190 research outputs found

    Blended Learning Concept and its Applications to Engineering Education

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    Abstract. The technical educational act means theory and practice, individual study, group-based projects or experimental work that involves equipment, simulation/emulation software packages and laboratory applications. In order to develop advanced e-learning tools and integrate them within online platforms for higher and postgraduate engineering education, new methodologies should be taken into consideration: project-and problem based learning, virtual laboratory (remote access to laboratory infrastructure and task evaluation) or remote assistance for diploma projects and mobility grants. This paper presents new blended learning concepts and approaches and the manner they can be adopted in engineering education, by using the symbiotic computing paradigms adapted to blended learning, especially blended learning gap and blended learning bridge

    Blended Learning Concept and its Applications to Engineering Education

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    Abstract. The technical educational act means theory and practice, individual study, group-based projects or experimental work that involves equipment, simulation/emulation software packages and laboratory applications. In order to develop advanced e-learning tools and integrate them within online platforms for higher and postgraduate engineering education, new methodologies should be taken into consideration: project-and problem based learning, virtual laboratory (remote access to laboratory infrastructure and task evaluation) or remote assistance for diploma projects and mobility grants. This paper presents new blended learning concepts and approaches and the manner they can be adopted in engineering education, by using the symbiotic computing paradigms adapted to blended learning, especially blended learning gap and blended learning bridge

    Ubiquitous computing: a learning system solution in the era of industry 4.0

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    Ubiquitous computing, which was initially advocated by Mark Weiser has become one of the keywords to express a vision of the near future of computing systems. The "ubiquitous world" is a ubiquitous computing environment with integrated networks; computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS) and invisible computers which equipped sensor microchips and radio frequency identification systems. Anyone can access the ubiquitous computing systems anytime and anywhere broader, without individual awareness or skills. Ubiquitous computing is becoming crucial elements to organize the activities of groups of people by use of groupware under workforce mobility. The computer-supported cooperative work is transforming from telework to ubiquitous work with new information and communication technologies that support people working cooperatively. Ubiquitous learning is a demand for the knowledge workforce for more multi-skilled professionals. It is a new and emerging education and training system that integrating e-learning of cyberspace and mobile learning of physical space with a global repository that has the potential to be accessed by anyone at any place and anytime under ubiquitous integrated computing environment. In this paper, we discuss the study of emerging trends through the implementation of work and learning that influenced ubiquitous computing technology prospects. Furthermore, the perspective of ubiquitous work and learning system, gaining quality, and hence credibility with emerging information and communication technologies in education and training systems in the area of the education system are discussed. The experimental results showed that CIMS could improve the students learned more efficiently and achieved better learning performance

    Brave New Wireless World: Mapping the Rise of Ubiquitous Connectivity from Myth to Market

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    This dissertation offers a critical and historical analysis of the myth of ubiquitous connectivity—a myth widely associated with the technological capabilities offered by “always on” Internet-enabled mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. This myth proclaims that work and social life are optimized, made more flexible, manageable, and productive, through the use of these devices and their related services. The prevalence of this myth—whether articulated as commercial strategy, organizational goal, or mode of social mediation—offers repeated claims that the experience and organization of daily life has passed a technological threshold. Its proponents champion the virtues of the invisible “last mile” tethering individuals (through their devices) primarily to commercial networks. The purpose of this dissertation is to uncover the interaction between the proliferation of media artifacts and the political economic forces and relations occluded by this myth. To do this, herein the development of the BlackBerry, as a specific brand of devices and services, is shown to be intimately interrelated with the myth of ubiquitous connectivity. It demonstrates that the BlackBerry is a technical artifact whose history sheds light on key characteristics of our media environment and the political economic dynamics shaping the development of other technologies, workforce composition and management, and more general consumption proclivities. By pointing to the analytic significance of the BlackBerry, this work does not intend to simply praise its creators for their technical and commercial achievements. Instead, it aims to show how these achievements express a synthesis that represents the motivations of economic actors and prevailing modes of thought most particularly as they are drawn together in and through the myth of ubiquitous connectivity. The narrative arc of this dissertation is anchored by moments of harmonization among political economic interests as these shape (and are shaped by) prevailing modes of producing and relating through ubiquitous connectivity

    The precarious nature of curatorial work

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    From a Smart Education Environment to an Eco-School through Fog & Cloud Computing in IoT Context

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    One of the most visible domains of the last decade emerging technological explosion is education. In this paper we will analyze the educational field seen as an intelligent learning environment, in the context of a modern information and communication technology paradigm: fog & cloud computing. An intelligent educational environment built on the IoT (Internet of Things) ecosystem involves at least two dimensions: conceptual and functional. These aspects will be highlighted in this paper, identifying the intensity of cloud computing relations and fog computing – IoT, as global infrastructure for building an intelligent education environment. In the current economic, social and environmental conditions, developing an intelligent educational frame must take into account multiple aspects. Among them are critical factors, like legal frame, ecological dimension and quality insurance. Any intelligent educational frame must consider the environmental factors and converge towards and ecological structure, an eco-school

    Leadership in a Changing World

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    Leadership in a Changing World - A Multidimensional Perspective investigates the multi-dimensional aspect of leadership by exploring different perspectives and practices as well as existing theories of effective leadership in a changing world. Chapters address such topics as the connection between leadership, innovation, and creativity, venture leadership, e-leadership, digital leadership, and more. Beyond understanding the nature of effective leadership, this book examines the nature of leadership focusing on what we know and how we know it
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