90 research outputs found

    Sustainable Fault-handling Of Reconfigurable Logic Using Throughput-driven Assessment

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    A sustainable Evolvable Hardware (EH) system is developed for SRAM-based reconfigurable Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) using outlier detection and group testing-based assessment principles. The fault diagnosis methods presented herein leverage throughput-driven, relative fitness assessment to maintain resource viability autonomously. Group testing-based techniques are developed for adaptive input-driven fault isolation in FPGAs, without the need for exhaustive testing or coding-based evaluation. The techniques maintain the device operational, and when possible generate validated outputs throughout the repair process. Adaptive fault isolation methods based on discrepancy-enabled pair-wise comparisons are developed. By observing the discrepancy characteristics of multiple Concurrent Error Detection (CED) configurations, a method for robust detection of faults is developed based on pairwise parallel evaluation using Discrepancy Mirror logic. The results from the analytical FPGA model are demonstrated via a self-healing, self-organizing evolvable hardware system. Reconfigurability of the SRAM-based FPGA is leveraged to identify logic resource faults which are successively excluded by group testing using alternate device configurations. This simplifies the system architect\u27s role to definition of functionality using a high-level Hardware Description Language (HDL) and system-level performance versus availability operating point. System availability, throughput, and mean time to isolate faults are monitored and maintained using an Observer-Controller model. Results are demonstrated using a Data Encryption Standard (DES) core that occupies approximately 305 FPGA slices on a Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA. With a single simulated stuck-at-fault, the system identifies a completely validated replacement configuration within three to five positive tests. The approach demonstrates a readily-implemented yet robust organic hardware application framework featuring a high degree of autonomous self-control

    Optimizing Dynamic Logic Realizations For Partial Reconfiguration Of Field Programmable Gate Arrays

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    Many digital logic applications can take advantage of the reconfiguration capability of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) to dynamically patch design flaws, recover from faults, or time-multiplex between functions. Partial reconfiguration is the process by which a user modifies one or more modules residing on the FPGA device independently of the others. Partial Reconfiguration reduces the granularity of reconfiguration to be a set of columns or rectangular region of the device. Decreasing the granularity of reconfiguration results in reduced configuration filesizes and, thus, reduced configuration times. When compared to one bitstream of a non-partial reconfiguration implementation, smaller modules resulting in smaller bitstream filesizes allow an FPGA to implement many more hardware configurations with greater speed under similar storage requirements. To realize the benefits of partial reconfiguration in a wider range of applications, this thesis begins with a survey of FPGA fault-handling methods, which are compared using performance-based metrics. Performance analysis of the Genetic Algorithm (GA) Offline Recovery method is investigated and candidate solutions provided by the GA are partitioned by age to improve its efficiency. Parameters of this aging technique are optimized to increase the occurrence rate of complete repairs. Continuing the discussion of partial reconfiguration, the thesis develops a case-study application that implements one partial reconfiguration module to demonstrate the functionality and benefits of time multiplexing and reveal the improved efficiencies of the latest large-capacity FPGA architectures. The number of active partial reconfiguration modules implemented on a single FPGA device is increased from one to eight to implement a dynamic video-processing architecture for Discrete Cosine Transform and Motion Estimation functions to demonstrate a 55-fold reduction in bitstream storage requirements thus improving partial reconfiguration capability

    Dynamically reconfigurable bio-inspired hardware

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    During the last several years, reconfigurable computing devices have experienced an impressive development in their resource availability, speed, and configurability. Currently, commercial FPGAs offer the possibility of self-reconfiguring by partially modifying their configuration bitstream, providing high architectural flexibility, while guaranteeing high performance. These configurability features have received special interest from computer architects: one can find several reconfigurable coprocessor architectures for cryptographic algorithms, image processing, automotive applications, and different general purpose functions. On the other hand we have bio-inspired hardware, a large research field taking inspiration from living beings in order to design hardware systems, which includes diverse topics: evolvable hardware, neural hardware, cellular automata, and fuzzy hardware, among others. Living beings are well known for their high adaptability to environmental changes, featuring very flexible adaptations at several levels. Bio-inspired hardware systems require such flexibility to be provided by the hardware platform on which the system is implemented. In general, bio-inspired hardware has been implemented on both custom and commercial hardware platforms. These custom platforms are specifically designed for supporting bio-inspired hardware systems, typically featuring special cellular architectures and enhanced reconfigurability capabilities; an example is their partial and dynamic reconfigurability. These aspects are very well appreciated for providing the performance and the high architectural flexibility required by bio-inspired systems. However, the availability and the very high costs of such custom devices make them only accessible to a very few research groups. Even though some commercial FPGAs provide enhanced reconfigurability features such as partial and dynamic reconfiguration, their utilization is still in its early stages and they are not well supported by FPGA vendors, thus making their use difficult to include in existing bio-inspired systems. In this thesis, I present a set of architectures, techniques, and methodologies for benefiting from the configurability advantages of current commercial FPGAs in the design of bio-inspired hardware systems. Among the presented architectures there are neural networks, spiking neuron models, fuzzy systems, cellular automata and random boolean networks. For these architectures, I propose several adaptation techniques for parametric and topological adaptation, such as hebbian learning, evolutionary and co-evolutionary algorithms, and particle swarm optimization. Finally, as case study I consider the implementation of bio-inspired hardware systems in two platforms: YaMoR (Yet another Modular Robot) and ROPES (Reconfigurable Object for Pervasive Systems); the development of both platforms having been co-supervised in the framework of this thesis

    A Practical Investigation into Achieving Bio-Plausibility in Evo-Devo Neural Microcircuits Feasible in an FPGA

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    Many researchers has conjectured, argued, or in some cases demonstrated, that bio-plausibility can bring about emergent properties such as adaptability, scalability, fault-tolerance, self-repair, reliability, and autonomy to bio-inspired intelligent systems. Evolutionary-developmental (evo-devo) spiking neural networks are a very bio-plausible mixture of such bio-inspired intelligent systems that have been proposed and studied by a few researchers. However, the general trend is that the complexity and thus the computational cost grow with the bio-plausibility of the system. FPGAs (Field- Programmable Gate Arrays) have been used and proved to be one of the flexible and cost efficient hardware platforms for research' and development of such evo-devo systems. However, mapping a bio-plausible evo-devo spiking neural network to an FPGA is a daunting task full of different constraints and trade-offs that makes it, if not infeasible, very challenging. This thesis explores the challenges, trade-offs, constraints, practical issues, and some possible approaches in achieving bio-plausibility in creating evolutionary developmental spiking neural microcircuits in an FPGA through a practical investigation along with a series of case studies. In this study, the system performance, cost, reliability, scalability, availability, and design and testing time and complexity are defined as measures for feasibility of a system and structural accuracy and consistency with the current knowledge in biology as measures for bio-plausibility. Investigation of the challenges starts with the hardware platform selection and then neuron, cortex, and evo-devo models and integration of these models into a whole bio-inspired intelligent system are examined one by one. For further practical investigation, a new PLAQIF Digital Neuron model, a novel Cortex model, and a new multicellular LGRN evo-devo model are designed, implemented and tested as case studies. Results and their implications for the researchers, designers of such systems, and FPGA manufacturers are discussed and concluded in form of general trends, trade-offs, suggestions, and recommendations

    Evolutionary algorithms for synthesis and optimisation of sequential logic circuits

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    Considerable progress has been made recently 1n the understanding of combinational logic optimization. Consequently a large number of university and industrial Electric Computing Aided Design (ECAD) programs are now available for optimal logic synthesis of combinational circuits. The progress with sequential logic synthesis and optimization, on the other hand, is considerably less mature. In recent years, evolutionary algorithms have been found to be remarkably effective way of using computers for solving difficult problems. This thesis is, in large part, a concentrated effort to apply this philosophy to the synthesis and optimization of sequential circuits. A state assignment based on the use of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for the optimal synthesis of sequential circuits is presented. The state assignment determines the structure of the sequential circuit realizing the state machine and therefore its area and performances. The synthesis based on the GA approach produced designs with the smallest area to date. Test results on standard fmite state machine (FS:M) benchmarks show that the GA could generate state assignments, which required on average 15.44% fewer gates and 13.47% fewer literals compared with alternative techniques. Hardware evolution is performed through a succeSSlOn of changes/reconfigurations of elementary components, inter-connectivity and selection of the fittest configurations until the target functionality is reached. The thesis presents new approaches, which combine both genetic algorithm for state assignment and extrinsic Evolvable Hardware (EHW) to design sequential logic circuits. The implemented evolutionary algorithms are able to design logic circuits with size and complexity, which have not been demonstrated in published work. There are still plenty of opportunities to develop this new line of research for the synthesis, optimization and test of novel digital, analogue and mixed circuits. This should lead to a new generation of Electronic Design Automation tools.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Evolutionary algorithms for synthesis and optimisation of sequential logic circuits.

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    Considerable progress has been made recently 1n the understanding ofcombinational logic optimization. Consequently a large number of universityand industrial Electric Computing Aided Design (ECAD) programs are nowavailable for optimal logic synthesis of combinational circuits. The progresswith sequential logic synthesis and optimization, on the other hand, isconsiderably less mature.In recent years, evolutionary algorithms have been found to be remarkablyeffective way of using computers for solving difficult problems. This thesis is,in large part, a concentrated effort to apply this philosophy to the synthesisand optimization of sequential circuits.A state assignment based on the use of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) for theoptimal synthesis of sequential circuits is presented. The state assignmentdetermines the structure of the sequential circuit realizing the state machineand therefore its area and performances. The synthesis based on the GAapproach produced designs with the smallest area to date. Test results onstandard fmite state machine (FS:M) benchmarks show that the GA couldgenerate state assignments, which required on average 15.44% fewer gatesand 13.47% fewer literals compared with alternative techniques.Hardware evolution is performed through a succeSSlOn ofchanges/reconfigurations of elementary components, inter-connectivity andselection of the fittest configurations until the target functionality is reached.The thesis presents new approaches, which combine both genetic algorithmfor state assignment and extrinsic Evolvable Hardware (EHW) to designsequential logic circuits. The implemented evolutionary algorithms are able todesign logic circuits with size and complexity, which have not beendemonstrated in published work.There are still plenty of opportunities to develop this new line of research forthe synthesis, optimization and test of novel digital, analogue and mixedcircuits. This should lead to a new generation of Electronic DesignAutomation tools

    Digital control networks for virtual creatures

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    Robot control systems evolved with genetic algorithms traditionally take the form of floating-point neural network models. This thesis proposes that digital control systems, such as quantised neural networks and logical networks, may also be used for the task of robot control. The inspiration for this is the observation that the dynamics of discrete networks may contain cyclic attractors which generate rhythmic behaviour, and that rhythmic behaviour underlies the central pattern generators which drive lowlevel motor activity in the biological world. To investigate this a series of experiments were carried out in a simulated physically realistic 3D world. The performance of evolved controllers was evaluated on two well known control tasks—pole balancing, and locomotion of evolved morphologies. The performance of evolved digital controllers was compared to evolved floating-point neural networks. The results show that the digital implementations are competitive with floating-point designs on both of the benchmark problems. In addition, the first reported evolution from scratch of a biped walker is presented, demonstrating that when all parameters are left open to evolutionary optimisation complex behaviour can result from simple components

    Autonomous self-repair systems : A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Lincoln University

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    Regeneration is an important and wonderful phenomenon in nature and plays a key role in living organisms that are capable of recovery from trivial to serious injury to reclaim a fully functional state and pattern/anatomical homeostasis (equilibrium). Studying regeneration can help develop hypotheses for understanding regenerative mechanisms along with advancing synthetic biology for regenerative medicine and development of cancer and anti-ageing drugs. Further, it can contribute to nature-inspired computing for self-repair in other fields. However, despite decades of study, what possible mechanisms and algorithms are used in the regeneration process remain an open question. Therefore, the main goal of this thesis is to propose a comprehensive hypothetical conceptual framework with possible mechanisms and algorithms of biological regeneration that mimics the observed features of regeneration in living organisms and achieves body-wide immortality, similar to the planarian flatworm, about 20mm long and 3mm wide, living in both saltwater and freshwater. This is a problem of collective decision making by the cells in an organism to achieve the high-level goal of returning to normality of both anatomical and functional homeostasis. To fulfil this goal, the proposed framework contains three sub-frameworks corresponding to three main objectives of the thesis: self-regeneration or self-repair (anatomical homeostasis) of a simple in silico tissue and a whole organism consisting of these tissues based on simplified formats of cellular communication, and an extension to more realistic bioelectric communication for restoring both anatomical and bioelectric homeostasis. The first objective is to develop a simple tissue model that regenerates autonomously after damage. Accordingly, we present a computational framework for an autonomous self-repair system that allows for sensing, detecting and regenerating an artificial (in silico) circular tissue containing thousands of cells. This system consists of two sub-models: Global Sensing and Local Sensing that collaborate to sense and repair diverse damages. It is largely a neural system with a perceptron (binary) network performing tissue computations. The results showed that the system is robust and efficient in damage detection and accurate regeneration. The second objective is to extend the simple circular tissue model to other geometric shapes and assemble them into a small virtual organism that regenerates similar to the body-wide immortality of the planarian flatworm. Accordingly, we proposed a computational framework extending the tissue repair framework developed in Objective 1 to model whole organism regeneration that implemented algorithms and mechanisms to achieve accurate and complete regeneration in an (in silico) worm-like organism. The system consists of two levels: tissue and organism levels that integrate to recognise and recover from any damage, even extreme damage cases. The tissue level consists of three tissue repair models for head, body and tail. The organism level connects the tissues together to form the worm. The two levels form an integrated neural feedback control system with perceptron (binary) for tissue computing and linear neural networks for organism-level computing. Our simulation results showed that the framework is very robust in returning the system to the normal state after any small or large scale damage. The last objective is to extend the whole organism regeneration framework developed in Objective 2 by incorporating bioelectricity as the format of communication between cells to make the model better resemble living organisms and to restore not only anatomy but also basic functionality such as restoring body-wide bioelectric pattern needed for physiological functioning in living systems. We greatly extended the second framework by conceptualising and modelling mechanisms and algorithms that mimicked both the pattern and function restoration observed in living organisms and implemented it on the same artificial (in silico) organism developed in Objective 2 but with greater realism of the anatomical structure. This proposed framework consists of three levels that collaborate to fully regenerate the anatomical pattern and maintain bioelectric homeostasis in the in silico worm-like organism. These three levels represent tissue and organism models for regeneration and body-wide bioelectric model for restoring bioelectric homeostasis, respectively. They extend the previous neural feedback control system to integrate another (3rd) level, bioelectric homeostasis. Our simulations showed that the system maintains and restores bioelectric homeostasis accurately under random perturbations of bioelectric status under no damage conditions. It is also very robust and plastic in restoring the system to the normal anatomical pattern and bioelectric homeostasis after any type of damage. Our framework robustly achieves some observations of extreme regeneration of planaria like body-wide immortality. It could also be helpful in engineering for building self-repair robots, biobots and artificial self-repair systems