488 research outputs found

    A Complete Set of Related Git Repositories Identified via Community Detection Approaches Based on Shared Commits

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    In order to understand the state and evolution of the entirety of open source software we need to get a handle on the set of distinct software projects. Most of open source projects presently utilize Git, which is a distributed version control system allowing easy creation of clones and resulting in numerous repositories that are almost entirely based on some parent repository from which they were cloned. Git commits are based on Merkle Tree and two commits are highly unlikely to be produced independently. Shared commits, therefore, appear like an excellent way to group cloned repositories and obtain an accurate map for such repositories. We use World of Code infrastructure containing approximately 2B commits and 100M repositories to create and share such a map. We discover that the largest group contains almost 14M repositories most of which are unrelated to each other. As it turns out, the developers can push git object to an arbitrary repository or pull objects from unrelated repositories, thus linking unrelated repositories. To address this, we apply Louvain community detection algorithm to this very large graph consisting of links between commits and projects. The approach successfully reduces the size of the megacluster with the largest group of highly interconnected projects containing under 100K repositories. We expect the tools that the resulting map of related projects as well as tools and methods to handle the very large graph will serve as a reference set for mining software projects and other applications. Further work is needed to determine different types of relationships among projects induced by shared commits and other relationships, for example, by shared source code or similar filenames.Comment: 5 page

    Same File, Different Changes: The Potential of Meta-Maintenance on GitHub

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    Online collaboration platforms such as GitHub have provided software developers with the ability to easily reuse and share code between repositories. With clone-and-own and forking becoming prevalent, maintaining these shared files is important, especially for keeping the most up-to-date version of reused code. Different to related work, we propose the concept of meta-maintenance -- i.e., tracking how the same files evolve in different repositories with the aim to provide useful maintenance opportunities to those files. We conduct an exploratory study by analyzing repositories from seven different programming languages to explore the potential of meta-maintenance. Our results indicate that a majority of active repositories on GitHub contains at least one file which is also present in another repository, and that a significant minority of these files are maintained differently in the different repositories which contain them. We manually analyzed a representative sample of shared files and their variants to understand which changes might be useful for meta-maintenance. Our findings support the potential of meta-maintenance and open up avenues for future work to capitalize on this potential.Comment: 12 pages, ICSE 202

    Software Supply Chain Development and Application

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    Motivation: Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) has become a critical componentin numerous devices and applications. Despite its importance, it is not clear why FLOSS ecosystem works so well or if it may cease to function. Majority of existing research is focusedon studying a specific software project or a portion of an ecosystem, but FLOSS has not been investigated in its entirety. Such view is necessary because of the deep and complex technical and social dependencies that go beyond the core of an individual ecosystem and tight inter-dependencies among ecosystems within FLOSS.Aim: We, therefore, aim to discover underlying relations within and across FLOSS projects and developers in open source community, mitigate potential risks induced by the lack of such knowledge and enable systematic analysis over entire open source community through the lens of supply chain (SC).Method: We utilize concepts from an area of supply chains to model risks of FLOSS ecosystem. FLOSS, due to the distributed decision making of software developers, technical dependencies, and copying of the code, has similarities to traditional supply chain. Unlike in traditional supply chain, where data is proprietary and distributed among players, we aim to measure open-source software supply chain (OSSC) by operationalizing supply chain concept in software domain using traces reconstructed from version control data.Results: We create a very large and frequently updated collection of version control data in the entire FLOSS ecosystems named World of Code (WoC), that can completely cross-reference authors, projects, commits, blobs, dependencies, and history of the FLOSS ecosystems, and provide capabilities to efficiently correct, augment, query, and analyze that data. Various researches and applications (e.g., software technology adoption investigation) have been successfully implemented by leveraging the combination of WoC and OSSC.Implications: With a SC perspective in FLOSS development and the increased visibility and transparency in OSSC, our work provides potential opportunities for researchers to conduct wider and deeper studies on OSS over entire FLOSS community, for developers to build more robust software and for students to learn technologies more efficiently and improve programming skills

    An Analysis of Merge Conflicts and Resolutions in Git-based Open Source Projects

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    International audienceVersion control systems such as Git support parallel collaborative work and became very widespread in the open-source community. While Git offers some very interesting features, resolving conflicts that arise during synchronization of parallel changes is a time-consuming task. In this paper we present an analysis of concurrency and conflicts in official Git repository of four projects: Rails, IkiWiki, Samba and Linux Kernel. We analyse the collaboration process of these projects at specific periods revealing how change integration and conflict rates vary during project development life-cycle. We also analyse how often users decide to rollback to previous document version when the integration process generates conflicts. Finally, we discuss the mechanism adopted by Git to consider changes made on two continuous lines as conflicting

    OSS architecture for mixed-criticality systems – a dual view from a software and system engineering perspective

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    Computer-based automation in industrial appliances led to a growing number of logically dependent, but physically separated embedded control units per appliance. Many of those components are safety-critical systems, and require adherence to safety standards, which is inconsonant with the relentless demand for features in those appliances. Features lead to a growing amount of control units per appliance, and to a increasing complexity of the overall software stack, being unfavourable for safety certifications. Modern CPUs provide means to revise traditional separation of concerns design primitives: the consolidation of systems, which yields new engineering challenges that concern the entire software and system stack. Multi-core CPUs favour economic consolidation of formerly separated systems with one efficient single hardware unit. Nonetheless, the system architecture must provide means to guarantee the freedom from interference between domains of different criticality. System consolidation demands for architectural and engineering strategies to fulfil requirements (e.g., real-time or certifiability criteria) in safety-critical environments. In parallel, there is an ongoing trend to substitute ordinary proprietary base platform software components by mature OSS variants for economic and engineering reasons. There are fundamental differences of processual properties in development processes of OSS and proprietary software. OSS in safety-critical systems requires development process assessment techniques to build an evidence-based fundament for certification efforts that is based upon empirical software engineering methods. In this thesis, I will approach from both sides: the software and system engineering perspective. In the first part of this thesis, I focus on the assessment of OSS components: I develop software engineering techniques that allow to quantify characteristics of distributed OSS development processes. I show that ex-post analyses of software development processes can be used to serve as a foundation for certification efforts, as it is required for safety-critical systems. In the second part of this thesis, I present a system architecture based on OSS components that allows for consolidation of mixed-criticality systems on a single platform. Therefore, I exploit virtualisation extensions of modern CPUs to strictly isolate domains of different criticality. The proposed architecture shall eradicate any remaining hypervisor activity in order to preserve real-time capabilities of the hardware by design, while guaranteeing strict isolation across domains.Computergestützte Automatisierung industrieller Systeme führt zu einer wachsenden Anzahl an logisch abhängigen, aber physisch voneinander getrennten Steuergeräten pro System. Viele der Einzelgeräte sind sicherheitskritische Systeme, welche die Einhaltung von Sicherheitsstandards erfordern, was durch die unermüdliche Nachfrage an Funktionalitäten erschwert wird. Diese führt zu einer wachsenden Gesamtzahl an Steuergeräten, einhergehend mit wachsender Komplexität des gesamten Softwarekorpus, wodurch Zertifizierungsvorhaben erschwert werden. Moderne Prozessoren stellen Mittel zur Verfügung, welche es ermöglichen, das traditionelle >Trennung von Belangen< Designprinzip zu erneuern: die Systemkonsolidierung. Sie stellt neue ingenieurstechnische Herausforderungen, die den gesamten Software und Systemstapel betreffen. Mehrkernprozessoren begünstigen die ökonomische und effiziente Konsolidierung vormals getrennter Systemen zu einer effizienten Hardwareeinheit. Geeignete Systemarchitekturen müssen jedoch die Rückwirkungsfreiheit zwischen Domänen unterschiedlicher Kritikalität sicherstellen. Die Konsolidierung erfordert architektonische, als auch ingenieurstechnische Strategien um die Anforderungen (etwa Echtzeit- oder Zertifizierbarkeitskriterien) in sicherheitskritischen Umgebungen erfüllen zu können. Zunehmend werden herkömmliche proprietär entwickelte Basisplattformkomponenten aus ökonomischen und technischen Gründen vermehrt durch ausgereifte OSS Alternativen ersetzt. Jedoch hindern fundamentale Unterschiede bei prozessualen Eigenschaften des Entwicklungsprozesses bei OSS den Einsatz in sicherheitskritischen Systemen. Dieser erfordert Techniken, welche es erlauben die Entwicklungsprozesse zu bewerten um ein evidenzbasiertes Fundament für Zertifizierungsvorhaben basierend auf empirischen Methoden des Software Engineerings zur Verfügung zu stellen. In dieser Arbeit nähere ich mich von beiden Seiten: der Softwaretechnik, und der Systemarchitektur. Im ersten Teil befasse ich mich mit der Beurteilung von OSS Komponenten: Ich entwickle Softwareanalysetechniken, welche es ermöglichen, prozessuale Charakteristika von verteilten OSS Entwicklungsvorhaben zu quantifizieren. Ich zeige, dass rückschauende Analysen des Entwicklungsprozess als Grundlage für Softwarezertifizierungsvorhaben genutzt werden können. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit widme ich mich der Systemarchitektur. Ich stelle eine OSS-basierte Systemarchitektur vor, welche die Konsolidierung von Systemen gemischter Kritikalität auf einer alleinstehenden Plattform ermöglicht. Dazu nutze ich Virtualisierungserweiterungen moderner Prozessoren aus, um die Hardware in strikt voneinander isolierten Rechendomänen unterschiedlicher Kritikalität unterteilen zu können. Die vorgeschlagene Architektur soll jegliche Betriebsstörungen des Hypervisors beseitigen, um die Echtzeitfähigkeiten der Hardware bauartbedingt aufrecht zu erhalten, während strikte Isolierung zwischen Domänen stets sicher gestellt ist

    Pitfalls and Guidelines for Using Time-Based Git Data

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    Many software engineering research papers rely on time-based data (e.g., commit timestamps, issue report creation/update/close dates, release dates). Like most real-world data however, time-based data is often dirty. To date, there are no studies that quantify how frequently such data is used by the software engineering research community, or investigate sources of and quantify how often such data is dirty. Depending on the research task and method used, including such dirty data could aect the research results. This paper presents an extended survey of papers that utilize time-based data, published in the Mining Software Repositories (MSR) conference series. Out of the 754 technical track and data papers published in MSR 2004{2021, we saw at least 290 (38%) papers utilized time-based data. We also observed that most time-based data used in research papers comes in the form of Git commits, often from GitHub. Based on those results, we then used the Boa and Software Heritage infrastructures to help identify and quantify several sources of dirty Git timestamp data. Finally we provide guidelines/best practices for researchers utilizing time-based data from Git repositories

    Methods of Disambiguating and De-anonymizing Authorship in Large Scale Operational Data

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    Operational data from software development, social networks and other domains are often contaminated with incorrect or missing values. Examples include misspelled or changed names, multiple emails belonging to the same person and user profiles that vary in different systems. Such digital traces are extensively used in research and practice to study collaborating communities of various kinds. To achieve a realistic representation of the networks that represent these communities, accurate identities are essential. In this work, we aim to identify, model, and correct identity errors in data from open-source software repositories, which include more than 23M developer IDs and nearly 1B Git commits (developer activity records). Our investigation into the nature and prevalence of identity errors in software activity data reveals that they are different and occur at much higher rates than other domains. Existing techniques relying on string comparisons can only disambiguate Synonyms, but not Homonyms, which are common in software activity traces. Therefore, we introduce measures of behavioral fingerprinting to improve the accuracy of Synonym resolution, and to disambiguate Homonyms. Fingerprints are constructed from the traces of developers’ activities, such as, the style of writing in commit messages, the patterns in files modified and projects participated in by developers, and the patterns related to the timing of the developers’ activity. Furthermore, to address the lack of training data necessary for the supervised learning approaches that are used in disambiguation, we design a specific active learning procedure that minimizes the manual effort necessary to create training data in the domain of developer identity matching. We extensively evaluate the proposed approach, using over 16,000 OpenStack developers in 1200 projects, against commercial and most recent research approaches, and further on recent research on a much larger sample of over 2,000,000 IDs. Results demonstrate that our method is significantly better than both the recent research and commercial methods. We also conduct experiments to demonstrate that such erroneous data have significant impact on developer networks. We hope that the proposed approach will expedite research progress in the domain of software engineering, especially in applications for which graphs of social networks are critical
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