
Application for a PhD by published work


The body of research presented here represents an important contribution to knowledge in the field of the future of work with particular reference to work facilitated by Information and Communications Technology (ICTs). The work encompasses a number of levels of analysis: the macro level, the organisational level and the workforce level. It has explored previously neglected areas of self-employment, and has contributed to understanding of both corporate and self-employed telework. The submission document is organised as follows: following the list of submitted work the Introduction explores the background to the research area, and then provides a detailed commentary on each piece of submitted work, including clear information on the author's contribution to publications which are co-authored. The Conclusion outlines how the research has added to the existing body of knowledge in the subject fields, and this is followed by a Literature Review which sets the submitted work into the broader context of research on telework and the future of work and employment

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