240 research outputs found

    Implicit complexity for coinductive data: a characterization of corecurrence

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    We propose a framework for reasoning about programs that manipulate coinductive data as well as inductive data. Our approach is based on using equational programs, which support a seamless combination of computation and reasoning, and using productivity (fairness) as the fundamental assertion, rather than bi-simulation. The latter is expressible in terms of the former. As an application to this framework, we give an implicit characterization of corecurrence: a function is definable using corecurrence iff its productivity is provable using coinduction for formulas in which data-predicates do not occur negatively. This is an analog, albeit in weaker form, of a characterization of recurrence (i.e. primitive recursion) in [Leivant, Unipolar induction, TCS 318, 2004].Comment: In Proceedings DICE 2011, arXiv:1201.034

    Coinductive big-step operational semantics

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    Using a call-by-value functional language as an example, this article illustrates the use of coinductive definitions and proofs in big-step operational semantics, enabling it to describe diverging evaluations in addition to terminating evaluations. We formalize the connections between the coinductive big-step semantics and the standard small-step semantics, proving that both semantics are equivalent. We then study the use of coinductive big-step semantics in proofs of type soundness and proofs of semantic preservation for compilers. A methodological originality of this paper is that all results have been proved using the Coq proof assistant. We explain the proof-theoretic presentation of coinductive definitions and proofs offered by Coq, and show that it facilitates the discovery and the presentation of the results

    A Hoare logic for the coinductive trace-based big-step semantics of While

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    In search for a foundational framework for reasoning about observable behavior of programs that may not terminate, we have previously devised a trace-based big-step semantics for While. In this semantics, both traces and evaluation (relating initial states of program runs to traces they produce) are defined coinductively. On terminating runs, this semantics agrees with the standard inductive state-based semantics. Here we present a Hoare logic counterpart of our coinductive trace-based semantics and prove it sound and complete. Our logic subsumes the standard partial-correctness state-based Hoare logic as well as the total-correctness variation: they are embeddable. In the converse direction, projections can be constructed: a derivation of a Hoare triple in our trace-based logic can be translated into a derivation in the state-based logic of a translated, weaker Hoare triple. Since we work with a constructive underlying logic, the range of program properties we can reason about has a fine structure; in particular, we can distinguish between termination and nondivergence, e.g., unbounded classically total search fails to be terminating, but is nonetheless nondivergent. Our meta-theory is entirely constructive as well, and we have formalized it in Coq

    Global semantic typing for inductive and coinductive computing

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    Inductive and coinductive types are commonly construed as ontological (Church-style) types, denoting canonical data-sets such as natural numbers, lists, and streams. For various purposes, notably the study of programs in the context of global semantics, it is preferable to think of types as semantical properties (Curry-style). Intrinsic theories were introduced in the late 1990s to provide a purely logical framework for reasoning about programs and their semantic types. We extend them here to data given by any combination of inductive and coinductive definitions. This approach is of interest because it fits tightly with syntactic, semantic, and proof theoretic fundamentals of formal logic, with potential applications in implicit computational complexity as well as extraction of programs from proofs. We prove a Canonicity Theorem, showing that the global definition of program typing, via the usual (Tarskian) semantics of first-order logic, agrees with their operational semantics in the intended model. Finally, we show that every intrinsic theory is interpretable in a conservative extension of first-order arithmetic. This means that quantification over infinite data objects does not lead, on its own, to proof-theoretic strength beyond that of Peano Arithmetic. Intrinsic theories are perfectly amenable to formulas-as-types Curry-Howard morphisms, and were used to characterize major computational complexity classes Their extensions described here have similar potential which has already been applied

    On coalgebras with internal moves

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    In the first part of the paper we recall the coalgebraic approach to handling the so-called invisible transitions that appear in different state-based systems semantics. We claim that these transitions are always part of the unit of a certain monad. Hence, coalgebras with internal moves are exactly coalgebras over a monadic type. The rest of the paper is devoted to supporting our claim by studying two important behavioural equivalences for state-based systems with internal moves, namely: weak bisimulation and trace semantics. We continue our research on weak bisimulations for coalgebras over order enriched monads. The key notions used in this paper and proposed by us in our previous work are the notions of an order saturation monad and a saturator. A saturator operator can be intuitively understood as a reflexive, transitive closure operator. There are two approaches towards defining saturators for coalgebras with internal moves. Here, we give necessary conditions for them to yield the same notion of weak bisimulation. Finally, we propose a definition of trace semantics for coalgebras with silent moves via a uniform fixed point operator. We compare strong and weak bisimilation together with trace semantics for coalgebras with internal steps.Comment: Article: 23 pages, Appendix: 3 page

    Parametric trace expressions for runtime verification of Java-like programs

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    Parametric trace expressions are a formalism expressly designed for parametric runtime verification (RV) which has been introduced and successfully employed in the context of runtime monitoring of multiagent systems. Trace expressions are built on the general notion of event type, which allows them to be adopted in different contexts. In this paper we show how trace expressions can be used for conveniently specifying the expected behavior of a Java-like program to be monitored at runtime. Furthermore, we investigate the basic properties of the primitive operators on which trace expressions are coinductively defined in terms of a labeled transition system; this provides a basis for formal reasoning about equivalence of trace expressions and for adopting useful optimization techniques to speed up runtime verification

    Characteristic Formulae for Liveness Properties of Non-Terminating CakeML Programs

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    There are useful programs that do not terminate, and yet standard Hoare logics are not able to prove liveness properties about non-terminating programs. This paper shows how a Hoare-like programming logic framework (characteristic formulae) can be extended to enable reasoning about the I/O behaviour of programs that do not terminate. The approach is inspired by transfinite induction rather than coinduction, and does not require non-terminating loops to be productive. This work has been developed in the HOL4 theorem prover and has been integrated into the ecosystem of proof tools surrounding the CakeML programming language

    Formal verification of language-based concurrent noninterference

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    We perform a formal analysis of compositionality techniques for proving possibilistic noninterference for a while language with parallel composition. We develop a uniform framework where we express a wide range of noninterference variants from the literature and compare them w.r.t. their contracts: the strength of the security properties they ensure weighed against the harshness of the syntactic conditions they enforce. This results in a simple implementable algorithm for proving that a program has a specific noninterference property, using only compositionality, which captures uniformly several security type-system results from the literature and suggests a further improved type system. All formalism and theorems have been mechanically verified in Isabelle/HOL