59,444 research outputs found

    An interpretation of the Sigma-2 fragment of classical Analysis in System T

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    We show that it is possible to define a realizability interpretation for the Σ2\Sigma_2-fragment of classical Analysis using G\"odel's System T only. This supplements a previous result of Schwichtenberg regarding bar recursion at types 0 and 1 by showing how to avoid using bar recursion altogether. Our result is proved via a conservative extension of System T with an operator for composable continuations from the theory of programming languages due to Danvy and Filinski. The fragment of Analysis is therefore essentially constructive, even in presence of the full Axiom of Choice schema: Weak Church's Rule holds of it in spite of the fact that it is strong enough to refute the formal arithmetical version of Church's Thesis

    Revisiting the Duality of Computation: An Algebraic Analysis of Classical Realizability Models

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    Kripke Models for Classical Logic

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    We introduce a notion of Kripke model for classical logic for which we constructively prove soundness and cut-free completeness. We discuss the novelty of the notion and its potential applications

    Modal Ω-Logic: Automata, Neo-Logicism, and Set-Theoretic Realism

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    This essay examines the philosophical significance of Ω\Omega-logic in Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with choice (ZFC). The duality between coalgebra and algebra permits Boolean-valued algebraic models of ZFC to be interpreted as coalgebras. The modal profile of Ω\Omega-logical validity can then be countenanced within a coalgebraic logic, and Ω\Omega-logical validity can be defined via deterministic automata. I argue that the philosophical significance of the foregoing is two-fold. First, because the epistemic and modal profiles of Ω\Omega-logical validity correspond to those of second-order logical consequence, Ω\Omega-logical validity is genuinely logical, and thus vindicates a neo-logicist conception of mathematical truth in the set-theoretic multiverse. Second, the foregoing provides a modal-computational account of the interpretation of mathematical vocabulary, adducing in favor of a realist conception of the cumulative hierarchy of sets

    Response maxima in time-modulated turbulence: Direct Numerical Simulations

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    The response of turbulent flow to time-modulated forcing is studied by direct numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations. The large-scale forcing is modulated via periodic energy input variations at frequency ω\omega. The response is maximal for frequencies in the range of the inverse of the large eddy turnover time, confirming the mean-field predictions of von der Heydt, Grossmann and Lohse (Phys. Rev. E 67, 046308 (2003)). In accordance with the theory the response maximum shows only a small dependence on the Reynolds number and is also quite insensitive to the particular flow-quantity that is monitored, e.g., kinetic energy, dissipation-rate, or Taylor-Reynolds number. At sufficiently high frequencies the amplitude of the kinetic energy response decreases as 1/ω1/\omega. For frequencies beyond the range of maximal response, a significant change in phase-shift relative to the time-modulated forcing is observed.Comment: submitted to Europhysics Letters (EPL), 8 pages, 8 Postscript figures, uses epl.cl

    A syntactic approach to continuity of T-definable functionals

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    We give a new proof of the well-known fact that all functions (NN)N(\mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}) \to \mathbb{N} which are definable in G\"odel's System T are continuous via a syntactic approach. Differing from the usual syntactic method, we firstly perform a translation of System T into itself in which natural numbers are translated to functions (NN)N(\mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}) \to \mathbb{N}. Then we inductively define a continuity predicate on the translated elements and show that the translation of any term in System T satisfies the continuity predicate. We obtain the desired result by relating terms and their translations via a parametrized logical relation. Our constructions and proofs have been formalized in the Agda proof assistant. Because Agda is also a programming language, we can execute our proof to compute moduli of continuity of T-definable functions

    A critical layer model for turbulent pipe flow

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    A model-based description of the scaling and radial location of turbulent fluctuations in turbulent pipe flow is presented and used to illuminate the scaling behaviour of the very large scale motions. The model is derived by treating the nonlinearity in the perturbation equation (involving the Reynolds stress) as an unknown forcing, yielding a linear relationship between the velocity field response and this nonlinearity. We do not assume small perturbations. We examine propagating modes, permitting comparison of our results to experimental data, and identify the steady component of the velocity field that varies only in the wall-normal direction as the turbulent mean profile. The "optimal" forcing shape, that gives the largest velocity response, is assumed to lead to modes that will be dominant and hence observed in turbulent pipe flow. An investigation of the most amplified velocity response at a given wavenumber-frequency combination reveals critical layer-like behaviour reminiscent of the neutrally stable solutions of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation in linearly unstable flow. Two distinct regions in the flow where the influence of viscosity becomes important can be identified, namely a wall layer that scales with R+1/2R^{+1/2} and a critical layer, where the propagation velocity is equal to the local mean velocity, that scales with R+2/3R^{+2/3} in pipe flow. This framework appears to be consistent with several scaling results in wall turbulence and reveals a mechanism by which the effects of viscosity can extend well beyond the immediate vicinity of the wall.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of Fluid Mechanics and currently under revie