343 research outputs found

    Reallocating Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emission in EU15 Countries

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    This research work uses an alternative approach for modeling agricultural greenhouse gas emissions as an undesirable output, based on the zero sum gains DEA model (ZSG-DEA BCC model). This approach reallocates agricultural greenhouse gas emissions among EU15 countries. The reallocation analysis of greenhouse gas emissions permits countries that increase their emissions negotiate the emissions reduction with the others. This negotiation process might create a quota trade system for agricultural activity.DEA, Zero Sum Gains, Movement along the Efficient Frontier, Smoothed Frontier, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Environmental Economics and Policy, Q54, Q56,

    Carbon emission abatement quota allocation in Chinese manufacturing industries:An integrated cooperative game data envelopment analysis approach

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    The Chinese government announced to cut its carbon emissions intensity by 60%–65% from its 2005 level. To realize the national abatement commitment, a rational allocation into its subunits (i.e. industries, provinces) is eagerly needed. Centralized allocation models can maximize the overall interests, but might cause implementation difficulty and fierce resistance from individual subunits. Based on this observation, this article will address the carbon emission abatement quota allocation problem from decentralized perspective, taking the competitive and cooperative relationships simultaneously into account. To this end, this article develops an integrated cooperative game data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach. We first investigate the relative efficiency evaluation by taking flexible carbon emission abatement allocation plans into account, and then define a super-additive characteristic function for developing a cooperative game among units. To calculate the nucleolus-based allocation plan, a practical computation procedure is developed based on the constraint generation mechanism. Further, we present a two-layer way to allocate the CO2 abatement quota into different sub-industries and further different provinces in Chinese manufacturing industries. The empirical results show that five sub-industries (Processing of petroleum, coking and processing of nuclear fuel; Smelting and pressing of ferrous metals; Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products; Manufacture of raw chemical materials and chemical product; Smelting and pressing of non-ferrous metals) and two provinces (Guangdong and Shandong) will be allocated more than 10% of the total national carbon emission abatement quota

    Pollution responsibility allocation in supply networks: A game-theoretic approach and a case study

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    This study introduces a cooperative game theory approach aimed at addressing the problem of allocating pollution responsibility across partners collaborating in supply networks. The proposed framework includes three different allocation rules through which companies can share pollution responsibility across complex supply networks. A case study in the context of a supply network for the manufacturing of construction materials is illustrated for demonstrating the real-world applicability of the approach

    A Review of DEA-based Resource and Cost Allocation models: Implications for services

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    Data envelopment analysis (DEA), by its design, was not intended for resource allocation but for measuring relative efficiency of decision-making units. Despite this, many researchers have successfully applied this modelling technique to a variety of resource and cost allocation decisions in order to improve operational efficiencies. This paper is a comprehensive review and classification of such articles. The papers were classified by industry and by DEA model-orientation. The findings of this paper show that existing models predominately apply DEA to mass service industries (e.g., banking), thus, revealing the opportunity for researchers to further develop DEA-based resource allocation modelling toward improving the operational efficiencies of other service industries (e.g., professional services). To guide researchers to this end, we offer a discussion of the use of DEA modelling when the service provider and the customer are both resources needing to be allocated, in other words, using DEA to model professional or co-created services

    Reduction of non-performing loans in the banking industry: an application of data envelopment analysis

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    The increase in non-performing loans around the world has had quite a negative impact on many nations’ banking systems. To address these problems, many creative regulatory solutions and well-designed risk techniques have been utilized in the hope of reducing non-performing loans to an acceptable level. The purpose of this study is to apply a newly developed data envelopment analysis model to suggest the most efficient plan (called Plan 4) to reduce non-performing loans that can maximize the efficiency of the entire banking industry’s control over the bad debts. For comparison purpose, three other reduction plans are also represented. The four plans are presented using data from Taiwan’s banking industry. The empirical results show that among the plans presented, Plan 4 shows the most effective allocation of the industry-wide reduction target. The plan focuses on a finite number of banks, helping identify the key units to improve industry-wide efficiency. The findings implicitly suggest that the regulator should devise more incentive measures to encourage target banks to perform the non-performing loan reduction task. Our results also suggest that for the regulator, forcing banks to cut their non-performing loans by the same ratio will not help improve the relative efficiency of the industry

    Studies on China’s Green and Low-carbon Construction

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    全球气候变暖促使绿色低碳化转型成为建筑业可持续发展的必经之路。国内外对绿色低碳建筑业的研究主要围绕建设过程中的的碳排放量测算与影响机制来进行研究,以及技术路径、管理策略等问题展开,对绿色低碳建筑业的量化评价和政策措施等问题还缺乏全面的系统性研究。从最新的国家“一带一路”发展战略对建筑业的要求、以及建筑业本身的可持续性发展前景来看,这些方面的研究价值巨大。针对已有文献的不足与缺陷,本文从能源消费产生的二氧化碳排放角度入手,就中国建筑业绿色低碳化发展实现路径进行了深层次量化研究与讨论。主要的研究内容包括: (1)在考虑建筑业施工技术的约束与投入要素间相互作用的前提下,构建建筑业绿色低碳绩效评价指...As climate change issues continue to be attached increasingly significant, green and low-carbon construction becomes necessary for the whole building sector as well as the sustainable development of human beings. Buildings are designed to be more energy efficient and carbon emissions for their operation decreases in recent years. Thus, energy conservation and emission reduction for the building co...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_能源经济学学号:3132012015366

    Allocating Tradable Emissions Permits Based on the Proportional Allocation Concept to Achieve a Low-Carbon Economy

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    A key issue within the emissions trading system is how tradable emissions permits (TEPs) are initially allocated among a set of entities. This study proposes an approach based on the proportional allocation concept to allocate TEPs among a set of decision making units (DMUs). We firstly deduce a TEP allocation set based on the rule that the TEPs allocated to DMUs should be proportional to their environmental contribution. We then obtain the allocation intervals of DMUs from the set, expressing the allocation as the convex combination between the upper and the lower bound. Finally, we define the satisfaction degree as the coefficient of the convex combination, and propose an algorithm based on the max-min fairness of satisfaction degrees to obtain a unique TEP allocation plan. To illustrate our approach, we provide the example of how TEPs are allocated among 30 provincial administrative regions in China. Our findings indicate that our allocation method can be helpful for achieving a saving in energy consumption and reducing emissions. In addition, from the data envelopment analysis perspective, the TEP allocation set can ensure that both each individual DMU and the organization as a whole become efficient under a common set of variable weights

    Thirteen Plus One: A Comparison of Global Climate Policy Architectures

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    We critically review the Kyoto Protocol and thirteen alternative policy architectures for addressing the threat of global climate change. We employ six criteria to evaluate the policy proposals: environmental outcome, dynamic efficiency, cost effectiveness, equity, flexibility in the presence of new information, and incentives for participation and compliance. The Kyoto Protocol does not fare well on a number of criteria, but none of the alternative proposals fare well along all six dimensions. We identify several major themes among the alternative proposals: Kyoto is “too little, too fast”; developing countries should play a more substantial role and receive incentives to participate; implementation should focus on market-based approaches, especially those with price mechanisms; and participation and compliance incentives are inadequately addressed by most proposals. Our investigation reveals tensions among several of the evaluative criteria, such as between environmental outcome and efficiency, and between cost-effectiveness and incentives for participation and compliance.Policy architecture, Kyoto Protocol, Efficiency, Cost effectiveness, Equity, Participation, Compliance

    A critical review of the main methods to treat undesirable outputs in DEA

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    The treatment of undesirable outputs in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has received great research attention recently. As such and as are presented in this work, there are four possible options to deal with those: first ignoring them from the production function; second treating them as regular inputs; third treating them as normal outputs and fourth performing necessary transformations to take them into account. Also new model propositions for their treatment are being presented. Each method brings with it, benefits and drawbacks which each researcher should take into account at every stage of their research and assess which method is more appropriate to be used