidth or the chip area. The different contributions are validated with case studies, comparisons and design examples

    Reliable and High-Performance Hardware Architectures for the Advanced Encryption Standard/Galois Counter Mode

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    The high level of security and the fast hardware and software implementations of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) have made it the first choice for many critical applications. Since its acceptance as the adopted symmetric-key algorithm, the AES has been utilized in various security-constrained applications, many of which are power and resource constrained and require reliable and efficient hardware implementations. In this thesis, first, we investigate the AES algorithm from the concurrent fault detection point of view. We note that in addition to the efficiency requirements of the AES, it must be reliable against transient and permanent internal faults or malicious faults aiming at revealing the secret key. This reliability analysis and proposing efficient and effective fault detection schemes are essential because fault attacks have become a serious concern in cryptographic applications. Therefore, we propose, design, and implement various novel concurrent fault detection schemes for different AES hardware architectures. These include different structure-dependent and independent approaches for detecting single and multiple stuck-at faults using single and multi-bit signatures. The recently standardized authentication mode of the AES, i.e., Galois/Counter Mode (GCM), is also considered in this thesis. We propose efficient architectures for the AES-GCM algorithm. In this regard, we investigate the AES algorithm and we propose low-complexity and low-power hardware implementations for it, emphasizing on its nonlinear transformation, i.e., SubByes (S-boxes). We present new formulations for this transformation and through exhaustive hardware implementations, we show that the proposed architectures outperform their counterparts in terms of efficiency. Moreover, we present parallel, high-performance new schemes for the hardware implementations of the GCM to improve its throughput and reduce its latency. The performance of the proposed efficient architectures for the AES-GCM and their fault detection approaches are benchmarked using application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) and field-programmable gate array (FPGA) hardware platforms. Our comparison results show that the proposed hardware architectures outperform their existing counterparts in terms of efficiency and fault detection capability

    An efficient implementation of lattice-ladder multilayer perceptrons in field programmable gate arrays

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    The implementation efficiency of electronic systems is a combination of conflicting requirements, as increasing volumes of computations, accelerating the exchange of data, at the same time increasing energy consumption forcing the researchers not only to optimize the algorithm, but also to quickly implement in a specialized hardware. Therefore in this work, the problem of efficient and straightforward implementation of operating in a real-time electronic intelligent systems on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is tackled. The object of research is specialized FPGA intellectual property (IP) cores that operate in a real-time. In the thesis the following main aspects of the research object are investigated: implementation criteria and techniques. The aim of the thesis is to optimize the FPGA implementation process of selected class dynamic artificial neural networks. In order to solve stated problem and reach the goal following main tasks of the thesis are formulated: rationalize the selection of a class of Lattice-Ladder Multi-Layer Perceptron (LLMLP) and its electronic intelligent system test-bed – a speaker dependent Lithuanian speech recognizer, to be created and investigated; develop dedicated technique for implementation of LLMLP class on FPGA that is based on specialized efficiency criteria for a circuitry synthesis; develop and experimentally affirm the efficiency of optimized FPGA IP cores used in Lithuanian speech recognizer. The dissertation contains: introduction, four chapters and general conclusions. The first chapter reveals the fundamental knowledge on computer-aideddesign, artificial neural networks and speech recognition implementation on FPGA. In the second chapter the efficiency criteria and technique of LLMLP IP cores implementation are proposed in order to make multi-objective optimization of throughput, LLMLP complexity and resource utilization. The data flow graphs are applied for optimization of LLMLP computations. The optimized neuron processing element is proposed. The IP cores for features extraction and comparison are developed for Lithuanian speech recognizer and analyzed in third chapter. The fourth chapter is devoted for experimental verification of developed numerous LLMLP IP cores. The experiments of isolated word recognition accuracy and speed for different speakers, signal to noise ratios, features extraction and accelerated comparison methods were performed. The main results of the thesis were published in 12 scientific publications: eight of them were printed in peer-reviewed scientific journals, four of them in a Thomson Reuters Web of Science database, four articles – in conference proceedings. The results were presented in 17 scientific conferences

    Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design – FMCAD 2021

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    The Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD) is an annual conference on the theory and applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. FMCAD provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems. FMCAD covers formal aspects of computer-aided system design including verification, specification, synthesis, and testing

    Aceleración de algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes para el análisis de partículas individuales con microscopia electrónica

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita cotutelada por la Masaryk University (República Checa) y la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de Lectura: 24-10-2022Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) is a vital field in current structural biology. Unlike X-ray crystallography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, it can be used to analyze membrane proteins and other samples with overlapping spectral peaks. However, one of the significant limitations of Cryo-EM is the computational complexity. Modern electron microscopes can produce terabytes of data per single session, from which hundreds of thousands of particles must be extracted and processed to obtain a near-atomic resolution of the original sample. Many existing software solutions use high-Performance Computing (HPC) techniques to bring these computations to the realm of practical usability. The common approach to acceleration is parallelization of the processing, but in praxis, we face many complications, such as problem decomposition, data distribution, load scheduling, balancing, and synchronization. Utilization of various accelerators further complicates the situation, as heterogeneous hardware brings additional caveats, for example, limited portability, under-utilization due to synchronization, and sub-optimal code performance due to missing specialization. This dissertation, structured as a compendium of articles, aims to improve the algorithms used in Cryo-EM, esp. the SPA (Single Particle Analysis). We focus on the single-node performance optimizations, using the techniques either available or developed in the HPC field, such as heterogeneous computing or autotuning, which potentially needs the formulation of novel algorithms. The secondary goal of the dissertation is to identify the limitations of state-of-the-art HPC techniques. Since the Cryo-EM pipeline consists of multiple distinct steps targetting different types of data, there is no single bottleneck to be solved. As such, the presented articles show a holistic approach to performance optimization. First, we give details on the GPU acceleration of the specific programs. The achieved speedup is due to the higher performance of the GPU, adjustments of the original algorithm to it, and application of the novel algorithms. More specifically, we provide implementation details of programs for movie alignment, 2D classification, and 3D reconstruction that have been sped up by order of magnitude compared to their original multi-CPU implementation or sufficiently the be used on-the-fly. In addition to these three programs, multiple other programs from an actively used, open-source software package XMIPP have been accelerated and improved. Second, we discuss our contribution to HPC in the form of autotuning. Autotuning is the ability of software to adapt to a changing environment, i.e., input or executing hardware. Towards that goal, we present cuFFTAdvisor, a tool that proposes and, through autotuning, finds the best configuration of the cuFFT library for given constraints of input size and plan settings. We also introduce a benchmark set of ten autotunable kernels for important computational problems implemented in OpenCL or CUDA, together with the introduction of complex dynamic autotuning to the KTT tool. Third, we propose an image processing framework Umpalumpa, which combines a task-based runtime system, data-centric architecture, and dynamic autotuning. The proposed framework allows for writing complex workflows which automatically use available HW resources and adjust to different HW and data but at the same time are easy to maintainThe project that gave rise to these results received the support of a fellowship from the “la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434). The fellowship code is LCF/BQ/DI18/11660021. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 71367

    Computer Science for Continuous Data:Survey, Vision, Theory, and Practice of a Computer Analysis System

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    Building on George Boole's work, Logic provides a rigorous foundation for the powerful tools in Computer Science that underlie nowadays ubiquitous processing of discrete data, such as strings or graphs. Concerning continuous data, already Alan Turing had applied "his" machines to formalize and study the processing of real numbers: an aspect of his oeuvre that we transform from theory to practice.The present essay surveys the state of the art and envisions the future of Computer Science for continuous data: natively, beyond brute-force discretization, based on and guided by and extending classical discrete Computer Science, as bridge between Pure and Applied Mathematics

    The Fifth NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    The fifth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design had 13 sessions including Radiation Effects, Architectures, Mixed Signal, Design Techniques, Fault Testing, Synthesis, Signal Processing, and other Featured Presentations. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The presentations share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design