117 research outputs found

    SCHEMA: Service Chain Elastic Management with distributed reinforcement learning

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    As the demand for Network Function Virtualization accelerates, service providers are expected to advance the way they manage and orchestrate their network services to offer lower latency services to their future users. Modern services require complex data flows between Virtual Network Functions, placed in separate network domains, risking an increase in latency that compromises the offered latency constraints. This shift requires high levels of automation to deal with the scale and load of future networks. In this paper, we formulate the Service Function Chaining (SFC) placement problem and then we tackle it by introducing SCHEMA, a Distributed Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithm that performs complex SFC orchestration for low latency services. We combine multiple RL agents with a Bidding Mechanism to enable scalability on multi-domain networks. Finally, we use a simulation model to evaluate SCHEMA, and we demonstrate its ability to obtain a 60.54% reduction of average service latency when compared to a centralised RL solution.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Machine Learning for Next-generation Content Delivery Networks: Deployment, Content Placement, and Performance Management

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    With the explosive demands for data and the growth in mobile users, content delivery networks (CDNs) are facing ever-increasing challenges to meet end-users quality-of-experience requirements, ensure scalability and remain cost-effective. These challenges encourage CDN providers to seek a solution by considering the new technologies available in today’s computer network domain. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is a relatively new network service deployment technology used in computer networks. It can reduce capital and operational costs while yielding flexibility and scalability for network operators. Thanks to the NFV, the network functions that previously could be offered only by specific hardware appliances can now run as Virtualized Network Functions (VNF) on commodity servers or switches. Moreover, a network service can be flexibly deployed by a chain of VNFs, a structure known as the VNF Forwarding Graph or VNF-FG. Considering these advantages, the next-generation CDN will be deployed using NFV infrastructure. However, using NFV for service deployment is challenging as resource allocation in a shared infrastructure is not easy. Moreover, the integration of other paradigms (e.g., edge computing and vehicular network) into CDN will compound the complexity of content placement and performance management for the next-generation CDNs. In this regard, due to their impacts on final service and end-user perceived quality, the challenges in service deployment, content placement, and performance management should be addressed carefully. In this thesis, advanced machine learning methods are utilized to provide algorithmic solutions for the abovementioned challenges of the next generation CDNs. Regarding the challenges in the deployment of the next-generation CDNs, we propose two deep reinforcement learning-based methods addressing the joint problems of VNF-FG’s composition and embedding, as well as function scaling and topology adaptation. As for content placement challenges, a deep reinforcement learning-based approach for content migration in an edge-based CDN with vehicular nodes is proposed. The proposed approach takes advantage of the available caching resources in the proximity of the full local caches and efficiently migrates contents at the edge of the network. Moreover, for managing the performance quality of an operating CDN, an unsupervised machine learning anomaly detection method is provided. The proposed method uses clustering to enable easier performance analysis for next-generation CDNs. Each proposed method in this thesis is evaluated by comparison to the state-of-the-art approaches. Moreover, when applicable, the optimality gaps of the proposed methods are investigated as well

    Dynamic Prioritization and Adaptive Scheduling using Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient for Deploying Microservice-based VNFs

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    The Network Function Virtualization (NFV)-Resource Allocation (RA) problem is NP-Hard. Traditional deployment methods revealed the existence of a starvation problem, which the researchers failed to recognize. Basically, starvation here, means the longer waiting times and eventual rejection of low-priority services due to a 'time out'. The contribution of this work is threefold: a) explain the existence of the starvation problem in the existing methods and their drawbacks, b) introduce 'Adaptive Scheduling' (AdSch) which is an 'intelligent scheduling' scheme using a three-factor approach (priority, threshold waiting time, and reliability), which proves to be more reasonable than traditional methods solely based on priority, and c) a 'Dynamic Prioritization' (DyPr), allocation method is also proposed for unseen services and the importance of macro- and micro-level priority. We presented a zero-touch solution using Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) for adaptive scheduling and an online-Ridge Regression (RR) model for dynamic prioritization. The DDPG successfully identified the 'Beneficial and Starving' services, efficiently deploying twice as many low-priority services as others, reducing the starvation problem. Our online-RR model learns the pattern in less than 100 transitions, and the prediction model has an accuracy rate of more than 80%

    A reinforcement learning approach for Virtual Network Function Chaining and sharing in softwarized networks

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    ​© 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Cognizant of the ease with which softwarized functions can be dynamically scaled according to real time resource requirements, and the fact that multiple services can have common VNFs in their chaining, this paper tackles the problem of cost effective deployment of online services from the perspective of sharing their VNF instances. First, we formally formulate the deployment problem under VNFs sharing. Secondly, given the NP-hard nature of the above problem, we propose a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm capable of making intelligent placement decisions while considering multiple conflicting costs. Costs of transmission, VNF instantiation or energy consumption, among others. Thanks to the intelligence of the RL algorithm, simulation results show that the performance of the proposed algorithm is within a 14% margin and similar to an optimal solution in terms of request provisioning cost and acceptance ratio, respectively. Moreover, the algorithm results in more than a 20% and a 70% improvement in terms of request deployment cost and time compared to a state-of-the-art algorithm, and up to more than a 40% improvement in terms of cost compared to an algorithm that greedily minimizes the transmission or VNF activation costs.Postprint (author's final draft

    Advanced Scaling Methods for VNF deployment with Reinforcement Learning

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    Network function virtualization (NFV) and software-defined network (SDN) have become emerging network paradigms, allowing virtualized network function (VNF) deployment at a low cost. Even though VNF deployment can be flexible, it is still challenging to optimize VNF deployment due to its high complexity. Several studies have approached the task as dynamic programming, e.g., integer linear programming (ILP). However, optimizing VNF deployment for highly complex networks remains a challenge. Alternatively, reinforcement learning (RL) based approaches have been proposed to optimize this task, especially to employ a scaling action-based method which can deploy VNFs within less computational time. However, the model architecture can be improved further to generalize to the different networking settings. In this paper, we propose an enhanced model which can be adapted to more general network settings. We adopt the improved GNN architecture and a few techniques to obtain a better node representation for the VNF deployment task. Furthermore, we apply a recently proposed RL method, phasic policy gradient (PPG), to leverage the shared representation of the service function chain (SFC) generation model from the value function. We evaluate the proposed method in various scenarios, achieving a better QoS with minimum resource utilization compared to the previous methods. Finally, as a qualitative evaluation, we analyze our proposed encoder's representation for the nodes, which shows a more disentangled representation.Comment: 27 page

    Virtual Network Function Embedding under Nodal Outage using Reinforcement Learning

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    Learning Augmented Optimization for Network Softwarization in 5G

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    The rapid uptake of mobile devices and applications are posing unprecedented traffic burdens on the existing networking infrastructures. In order to maximize both user experience and investment return, the networking and communications systems are evolving to the next gen- eration – 5G, which is expected to support more flexibility, agility, and intelligence towards provisioned services and infrastructure management. Fulfilling these tasks is challenging, as nowadays networks are increasingly heterogeneous, dynamic and expanded with large sizes. Network softwarization is one of the critical enabling technologies to implement these requirements in 5G. In addition to these problems investigated in preliminary researches about this technology, many new emerging application requirements and advanced opti- mization & learning technologies are introducing more challenges & opportunities for its fully application in practical production environment. This motivates this thesis to develop a new learning augmented optimization technology, which merges both the advanced opti- mization and learning techniques to meet the distinct characteristics of the new application environment. To be more specific, the abstracts of the key contents in this thesis are listed as follows: • We first develop a stochastic solution to augment the optimization of the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) services in dynamical networks. In contrast to the dominant NFV solutions applied for the deterministic networking environments, the inherent network dynamics and uncertainties from 5G infrastructure are impeding the rollout of NFV in many emerging networking applications. Therefore, Chapter 3 investigates the issues of network utility degradation when implementing NFV in dynamical networks, and proposes a robust NFV solution with full respect to the underlying stochastic features. By exploiting the hierarchical decision structures in this problem, a distributed computing framework with two-level decomposition is designed to facilitate a distributed implementation of the proposed model in large-scale networks. • Next, Chapter 4 aims to intertwin the traditional optimization and learning technologies. In order to reap the merits of both optimization and learning technologies but avoid their limitations, promissing integrative approaches are investigated to combine the traditional optimization theories with advanced learning methods. Subsequently, an online optimization process is designed to learn the system dynamics for the network slicing problem, another critical challenge for network softwarization. Specifically, we first present a two-stage slicing optimization model with time-averaged constraints and objective to safeguard the network slicing operations in time-varying networks. Directly solving an off-line solution to this problem is intractable since the future system realizations are unknown before decisions. To address this, we combine the historical learning and Lyapunov stability theories, and develop a learning augmented online optimization approach. This facilitates the system to learn a safe slicing solution from both historical records and real-time observations. We prove that the proposed solution is always feasible and nearly optimal, up to a constant additive factor. Finally, simulation experiments are also provided to demonstrate the considerable improvement of the proposals. • The success of traditional solutions to optimizing the stochastic systems often requires solving a base optimization program repeatedly until convergence. For each iteration, the base program exhibits the same model structure, but only differing in their input data. Such properties of the stochastic optimization systems encourage the work of Chapter 5, in which we apply the latest deep learning technologies to abstract the core structures of an optimization model and then use the learned deep learning model to directly generate the solutions to the equivalent optimization model. In this respect, an encoder-decoder based learning model is developed in Chapter 5 to improve the optimization of network slices. In order to facilitate the solving of the constrained combinatorial optimization program in a deep learning manner, we design a problem-specific decoding process by integrating program constraints and problem context information into the training process. The deep learning model, once trained, can be used to directly generate the solution to any specific problem instance. This avoids the extensive computation in traditional approaches, which re-solve the whole combinatorial optimization problem for every instance from the scratch. With the help of the REINFORCE gradient estimator, the obtained deep learning model in the experiments achieves significantly reduced computation time and optimality loss

    Contribution to multi-domain network slicing : resource orchestration framework and algorithms

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    5G/6G services and applications, in the context of the eMBB, mMTC and uRLLC network slicing framework, whose network infrastructure requirements may span beyond the coverage area of a single Infrastructure Provider (InP), are envisaged to be supported by leasing resources from multiple InPs. A challenging aspect for a Service Provider (SP) is how to obtain an optimal set of InPs on which to provision the requests and the particular substrate nodes and links within each InP on which to map the different VNFs and virtual links of the service requests, respectively, for a seamless, reliable and cost-effective orchestration of service requests. Existing works in this area either perform service mapping in uncoordinated manner, do not incorporate service reliability or do so from the perspective of stateless VNFs. Also they assume full information disclosure, or are based on exact approaches, which considerations are not well suited for future network scenarios characterized by delay sensitive mission critical applications and resource constrained networks. This thesis contributes to the above challenge by breaking the multi-domain service orchestration problem into two interlinked sub-problems that are solved in a coordinated manner: (1) Request splitting/partitioning (sub-problem 1), involving obtaining a subset of InPs and the corresponding inter-domain links on which to provision the different VNFs and virtual links of the service request; (2) Intra-domain VNF orchestration (sub-problem 2), involving obtaining the intra-domain nodes and links to provision the VNFs and virtual links of the sub-SFC associated with each InP. In this way, the thesis sets out four key targets that are necessary to align with the mission critical and delay sensitive use-cases envisaged in 5G and future networks in terms of service deployment cost and QoS: (1) coordinated mapping of service requests, with a view of realizing better utilization of the substrate resources; (2) survivability and fault-tolerant orchestration of service requests, to tame both QoS violations and the penalties from such violations; (3) limited disclosure of InP internal information, in order adhere to the privacy requirements InPs, and (4) achieving all the above targets in polynomial time. In order to realize the above targets, the thesis sought for solution techniques that are: (1) able to incorporate information learned in the previous solutions search space and historical mapping decisions, hence, resulting in acceptable performance even in scenarios of limited information exposure and fuzzy environments; (2) robust and less problem specific, hence, can be tailored to different optimization objectives, network topologies and service request constraints, thus enabling to deal with requests with either chained topologies or with bifurcated paths; (3) capable of dealing with an optimization problem that is jointly affected by multiple attributes, since in practice, the service deployment cost is jointly affected by multiple conflicting costs; (4) able to realize near-optimal solutions in practical run-times, thus rendering well suited approaches for delay sensitive and resource constrained scenarios. Three different algorithms namely, an RL, Genetic Algorithm (GA) and a fully distributed multi-stage graph-based algorithms are proposed for sub-problem 1. In addition, five different algorithms based on GA, Harmony search, RL, and multi-stage graph approach are proposed for sub-problem 2. Finally, in order to guide the implementation and adherence of the thesis proposals to the four main targets of the thesis, an architectural framework is proposed, aligned with the ETSI NFV-MANO architectural framework. Overall, the simulations results proved that the thesis proposals are optimized in terms of request acceptance ratios, mapping cost and execution time, hence, rendering such proposals well suited for 5G and future scenarios.Els serveis que es poden presentar en el marc de la tecnologia de “slicing” de xarxa de 5G/6G, com ara eMBB, mMTC o uRLLC, es possible que no els pugui oferir un sol proveïdor d’infraestructura (InP) degut a les limitacions que pot tenir la seva xarxa, i per tant que faci necessària la cooperació de múltiples InPs. En aquest cas, el primer repte que afronta el Proveïdor de Servei (SP) que rep la sol·licitud de desplegament es determinar el conjunt òptim de InPs que hi han d’intervenir i en concret els nodes i enllaços de cada un d’ells que s’han d’utilitzar per al mapatge de les diferents VNFs i enllaços virtuals de la sol·licitud. Els treballs que existeixen en aquesta àrea duen a terme el mapatge del servei be sigui de manera no coordinada, o no incorporen la fiabilitat, o ho fan des de la perspectiva de VNFs sense estat. També, pressuposen la divulgació total de la informació, o estan basats en metodologies exactes que fa que no siguin idonis per a escenaris de xarxes del futur, caracteritzats per aplicacions de missió critica, sensibles al retard i sobre xarxes amb recursos limitats. Aquesta tesi contribueix a afrontar aquests reptes dividint el problema d’orquestració de serveis multi domini en dos subproblemes relacionats, que es resolen de manera coordinada. (1) Divisió / partició de la sol·licitud de servei (sub-problema 1), que implica l'obtenció d'un subconjunt d'InPs i els enllaços interdomini corresponents sobre els quals proporcionar les diferents VNF i enllaços virtuals de la sol·licitud de servei; (2) Orquestració VNF intradomini (sub-problema 2), que implica l'obtenció dels nodes i enllaços intradomini per aprovisionar les VNF i enllaços virtuals dels sub-SFC associats a cada InP. D'aquesta manera, la tesi estableix quatre objectius clau que són necessaris per alinear-se amb els casos d'ús de missió crítica i sensibles al retard previstos en 5G i xarxes futures en termes de cost de desplegament del servei i QoS: (1) mapatge coordinat de les sol·licituds de servei, amb l'objectiu de realitzar una millor utilització dels recursos del substrat; (2) orquestració de les sol·licituds de servei contemplant la supervivència del servei en situacions de fallides, minimitzant les violacions de la QoS i les sancions derivades d'aquestes violacions; (3) divulgació limitada de la informació interna de l’InP, per tal d'adherir-se als requisits de privadesa dels InPs, i (4) aconseguir tots els objectius anteriors en temps polinòmic. Per tal de realitzar els objectius anteriors, la tesi busca solucions que siguin: (1) capaces d'incorporar informació apresa en les solucions anteriors de l'espai de cerca i decisions de mapatge històric, donant lloc a un rendiment acceptable fins i tot en escenaris d'exposició limitada a la informació i entorns difusos; (2) robustes i menys dependents dels problemes específics, i per tant, que es poden adaptar a diferents objectius d'optimització, topologies de xarxa i restriccions de sol·licitud de servei, permetent així fer front a sol·licituds amb cadenes de funcions de topologies molt diverses; (3) capaces de fer front a un problema d'optimització de múltiples atributs, ja que a la pràctica, el cost de desplegament del servei depèn de múltiples costos; (4) capaces de trobar solucions gairebé òptimes en temps suficientment breus, resultant així adequades a escenaris sensibles al retard i amb limitació de recursos. La tesi proposa tres algorismes diferents per al sub-problema 1: un algorisme de RL, un algorisme genètic (GA) i un algorisme multi etapa basat en grafs i completament distribuït. A més, es proposen cinc algorismes diferents basats en l'enfocament de grafs, un algorisme GA, un algorisme de cerca d’harmonia, un algorisme de RL i un algorisme multi-etapa per al sub-problema 2. Finalment, per tal de guiar la implementació i l'adhesió de les propostes als quatre objectius principals de la tesi, es proposa...Postprint (published version