10 research outputs found

    Big Data en Educaci贸n III: recomendaciones personalizadas de actuaci贸n ante estudiantes en riesgo de abandono

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    En este proyecto se elaboran un conjunto de recomendaciones personalizadas para guiar la actuaci贸n del profesor con estudiantes que hayan sido detectados en riesgo de abandono de una asignatura o de la titulaci贸n en general. Con car谩cter previo, se desarrollan m茅todos estad铆sticos que permitan la detecci贸n del riesgo de abandono de un estudiante

    Using a Novel Hybrid Krill Herd and Bat based Recurrent Replica to Estimate the Sentiment Values of Twitter based Political Data

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    Big data is an essential part of the world since it is directly applicable to many functions. Twitter is an essential social network or big data replicating political information. However, big data sentiment analysis in opinion mining is challenging for complex information. In this approach, the Twitter-based political datasets are taken as input. Furthermore, the sentiment analysis of twitter-based political multilingual datasets like Hindi and English is not easy because of the complicated data. Therefore, this paper introduces a novel Hybrid Krill Herd and Bat-based Recurrent Replica (HKHBRR) to evaluate the sentiment values of twitter-based political data. Here, the fitness functions of the krill herd and bat optimization model are initialized in the dense layer to enhance the accuracy, precision, etc., and also reduce the error rate. Initially, Twitter-based political datasets are taken as input, and these collected datasets are also trained to this proposed approach. Moreover, the proposed deep learning technique is implemented in the Python framework. Thus, the outcomes of the developed model are compared with existing techniques and have attained the finest results of 98.68% accuracy and 0.5% error

    Sentiment analysis in non-fixed length audios using a Fully Convolutional Neural Network

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    .In this work, a sentiment analysis method that is capable of accepting audio of any length, without being fixed a priori, is proposed. Mel spectrogram and Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients are used as audio description methods and a Fully Convolutional Neural Network architecture is proposed as a classifier. The results have been validated using three well known datasets: EMODB, RAVDESS and TESS. The results obtained were promising, outperforming the state-of鈥搕he-art methods. Also, thanks to the fact that the proposed method admits audios of any size, it allows a sentiment analysis to be made in near real time, which is very interesting for a wide range of fields such as call centers, medical consultations or financial brokers.S

    Sentiment analysis in non-fixed length audios using a Fully Convolutional Neural Network

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    In this work, a sentiment analysis method that is capable of accepting audio of any length, without being fixed a priori, is proposed. Mel spectrogram and Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients are used as audio description methods and a Fully Convolutional Neural Network architecture is proposed as a classifier. The results have been validated using three well known datasets: EMODB, RAVDESS, and TESS. The results obtained were promising, outperforming the state-of-the-art methods. Also, thanks to the fact that the proposed method admits audios of any size, it allows a sentiment analysis to be made in near real time, which is very interesting for a wide range of fields such as call centers, medical consultations, or financial brokers

    Organizational Analysis in Preparation for LMS Change: A Narrative Case Study

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    Collaboration and teamwork are concepts routinely attributed to organizational success and successful change management. Yet often the details of these collaborative experiences are limited to participants in the team involved. In this case study we highlight how a learning experience architect, as part of an organizational working group, could leverage human performance technology (HPT) principles to lead the analysis efforts surrounding an LMS platform change at a professional training organization. Human performance technology is the study and practice of improving productivity in organizations. This includes designing and developing effective interventions, processes, and methodologies that are ethical, results-oriented, comprehensive, and systemic (West, 2018). This article covers the project鈥檚 genesis, the project team鈥檚 creation, and how the analysis work was carried out. The first author鈥檚 unique access to the subject matter of this case study provides the ability to present the project鈥檚 analysis phase in the following narrative format. This article鈥檚 intrinsic case study represents an exploratory inquiry into a single case, as this article鈥檚 conclusions are inherently limited to its scope. Nevertheless, the article provides evidence that large scale change within organizations requires a balance of effective communication practices and organizational systems thinking

    Logros y retos en anal铆tica del aprendizaje en Espa帽a: La perspectiva de SNOLA

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    As in other research fields, the development of learning analytics is influenced by the networks of researchers that contribute to it. This paper describes one of such networks: the Spanish Network of Learning Analytics (SNOLA). The paper presents the research lines of the members of SNOLA, as well as the main challenges that learning analytics has to address in the next few years as perceived by these researchers. This analysis is based on SNOLA鈥檚 archival data and on a survey carried out to the current members of the network. Although this approach does not cover all the activity related to learning analytics in Spain, the results provide a representative overview of the current state of research related to learning analytics in this context. The paper describes these trends and the main challenges, among which we can point out the need to adopt an ethical commitment with data, to develop systems that respond to the requirements of the end users, and to reach a wider institutional impact.Tal y como ocurre en otros campos de investigaci贸n, el desarrollo de la anal铆tica del aprendizaje est谩 influido por las redes de investigadores que contribuyen al mismo. Este art铆culo describe una de estas redes: la Red Espa帽ola de Anal铆tica de Aprendizaje (SNOLA). El art铆culo presenta las l铆neas de investigaci贸n de los miembros de SNOLA, as铆 como los principales retos que la anal铆tica del aprendizaje tiene que afrontar en los pr贸ximos a帽os desde la visi贸n de estos investigadores. Este an谩lisis est谩 basado en datos de archivo de SNOLA y en una encuesta realizada a los actuales miembros de la red. Aunque esta aproximaci贸n no cubre toda la actividad relacionada con anal铆tica del aprendizaje en Espa帽a, los resultados proporcionan una visi贸n general representativa del estado de la investigaci贸n relacionada con anal铆tica del aprendizaje en dicho contexto. El art铆culo muestra cu谩les son estas tendencias y los principales retos, entre los que se encuentran la necesidad de adoptar un compromiso 茅tico con los datos, desarrollar sistemas que respondan a las necesidades de los usuarios y alcanzar mayor impacto institucional

    Achievements and challenges in learning analytics in Spain: The view of SNOLA

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    [EN] As in other research fields, the development of learning analytics is influenced by the networks of researchers that contribute to it. This paper describes one of such networks: the Spanish Network of Learning Analytics (SNOLA). The paper presents the research lines of the members of SNOLA, as well as the main challenges that learning analytics has to address in the next few years as perceived by these researchers. This analysis is based on SNOLA鈥檚 archival data and on a survey carried out to the current members of the network. Although this approach does not cover all the activity related to learning analytics in Spain, the results provide a representative overview of the current state of research related to learning analytics in this context. The paper describes these trends and the main challenges, among which we can point out the need to adopt an ethical commitment with data, to develop systems that respond to the requirements of the end users, and to reach a wider institutional impact.[ES] Tal y como ocurre en otros campos de investigaci贸n, el desarrollo de la anal铆tica del aprendizaje est谩 influido por las redes de investigadores que contribuyen al mismo. Este art铆culo describe una de estas redes: la Red Espa帽ola de Anal铆tica de Aprendizaje (SNOLA). El art铆culo presenta las l铆neas de investigaci贸n de los miembros de SNOLA, as铆 como los principales retos que la anal铆tica del aprendizaje tiene que afrontar en los pr贸ximos a帽os desde la visi贸n de estos investigadores. Este an谩lisis est谩 basado en datos de archivo de SNOLA y en una encuesta realizada a los actuales miembros de la red. Aunque esta aproximaci贸n no cubre toda la actividad relacionada con anal铆tica del aprendizaje en Espa帽a, los resultados proporcionan una visi贸n general representativa del estado de la investigaci贸n relacionada con anal铆tica del aprendizaje en dicho contexto. El art铆culo muestra cu谩les son estas tendencias y los principales retos, entre los que se encuentran la necesidad de adoptar un compromiso 茅tico con los datos, desarrollar sistemas que respondan a las necesidades de los usuarios y alcanzar mayor impacto institucional.SIMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades ( RED2018-102725-T)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades (TIN2016-80172-R)Junta de Castilla y Le贸n (VA257P18)Gobierno Vasco (IT980-16)Generalitat de Catalunya (2017SGR1619)Gobierno de la Comunidad de Madrid (S2018/TCS-4307

    Sistema inform谩tica de apoyo a las anal铆ticas para el aprendizaje (learning analytics) para entornos educativos on-line

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    Los cursos MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) son una herramienta de aprendizaje en constante crecimiento en oferta (n煤mero de cursos ofertados), demanda (n煤mero de estudiantes matriculados) y relevancia en la disciplina del aprendizaje en l铆nea. En este contexto, se han detectado potenciales factores relacionados con la insuficiente interacci贸n estudiante-profesor y el aislamiento que sienten los estudiantes que pueden afectarles negativamente y que precisan de un amplio estudio para ser analizados, comprendidos y, si se requiere, mitigados o solucionados. Si este objetivo se cumple, se habr谩 conseguido dar un gran paso para hacer del aprendizaje con este tipo de recursos un proceso eficiente y 煤til para cualquier estudiante que desee utilizarlos. Adem谩s, los MOOC recogen gran cantidad de informaci贸n en relaci贸n con la interactividad del estudiante con sus recursos, con lo que son una gran fuente de datos en este campo. La disciplina que facilita poder afrontar el problema planteado es la Anal铆tica del Aprendizaje o Learning Analytics. El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado busca avanzar dentro de la comprensi贸n de este tipo de sensaciones. Para ello, se propone el desarrollo, implementaci贸n y explotaci贸n de una plataforma escalable (edX-LIMS: Learning Intervention Monitoring Service for edX MOOCs) que permita realizar un proceso de acompa帽amiento de los estudiantes de un MOOC. Dicha plataforma proporciona peri贸dicamente a los estudiantes de un MOOC informaci贸n visual en un Dashboard o Panel de aprendizaje en la Web, mostr谩ndoles su progreso y participaci贸n en el MOOC. Esta informaci贸n proporcionada es parte de una estrategia de intervenci贸n sobre el aprendizaje de estos estudiantes. El sistema ofrece tambi茅n a los instructores de MOOC acceso a un Dashboard o Panel de Instructores en la Web que muestra el inter茅s en este servicio por parte de los estudiantes y, por lo tanto, facilita la evaluaci贸n del 茅xito o el fracaso de la estrategia de intervenci贸n

    A corpus linguistic study of Australian and Chinese health news reporting on salt consumption

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    Dietary health risks are among the lifestyle-related health challenges seen all over the world, and are connected to every individual's daily behavior. They have motivated a shift from reactive healthcare to proactive health communication and promotion, and therefore have attracted the increased interest of communication professionals and researchers. Salt consumption has become a major dietary risk in the current world, which has been linked to a variety of noncommunicable diseases. China has the world鈥檚 third highest mortality rate caused by a diet high in sodium while Australia has made remarkable strides in controlling salt consumption. Exposure to persuasive health communication has been viewed as a significant strategy to influence people's beliefs, attitudes, intentions, or behaviors with the goal of public health intervention. In this regard, the overall purpose of this research is to investigate and compare the linguistic characteristics of health news between the comparable and bilingual Australian-Chinese mass media news corpora. The comparable corpora are self-built, compiled with health-themed news reporting on salt consumption. By analyzing the corpora, this study analyzes communication characteristics from two perspectives, namely information evidentiality and relevance. Analysis will reveal how health messages are presented to be persuasive and effective, which are integral to public health issues and risk perception. Through the application of corpus linguistics and computational linguistics techniques, the similarities and differences of linguistic characteristics will be revealed. This study attempts to advance comparable health communication research. The research findings will send a critical message to communication professionals that health news has the potential to change people鈥檚 risk perceptions. This will hopefully have broader implications for the improvement of health news quality

    Peer assessment model with the sentiment an谩lisis approach

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    La evaluaci贸n de los trabajos de respuesta abierta es una tarea que debe ser realizada por un experto; sin embargo, suponen una importante carga de trabajo de correcci贸n para el docente. En este contexto, la evaluaci贸n entre pares se ha considerado como un enfoque alternativo para abordar el problema. Este tipo de evaluaci贸n no solo proporciona la reducci贸n en la carga de trabajo de correcci贸n, sino que tambi茅n aporta beneficios adicionales, como la posibilidad de que el estudiante verifique diferentes soluciones para un mismo problema y la provisi贸n de retroalimentaciones 煤tiles. Los cambios en los paradigmas educativos han promovido la integraci贸n de m茅todos de evaluaci贸n que pretenden ir m谩s all谩 de la evaluaci贸n de conocimientos (sumativa), que est茅n m谩s integrados en el proceso de formaci贸n y aprendizaje (formativa). La evaluaci贸n formativa contribuye significativamente en la calidad de aprendizaje que los estudiantes obtienen al dar y recibir retroalimentaci贸n, y en el acceso inmediato que los docentes pueden tener sobre el progreso de la clase. Las instituciones educativas actualmente buscan obtener el conocimiento inmerso de estos textos no estructurado. Por lo tanto, el objetivo general de esta tesis ha sido dise帽ar un modelo de evaluaci贸n entre pares, que coadyuve a los docentes a mejorar sus procesos de ense帽anza-aprendizaje mediante m茅todos de an谩lisis de sentimiento. Se aplic贸 la metodolog铆a de dise帽o investigaci贸n-acci贸n, en primer lugar, se realiz贸 el estado del arte sobre evaluaci贸n entre pares, miner铆a de texto y t茅cnicas de computaci贸n blanda. Subsecuentemente, se dise帽贸 un modelo que combina la evaluaci贸n entre pares con el aprendizaje colaborativo y el m茅todo calibrado en varias fases: a) se form贸 grupos de estudiantes que participan en realizar el trabajo de manera colaborativa, con la finalidad de tener grupos similares, pero tener diferencias individuales en el proceso de evaluaci贸n entre pares para beneficiarse de la colaboraci贸n entre estudiantes; b) se dise帽贸 una r煤brica para la recolecci贸n de datos, donde los evaluadores evaluaron aspectos espec铆ficos del trabajo, proporcionando por cada criterio una puntuaci贸n num茅rica y retroalimentaci贸n textual; c) los evaluados evaluaron la calidad de evaluaci贸n de la tarea (evaluaci贸n inversa) para obtener el rating de confianza del evaluador; d) los grupos corrigieron el trabajo bas谩ndose en las retroalimentaciones dadas por los evaluadores en la primera ronda (evaluaci贸n en dos rondas); e) la puntuaci贸n de evaluaci贸n de tarea se calibr贸 en funci贸n del rendimiento e 铆ndice (rating) de confianza del evaluador. Durante el desarrollo del modelo se obtuvo dos conjuntos de datos en espa帽ol, uno de evaluaci贸n de tarea y otro de evaluaci贸n de calidad de la evaluaci贸n. Se aplic贸 el enfoque de aprendizaje autom谩tico supervisado para obtener una puntuaci贸n de sentimiento correspondiente a una retroalimentaci贸n textual espec铆fica. Se analiz贸 distintas t茅cnicas de miner铆a de texto y procesamiento de lenguaje natural sobre la tarea de clasificaci贸n de sentimiento como Bag of Words, combinaciones de (N-Grams + Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency + Stop- Words), y Word2Vec/Glove pre-entrenados para formar los distintos vocabularios. Se evalu贸 algoritmos de aprendizaje autom谩tico cl谩sico (Na茂ve Bayes, Multinomial Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Decision Trees), de aprendizaje autom谩tico moderno (Vote Ensemble), y de aprendizaje profundo (Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM)). Se obtuvo dos modelos predictivos con mejor rendimiento. Un modelo con Bi-LSTM utilizando representaci贸n de Glove, para predecir la puntuaci贸n de sentimiento de la retroalimentaci贸n textual de evaluaci贸n de tarea; y un modelo con LSTM utilizando representaci贸n de Glove, para predecir la puntuaci贸n de sentimiento de la retroalimentaci贸n textual de evaluaci贸n de calidad de la evaluaci贸n. Seguidamente, se obtuvo un modelo de c谩lculo que contribuy贸 a mejorar la confiabilidad del proceso de evaluaci贸n entre pares. La puntuaci贸n de cada criterio de evaluaci贸n de tarea y evaluaci贸n de calidad de evaluaci贸n se gener贸 con la t茅cnica computacional de l贸gica difusa correlacionando puntuaci贸n num茅rica y sentimiento, determinando que los m茅todos de defuzzificaci贸n (m谩ximo m谩s chico, media de m谩ximo y m谩ximo m谩s grande) fueron los m谩s apropiados para este estudio. La puntuaci贸n individual de cada evaluador se obtuvo con c谩lculos de media de todos los criterios. La puntuaci贸n del colectivo de evaluaci贸n de tarea y rating de confianza del evaluador se obtuvo con c谩lculos de media/mediana del conjunto de puntuaciones individuales, determinando que la mediana tiene el mejor ajuste para generar una puntuaci贸n del colectivo confiable. Se prob贸 la validez del modelo propuesto en 3 escenarios de educaci贸n superior: virtual asincr贸nico, virtual sincr贸nico y presencial. Se correlacion贸 mediante Pearson la puntaci贸n que recibe el estudiante del colectivo con la puntuaci贸n que proporciona el docente, obteniendo similaridad fuerte en el 8% de las actividades en virtual asincr贸nico (r=0.718-0.790), en el 25% de las actividades en virtual sincr贸nico (r=0.741 a 0.971) y en el 40% de las actividades en presencial (r=0.780 a 0.951), determinando que el modelo se puede aplicar en todos los escenarios de educaci贸n evaluados, y con mayor efectividad en el presencial. Finalmente, se obtuvo un modelo de calibraci贸n que contribuy贸 a mejorar la fiabilidad en el proceso de evaluaci贸n entre pares, ya que, mediante el ajuste de la puntuaci贸n individual de cada tarea en funci贸n del rendimiento y 铆ndice (rating) de confianza del evaluador, se logr贸 que la relaci贸n entre la puntaci贸n del colectivo y puntuaci贸n que proporciona el docente tendiera a subir el 46% de las actividades en escenario virtual asincr贸nico, 69% en virtual sincr贸nico y 60% en presencial. Adem谩s, se evalu贸 si existe mejora del rendimiento estudiantil en la segunda ronda aplicando el modelo en el proceso de evaluaci贸n entre pares, mediante la prueba t de Student, se determin贸 que el 100% de las actividades evaluadas obtuvieron la puntuaci贸n media en la segunda ronda mayor que la primera ronda con un valor de significancia menor a 0.05, el incremento en la segunda ronda del rendimiento del estudiante en virtual asincr贸nico fue de 3%- 12%, en virtual sincr贸nico de 7%-22%, y en presencial de 15%-34%. En tal sentido, el modelo de evaluaci贸n entre pares basado en an谩lisis de sentimiento podr铆a implementarse como una herramienta pedag贸gica para apoyar al docente en enriquecer el proceso de ense帽anza aprendizaje, ya que los estudiantes dieron y recibieron retroalimentaciones detalladas sobre lo correcto o incorrecto de un trabajo espec铆fico, y pudieron refutar sobre las retroalimentaciones dadas; lo que a su vez indujo que mejoraran el trabajo y el rendimiento en la segunda rondaThe assessment of open response work is a task that must be carried out by an expert; however, they represent a significant correction workload for the teacher. In this context, peer assessment has been considered as an alternative approach to address the problem. This type of assessment not only reduces the correction workload but also brings additional benefits, such as the possibility for the student to verify different solutions for the same problem and the provision of useful feedback. Changes in educational paradigms have promoted the integration of assessment methods that aim to go beyond (summative) knowledge assessment, which is more integrated into the training and learning process (formative). Formative assessment contributes significantly to the quality of learning students gain from giving and receiving feedback, and the immediate Access teachers can have to class progress. Educational institutions currently seek to gain immersed knowledge from these unstructured texts. Therefore, the general objective of this thesis has been to design a peer assessment model that helped teachers improve their teaching-learning processes through sentiment analysis methods. The research-action design methodology was applied, firstly, the state of the art on peer assessment, text mining, and computational techniques was carried out. Subsequently, a model was designed that combines peer assessment with collaborative learning and the calibrated method in several phases: a) groups of students were formed to participate in carrying out the work collaboratively, to have similar groups, but have individual differences in the peer assessment process to benefit from collaboration among students; b) a rubric was designed for data collection, where the evaluators evaluated specific aspects of the work, providing a numerical score and textual feedback for each criterion; c) the evaluators evaluated the quality of the task assessment (inverse assessment) to obtain the evaluator's confidence rating; d) the groups corrected the work based on the feedback given by the evaluators in the first round (evaluation in two rounds); e) the task assessment score was calibrated based on the performance and confidence rating of the evaluator. During the development of the model, two sets of data were obtained in Spanish, one for task assessment and the other for assessment of the quality of the assessment. The supervised machine learning approach was applied to obtain a sentiment score corresponding to specific textual feedback. Different text mining and natural language processing techniques were analyzed on the sentiment classification task, such as Bag of Words, combinations of (N-Grams+Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency+Stop-Words), and Word2Vec/Glove pre-trained to form the different vocabularies. Algorithms were evaluated of classic machine learning (Na茂ve Bayes, Multinomial Na茂ve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Decision Trees), modern machine learning (Vote Ensemble), and deep learning (Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM)). Two predictive models with better performance were obtained. A model with Bi-LSTM using Glove's representation, to predict the sentiment score of task assessment textual feedback; and a model with LSTM using Glove's representation, to predict the sentiment score of the assessment quality assessment textual feedback. Thereafter, a calculation model was obtained that contributed to improving the reliability of the peer assessment process. The score for each task assessment criterion and quality assessment was generated with the fuzzy logic computational technique correlating numerical score and sentiment, determining that the (Smallest of Maximum, Middle of Maximum, and Largest of Maximum) defuzzification methods were the most appropriate for this study. The individual score of each evaluator was obtained with mean calculations of all the criteria. The task assessment collective score and the evaluator confidence rating were obtained with mean/median calculations of the set of individual scores, determining that the median has the best fit to generate a reliable collective score. The validity of the proposed model was tested in 3 higher education scenarios: virtual asynchronous, virtual synchronous, and face-to-face. Using Pearson, the score received by the student from the group was correlated with the score provided by the teacher, obtaining strong similarity in 8% of the activities in virtual asynchronous (r=0.718-0.790), 25% of the activities in virtual synchronous (r=0.741 to 0.971) and 40% of the activities in face-to-face (r=0.780 to 0.951), determining that the model can be applied in all the education scenarios evaluated, and with greater effectiveness in face-to-face. Finally, a calibration model was obtained that contributed to improving the reliability of the peer assessment process, since, by adjusting the individual score of each task based on the performance and confidence rating of the evaluator, it was achieved that the relationship between the score of the group and the score provided by the teacher would tend to increase in 46% of the activities in asynchronous virtual settings, 69% in synchronous virtual settings and 60% in faceto- face settings. In addition, it was evaluated if there is an improvement in student performance in the second round by applying the model in the peer assessment process, using the student's t-test, it was determined that 100% of the activities evaluated obtained the average score in the second round greater than the first round with a significance value of less than 0.05, the increase in the second round of student performance in asynchronous virtual was 3%-12%, in synchronous virtual 7%-22%, and in face-to-face 15 %-3. 4%. In this sense, the peer assessment model based on sentiment analysis could be implemented as a pedagogical tool to support the teacher in enriching the teaching-learning process, since the students gave and received detailed feedback on the correct or incorrect of a specific work, and they were able to refute the feedback given; which in turn induced improved work and performance in the second round