1,543 research outputs found

    Cyber–Physical–Social Frameworks for Urban Big Data Systems: A Survey

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    The integration of things’ data on the Web and Web linking for things’ description and discovery is leading the way towards smart Cyber–Physical Systems (CPS). The data generated in CPS represents observations gathered by sensor devices about the ambient environment that can be manipulated by computational processes of the cyber world. Alongside this, the growing use of social networks offers near real-time citizen sensing capabilities as a complementary information source. The resulting Cyber–Physical–Social System (CPSS) can help to understand the real world and provide proactive services to users. The nature of CPSS data brings new requirements and challenges to different stages of data manipulation, including identification of data sources, processing and fusion of different types and scales of data. To gain an understanding of the existing methods and techniques which can be useful for a data-oriented CPSS implementation, this paper presents a survey of the existing research and commercial solutions. We define a conceptual framework for a data-oriented CPSS and detail the various solutions for building human–machine intelligence

    Managing pervasive sensing campaigns via an experimentation-as-a-service platform for smart cities

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    The adoption of technologies like the IoT in urban environments, together with the intensive use of smartphones, is driving transformation towards smart cities. Under this perspective, Experimentation-as-a-Service within OrganiCity aims to create an experimental facility with technologies, services, and applications that simplify innovation within urban ecosystems. We discuss here tools that facilitate experimentation, implementing ways to organize, execute, and administer experimentation campaigns in a smart city context. We discuss the benefits of our framework, presenting some preliminary results. This is the first time such tools are paired with large-scale smart city infrastructures, enabling both city-scale experimentation and cross-site experimentation.This work was partially supported by the OrganiCity research project funded by the European Union, under the grant agreement No. 645198 of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation progra

    Internet of things

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    Manual of Digital Earth / Editors: Huadong Guo, Michael F. Goodchild, Alessandro Annoni .- Springer, 2020 .- ISBN: 978-981-32-9915-3Digital Earth was born with the aim of replicating the real world within the digital world. Many efforts have been made to observe and sense the Earth, both from space (remote sensing) and by using in situ sensors. Focusing on the latter, advances in Digital Earth have established vital bridges to exploit these sensors and their networks by taking location as a key element. The current era of connectivity envisions that everything is connected to everything. The concept of the Internet of Things(IoT)emergedasaholisticproposaltoenableanecosystemofvaried,heterogeneous networked objects and devices to speak to and interact with each other. To make the IoT ecosystem a reality, it is necessary to understand the electronic components, communication protocols, real-time analysis techniques, and the location of the objects and devices. The IoT ecosystem and the Digital Earth (DE) jointly form interrelated infrastructures for addressing today’s pressing issues and complex challenges. In this chapter, we explore the synergies and frictions in establishing an efficient and permanent collaboration between the two infrastructures, in order to adequately address multidisciplinary and increasingly complex real-world problems. Although there are still some pending issues, the identified synergies generate optimism for a true collaboration between the Internet of Things and the Digital Earth

    GEO-C:Enabling open cities and the open city toolkit

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    The GEO-C doctoral programme, entitled “Geoinformatics: Enabling Open Cities”, is funded by the EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (International Training Networks (ITN), European Joint Doctorates) until December 2018, and is managed by three European universities in Germany, Portugal and Spain. 15 doctoral grantholders (Early Stage Researchers) were selected to work on specific three-year projects, all contributing to improving the notion of open cities, and specifically to an Open City Toolkit of methodologies, code, and best practice examples. Contributions include volunteered geographic information (VGI), public information displays, mobility apps to encourage green living, providing open data to immigrant populations, reducing the second-order digital divide, sensing of quality of life, proximity based privacy protection, and spatio-temporal online social media analysis. All doctoral students conducted long-term visits and were embedded in city governments and businesses, to gain experience from multiple perspectives in addition to the researcher and users’ perspective. The projects are situated within three areas: transparency, participation, and collaboration. They took mostly a bottom-up (citizen-centric) approach to (smart) open cities, rather than relying on large IT companies to create smart open cities in a top-down manner. This paper discusses the various contributions to enabling open cities, explains in some detail the Open City Toolkit, and its possible uses and impact on stakeholders. A follow-up doctoral program has been solicited and, if successful, will continue this line of research and will strengthen aspects of privacy, data provenance, and trust, in an effort to improve relations between data (e.g. news) publishers and consumers

    Towards Urban General Intelligence: A Review and Outlook of Urban Foundation Models

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    Machine learning techniques are now integral to the advancement of intelligent urban services, playing a crucial role in elevating the efficiency, sustainability, and livability of urban environments. The recent emergence of foundation models such as ChatGPT marks a revolutionary shift in the fields of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Their unparalleled capabilities in contextual understanding, problem solving, and adaptability across a wide range of tasks suggest that integrating these models into urban domains could have a transformative impact on the development of smart cities. Despite growing interest in Urban Foundation Models~(UFMs), this burgeoning field faces challenges such as a lack of clear definitions, systematic reviews, and universalizable solutions. To this end, this paper first introduces the concept of UFM and discusses the unique challenges involved in building them. We then propose a data-centric taxonomy that categorizes current UFM-related works, based on urban data modalities and types. Furthermore, to foster advancement in this field, we present a promising framework aimed at the prospective realization of UFMs, designed to overcome the identified challenges. Additionally, we explore the application landscape of UFMs, detailing their potential impact in various urban contexts. Relevant papers and open-source resources have been collated and are continuously updated at https://github.com/usail-hkust/Awesome-Urban-Foundation-Models

    Contextual sensing : integrating contextual information with human and technical geo-sensor information for smart cities

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    In this article we critically discuss the challenge of integrating contextual information, in particular spatiotemporal contextual information, with human and technical sensor information, which we approach from a geospatial perspective. We start by highlighting the significance of context in general and spatiotemporal context in particular and introduce a smart city model of interactions between humans, the environment, and technology, with context at the common interface. We then focus on both the intentional and the unintentional sensing capabilities of todays technologies and discuss current technological trends that we consider have the ability to enrich human and technical geo-sensor information with contextual detail. The different types of sensors used to collect contextual information are analyzed and sorted into three groups on the basis of names considering frequently used related terms, and characteristic contextual parameters. These three groups, namely technical in situ sensors, technical remote sensors, and human sensors are analyzed and linked to three dimensions involved in sensing (data generation, geographic phenomena, and type of sensing). In contrast to other scientific publications, we found a large number of technologies and applications using in situ and mobile technical sensors within the context of smart cities, and surprisingly limited use of remote sensing approaches. In this article we further provide a critical discussion of possible impacts and influences of both technical and human sensing approaches on society, pointing out that a larger number of sensors, increased fusion of information, and the use of standardized data formats and interfaces will not necessarily result in any improvement in the quality of life of the citizens of a smart city. This article seeks to improve our understanding of technical and human geo-sensing capabilities, and to demonstrate that the use of such sensors can facilitate the integration of different types of contextual information, thus providing an additional, namely the geo-spatial perspective on the future development of smart cities.(VLID)165464

    Location Privacy for Mobile Crowd Sensing through Population Mapping

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    Opportunistic sensing allows applications to “task” mobile devices to measure context in a target region. For example, one could leverage sensor-equipped vehicles to measure traffic or pollution levels on a particular street or users\u27 mobile phones to locate (Bluetooth-enabled) objects in their vicinity. In most proposed applications, context reports include the time and location of the event, putting the privacy of users at increased risk: even if identifying information has been removed from a report, the accompanying time and location can reveal sufficient information to de-anonymize the user whose device sent the report. We propose and evaluate a novel spatiotemporal blurring mechanism based on tessellation and clustering to protect users\u27 privacy against the system while reporting context. Our technique employs a notion of probabilistic k-anonymity; it allows users to perform local blurring of reports efficiently without an online anonymization server before the data are sent to the system. The proposed scheme can control the degree of certainty in location privacy and the quality of reports through a system parameter. We outline the architecture and security properties of our approach and evaluate our tessellation and clustering algorithm against real mobility traces

    Trajectory Privacy Preservation and Lightweight Blockchain Techniques for Mobility-Centric IoT

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    Various research efforts have been undertaken to solve the problem of trajectory privacy preservation in the Internet of Things (IoT) of resource-constrained mobile devices. Most attempts at resolving the problem have focused on the centralized model of IoT, which either impose high delay or fail against a privacy-invading attack with long-term trajectory observation. These proposed solutions also fail to guarantee location privacy for trajectories with both geo-tagged and non-geo-tagged data, since they are designed for geo-tagged trajectories only. While a few blockchain-based techniques have been suggested for preserving trajectory privacy in decentralized model of IoT, they require large storage capacity on resource-constrained devices and can only provide conditional privacy when a set of authorities governs the blockchain. This dissertation addresses these challenges to develop efficient trajectory privacy-preservation and lightweight blockchain techniques for mobility-centric IoT. We develop a pruning-based technique by quantifying the relationship between trajectory privacy and delay for real-time geo-tagged queries. This technique yields higher trajectory privacy with a reduced delay than contemporary techniques while preventing a long-term observation attack. We extend our study with the consideration of the presence of non-geo-tagged data in a trajectory. We design an attack model to show the spatiotemporal correlation between the geo-tagged and non-geo-tagged data which undermines the privacy guarantee of existing techniques. In response, we propose a methodology that considers the spatial distribution of the data in trajectory privacy-preservation and improves existing solutions, in privacy and usability. With respect to blockchain, we design and implement one of the first blockchain storage management techniques utilizing the mobility of the devices. This technique reduces the required storage space of a blockchain and makes it lightweight for resource-constrained mobile devices. To address the trajectory privacy challenges in an authority-based blockchain under the short-range communication constraints of the devices, we introduce a silence-based one of the first technique to establish a balance between trajectory privacy and blockchain utility. The designed trajectory privacy- preservation techniques we established are light- weight and do not require an intermediary to guarantee trajectory privacy, thereby providing practical and efficient solution for different mobility-centric IoT, such as mobile crowdsensing and Internet of Vehicles