140 research outputs found

    Direct Pore Level Simulation of Heat Transfer in Open Cell Reticulated Porous Ceramics

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    The project involved in studying the fluid transport, heat and mass transport inside various ceramic porous inserts by Direct Pore Level Simulations (DPLS). The geometric grid data required for the simulations are reconstructed from the computer tomographic scan images of the real porous media. The simulation results are used to study the influence of the structural properties of porous media on the fluid flow, heat transfer and mass transfer

    The 1991 International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, volume 2

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    The proceedings of the conference are reported. The conference focussed on lightning protection, detection, and forecasting. The conference was divided into 26 sessions based on research in lightning, static electricity, modeling, and mapping. These sessions spanned the spectrum from basic science to engineering, concentrating on lightning prediction and detection and on safety for ground facilities, aircraft, and aerospace vehicles

    A feasibility study on the three-dimensional reconstruction of high voltage and lightning descharge channels using digital images

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    The work presented extends and contributes to research in the visualisation of discharge channels with an expectation to extend to lightning channels. Although previous work in this area has produced three-dimensional (3D) information of discharge channels, there has not been a method to visualise the channel and the characteristics of its shape in a 3D environment. In the research presented, photographed discharge channels are reconstructed in a virtual interactive 3D envi- ronment. It is found that single-channelled discharges produce models that correctly follow the inferred channel paths from the photograph datasets. Single-channelled discharges have also been veri ed in the controlled laboratory environment, providing con - dence in the two-image reconstruction algorithm. The algorithm is shown to fail for an angular separation of cameras less than 15 , which produces thicker channel segments. It is further shown that branched discharge channels can produce models that correctly follow the channel paths. If images are not accurately normalised for lens correction and slight camera tilts, missing segments and duplication of reconstructed branches are evident in the models. Furthermore, it is shown that the algorithm also fails for image perspectives with angular separations less than 15 , additional redundant branches are produced in addition to thicker channel segments

    Effect of water on electrical properties of Refined, Bleached, and Deodorized Palm Oil (RBDPO) as electrical insulating material

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    This paper describes the properties of refined, bleached, deodorized palm oil (RBDPO) as having the potential to be used as insulating liquid. There are several important properties such as electrical breakdown, dielectric dissipation factor, specific gravity, flash point, viscosity and pour point of RBDPO that was measured and compared to commercial mineral oil which is largely in current use as insulating liquid in power transformers. Experimental results of the electrical properties revealed that the average breakdown voltage of the RBDPO sample, without the addition of water at room temperature, is 13.368 kV. The result also revealed that due to effect of water, the breakdown voltage is lower than that of commercial mineral oil (Hyrax). However, the flash point and the pour point of RBDPO is very high compared to mineral oil thus giving it advantageous possibility to be used safely as insulating liquid. The results showed that RBDPO is greatly influenced by water, causing the breakdown voltage to decrease and the dissipation factor to increase; this is attributable to the high amounts of dissolved water

    Lightning Induced Overvoltages Caused by Non-Vertical Lightning and Earth Current Behavior

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    RÉSUMÉ Les surtensions induites par la foudre deviennent un sujet important dans le domaine des réseaux de distribution. Une évaluation précise des tensions induites est très essentielle pour la protection contre la foudre. Un problème des évaluations existantes est qu'un canal de foudre vertical et une terre parfaitement conductrice, qui ne sont pas réalistes, sont supposés dans la plupart des cas. Ces hypothèses nécessitent des recherches plus approfondies pour une évaluation précise de la tension induite. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de révéler et résumer (1) les influences de la foudre non verticale sur les surtensions induites par la foudre dans les réseaux de distribution et (2) le comportement du courant de foudre dans une terre avec pertes, pour une évaluation précise des tensions induites. Pour (1), les circuits du modèle FDTD pour représenter la foudre non verticale sont construits et les influences de la foudre non verticale sur les tensions induites sont étudiées avec diverses conditions telles que la forme d'onde du courant de foudre, la géométrie du canal de foudre, l'état de la terre et la distribution ligne, etc. De plus, le mécanisme des changements est discuté en comparaison avec une formule analytique. Il est clair que l'inclinaison de la foudre vers la ligne augmente considérablement les tensions induites. Les tensions atteignent plus de deux fois plus que celles du boîtier vertical. L'inclinaison le long de la ligne ne montre que des différences mineures sur la tension de crête alors qu'elle rend le profil de tension le long de la ligne asymétrique. Des tendances similaires sont observées même lorsque l'on suppose une ligne triphasée réaliste avec mises à la terre et parafoudres. Les connaissances acquises dans cette thèse indiquent clairement que les influences de la foudre non verticale doivent être prises en compte pour une évaluation précise des surtensions induites par la foudre. Pour (2), les circuits du modèle FDTD sont validés par rapport aux résultats expérimentaux dans des articles publiés, et les influences de la distance de la foudre, de la position de la foudre sur la ligne, de la structure de mise à la terre, de la position du fil neutre, etc. sont étudiées par la FDTD. Il est confirmé que le couplage électromagnétique foudre-terre influence le courant de surface de la terre et l'augmentation du potentiel de terre (GPR) qui en résulte pendant une période transitoire, et donc l'inclinaison de la foudre rend le courant et le GPR différents du cas vertical.----------ABSTRACT Lightning induced overvoltages are becoming one of the most important topics in the field of distribution networks. An accurate evaluation of the induced voltages is essential for the design of lightning protection. One problem of existing evaluations is that a vertical lightning channel and a perfectly conducting earth, which are not realistic, are assumed in most cases. These assumptions require further careful investigations for an accurate induced-voltage evaluation. The main objective of this thesis is to reveal and summarize (1) the influences of non-vertical lightning on the lightning induced overvoltages in the distribution systems and (2) lightning current behavior in a lossy earth, for an accurate evaluation of the induced voltages. For (1), FDTD model circuits to represent the non-vertical lightning are built and influences of the non-vertical lightning on the induced voltages are investigated with various conditions such as lightning current waveform, lightning-channel geometry, earth condition, and distribution-line configuration etc. In addition, the mechanism of the changes is discussed in comparison with an analytical formula. It is made clear that lightning inclination toward the line significantly increases the induced voltages. The voltages reach values that are more than two times larger than those of the vertical case. The inclination along the line shows only minor differences on the peak voltage while it makes the voltage profile along the line asymmetric. Similar trends are observed even when a realistic three-phase line with groundings and arresters is assumed. The knowledge obtained in this thesis clearly indicates that the influences of non-vertical lightning should be considered for an accurate evaluation of lightning induced overvoltages. For (2), FDTD model circuits are validated in comparison with experimental results in published papers, and influences of lightning distance, lightning-struck position to the line, grounding structure, neutral wire position etc. are investigated by FDTD. It is confirmed that lightning-to-earth electromagnetic coupling influences the earth surface current and resulting ground potential rise (GPR) in a transient period, and thus the lightning inclination makes the current and GPR different from the vertical case. The coupling effect should be considered for accurate earth current and GPR studies. When there is a distribution line nearby, a large portion of lightning current flows into the nearby line via its groundings. Although the current itself does not make a large difference to the induced voltage, it would cause lightning surge problems in the line

    Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Pad B Catenary Capability Analysis and Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM) Support

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    The existing lightning protection system at Pad 39B for the Space Shuttle is an outgrowth of a system that was put in place for the Apollo Program. Dr. Frank Fisher of Lightning Technologies was a key participant in the design and implementation of that system. He conveyed to the NESC team that the catenary wire provision was put in place quickly (as assurance against possible vehicle damage causing critical launch delays) rather than being implemented as a comprehensive system designed to provide a high degree of guaranteed protection. Also, the technology of lightning protection has evolved over time with considerable work being conducted by groups such as the electric utilities companies, aircraft manufacturers, universities, and others. Several accepted present-day methods for analysis of lightning protection were used by Drs. Medelius and Mata to study the expected lightning environment for the Pad 39B facility and to analyze the degree of protection against direct lightning attachment to the Space Shuttle. The specific physical configuration directly affects the vulnerability, so cases that were considered included the RSS next to and rolled back from the Space Shuttle, and the GOx Vent Arm both extended and withdrawn from the ET. Elements of the lightning protection system at Pad 39B are shown in Figure 6.0-1 and consist of an 80 foot insulating mast on top of the Fixed Support Structure (FSS), a catenary wire system that runs from the mast in a North/South direction to grounds 1000 feet away on each side of the mast, the RSS which can either be next to or away from the Space Shuttle, and a GOx vent that can either be extended or retracted from the top of the ET

    Glossary on atmospheric electricity and its effects on biology

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    [EN] There is an increasing interest to study the interactions between atmospheric electrical parameters and living organisms at multiple scales. So far, relatively few studies have been published that focus on possible biological effects of atmospheric electric and magnetic fields. To foster future work in this area of multidisciplinary research, here we present a glossary of relevant terms. Its main purpose is to facilitate the process of learning and communication among the different scientific disciplines working on this topic. While some definitions come from existing sources, other concepts have been re-defined to better reflect the existing and emerging scientific needs of this multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary area of research.This paper is based upon work from the COST Action "Atmospheric Electricity Network: coupling with the Earth System, climate and biological systems (ELECTRONET)," supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). 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    Studies in geophysics: The Earth's electrical environment

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    The Earth is electrified. Between the surface and the outer reaches of the atmosphere, there is a global circuit that is maintained by worldwide thunderstorm activity and by upper atmospheric dynamo processes. The highest voltages approach a billion volts and are generated within thunderclouds, where lightning is a visual display of the cloud's electrical nature. The largest currents in the circuit, approaching a million amperes, are associated with the aurora. Because there have been significant advances in understanding many of the component parts of the global electric circuit (lightning, cloud electrification, electrical processes in specific atmospheric regions, and telluric currents), a principal research challenge is to understand how these components interact to shape the global circuit. Increased basic understanding in this field has many potential practical applications, including lightning protection, the design of advanced aircraft and spacecraft, and improvements in weather prediction

    Space Electrochemical Research and Technology (SERT)

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    The conference provided a forum to assess critical needs and technologies for the NASA electrochemical energy conversion and storage program. It was aimed at providing guidance to NASA on the appropriate direction and emphasis of that program. A series of related overviews were presented in the areas of NASA advanced mission models (space stations, low and geosynchronous Earth orbit missions, planetary missions, and space transportation). Papers were presented and workshops conducted in a variety of technical areas, including advanced rechargeables, advanced concepts, critical physical electrochemical issues, and modeling
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