5 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of a Fully Distributed Caching Algorithm on an NDN System

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    ICN (Information Centric Networking) is a new method of storing and accessing data on the internet which focuses on the content itself rather than the IP (Internet Protocol) address where the content is stored. ICN enables both in-network caching and name-based data retrieval. This allows for better usage of edge cloud resources, giving the user a faster response time as some data requests and services may be handled locally. NDN (Named Data Networking) is a specific type of ICN which locates and delivers content based on the associated data name rather than using the source or destination host addresses. For NDN to be most beneficial, we need to implement efficient caching algorithms that consider the needs of many users in a network. To address this need, we have developed a caching algorithm for an NDN network in a tree topology. It is fully distributed and makes storage and eviction decisions at each router based on the number of hops needed to retrieve the data and the popularity of the data at that router. The total number of hops taken by all data during the testing period determined the algorithm’s true cost. We tested our algorithm using an NDN testbed and compared its true cost with another commonly used algorithm, LRU (Least Recently Used), under the same conditions. Our cost-based policy incurred a lower true cost in all test cases, with average savings ranging from 9% to 19% depending on cache size and popularity distribution. The cost policy performed particularly well in comparison to LRU when the cache size was small

    Design and Implementation of a Fully Distributed Caching Algorithm on an NDN System

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    ICN (Information Centric Networking) is a new method of storing and accessing data on the internet which focuses on the content itself rather than the IP (Internet Protocol) address where the content is stored. ICN enables both in-network caching and name-based data retrieval. This allows for better usage of edge cloud resources, giving the user a faster response time as some data requests and services may be handled locally. NDN (Named Data Networking) is a specific type of ICN which locates and delivers content based on the associated data name rather than using the source or destination host addresses. For NDN to be most beneficial, we need to implement efficient caching algorithms that consider the needs of many users in a network. To address this need, we have developed a caching algorithm for an NDN network in a tree topology. It is fully distributed and makes storage and eviction decisions at each router based on the number of hops needed to retrieve the data and the popularity of the data at that router. The total number of hops taken by all data during the testing period determined the algorithm’s true cost. We tested our algorithm using an NDN testbed and compared its true cost with another commonly used algorithm, LRU (Least Recently Used), under the same conditions. Our cost-based policy incurred a lower true cost in all test cases, with average savings ranging from 9% to 19% depending on cache size and popularity distribution. The cost policy performed particularly well in comparison to LRU when the cache size was small

    Developing Peer-To-Peer Web Applications

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    As the virtual world grows more complex, finding a standard way for storing data becomes increasingly important. Ideally, each data item would be brought into the computer system only once. References for data items need to be cryptographically verifiable, so the data can maintain its identity while being passed around. This way there will be only one copy of the users family photo album, while the user can use multiple tools to show or manipulate the album. Copies of users data could be stored on some of his family members computer, some of his computers, but also at some online services which he uses. When all actors operate over one replicated copy of the data, the system automatically avoids a single point of failure. Thus the data will not disappear with one computer breaking, or one service provider going out of business. One shared copy also makes it possible to delete a piece of data from all systems at once, on users request. In our research we tried to find a model that would make data manageable to users, and make it possible to have the same data stored at various locations. We studied three systems, Persona, Freenet, and GNUnet, that suggest different models for protecting user data. The main application areas of the systems studied include securing online social networks, providing anonymous web, and preventing censorship in file-sharing. Each of the systems studied store user data on machines belonging to third parties. The systems differ in measures they take to protect their users from data loss, forged information, censorship, and being monitored. All of the systems use cryptography to secure names used for the content, and to protect the data from outsiders. Based on the gained knowledge, we built a prototype platform called Peerscape, which stores user data in a synchronized, protected database. Data items themselves are protected with cryptography against forgery, but not encrypted as the focus has been disseminating the data directly among family and friends instead of letting third parties store the information. We turned the synchronizing database into peer-to-peer web by revealing its contents through an integrated http server. The REST-like http API supports development of applications in javascript. To evaluate the platform’s suitability for application development we wrote some simple applications, including a public chat room, bittorrent site, and a flower growing game. During our early tests we came to the conclusion that using the platform for simple applications works well. As web standards develop further, writing applications for the platform should become easier. Any system this complex will have its problems, and we are not expecting our platform to replace the existing web, but are fairly impressed with the results and consider our work important from the perspective of managing user data

    Algorithmes d'adressage et routage pour des réseaux fortement mobiles à grande échelle

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    After successfully connecting machines and people later (world wide web), the new era of In-ternet is about connecting things. Due to increasing demands in terms of addresses, mobility, scalability, security and other new unattended challenges, the evolution of current Internet archi-tecture is subject to major debate worldwide. The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) workshop on Routing and Addressing report described the serious scalability problems faced by large backbone operators in terms of routing and addressing, illustrated by the unsustainable growth of the Default Free Zone (DFZ) routing tables. Some proposals tackled the scalability and IP semantics overload issues with two different approaches: evolutionary approach (backward com-patibility) or a revolutionary approach. Several design objectives (technical or high-level) guided researchers in their proposals. Mobility is definitely one of the main challenges.Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) attracts considerable attention from the research com-munity and the industry for its potential in providing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and passengers services. Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) are emerging as a class of wire-less network, formed between moving vehicles equipped with wireless interfaces (cellular and WiFi) employing heterogeneous communication systems. A VANET is a form of mobile ad-hoc network that provides IVC among nearby vehicles and may involve the use of a nearby fixed equipment on the roadside. The impact of Internet-based vehicular services (infotainment) are quickly developing. Some of these applications, driver assistance services or traffic reports, have been there for a while. But market-enabling applications may also be an argument in favor of a more convenient journey. Such use cases are viewed as a motivation to further adoption of the ITS standards developed within IEEE, ETSI, and ISO.This thesis focuses on applying Future Internet paradigm to vehicle-to-Internet communica-tions in an attempt to define the solution space of Future Vehicular Internet. We first introduce two possible vehicle-to-Internet use cases and great enablers for IP based services : eHealth and Fully-electric Vehicles. We show how to integrate those use cases into IPv6 enabled networks. We further focus on the mobility architectures and determine the fundamental components of a mobility architecture. We then classify those approaches into centralized and distributed to show the current trends in terms of network mobility extension, an essential component to vehicular networking. We eventually analyze the performance of these proposals. In order to define an identifier namespace for vehicular communications, we introduce the Vehicle Identification Numbers are possible candidates. We then propose a conversion algorithm that preserves the VIN characteristics while mapping it onto usable IPv6 networking objects (ad-dresses, prefixes, and Mobile Node Identifiers). We make use of this result to extend LISP-MN protocol with the support of our VIN6 addressing architecture. We also apply those results to group IP-based communications, when the cluster head is in charge of a group of followers.Cette thèse a pour objectif de faire avancer l'état de l'art des communications basée sur Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) dans le domaine des réseaux véhiculaires, et ce dans le cadre des évolutions récentes de IP, notamment l'avènement du Future Internet. Le Future Internet (F.I.) définit un ensemble d'approches pour faire évoluer l'Internet actuel , en particulier l'émergence d'un Internet mobile exigeant en ressources. Les acteurs de ce domaine définissent les contraintes inhérentes aux approches utilisées historiquement dans l'évolution de l'architecture d'Internet et tentent d'y remédier soit de manière évolutive soit par une rupture technologique (révolutionnaire). Un des problèmes au centre de cette nouvelle évolution d'Internet est la question du nommage et de l'adressage dans le réseau. Nous avons entrepris dans cette thèse l'étude de ce problème, dans le cadre restreint des communications véhiculaires Internet.Dans ce contexte, l'état de l'art du Future Internet a mis en avant les distinctions des approches révolutionnaires comparées aux propositions évolutives basées sur IPv6. Les réseaux véhiculaires étant d'ores-et-déjà dotés de piles protocolaires comprenant une extension IPv6, nous avons entamé une approche évolutive visant à intégrer les réseaux véhiculaires au Future Internet. Une première proposition a été de convertir un identifiant présent dans le monde automobile (VIN, Numéro d'Identification de Véhicule) en un lot d'adresses réseau propres à chaque véhicule (qui est donc propriétaire de son adressage issu de son identifiant). Cette proposition étant centrée sur le véhicule, nous avons ensuite intégré ces communications basés dans une architecture globale Future Internet basée sur IPv6 (protocole LISP). En particulier, et avec l'adressage VIN, nous avons défini un espace d'adressage indépendant des fournisseurs d'accès à Internet où le constructeur automobile devient acteur économique fournissant des services IPv6 à sa flotte de véhicules conjointement avec les opérateurs réseau dont il dépend pour transporter son trafic IP. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés à l'entourage proche du véhicule afin de définir un nouveau mode de communication inter-véhiculaire à Internet: le V2V2I (Angl. Vehicle-to-Vehicle-to-Infrastructure). Jusqu'à présent, les modes de transmission de données à Internet dans le monde du véhicule consistaient en des topologies V2I, à savoir véhicule à Internet, où le véhicule accède à l'infrastructure directement sans intermédiaire. Dans le cadre des communications véhiculaires à Internet, nous proposons une taxonomie des méthodes existantes dans l'état de l'art. Les techniques du Future Internet étant récentes, nous avons étendu notre taxonomie par une nouvelle approche basée sur la séparation de l'adressage topologique dans le cluster de celui de l'infrastructure. Le leader du cluster s'occupe d'affecter les adresses (de son VIN) et de gérer le routage à l'intérieur de son cluster. La dernière contribution consiste en la comparaison des performances des protocoles de gestion de mobilité, notamment pour les réseaux de véhicules et des communications de type vehicule-à-Internet. Dans ce cadre, nous avons proposé une classification des protocoles de gestion de mobilité selon leur déploiement: centralisé (basé réseau ou host) et distribué. Nous avons ensuite évalué les performances en modélisant les durées de configurations et de reconfigurations des différents protocoles concernés

    A Conversation with Van Jacobson

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