43 research outputs found

    Drawing, Handwriting Processing Analysis: New Advances and Challenges

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    International audienceDrawing and handwriting are communicational skills that are fundamental in geopolitical, ideological and technological evolutions of all time. drawingand handwriting are still useful in defining innovative applications in numerous fields. In this regard, researchers have to solve new problems like those related to the manner in which drawing and handwriting become an efficient way to command various connected objects; or to validate graphomotor skills as evident and objective sources of data useful in the study of human beings, their capabilities and their limits from birth to decline

    Auditory comprehension: from the voice up to the single word level

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    Auditory comprehension, the ability to understand spoken language, consists of a number of different auditory processing skills. In the five studies presented in this thesis I investigated both intact and impaired auditory comprehension at different levels: voice versus phoneme perception, as well as single word auditory comprehension in terms of phonemic and semantic content. In the first study, using sounds from different continua of ‘male’-/pæ/ to ‘female’-/tæ/ and ‘male’-/tæ/ to ‘female’-/pæ/, healthy participants (n=18) showed that phonemes are categorised faster than voice, in contradistinction with the common hypothesis that voice information is stripped away (or normalised) to access phonemic content. Furthermore, reverse correlation analysis suggests that gender and phoneme are processed on the basis of different perceptual representations. A follow-up study (same paradigm) in stroke patients (n=25, right or left hemispheric brain lesions, both with and without aphasia) showed that lesions of the right frontal cortex (likely ventral inferior frontal gyrus) leads to systematic voice perception deficits while left hemispheric lesions can elicit both voice and phoneme deficits. Together these results show that phoneme processing is lateralized while voice information processing requires both hemispheres. Furthermore, this suggests that commencing Speech and Language Therapy at a low level of acoustic processing/voice perception may be an appropriate method in the treatment of phoneme perception impairments. A longitudinal case study (CF) of crossed aphasia (rare acquired communication impairment secondary to lesion ipsilateral to the dominant hand) is then presented alongside a mini-review of the literature. Extensive clinical investigation showed that CF presented with word-finding difficulties related to impaired auditory phonological analysis, while functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) analyses showed right hemispheric lateralization of language functions (reading, repetition and verb generation). These results, together with the co-morbidity analysis from the mini-review, suggest that crossed aphasia can be explained by developmental disorders which cause partial right lateralization shift of language processes. Interestingly, in CF this process did not affect voice lateralization and information processing, suggesting partial segregation of voice and speech processing. In the last two studies, auditory comprehension was examined at the single word level using a word-picture matching task with congruent (correct target) and incongruent (semantic, phonological and unrelated foils) conditions. fMRI in healthy participants (n=16) revealed a key role of the pars triangularis (phonological processing), the left angular gyrus (semantic incongruency) and the left precuneus (semantic relatedness) in this task – regions typically associated via the arcuate fasciculus and often impaired in aphasia. Further investigation of stroke patients on the same task (n=15) suggested that the connections between the angular gyrus and the pars triangularis serve a fundamental role in semantic processing. The quality of a published word-picture matching task was also investigated, with results questioning the clinical relevance of this task as an assessment tool. Finally, a pilot study looking at the effect of a computer-assisted auditory comprehension therapy (React2©) in 6 stroke patients (vs. 6 healthy controls and 6 stroke patients without therapy) is presented. Results show that the more therapy patients carry out the more improvement is seen in the semantic processing of single nouns. However, these results need to be reproduced on a larger scale in order to generalise any outcomes. Overall, the findings from these studies present new insight into, as well as extending on, current cognitive and neuroanatomical models of voice perception, speech perception and single word auditory comprehension. A combinatorial approach to cognitive and neuroanatomical models is proposed in order to further research, and thus improve clinical care, into impaired auditory comprehension

    Learning Disabilities

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    Learning disabilities are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by failure to acquire, retrieve, and use information competently. These disorders have a multifactorial aetiology and are most common and severe in children, especially when comorbid with other chronic health conditions. This book provides current and comprehensive information about learning disorders, including information on neurobiology, assessment, clinical features, and treatment. Chapters cover such topics as historical research and hypotheses of learning disorders, neuropsychological assessment and counselling, characteristics of specific disorders such as autism and ADHD, evidence-based treatment strategies and assistive technologies, and much more

    Advances in Primary Progressive Aphasia

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    Primary progressive aphasia is a clinical syndrome that includes a group of neurodegenerative disorders characterized by progressive language impairment. Our knowledge about this disorder has evolved significantly in recent years. Notably, correlations between clinical findings and pathology have improved, and main clinical, neuroimaging, and genetic features have been described. Furthermore, primary progressive aphasia is a good model for the study of brain–behavior relationships, and has contributed to the knowledge of the neural basis of language functioning. However, there are many open questions remaining. For instance, classification into three variants (non-fluent, semantic, and logopenic) is under debate; further data about epidemiology and natural history of the diseases are needed; and, as in other neurodegenerative disorders, successful therapies are lacking. The Guest Editors expect that this book can be very useful for scholars

    Testing a Structural Equation Model of Language-based Cognitive Fitness

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    The normative development of language is often taken for granted, yet problems with language development can result in stress for the individual and family. A challenge with these language development problems lies within the contemporary education system, which assumes that children have appropriate skills when they begin school. The purpose of the study was to test a theoretical model of language readiness known as language-based cognitive fitness, which includes measures associated with structural concepts of language involving receptive language, expressive language, spontaneous narrative speech, and writing fluency. The sample included children from a private school who received an extensive battery of tests at admission and annually thereafter. Scores from a variety of cognitive measures were used in a structural equation modeling framework to test the model. Results demonstrated language-based cognitive fitness to be an interplay of verbal reasoning abilities, visual synthesis, and active analysis broadly representing receptive language, expressive language, spontaneous narrative expression, and writing fluency. Verbal reasoning, visual synthesis, and active analysis explained 91% of the variance in achievement. Implications for positive social change include an improved understanding for those who work with children\u27s language development, specifically of the language structures responsible for language deficits and how these relate to overall cognitive fitness; interventions can be provided to help children more quickly make up language deficits

    Supporting a Foundation Phase learner presenting with specific learning difficulties in building resilience : A transdisciplinary approach

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    Abstract : Inclusive Education departs from the notion that diversity and uniqueness in learners should be supported holistically. Literature, however, points to the challenges that support and its support structures within an inclusive environment face. One such challenge which is the focus of this study, is how learners presenting with various disabilities, in this case particularly Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD), are integrated and included with learners who do not face the same challenges in the same mainstream classroom environment and show signs of developing resilience despite the challenges their specific learning difficulties present. Research further suggests an eco-systems approach as an attempt to gain deeper insight into the term resilience by considering the resources in the learner’s immediate environments. Research from different fields point to the value of the early childhood phase as a crucial phase in establishing a lifelong foundation for learning, fraught with challenges such as SpLD. Detection and prevention of possible SpLD in learners during this crucial time-period of their developmental process, is thus vital. Literature proposes for these resources to be strengthened and that the implementation of a transdisciplinary approach may be feasible as this approach requires of members from various disciplines to share their roles in supporting learners presenting with SpLD. The transdisciplinary approach is regarded as family-centred and invites parents, care-givers, guardians to collaborate with other role-players in putting necessary interventions in place, taking the entire ecosystem of the development of the learner and its ability to bounce back from setbacks into consideration. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe how a transdisciplinary approach supported a Foundation Phase learner presenting with SpLD, in building resilience within an inclusive learning environment by eliciting relevant school staff, internal therapists and parents/caregivers/guardians’ opinion on how the transdisciplinary approach was implemented; and how the identified learner benefited from its implementation. A qualitative case study design was implemented which included purposively selected participants in accordance with the aim of the study. Data was collected through individual and focus-group interviews. Collected data was analysed through thematic content analysis. xii Findings revealed that the identified learner was not the only one who benefited from the implementation of the transdisciplinary approach but the manner in which it was implemented brought about various enablers for team members to support him and build his resilience. Enablers for team members included supportive communication; collaborative sharing; team-member involvement (as especially from his mother) and trust as well as commitment. Enablers for the learner comprised strong relationships; structure; a sense of control and motivation. In addition to these enablers, findings revealed that this particular remedial school also experienced some challenges in the implementation of the transdisciplinary approach such as time- constraints and impractical suggestions for classroom interventions. Findings also indicated possible challenges that may hinder the successful implementation of a transdisciplinary approach within a mainstream environment such as lack of finances; large class sizes and overwhelmed teachers; uninvolved parents and unnoticed learning challenges.M.Ed. (Educational Psychology

    El acceso y uso de métodos, herramientas y habilidades específicas que los educadores generales de Educación Secundaria griegos tienen para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales

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    The modern school, called to operate according to the principles of inclusive education by including students with special educational needs, forms new training needs for teachers. In this paper, the opinions and educational needs of the Secondary Education teachers of the Kavala region are investigated regarding the inclusion of students with special educational needs in the general school. To implement the research, the mixed approach was used, i.e. a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. The sample of the quantitative research consisted of 339 teachers who filled out a questionnaire while the data collected were processed and analyzed with descriptive and inductive statistics. The sample of the qualitative research consisted of directors of secondary schools who gave an interview giving their experiences. Among the most important results of the study is the positive opinion of the majority of teachers regarding the inclusion of students with special educational needs in the general school. In addition, the necessity of training, and indeed with a mandatory nature, of all teachers in the field of Special Education is evident, while their insufficient preparation during their undergraduate studies in the relevant field is highlighted. Regarding the content of the training programs, the teachers wish to be trained primarily in behavioral problems and in the thematic section "Management of students with special educational needs in the general school". In addition, in-school training and distance training using new technologies are equally preferred, while the training is chosen to be conducted within school hours and before the start or after the end of the school year. Furthermore, teachers mainly choose experiential educational techniques. Finally, the primary motivation for participating in Special Education training programs is the connection between theory and practice. The conclusions drawn from the findings of this research can be used in the planning and organization of training programs for secondary school teachers in the field of special educational needs.La escuela moderna, llamada a funcionar según los principios de la educación inclusiva al incluir a los alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales, configura nuevas necesidades de formación para los docentes. En este artículo, se investigan las opiniones y necesidades educativas de los profesores de Educación Secundaria de la región de Kavala con respecto a la inclusión de estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales en la escuela general. Para implementar la investigación, se utilizó el enfoque mixto, es decir, una combinación de métodos de investigación cuantitativos y cualitativos. La muestra de la investigación cuantitativa estuvo conformada por 339 docentes quienes llenaron un cuestionario mientras que los datos recolectados fueron procesados y analizados con estadística descriptiva e inductiva. La muestra de la investigación cualitativa estuvo conformada por directores de escuelas secundarias quienes dieron una entrevista relatando sus experiencias. Entre los resultados más importantes del estudio se encuentra la opinión positiva de la mayoría de los docentes respecto a la inclusión de los alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales en la escuela general. Además, se evidencia la necesidad de formación, y de hecho con carácter obligatorio, de todos los docentes en el campo de la Educación Especial, al tiempo que se destaca su insuficiente preparación durante sus estudios de pregrado en el campo correspondiente. En cuanto al contenido de los programas de formación, los docentes desean formarse principalmente en problemas de conducta y en el apartado temático “Gestión de alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales en la escuela general”. Además, se prefiere igualmente la formación presencial y la formación a distancia utilizando las nuevas tecnologías, eligiendo que la formación se realice dentro del horario lectivo y antes del inicio o después de la finalización del curso escolar. Además, los profesores eligen principalmente técnicas educativas experienciales. Finalmente, la principal motivación para participar en los programas de formación de Educación Especial es la conexión entre la teoría y la práctica. Las conclusiones extraídas de los resultados de esta investigación pueden utilizarse en la planificación y organización de programas de formación para profesores de secundaria en el campo de las necesidades educativas especiales

    Multimodal interaction for deliberate practice

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    Analisi della scrittura in corsivo durante l'apprendimento e l'influenza dell'et\ue0, del genere e della lingua madre

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    Le difficolt\ue0 nella scrittura rappresentano una causa comune di scarso rendimento scolastico e di bassa autostima. Oggigiorno, questo problema \ue8 particolarmente importante a causa dell\u2019utilizzo sempre pi\uf9 intensivo delle tecnologie moderne nella vita quotidiana e nelle scuole. Sin dalle scuole elementari, infatti, i bambini stanno incrementando l\u2019uso di tablet e dita a discapito dei classici fogli e penna, rendendo sempre pi\uf9 difficoltoso l\u2019apprendimento del corsivo. In questo contesto, l\u2019analisi della grafia rappresenta un importante strumento per la valutazione di metodi di insegnamento al fine di esaminarne l\u2019efficacia nella prevenzione della disgrafia. Scopo della presente tesi \ue8 stato quello di analizzare i parametri qualitativi e quantitativi estratti da scritture acquisite mediante tavoletta digitale, al fine di valutare le differenze nell\u2019apprendimento del corsivo in relazione al metodo di insegnamento applicato. In particolare, \ue8 stata eseguita un\u2019analisi comparativa tra il metodo tradizionale di insegnamento del corsivo ed il metodo Terzi esaminando le grafie di 40 bambini, seguiti dalla prima alla quinta elementare, in due classi parallele nelle quali sono stati applicati i due metodi. Gli strumenti di analisi sviluppati hanno permesso di evidenziare le caratteristiche quantitative e qualitative delle grafie e la loro relazione con la scolarizzazione e col metodo di insegnamento seguito. L\u2019approccio metodologico sviluppato si \ue8 dimostrato adatto a stimare le abilit\ue0 di scrittura e promettente ai fini dell\u2019identificazione precoce della disgrafia nell\u2019infanzia. Inoltre, queste metodologie sono state utilizzate per indagare l\u2019influenza del genere, dell\u2019et\ue0 e della madrelingua sui parametri cinematici della grafia.Handwriting difficulties represent a common cause of underachievement in children education and low self-esteem. Nowadays a new problem arises due to the growing use of modern technologies in daily life and in the school. In fact, primary-school children are increasingly using tablet and fingers rather than classic paper and pencil so that cursive writing is becoming difficult to learn properly and achieve correctly. In this context, the analysis of handwriting represents an important tool for the evaluation of a teaching method to assess its efficacy in preventing dysgraphia. The aim of this thesis was the qualitative and quantitative analysis of handwriting acquired by using digital tablet in order to assess the differences of achievement of cursive related to different teaching methods. A comparative analysis between the traditional handwriting teaching method and the alternative Terzi's approach in 40 pupils, from the first to the last year of the primary school, was performed. The results highlighted that both quantitative and qualitative features of cursive handwriting depended on the teaching approach. The developed methodologic approach proved to be a suitable tool for handwriting assessment and for the early identification of dysgraphia. Furthermore, the tool was used to investigate the influence on the kinematic parameters of handwriting by gender, age and mother-tongue