1,178 research outputs found

    Use of genetic algorithms in multi-objective multi-project resource constrained project scheduling

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    Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) has been studied extensively by researchers by considering limited renewable and non-renewable resources. Several exact and heuristic methods have been proposed. Some important extensions of RCPSP such as multi-mode RCPSP, multi-objective RCPSP and multi-project RCPSP have also been focused. In this study, we consider multi-project and multi-objective resource constrained project scheduling problem. As a solution method, non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm is adopted. By experimenting with different crossover and parent selection mechanisms, a detailed fine-tuning process is conducted, in which response surface optimization method is employed. In order to improve the solution quality, backward-forward pass procedure is proposed as both post-processing as well as for new population generation. Additionally, different divergence applications are proposed and one of them, which is based on entropy measure is studied in depth. The performance of the algorithm and CPU times are reported. In addition, a new method for generating multi-project test instances is proposed and the performance of the algorithm is evaluated through test instances generated through this method of data generation. The results show that backward-forward pass procedure is successful to improve the solution quality

    Time-cost Trade-off Analysis for Highway Construction projects

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    The Construction industry, which can be in the form of residential building, commercial, public and utility buildings, or civil engineering building, has a huge influence on any nation\u27s economy. Its influence can be either manifested in its contribution to the economy or the service it provides to the community. In order to build any infrastructure project with a balanced cost, time, and quality, project managers search for alternatives that can satisfy these contradicting attributes. The traditional time-cost trade-off was enhanced with the three-dimensional time-cost- quality optimization in the last two decades. The optimization is aimed to minimize the time and cost as much as possible while increasing the quality of the infrastructure to be built. The issue of financing in developing countries has been a bottle neck of success in constructing infrastructure like highway. Many researchers have concluded in their studies the causes of time and cost overrun in high-way construction were, contractors\u27 financial problems, Inflation, progress payments delay by owner, political issues, variations, lack of managemental skills, cost fluctuation of materials during construction, environmental issues, Shortage in equipment, Inadequate contractor experience etc. The number of studies in the literature that deals with financial optimization and cash-flow analysis to address the problem of financing and inflation are getting more attention. The cash-flow analysis and maximum overdraft to be paid give a good indication to the main participants about the trends toward cost and time overrun. They can also help in making a proper decision right at the beginning. The purpose of this study is to deal with the optimization of time and profit of highway constructions taking in to consideration the amount of available credit and future value of the cost of each activity and cash-flow analysis in a comprehensive model. This type of analysis gives the contractor how its profit will be influenced with his allowable credits and the time associated with it. Besides, the model also generates a line of balance scheduling for the project as highways are among the repetitive projects. The cash-flow analysis gives extra information on the overdraft so that it can be optimized to find good combination of execution of the activities which will minimize the overdraft, interest paid to banks and most importantly maximize the profit to be gained by the project using GA approach. This type of analysis also gives alternatives for contractors how much profit would they like to gain by providing different amount of credits. At first the profit and time are optimized individually to get the maximum profit and minimum time for completing the project. Then the multi-objective optimization using goal programing takes place which tries to minimize the deviation from the optimum individual values by assigning importance weight to the individual objectives to find the near optimal solution. The model is tested for different allowable credits and its sensitivity analysis outcomes are plotted to see the relationship between the allowable credits and the profit. To validate the efficiency of the developed model, it is applied to a project from the literature that addresses scheduling and cost optimization of repetitive projects. It is found that the outcome of the model that maximizes the profit and minimizing the time outlooks the results of the literature with 4.65% and 0.38% improvement in duration and cost of the project respectively

    Optimized Resource-Constrained Method for Project Schedule Compression

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    Construction projects are unique and can be executed in an accelerated manner to meet market conditions. Accordingly, contractors need to compress project durations to meet client changing needs and related contractual obligations and recover from delays experienced during project execution. This acceleration requires resource planning techniques such as resource leveling and allocation. Various optimization methods have been proposed for the resource-constrained schedule compression and resource allocation and leveling individually. However, in real-world construction projects, contractors need to consider these aspects concurrently. For this purpose, this study proposes an integrated method that allows for joint consideration of the above two aspects. The method aims to optimize project duration and costs through the resources and cost of the execution modes assigned to project activities. It accounts for project cost and resource-leveling based on costs and resources imbedded in these modes of execution. The method's objective is to minimize the project duration and cost, including direct cost, indirect cost, and delay penalty, and strike a balance between the cost of acquiring and releasing resources on the one hand and the cost of activity splitting on the other hand. The novelty of the proposed method lies in its capacity to consider resource planning and project scheduling under uncertainty simultaneously while accounting for activity splitting. The proposed method utilizes the fuzzy set theory (FSs) for modeling uncertainty associated with the duration and cost of project activities and genetic algorithm (GA) for scheduling optimization. The method has five main modules that support two different optimization methods: modeling uncertainty and defuzzification module; scheduling module; cost calculations module; sensitivity IV analysis module; and decision-support module. The two optimization methods use the genetic algorithm as an optimization engine to find a set of non-dominated solutions. One optimization method uses the elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II), while the other uses a dynamic weighted optimization genetic algorithm. The developed scheduling and optimization method is coded in python as a stand-alone automated computerized tool to facilitate the needed iterative rescheduling of project activities and project schedule optimization. The developed method is applied to a numerical example to demonstrate its use and to illustrate its capabilities. Since the adopted numerical example is not a resource-constrained optimization example, the proposed optimization methods are validated through a multi-layered comparative analysis that involves performance evaluation, statistical comparisons, and performance stability evaluation. The performance evaluation results demonstrated the superiority of the NSGA-II against the dynamic weighted optimization genetic algorithm in finding better solutions. Moreover, statistical comparisons, which considered solutions’ mean, and best values, revealed that both optimization methods could solve the multi-objective time-cost optimization problem. However, the solutions’ range values indicated that the NSGA-II was better in exploring the search space before converging to a global optimum; NSGA-II had a trade-off between exploration (exploring the new search space) and exploitation (using already detected points to search the optimum). Finally, the coefficient of variation test revealed that the NSGA-II performance was more stable than that of the dynamic weighted optimization genetic algorithm. It is expected that the developed method can assist contractors in preparation for efficient schedule compression, which optimizes schedule and ensures efficient utilization of their resources

    Reactive scheduling to treat disruptive events in the MRCPSP

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    Esta tesis se centra en diseñar y desarrollar una metodología para abordar el MRCPSP con diversas funciones objetivo y diferentes tipos de interrupciones. En esta tesis se exploran el MRCPSP con dos funciones objetivo, a saber: (1) minimizar la duración del proyecto y (2) maximizar el valor presente neto del proyecto. Luego, se tiene en cuenta dos tipos diferentes de interrupciones, (a) interrupción de duración, e (b) interrupción de recurso renovable. Para resolver el MRCPSP, en esta tesis se proponen tres estrategias metaheurísticas: (1) algoritmo memético para minimizar la duración del proyecto, (2) algoritmo adaptativo de forrajeo bacteriano para maximizar el valor presente neto del proyecto y (3) algoritmo de optimización multiobjetivo de forrajeo bacteriano (MBFO) para resolver el MRCPSP con eventos de interrupción. Para juzgar el rendimiento del algoritmo memético y de forrajeo bacteriano propuestos, se ha llevado a cabo un extenso anålisis basado en diseño factorial y diseño Taguchi para controlar y optimizar los paråmetros del algoritmo. Ademås se han puesto a prueba resolviendo las instancias de los conjuntos mås importantes en la literatura: PSPLIB (10,12,14,16,18,20 y 30 actividades) y MMLIB (50 y 100 actividades). También se ha demostrado la superioridad de los algoritmos metaheurísticos propuestos sobre otros enfoques heurísticos y metaheurísticos del estado del arte. A partir de los estudios experimentales se ha ajustado la MBFO, utilizando un caso de estudio.DoctoradoDoctor en Ingeniería Industria

    Prise en compte de la flexibilitĂ© des ressources humaines dans la planification et l’ordonnancement des activitĂ©s industrielles

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    Le besoin croissant de rĂ©activitĂ© dans les diffĂ©rents secteurs industriels face Ă  la volatilitĂ© des marchĂ©s soulĂšve une forte demande de la flexibilitĂ© dans leur organisation. Cette flexibilitĂ© peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour amĂ©liorer la robustesse du planning de rĂ©fĂ©rence d’un programme d’activitĂ©s donnĂ©. Les ressources humaines de l’entreprise Ă©tant de plus en plus considĂ©rĂ©es comme le coeur des structures organisationnelles, elles reprĂ©sentent une source de flexibilitĂ© renouvelable et viable. Tout d’abord, ce travail a Ă©tĂ© mis en oeuvre pour modĂ©liser le problĂšme d’affectation multi-pĂ©riodes des effectifs sur les activitĂ©s industrielles en considĂ©rant deux dimensions de la flexibilitĂ©: L’annualisation du temps de travail, qui concerne les politiques de modulation d’horaires, individuels ou collectifs, et la polyvalence des opĂ©rateurs, qui induit une vision dynamique de leurs compĂ©tences et la nĂ©cessitĂ© de prĂ©voir les Ă©volutions des performances individuelles en fonction des affectations successives. La nature dynamique de l’efficacitĂ© des effectifs a Ă©tĂ© modĂ©lisĂ©e en fonction de l’apprentissage par la pratique et de la perte de compĂ©tence pendant les pĂ©riodes d’interruption du travail. En consĂ©quence, nous sommes rĂ©solument placĂ©s dans un contexte oĂč la durĂ©e prĂ©vue des activitĂ©s n’est plus dĂ©terministe, mais rĂ©sulte du nombre des acteurs choisis pour les exĂ©cuter, en plus des niveaux de leur expĂ©rience. Ensuite, la recherche a Ă©tĂ© orientĂ©e pour rĂ©pondre Ă  la question : « quelle genre, ou quelle taille, de problĂšme pose le projet que nous devons planifier? ». Par consĂ©quent, les diffĂ©rentes dimensions du problĂšme posĂ© sont classĂ©es et analysĂ©s pour ĂȘtre Ă©valuĂ©es et mesurĂ©es. Pour chaque dimension, la mĂ©thode d’évaluation la plus pertinente a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©e : le travail a ensuite consistĂ© Ă  rĂ©duire les paramĂštres rĂ©sultants en composantes principales en procĂ©dant Ă  une analyse factorielle. En rĂ©sultat, la complexitĂ© (ou la simplicitĂ©) de la recherche de solution (c’est-Ă -dire de l’élaboration d’un planning satisfaisant pour un problĂšme donnĂ©) peut ĂȘtre Ă©valuĂ©e. Pour ce faire, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une plate-forme logicielle destinĂ©e Ă  rĂ©soudre le problĂšme et construire le planning de rĂ©fĂ©rence du projet avec l’affectation des ressources associĂ©es, plate-forme basĂ©e sur les algorithmes gĂ©nĂ©tiques. Le modĂšle a Ă©tĂ© validĂ©, et ses paramĂštres ont Ă©tĂ© affinĂ©s via des plans d’expĂ©riences pour garantir la meilleure performance. De plus, la robustesse de ces performances a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e sur la rĂ©solution complĂšte d’un Ă©chantillon de quatre cents projets, classĂ©s selon le nombre de leurs tĂąches. En raison de l’aspect dynamique de l’efficacitĂ© des opĂ©rateurs, le prĂ©sent travail examine un ensemble de facteurs qui influencent le dĂ©veloppement de leur polyvalence. Les rĂ©sultats concluent logiquement qu’une entreprise en quĂȘte de flexibilitĂ© doit accepter des coĂ»ts supplĂ©mentaires pour dĂ©velopper la polyvalence de ses opĂ©rateurs. Afin de maĂźtriser ces surcoĂ»ts, le nombre des opĂ©rateurs qui suivent un programme de dĂ©veloppement des compĂ©tences doit ĂȘtre optimisĂ©, ainsi que, pour chacun d’eux, le degrĂ© de ressemblance entre les nouvelles compĂ©tences dĂ©veloppĂ©es et les compĂ©tences initiales, ou le nombre de ces compĂ©tences complĂ©mentaires (toujours pour chacun d’eux), ainsi enfin que la façon dont les heures de travail des opĂ©rateurs doivent ĂȘtre rĂ©parties sur la pĂ©riode d’acquisition des compĂ©tences. Enfin, ce travail ouvre la porte pour la prise en compte future des facteurs humains et de la flexibilitĂ© des effectifs pendant l’élaboration d’un planning de rĂ©fĂ©rence. ABSTRACT : The growing need of responsiveness for manufacturing companies facing the market volatility raises a strong demand for flexibility in their organization. This flexibility can be used to enhance the robustness of a baseline schedule for a given programme of activities. Since the company personnel are increasingly seen as the core of the organizational structures, they provide the decision-makers with a source of renewable and viable flexibility. First, this work was implemented to model the problem of multi-period workforce allocation on industrial activities with two degrees of flexibility: the annualizing of the working time, which offers opportunities of changing the schedules, individually as well as collectively. The second degree of flexibility is the versatility of operators, which induces a dynamic view of their skills and the need to predict changes in individual performances as a result of successive assignments. The dynamic nature of workforce’s experience was modelled in function of learning-by-doing and of oblivion phenomenon during the work interruption periods. We firmly set ourselves in a context where the expected durations of activities are no longer deterministic, but result from the number and levels of experience of the workers assigned to perform them. After that, the research was oriented to answer the question “What kind of problem is raises the project we are facing to schedule?”: therefore the different dimensions of the project are inventoried and analysed to be measured. For each of these dimensions, the related sensitive assessment methods have been proposed. Relying on the produced correlated measures, the research proposes to aggregate them through a factor analysis in order to produce the main principal components of an instance. Consequently, the complexity or the easiness of solving or realising a given scheduling problem can be evaluated. In that view, we developed a platform software to solve the problem and construct the project baseline schedule with the associated resources allocation. This platform relies on a genetic algorithm. The model has been validated, moreover, its parameters has been tuned to give the best performance, relying on an experimental design procedure. The robustness of its performance was also investigated, by a comprehensive solving of four hundred instances of projects, ranked according to the number of their tasks. Due to the dynamic aspect of the workforce’s experience, this research work investigates a set of different parameters affecting the development of their versatility. The results recommend that the firms seeking for flexibility should accept an amount of extra cost to develop the operators’ multi functionality. In order to control these over-costs, the number of operators who attend a skill development program should be optimised, as well as the similarity of the new developed skills relative to the principal ones, or the number of the additional skills an operator may be trained to, or finally the way the operators’ working hours should be distributed along the period of skill acquisition: this is the field of investigations of the present work which will, in the end, open the door for considering human factors and workforce’s flexibility in generating a work baseline program

    Considering the flexibility of human resources in planning and scheduling industrial activities

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    The growing need of responsiveness for manufacturing companies facing the market volatility raises a strong demand for flexibility in their organization. This flexibility can be used to enhance the robustness of a baseline schedule for a given programme of activities. Since the company personnel are increasingly seen as the core of the organizational structures, they provide the decision-makers with a source of renewable and viable flexibility. First, this work was implemented to model the problem of multi-period workforce allocation on industrial activities with two degrees of flexibility: the annualizing of the working time, which offers opportunities of changing the schedules, individually as well as collectively. The second degree of flexibility is the versatility of operators, which induces a dynamic view of their skills and the need to predict changes in individual performances as a result of successive assignments. The dynamic nature of workforce’s experience was modelled in function of learning-by-doing and of oblivion phenomenon during the work interruption periods. We firmly set ourselves in a context where the expected durations of activities are no longer deterministic, but result from the number and levels of experience of the workers assigned to perform them. After that, the research was oriented to answer the question “What kind of problem is raises the project we are facing to schedule?”: therefore the different dimensions of the project are inventoried and analysed to be measured. For each of these dimensions, the related sensitive assessment methods have been proposed. Relying on the produced correlated measures, the research proposes to aggregate them through a factor analysis in order to produce the main principal components of an instance. Consequently, the complexity or the easiness of solving or realising a given scheduling problem can be evaluated. In that view, we developed a platform software to solve the problem and construct the project baseline schedule with the associated resources allocation. This platform relies on a genetic algorithm. The model has been validated, moreover, its parameters has been tuned to give the best performance, relying on an experimental design procedure. The robustness of its performance was also investigated, by a comprehensive solving of four hundred instances of projects, ranked according to the number of their tasks. Due to the dynamic aspect of the workforce’s experience, this research work investigates a set of different parameters affecting the development of their versatility. The results recommend that the firms seeking for flexibility should accept an amount of extra cost to develop the operators’ multi functionality. In order to control these over-costs, the number of operators who attend a skill development program should be optimised, as well as the similarity of the new developed skills relative to the principal ones, or the number of the additional skills an operator may be trained to, or finally the way the operators’ working hours should be distributed along the period of skill acquisition: this is the field of investigations of the present work which will, in the end, open the door for considering human factors and workforce’s flexibility in generating a work baseline program

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 1

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    The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. Topics addressed include: redundant manipulators; man-machine systems; telerobot architecture; remote sensing and planning; navigation; neural networks; fundamental AI research; and reasoning under uncertainty

    Robust long-term production planning

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    A new hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm for solving single machine scheduling problems

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    A dissertation submitted in partial ful lment of the degree of Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical) (50/50) in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment Department of Electrical and Information Engineering May 2017Numerous applications in a wide variety of elds has resulted in a rich history of research into optimisation for scheduling. Although it is a fundamental form of the problem, the single machine scheduling problem with two or more objectives is known to be NP-hard. For this reason we consider the single machine problem a good test bed for solution algorithms. While there is a plethora of research into various aspects of scheduling problems, little has been done in evaluating the performance of the Simulated Annealing algorithm for the fundamental problem, or using it in combination with other techniques. Speci cally, this has not been done for minimising total weighted earliness and tardiness, which is the optimisation objective of this work. If we consider a mere ten jobs for scheduling, this results in over 3.6 million possible solution schedules. It is thus of de nite practical necessity to reduce the search space in order to nd an optimal or acceptable suboptimal solution in a shorter time, especially when scaling up the problem size. This is of particular importance in the application area of packet scheduling in wireless communications networks where the tolerance for computational delays is very low. The main contribution of this work is to investigate the hypothesis that inserting a step of pre-sampling by Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods before running the Simulated Annealing algorithm on the pruned search space can result in overall reduced running times. The search space is divided into a number of sections and Metropolis-Hastings Markov Chain Monte Carlo is performed over the sections in order to reduce the search space for Simulated Annealing by a factor of 20 to 100. Trade-o s are found between the run time and number of sections of the pre-sampling algorithm, and the run time of Simulated Annealing for minimising the percentage deviation of the nal result from the optimal solution cost. Algorithm performance is determined both by computational complexity and the quality of the solution (i.e. the percentage deviation from the optimal). We nd that the running time can be reduced by a factor of 4.5 to ensure a 2% deviation from the optimal, as compared to the basic Simulated Annealing algorithm on the full search space. More importantly, we are able to reduce the complexity of nding the optimal from O(n:n!) for a complete search to O(nNS) for Simulated Annealing to O(n(NMr +NS)+m) for the input variables n jobs, NS SA iterations, NM Metropolis- Hastings iterations, r inner samples and m sections.MT 201
