13,424 research outputs found

    Models for an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries

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    This document is one outcome from a workshop held in Gizo in October 2010 attended by 82 representatives from government, NGO's private sector, and communities. The target audience for the document is primarily organizations planning to work with coastal communities of Solomon Islands to implement Community-Based Resource Management (CBRM). It is however also envisaged that the document will serve as a reference for communities to better understand what to expect from their partners and also for donors, to be informed about agreed approaches amongst Solomon Islands stakeholders. This document does not attempt to summarize all the outcomes of the workshop; rather it focuses on the Solomon Islands Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) National Plan of Action (NPoA): Theme 1: Support and implementation of CBRM and specifically, the scaling up of CBRM in Solomon Islands. Most of the principles given in this document are derived from experiences in coastal communities and ecosystems as, until relatively recently, these have received most attention in Solomon Islands resource management. It is recognized however that the majority of these principles will be applicable to both coastal and terrestrial initiatives. This document synthesizes information provided by stakeholders at the October 2010 workshop and covers some basic principles of engagement and implementation that have been learned over more than twenty years of activities by the stakeholder partners in Solomon Islands. The document updates and expands on a summary of guiding principles for CBRM which was originally prepared by the Solomon Islands Locally Managed Marine Area Network (SILMMA) in 2007

    The use of information technology in aquaculture management

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    The recent advances in information technology (IT) have had profound impacts on all walks of life and aquaculture is no exception. The growing importance of aquaculture as an alternative source of protein has further emphasized the need to adapt and develop advanced IT for the better management of aquaculture facilities as well as the regional planning for aquaculture development. It is the objective of this paper to review the use and potential prospects of IT in aquaculture management. The information technologies considered are instrumentation and process control, data management, computerized models, decision support systems, artificial intelligence and expert systems, image processing and pattern recognition, geographical information systems, and information centres and networks. The review includes a brief introduction of each of the aforementioned technologies, followed by a survey of their current application as well as their potential use in aquaculture management. Abstract The recent advances in information technology (IT) have had profound impacts on all walks of life and aquaculture is no exception. The growing importance of aquaculture as an alternative source of protein has further emphasized the need to adapt and develop advanced IT for the better management of aquaculture facilities as well as the regional planning for aquaculture development. It is the objective of this paper to review the use and potential prospects of IT in aquaculture management. The information technologies considered are instrumentation and process control, data management, computerized models, decision support systems, artificial intelligence and expert systems, image processing and pattern recognition, geographical information systems, and information centres and networks. The review includes a brief introduction of each of the aforementioned technologies, followed by a survey of their current application as well as their potential use in aquaculture management

    Computer-aided disease diagnosis in aquaculture: current state and perspectives for the future.

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    ABSTRACT. Automation of essential processes in agriculture is becoming widespread, especially when fast action is required. However, some processes that could greatly benefit from some degree of automation have such difficult characteristics, that even small improvements pose a great challenge. This is the case of fish disease diagnosis, a problem of great economic, social and ecological interest. Difficult problems like this often require a interdisciplinary approach to be tackled properly, as multifaceted issues can greatly benefit from the inclusion of different perspectives. In this context, this paper presents the most recent advances in research subjects such as expert systems applied to fish disease diagnosis, computer vision applied to aquaculture, and image-based disease diagnosis applied to agriculture, and discusses how those advances may be combined to support future developments towards more effective diagnosis tools. The paper finishes suggesting a possible solution to increase the degree of automation of fish disease diagnosis tools

    Hybrid Societies : Challenges and Perspectives in the Design of Collective Behavior in Self-organizing Systems

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    Hybrid societies are self-organizing, collective systems, which are composed of different components, for example, natural and artificial parts (bio-hybrid) or human beings interacting with and through technical systems (socio-technical). Many different disciplines investigate methods and systems closely related to the design of hybrid societies. A stronger collaboration between these disciplines could allow for re-use of methods and create significant synergies. We identify three main areas of challenges in the design of self-organizing hybrid societies. First, we identify the formalization challenge. There is an urgent need for a generic model that allows a description and comparison of collective hybrid societies. Second, we identify the system design challenge. Starting from the formal specification of the system, we need to develop an integrated design process. Third, we identify the challenge of interdisciplinarity. Current research on self-organizing hybrid societies stretches over many different fields and hence requires the re-use and synthesis of methods at intersections between disciplines. We then conclude by presenting our perspective for future approaches with high potential in this area

    Savings Clauses and Trends in Natural Resources Federalism

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    This article considers recent trends in federalism, with particular attention to natural resource law\u27s statutory savings clauses. It begins with a case study of elk management in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The elk controversy shows how a statutory savings clause can provide a state with traction to advance its interests, and demonstrates how the political winds of change can shift the balance of state-federal relations. The article then focuses on the common statutory savings clauses and their roles in circumscribing federal agency authority and establishing a basis for cooperation between federal and state governments. We analyze the interpretive approaches the judiciary may employ to make sense of the statutory savings language, and conceptualize them along a continuum of influence in resolving cases. The article concludes with an explanation of trends that set the direction for policy innovations in natural resources federalism and general thoughts about the future of federalism in natural resources law

    Multivariate methods in aquaculture research: case studies of tilapias in experimental and commercial systems

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    This volume documents the usefulness of multivariate methods û notably multiple regression, path analysis and canonical correlation û in the context of aquaculture, which has to date tended to neglect such methods, and hence to underutilize available data. All examples used here stem from experimental and/or commercial tilapia culture systems, and hence this book also represents an advance in the understanding of such systems.Aquaculture, Tilapia culture, Growth, Multivariate analysis Oreochromis

    Ruumiliste otsustustugede arendamine võimaldamaks merede jätkusuutlikku majandamist

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneMeremajanduse teostamiseks on vaja eri tüüpi ruumilist infot, millele tuginevad tööriistad on hädavajalikud kriisiolukorras reageerimiseks ja erinevate stsenaariumipõhiste analüüside läbiviimisel. Doktoritöös arendati veebipõhiseid operatiivseid otsustustugesid, mis võimaldavad koguda ja analüüsida andmeid ja teadmisi ning edastada tulemusi sidusrühmadele arusaadaval viisil, et hõlbustada kokkulepete sõlmimist. Sellist lähenemist illustreerib Next-Generation Smart Response Web (NG-SRW), mis võimaldab hinnata naftareostusega seotud keskkonnariske ja leida hädaolukordadele paremaid lahendusi. Naftalekke ruumilise leviku modelleerimine ja selle visualiseerimine võimaldab hinnata võimalike meetmete eeliseid, et kujundada sobiv reageerimisstrateegia. Lisaks valmis doktoritöö käigus PlanWise4Blue (PW4B) tööriist, millega hinnatakse erinevate survetegurite kumulatiivset mõju mereelustikule. PW4B tööriista saab kasutada inimtegevuste eraldi- ja koosmõjude prognoosimiseks nii tänapäevaste kui ka tuleviku kliimamuutuste tingimustes. Tööriista katsetati Läänemere piirkonnas Eesti mereala ruumilise planeerimise protsessis uurimaks erinevate meremajandamisstsenaariumite mõju erinevatele loodusväärtustele. Tulemused julgustavad kasutama modelleerimisel põhinevaid stsenaariumarvutusi otsustusprotsessides, et uurida inimtegevuse mõju ja/või kasu ökosüsteemi teenuste osutamisele ja vastupidi. Stsenaariumianalüüse kasutades saame teada ühiskonna eelistusi selle kohta, millist tulevikku nad eelistaksid ning paraneb otsustusprotsesside läbipaistvus.The maritime economy requires different types of spatial information, on which spatial decision support tools are essential to respond to crisis situations and to carry out different scenario-based analyses. This doctoral study developed web-based operational decision support tools to collect and analyse data and insights as well as to facilitate communication and discussion with stakeholders. Such an approach is illustrated by the Next-Generation Smart Response Web (NG-SRW), which enables the assessment of environmental risks associated with oil spills and the identification of better solutions to emergencies. By integrating the analysis and visualization of dynamic spill features, the benefits of potential response actions are compared to develop an appropriate response strategy. In addition, PlanWise4Blue (PW4B), a tool to assess the cumulative impact of different human pressures on marine life, was developed during the PhD. The PW4B tool can be used to predict the individual and combined effects of human activities under both current environmental conditions and future climate change. The tool has been tested in the Baltic Sea region in the Estonian marine spatial planning process to investigate the impacts of different marine management scenarios on different nature values. The results encourage the use of modelling-based scenario calculations in decision-making processes to explore effects and/or benefits of human activities to ecosystem services provision, and vice versa. Scenario analysis can be used to include society preferences of what future would they prefer and can improve transparency in decision-making processes.https://www.ester.ee/record=b550706