10 research outputs found

    Customizing Hotel Services by Mobile Application (CHSMA)

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    Hotel Services are commonly provided by hotels in order to satisfy customer’s needs where it usually done by manual or website. Developing systematic ways to improve the hotel services where to relate with the Mobile Application system to the customizing of the hotel service where provide an access to the hotel information and also to help customer to making decision. The ultimate goal is the ability to help customer to customizing hotel services by mobile application to arrive at a better overall system. The purpose of this proposal is to take a small step in the direction of developing a unifying approach for reasoning about customizing hotel services by mobile application, however propose to design mobile application for hotel reservation as 85% of Malaysian own hand phone, so in this study a design the application and prototype will be developed using mobile device to help the reservation process in anytime,anywhere, quickly and easily

    Mobile Based Linear Programming Solver Application (MBLPSA)

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    Mobile technology has developed during the last few years. Due to this fast development in this field, subscribers of today are enjoying the use of many applications ranging from data, voice, audio to video irrespective of the place where they are stationed or moving. This study focused on the development one of mobile applications which is a Mobile Based Linear Programming Solver Application (MBLPSA). The linear programming is considered one of the basic methods using by the decision makers and scientists, but owing to its complexity in solving of the linear problems that is lead to prove the important roles of the computer applications to hold and solve that kind of problems. But the luck of the availability of computer devices and web applications any where can cause some obstacles for the users. If the system can be automated and made available on mobile access, it will solve that issues currently faced by them. This study proposes to design and to develop a mobile linear programming solver application which can be ensure the solving of the linear programs anytime and anywhere through the using of the mobile devices. The study proposes to follow the research adopted from System Development Research Methodology (SDRM) proposed by (Nunamaker & Chen, 1990); due to its suitability for small to medium sized development projects or applications. Finally it has been proposed conduct a usability test on the prototype developed for ease of use and user friendliness with the aid of a questionnaire

    Developing Time And Attendance System (TAS)

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    Time Attendance System is software that helps organization for registering and tracking employee attendance, it can integrate with existing payroll and human resource systems, as well as various collection devices. This system consists of three major parts. The first is the employee, through which they can record their attendance either in manually through timekeeper or automatically through special hardware device such as card reader. The second is timekeeper who is responsible for recording employee's attendance manually. The last is the administrator, the administrator may add, remove, search, view employee information or designation information and more

    Requirement Model of School Management System for Adult Commercial Secondary School in Somalia (ACSSMS)

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    To develop a system, it is necessary for the system's analyst to provide a model. In order to produce this model, the analyst must identify the user’s requirement first. Requirement model is one of the techniques used to model out the user’s requirement for a specific system before the development of that system. In other words, requirement model gives a view of the user’s requirement for a particular system. The purpose of this study is to create a requirement model as a basis to develop school management system for Adult Commercial Secondary School in Somalia. So, during this study, the UML graphical notation was used to model out the requirement model of the proposed school management system, and the requirement model was designed and presented using different UML tools (e.g., use case diagram, use case specifications, activity diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram and class diagram), and supporting textual information. Also, a small prototype was then developed and presented in this study, which covers some of the main functional requirements, so as to assist the school in managing their daily operations effectively and more efficiently. Thus, this study is believed to be a step forward and very crucial guidance for Adult School in Somalia to be able to give this model to system developers to build the proposed school management system

    An UML+Z Framework For Validating And Verifying the Static Aspect of Safety Critical System

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to propose an augmented framework for verifying and validating the static aspect of safety critical systems by analysing the UML class diagrams and the relationship between them. Since UML is a semi formal language which is provn to ambiguities due to its various graphical notations, hence Formal analysis of UML class diagram is required. Moreover, class diagram play an important role in system designing phase especially in safety critical systems. Any ambiguity or inconsistency in design can result in potential failure. Formal methods are the mathematical tools and methodology which are sandwiched at various stages of software development process to ensure the correctness, consistency and completeness of software artifacts such as requirement specifications, design etc. In this article, Z notation is used for the purpose of analysis formally and later on verified by the Z/EVES tool


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    This paper presents concept of a database system on a computer software systems. Requirements in analysis and design are a serious problem in developing a manual system into a computer software system that is fully automated. To link the two systems (manual and automatic), a modeling language Unified Modeling Language (UML) is now accepted as the de facto standard for the design and specification of object-oriented systems. In this study, ULM modeling language used to design a management information system (MIS) of Toilet Maintenance on the Faculty of Engineering, Lambung Mangkurat University using Access 2013. From this system, dean as admin of the system, can immediately know the damage or the need of maintenance in real time every day. Such information would greatly assist the management on making decision related to monitoring, maintenance and repair of toilet in the Faculty of Engineering, Lambung Mangkurat University. The final results is to keep the cleanliness and reliability of toilet in the Faculty of Engineering, Lambung Mangkurat University

    Automated Natural Language Requirements Analysis using General Architecture for Text Engineering (GATE) Framework

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    Stakeholders exchange ideas and describe requirements of the system in natural language at the early stage of software development. These software requirements tend to be unclear, incomplete and inconsistent. However, better quality and low cost of system development are grounded on clear, complete and consistent requirements statements. Requirements boilerplate is an effective way to minimise the ambiguity from the natural language requirements. But manual conformance of natural language requirements with boilerplate is time consuming and difficult task. This paper aims to automate requirements analysis phase using language processing tool. We propose a natural language requirement analysis model. We also present an open source General Architecture for Text Engineering (GATE) framework for automatically checking of natural language requirements against boilerplates for conformance. The evaluation of proposed approach shows that GATE framework is only capable of detecting ambiguity in natural language requirements. We also present the rules to minimise ambiguity, incompleteness, and inconsistency

    Automatic Feedback for UML Modeling Exercises as an Extension of INLOOP

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    In recent years, e-learning systems have become an important part of normal and university education. One reason for this is the growth in student numbers. INLOOP is an assessment system for object-oriented programming and is used in a beginner software engineering course of the TU Dresden. Unfortunately, for the course, there is no assessment system for object-oriented modeling. This thesis extends the INLOOP concept with functionality to assess object-oriented modeling. For that, it introduces INLOOM as a constraint-based model assessment system that works well with the architecture and workflow of INLOOP. It is based on a two-stage system that generates constraint-based test sets out of expert solution models and uses these to generate feedback and a score for a student's solution model. The system was designed by first surveying the literature on model assessment systems and then creating a design that is easy to include into INLOOP. To assess the new INLOOM system, a proof-of-concept realization for analysis UML class models is introduced. For evaluation, this realization is used to assess student solutions for tasks of multiple exams. The results of the assessment system are then compared with the assessments of human instructors. It could be shown that the INLOOM system works as well as other comparable systems. In conclusion, the INLOOM system can be used alongside INLOOP to improve the student feedback in the beginner software engineering course

    An online corpus of UML Design Models : construction and empirical studies

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    We address two problems in Software Engineering. The first problem is how to assess the severity of software defects? The second problem we address is that of studying software designs. Automated support for assessing the severity of software defects helps human developers to perform this task more efficiently and more accurately. We present (MAPDESO) for assessing the severity of software defects based on IEEE Standard Classification for Software Anomalies. The novelty of the approach lies in its use of uses ontologies and ontology-based reasoning which links defects to system level quality properties. One of the main reasons that makes studying of software designs challenging is the lack of their availability. We decided to collect software designs represented by UML models stored in image formats and use image processing techniques to convert them to models. We present the 'UML Repository' which contains UML diagrams (in image and XMI format) and design metrics. We conducted a series of empirical studies using the UML Repository. These empirical studies are a drop in the ocean empirical studies that can be conducted using the repository. Yet these studies show the versatility of useful studies that can be based on this novel repository of UML designs.Erasmus Mundus program (JOSYLEEN)Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog