11,867 research outputs found

    A survey of exemplar-based texture synthesis

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    Exemplar-based texture synthesis is the process of generating, from an input sample, new texture images of arbitrary size and which are perceptually equivalent to the sample. The two main approaches are statistics-based methods and patch re-arrangement methods. In the first class, a texture is characterized by a statistical signature; then, a random sampling conditioned to this signature produces genuinely different texture images. The second class boils down to a clever "copy-paste" procedure, which stitches together large regions of the sample. Hybrid methods try to combine ideas from both approaches to avoid their hurdles. The recent approaches using convolutional neural networks fit to this classification, some being statistical and others performing patch re-arrangement in the feature space. They produce impressive synthesis on various kinds of textures. Nevertheless, we found that most real textures are organized at multiple scales, with global structures revealed at coarse scales and highly varying details at finer ones. Thus, when confronted with large natural images of textures the results of state-of-the-art methods degrade rapidly, and the problem of modeling them remains wide open.Comment: v2: Added comments and typos fixes. New section added to describe FRAME. New method presented: CNNMR

    Fundamental remote sensing science research program. Part 1: Status report of the mathematical pattern recognition and image analysis project

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    The Mathematical Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (MPRIA) Project is concerned with basic research problems related to the study of the Earth from remotely sensed measurement of its surface characteristics. The program goal is to better understand how to analyze the digital image that represents the spatial, spectral, and temporal arrangement of these measurements for purposing of making selected inference about the Earth

    Modeling of evolving textures using granulometries

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    This chapter describes a statistical approach to classification of dynamic texture images, called parallel evolution functions (PEFs). Traditional classification methods predict texture class membership using comparisons with a finite set of predefined texture classes and identify the closest class. However, where texture images arise from a dynamic texture evolving over time, estimation of a time state in a continuous evolutionary process is required instead. The PEF approach does this using regression modeling techniques to predict time state. It is a flexible approach which may be based on any suitable image features. Many textures are well suited to a morphological analysis and the PEF approach uses image texture features derived from a granulometric analysis of the image. The method is illustrated using both simulated images of Boolean processes and real images of corrosion. The PEF approach has particular advantages for training sets containing limited numbers of observations, which is the case in many real world industrial inspection scenarios and for which other methods can fail or perform badly. [41] G.W. Horgan, Mathematical morphology for analysing soil structure from images, European Journal of Soil Science, vol. 49, pp. 161–173, 1998. [42] G.W. Horgan, C.A. Reid and C.A. Glasbey, Biological image processing and enhancement, Image Processing and Analysis, A Practical Approach, R. Baldock and J. Graham, eds., Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 37–67, 2000. [43] B.B. Hubbard, The World According to Wavelets: The Story of a Mathematical Technique in the Making, A.K. Peters Ltd., Wellesley, MA, 1995. [44] H. Iversen and T. Lonnestad. An evaluation of stochastic models for analysis and synthesis of gray-scale texture, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 15, pp. 575–585, 1994. [45] A.K. Jain and F. Farrokhnia, Unsupervised texture segmentation using Gabor filters, Pattern Recognition, vol. 24(12), pp. 1167–1186, 1991. [46] T. Jossang and F. Feder, The fractal characterization of rough surfaces, Physica Scripta, vol. T44, pp. 9–14, 1992. [47] A.K. Katsaggelos and T. Chun-Jen, Iterative image restoration, Handbook of Image and Video Processing, A. Bovik, ed., Academic Press, London, pp. 208–209, 2000. [48] M. K¨oppen, C.H. Nowack and G. R¨osel, Pareto-morphology for color image processing, Proceedings of SCIA99, 11th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis 1, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, pp. 195–202, 1999. [49] S. Krishnamachari and R. Chellappa, Multiresolution Gauss-Markov random field models for texture segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 6(2), pp. 251–267, 1997. [50] T. Kurita and N. Otsu, Texture classification by higher order local autocorrelation features, Proceedings of ACCV93, Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Osaka, pp. 175–178, 1993. [51] S.T. Kyvelidis, L. Lykouropoulos and N. Kouloumbi, Digital system for detecting, classifying, and fast retrieving corrosion generated defects, Journal of Coatings Technology, vol. 73(915), pp. 67–73, 2001. [52] Y. Liu, T. Zhao and J. Zhang, Learning multispectral texture features for cervical cancer detection, Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano, pp. 169–172, 2002. [53] G. McGunnigle and M.J. Chantler, Modeling deposition of surface texture, Electronics Letters, vol. 37(12), pp. 749–750, 2001. [54] J. McKenzie, S. Marshall, A.J. Gray and E.R. Dougherty, Morphological texture analysis using the texture evolution function, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 17(2), pp. 167–185, 2003. [55] J. McKenzie, Classification of dynamically evolving textures using evolution functions, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Strathclyde, UK, 2004. [56] S.G. Mallat, Multiresolution approximations and wavelet orthonormal bases of L2(R), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 315, pp. 69–87, 1989. [57] S.G. Mallat, A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition: the wavelet representation, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 11, pp. 674–693, 1989. [58] B.S. Manjunath and W.Y. Ma, Texture features for browsing and retrieval of image data, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 18, pp. 837–842, 1996. [59] B.S. Manjunath, G.M. Haley and W.Y. Ma, Multiband techniques for texture classification and segmentation, Handbook of Image and Video Processing, A. Bovik, ed., Academic Press, London, pp. 367–381, 2000. [60] G. Matheron, Random Sets and Integral Geometry, Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1975

    Improved texture image classification through the use of a corrosion-inspired cellular automaton

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    In this paper, the problem of classifying synthetic and natural texture images is addressed. To tackle this problem, an innovative method is proposed that combines concepts from corrosion modeling and cellular automata to generate a texture descriptor. The core processes of metal (pitting) corrosion are identified and applied to texture images by incorporating the basic mechanisms of corrosion in the transition function of the cellular automaton. The surface morphology of the image is analyzed before and during the application of the transition function of the cellular automaton. In each iteration the cumulative mass of corroded product is obtained to construct each of the attributes of the texture descriptor. In a final step, this texture descriptor is used for image classification by applying Linear Discriminant Analysis. The method was tested on the well-known Brodatz and Vistex databases. In addition, in order to verify the robustness of the method, its invariance to noise and rotation were tested. To that end, different variants of the original two databases were obtained through addition of noise to and rotation of the images. The results showed that the method is effective for texture classification according to the high success rates obtained in all cases. This indicates the potential of employing methods inspired on natural phenomena in other fields.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Toward a General-Purpose Heterogeneous Ensemble for Pattern Classification

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    We perform an extensive study of the performance of different classification approaches on twenty-five datasets (fourteen image datasets and eleven UCI data mining datasets). The aim is to find General-Purpose (GP) heterogeneous ensembles (requiring little to no parameter tuning) that perform competitively across multiple datasets. The state-of-the-art classifiers examined in this study include the support vector machine, Gaussian process classifiers, random subspace of adaboost, random subspace of rotation boosting, and deep learning classifiers. We demonstrate that a heterogeneous ensemble based on the simple fusion by sum rule of different classifiers performs consistently well across all twenty-five datasets. The most important result of our investigation is demonstrating that some very recent approaches, including the heterogeneous ensemble we propose in this paper, are capable of outperforming an SVM classifier (implemented with LibSVM), even when both kernel selection and SVM parameters are carefully tuned for each dataset

    Classification of color textures with random field models and neural networks

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    A number of texture classification approaches have been developed in the past but most of these studies target graylevel textures. In this work, novel results are presented on Neural Network based classification of color textures in a very large heterogeneous database. Several different Multispectral Random Field models are used to characterize the textures. The classifying features are based on the estimated parameters of these model and functions defined on them. The approach is tested on a database of 73 different color textures classes. The advantage of utilizing color information is demonstrated by converting color textures to gray-level ones and classifying them using Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) based features.Facultad de Informátic

    Analysis and synthesis of iris images

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    Of all the physiological traits of the human body that help in personal identification, the iris is probably the most robust and accurate. Although numerous iris recognition algorithms have been proposed, the underlying processes that define the texture of irises have not been extensively studied. In this thesis, multiple pair-wise pixel interactions have been used to describe the textural content of the iris image thereby resulting in a Markov Random Field (MRF) model for the iris image. This information is expected to be useful for the development of user-specific models for iris images, i.e. the matcher could be tuned to accommodate the characteristics of each user\u27s iris image in order to improve matching performance. We also use MRF modeling to construct synthetic irises based on iris primitive extracted from real iris images. The synthesis procedure is deterministic and avoids the sampling of a probability distribution making it computationally simple. We demonstrate that iris textures in general are significantly different from other irregular textural patterns. Clustering experiments indicate that the synthetic irises generated using the proposed technique are similar in textural content to real iris images