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    This report discusses Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). This generic term is used for a broad range of information-, control- and electronic technology that can be integrated in the road infrastructure and the vehicles themselves, saving lives, time and money bymonitoring and managing traffic flows, reducing conges-tion, avoiding accidents, etc. Because this report was written in the scope of the Policy Research Centre Mobility & Public Works, track Traffic Safety, it focuses on ITS systems from the traffic safety point of view. Within the whole range of ITS systems, two categories can be distinguished: autonomous and cooperative systems. Autonomous systems are all forms of ITS which operate by itself, and do not depend on the cooperation with other vehicles or supporting infrastructure. Example applications are blind spot detection using radar, electronic stability control, dynamic traffic management using variable road signs, emergency call, etc. Cooperative systems are ITS systems based on communication and cooperation, both between vehicles as between vehicles and infrastructure. Example applications are alerting vehicles approaching a traffic jam, exchanging data regarding hazardous road conditions, extended electronic brake light, etc. In some cases, autonomous systems can evolve to autonomous cooperative systems. ISA (Intelligent Speed Adaptation) is an example of this: the dynamic aspect as well as communication with infrastructure (eg Traffic lights, Variable Message Sign (VMS)...) can provide additional road safety. This is the clear link between the two parts of this report. The many ITS applications are an indicator of the high expectations from the government, the academic world and the industry regarding the possibilities made possible by both categories of ITS systems. Therefore, the comprehensive discussion of both of them is the core of this report. The first part of the report covering the autonomous systems treats two aspects: 1. Overview of European projects related to mobility and in particular to road safety 2. Overview for guidelines for the evaluation of ITS projects. Out of the wide range of diverse (autonomous) ITS applications a selection is made; this selection is focused on E Safety Forum and PreVENT. Especially the PreVent research project is interesting because ITS-applications have led to a number of concrete demonstration vehicles that showed - in protected and unprotected surroundings- that these ITS-applications are already technically useful or could be developed into useful products. The component “guidelines for the evaluation of ITS projects” outlines that the government has to have specific evaluation tools if the government has the ambition of using ITS-applications for road safety. Two projects -guidelines for the evaluation of ITS projects- are examined; a third evaluation method is only mentioned because this description shows that a specific targeting of the government can be desirable : 1. TRACE describes the guidelines for the evaluation of ITS projects which are useful for the evaluation of specific ITS-applications. 2. FITS contains Finnish guidelines for the evaluation of ITS project; FIS is an adaptation of methods used for evaluation of transport projects. 3. The third evaluation method for the evaluation of ITS projects is developed in an ongoing European research project, eImpact. eImpact is important because, a specific consultation of stake holders shows that the social importance of some techniques is underestimated. These preliminary results show that an appropriate guiding role for the government could be important. In the second part of this document the cooperative systems are discussed in depth. These systems enable a large number of applications with an important social relevance, both on the level of the environment, mobility and traffic safety. Cooperative systems make it possible to warn drivers in time to avoid collisions (e.g. when approaching the tail of a traffic jam, or when a ghost driver is detected). Hazardous road conditions can be automatically communicated to other drivers (e.g. after the detection of black ice or an oil trail by the ESP). Navigation systems can receive detailed real-time up-dates about the current traffic situation and can take this into account when calculating their routes. When a traffic distortion occurs, traffic centers can immediately take action and can actively influence the way that the traffic will be diverted. Drivers can be notified well in advance about approaching emergency vehicles, and can be directed to yield way in a uniform manner. This is just a small selection from the large number of applications that are made possible because of cooperative ITS systems, but it is very obvious that these systems can make a significant positive contribution to traffic safety. In literature it is estimated that the decrease of accidents with injuries of fatalities will be between 20% and 50% . It is not suprising that ITS systems receive a lot of attention for the moment. On an international level, a number of standards are being established regarding this topic. The International Telecommunications Uniont (ITU), Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Association of Radio Industries and Business (ARIB) and European committee for standardization (CEN) are currently defining standards that describe different aspects of ITS systems. One of the names that is mostly mentioned in literature is the ISO TC204/WG16 Communications Architecture for Land Mobile environment (CALM) standard. It describes a framework that enables transparent (both for the application and the user) continuous communication through different communication media. Besides the innumerable standardization activities, there is a great number of active research projects. On European level, the most important are the i2010 Intelligent Car Initiative, the eSafety Forum, and the COMeSafety, the CVIS, the SAFESPOT, the COOPERS and the SEVECOM project. The i2010 Intelligent Car Initiative is an European initiative with the goal to halve the number of traffic casualties by 2010. The eSafety Forum is an initiative of the European Commission, industry and other stakeholders and targets the acceleration of development and deployment of safety-related ITS systems. The COMeSafety project supports the eSafety Forum on the field of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. In the CVIS project, attention is given to both technical and non-technical issues, with the main goal to develop the first free and open reference implementation of the CALM architecture. The SAFEST project investigates which data is important for safety applications, and with which algorithmsthis data can be extracted from vehicles and infrastructure. The COOPERS project mainly targets communication between vehicles and dedicated roadside infrastructure. Finally, the SEVECOM project researches security and privacy issues. Besides the European projects, research is also conducted in the United States of America (CICAS and VII projects) and in Japan (AHSRA, VICS, Smartway, internetITS). Besides standardization bodies and governmental organizations, also the industry has a considerable interest in ITS systems. In the scope of their ITS activities, a number of companies are united in national and international organizations. On an international level, the best known names are the Car 2 Car Communication Consortium, and Ertico. The C2C CC unites the large European car manufacturers, and focuses on the development of an open standard for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications based on the already well established IEEE 802.11 WLAN standard. Ertico is an European multi-sector, public/private partnership with the intended purpose of the development and introduction of ITS systems. On a national level, FlandersDrive and The Telematics Cluster / ITS Belgium are the best known organizations. Despite the worldwide activities regarding (cooperative) ITS systems, there still is no consensus about the wireless technology to be used in such systems. This can be put down to the fact that a large number of suitable technologies exist or are under development. Each technology has its specific advantages and disadvantages, but no single technology is the ideal solution for every ITS application. However, the different candidates can be classified in three distinct categories. The first group contains solutions for Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC), such as the WAVE technology. The second group is made up of several cellular communication networks providing coverage over wide areas. Examples are GPRS (data communication using the GSM network), UMTS (faster then GPRS), WiMAX (even faster then UMTS) and MBWA (similar to WiMAX). The third group consists of digital data broadcast technologies such as RDS (via the current FM radio transmissions, slow), DAB and DMB (via current digital radio transmissions, quicker) and DVB-H (via future digital television transmissions for mobiledevices, quickest). The previous makes it clear that ITS systems are a hot topic right now, and they receive a lot of attention from the academic world, the standardization bodies and the industry. Therefore, it seems like that it is just a matter of time before ITS systems will find their way into the daily live. Due to the large number of suitable technologies for the implementation of cooperative ITS systems, it is very hard to define which role the government has to play in these developments, and which are the next steps to take. These issues were addressed in reports produced by the i2010 Intelligent Car Initiative and the CVIS project. Their state of the art overview revealed that until now, no country has successfully deployed a fully operational ITS system yet. Seven EU countries are the furthest and are already in the deployment phase: Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Finland, Spain and France. These countries are trailed by eight countries which are in the promotion phase: Denmark, Greece, Italy, Austria, Belgium,Norway, the Czech Republic and Poland. Finally, the last ten countries find themselves in the start-up phase: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Portugal, Switzerland, Ireland and Luxembourg. These European reports produced by the i2010 Intelligent Car Initiative and the CVIS project have defined a few policy recommendations which are very relevant for the Belgian and Flemish government. The most important recommendations for the Flemish government are: • Support awareness: research revealed that civilians consider ITS applications useful, but they are not really willing to pay for this technology. Therefore, it is important to convince the general public of the usefulness and the importance of ITS systems. • Fill the gaps: Belgium is situated in the promotion phase. This means that it should focus at identifying the missing stakeholders, and coordinating national and regional ITS activities. Here it is important that the research activities are coordinated in a national and international context to allow transfer of knowledge from one study to the next, as well as the results to be comparable. • Develop a vision: in the scope of ITS systems policies have to be defined regarding a large number of issues. For instance there is the question if ITS users should be educated, meaning that the use of ITS systems should be the subject of the drivers license exam. How will the regulations be for the technical inspection of vehicles equipped with ITS technology? Will ITS systems be deployed on a voluntary base, or will they e.g. be obliged in every new car? Will the services be offered by private companies, by the public authorities, or by a combination of them? Which technology will be used to implement ITS systems? These are just a few of the many questions where the government will have to develop a point of view for. • Policy coordination: ITS systems are a policy subject on an international, national and regional level. It is very important that these policy organizations can collaborate in a coordinated manner. • Iterative approach to policy development: developing policies for this complex matter is not a simple task. This asks for an iterative approach, where policy decisions are continuously refined and adjusted

    Perception architecture exploration for automotive cyber-physical systems

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    2022 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.In emerging autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles, accurate environmental perception by automotive cyber physical platforms are critical for achieving safety and driving performance goals. An efficient perception solution capable of high fidelity environment modeling can improve Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) performance and reduce the number of lives lost to traffic accidents as a result of human driving errors. Enabling robust perception for vehicles with ADAS requires solving multiple complex problems related to the selection and placement of sensors, object detection, and sensor fusion. Current methods address these problems in isolation, which leads to inefficient solutions. For instance, there is an inherent accuracy versus latency trade-off between one stage and two stage object detectors which makes selecting an enhanced object detector from a diverse range of choices difficult. Further, even if a perception architecture was equipped with an ideal object detector performing high accuracy and low latency inference, the relative position and orientation of selected sensors (e.g., cameras, radars, lidars) determine whether static or dynamic targets are inside the field of view of each sensor or in the combined field of view of the sensor configuration. If the combined field of view is too small or contains redundant overlap between individual sensors, important events and obstacles can go undetected. Conversely, if the combined field of view is too large, the number of false positive detections will be high in real time and appropriate sensor fusion algorithms are required for filtering. Sensor fusion algorithms also enable tracking of non-ego vehicles in situations where traffic is highly dynamic or there are many obstacles on the road. Position and velocity estimation using sensor fusion algorithms have a lower margin for error when trajectories of other vehicles in traffic are in the vicinity of the ego vehicle, as incorrect measurement can cause accidents. Due to the various complex inter-dependencies between design decisions, constraints and optimization goals a framework capable of synthesizing perception solutions for automotive cyber physical platforms is not trivial. We present a novel perception architecture exploration framework for automotive cyber- physical platforms capable of global co-optimization of deep learning and sensing infrastructure. The framework is capable of exploring the synthesis of heterogeneous sensor configurations towards achieving vehicle autonomy goals. As our first contribution, we propose a novel optimization framework called VESPA that explores the design space of sensor placement locations and orientations to find the optimal sensor configuration for a vehicle. We demonstrate how our framework can obtain optimal sensor configurations for heterogeneous sensors deployed across two contemporary real vehicles. We then utilize VESPA to create a comprehensive perception architecture synthesis framework called PASTA. This framework enables robust perception for vehicles with ADAS requiring solutions to multiple complex problems related not only to the selection and placement of sensors but also object detection, and sensor fusion as well. Experimental results with the Audi-TT and BMW Minicooper vehicles show how PASTA can intelligently traverse the perception design space to find robust, vehicle-specific solutions

    Sensor fusion in driving assistance systems

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorLa vida diaria en los países desarrollados y en vías de desarrollo depende en gran medida del transporte urbano y en carretera. Esta actividad supone un coste importante para sus usuarios activos y pasivos en términos de polución y accidentes, muy habitualmente debidos al factor humano. Los nuevos desarrollos en seguridad y asistencia a la conducción, llamados Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS), buscan mejorar la seguridad en el transporte, y a medio plazo, llegar a la conducción autónoma. Los ADAS, al igual que la conducción humana, están basados en sensores que proporcionan información acerca del entorno, y la fiabilidad de los sensores es crucial para las aplicaciones ADAS al igual que las capacidades sensoriales lo son para la conducción humana. Una de las formas de aumentar la fiabilidad de los sensores es el uso de la Fusión Sensorial, desarrollando nuevas estrategias para el modelado del entorno de conducción gracias al uso de diversos sensores, y obteniendo una información mejorada a partid de los datos disponibles. La presente tesis pretende ofrecer una solución novedosa para la detección y clasificación de obstáculos en aplicaciones de automoción, usando fusión vii sensorial con dos sensores ampliamente disponibles en el mercado: la cámara de espectro visible y el escáner láser. Cámaras y láseres son sensores comúnmente usados en la literatura científica, cada vez más accesibles y listos para ser empleados en aplicaciones reales. La solución propuesta permite la detección y clasificación de algunos de los obstáculos comúnmente presentes en la vía, como son ciclistas y peatones. En esta tesis se han explorado novedosos enfoques para la detección y clasificación, desde la clasificación empleando clusters de nubes de puntos obtenidas desde el escáner láser, hasta las técnicas de domain adaptation para la creación de bases de datos de imágenes sintéticas, pasando por la extracción inteligente de clusters y la detección y eliminación del suelo en nubes de puntos.Life in developed and developing countries is highly dependent on road and urban motor transport. This activity involves a high cost for its active and passive users in terms of pollution and accidents, which are largely attributable to the human factor. New developments in safety and driving assistance, called Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS), are intended to improve security in transportation, and, in the mid-term, lead to autonomous driving. ADAS, like the human driving, are based on sensors, which provide information about the environment, and sensors’ reliability is crucial for ADAS applications in the same way the sensing abilities are crucial for human driving. One of the ways to improve reliability for sensors is the use of Sensor Fusion, developing novel strategies for environment modeling with the help of several sensors and obtaining an enhanced information from the combination of the available data. The present thesis is intended to offer a novel solution for obstacle detection and classification in automotive applications using sensor fusion with two highly available sensors in the market: visible spectrum camera and laser scanner. Cameras and lasers are commonly used sensors in the scientific literature, increasingly affordable and ready to be deployed in real world applications. The solution proposed provides obstacle detection and classification for some obstacles commonly present in the road, such as pedestrians and bicycles. Novel approaches for detection and classification have been explored in this thesis, from point cloud clustering classification for laser scanner, to domain adaptation techniques for synthetic dataset creation, and including intelligent clustering extraction and ground detection and removal from point clouds.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Cristina Olaverri Monreal.- Secretario: Arturo de la Escalera Hueso.- Vocal: José Eugenio Naranjo Hernánde

    A Review of Model Predictive Controls Applied to Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems

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    Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADASs) are currently gaining particular attention in the automotive field, as enablers for vehicle energy consumption, safety, and comfort enhancement. Compelling evidence is in fact provided by the variety of related studies that are to be found in the literature. Moreover, considering the actual technology readiness, larger opportunities might stem from the combination of ADASs and vehicle connectivity. Nevertheless, the definition of a suitable control system is not often trivial, especially when dealing with multiple-objective problems and dynamics complexity. In this scenario, even though diverse strategies are possible (e.g., Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy, Rule-based strategy, etc.), the Model Predictive Control (MPC) turned out to be among the most effective ones in fulfilling the aforementioned tasks. Hence, the proposed study is meant to produce a comprehensive review of MPCs applied to scenarios where ADASs are exploited and aims at providing the guidelines to select the appropriate strategy. More precisely, particular attention is paid to the prediction phase, the objective function formulation and the constraints. Subsequently, the interest is shifted to the combination of ADASs and vehicle connectivity to assess for how such information is handled by the MPC. The main results from the literature are presented and discussed, along with the integration of MPC in the optimal management of higher level connection and automation. Current gaps and challenges are addressed to, so as to possibly provide hints on future developments

    A Hardware-in-the-Loop Facility for Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Control System Design and Validation

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    Due to the increased number and the complexity of the embedded systems in today’s vehicle, there is ever increasing pressure to reduce the development cost and time to market of such systems. In recent years, Model based Development (MBD) is becoming a main stream in the development of automotive embedded systems, and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) testing is one of the key steps toward the implementation of MBD approach. This paper presents the recent HiL facility that has been developed at Cranfield University. The HiL setup includes real steering and brake smart actuator, high fidelity validated vehicle model, complete rapid control prototyping tool chain, and driver-in-the-loop capability. The applications of HiL setup are including but not limited to: smart actuators system identification; rapid control development and early validation of standalone and/or integrated vehicle dynamics control systems. Furthermore, the facility can be employed for investigation on driver-vehicle interaction at the presence of standalone active steering and/or brake systems as well as various Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS), such as lane keeping or adaptive cruise control systems. The capability of the HiL facility for validation of a several newly developed vehicle dynamics control systems is presente

    Increased reliability on Intel GPUs via software diverse redundancy

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    In the past decade, Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized various industries, including automotive, avionics, and health sectors. The installation of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) is now a reality, with the goal of achieving fully self-driving cars (SDCs) in the near future. ADAS and Autonomous Driving (AD) systems require processing vast amounts of data at high frequency using complex algorithms (Deep Learning (DL)) to meet tight time constraints (Real Time (RT)). Traditional computing has become a bottleneck, with CPUs unable to handle the data efficiently. High-performance GPUs have partially fulfilled these timing constraints, leading to continuous innovation in device performance and efficiency. For example, Nvidia introduced the Jetson AGX Xavier SoC in 2017, designed for machine learning applications in the automotive sector. However, AD and ADAS challenges also involve safety constraints, such as functional safety. Redundancy is necessary for identifying and correcting erroneous outcomes. To ensure high safety levels, diverse redundancy is used to avoid common cause faults (CCF). High-performance hardware for AD must be verified and validated (V&V) to ensure safety goals, but these processes can be costly. The automotive industry seeks to avoid non-recurring costs by using commercial off-the-shelf products (COTS). However, COTS devices have drawbacks, including limited redundancy and guarded implementation details. Researchers are developing software-only diverse redundancy solutions on top of COTS devices to overcome these limitations. Two main challenges are ensuring redundant computation for error detection and guaranteeing diverse redundancy to detect errors even when they affect all replicas. Current solutions are limited and mostly focused on NVIDIA GPUs. This thesis presents a software-only solution for diverse redundancy on Intel GPUs, providing strong diversity guarantees for the first time. Built on OpenCL, a hardware-agnostic programming language, the technique relies on intrinsics-special functions optimized by integrators. The intrinsics enable identifying hardware threads on the GPU and smart tailoring of workload geometry and allocation to specific computing elements. As a result, redundant threads use physically diverse execution units, meeting diverse redundancy requirements with affordable performance overheads. Several scenarios are developed to measure the impact of modifications to a standard OpenCL kernel execution. First, allocating only half of the available GPU resources; then, overriding the scheduler to use half of the resources; next, duplicating the work to mimic two kernel execution; and finally, executing both kernels in independent parts of the GPU

    Safety-related challenges and opportunities for GPUs in the automotive domain

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    GPUs have been shown to cover the computing performance needs of autonomous driving (AD) systems. However, since the GPUs used for AD build on designs for the mainstream market, they may lack fundamental properties for correct operation under automotive's safety regulations. In this paper, we analyze some of the main challenges in hardware and software design to embrace GPUs as the reference computing solution for AD, with the emphasis in ISO 26262 functional safety requirements.Authors would like to thank Guillem Bernat from Rapita Systems for his technical feedback on this work. The research leading to this work has received funding from the European Re-search Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 772773). This work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant TIN2015-65316-P and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. Jaume Abella has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717. Carles Hernández is jointly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER funds through grant TIN2014-60404-JIN.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the use of smartphone sensors for developing advanced driver assistance systems

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    Technological evolution impacts several industries, including automotive. The combination of software with advancements in sensory capabilities results in new Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS). The pervasiveness of smartphones and their sensory capabilities makes them an solid platform for the development of ADAS. Our work is motivated by concerns on the reliability of data acquired from such devices for developing ADAS. We performed a number of controlled experiments to understand which factors impact the collection of accelerometer data with smartphones. We conclude that the quality of data acquired is not significantly affected by using different smartphones, car mounts, rates of sampling, or vehicles for the purpose of developing ADAS. Our results indicate that smartphone sensors can be used to develop ADAS.Research sponsored by the Portugal Incentive System for Research and TechnologicalDevelopment. Project in co-promotion no. 002797/2015 (INNOVCAR 2015-2018)