32 research outputs found

    Estimation Models for the adoption and use of information technology: internet-related technologies at firm level in the Portuguese and European context

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    Doutoramento em Gestão da Informação, especialização em Tecnologias de InformaçãoNowadays it is consensual that information technology (IT) has a significant effect in the productivity of firms. However, this contribution can only be accomplishe if, and when, the new IT are widely spread and used. Understanding the determinants of adoption and use is a fundamental question, not only for economists, but also for society in general.(...

    Some determinants of business intelligence adoption using the technology- organisation -environment framework : a developing country perspective

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    Published ArticleThe competitive environment today dictates that organisations must utilise their resources effectively and efficiently and also aim to provide their employees with the right information tools. Business Intelligence (BI) systems are known for their ability to increase organisational efficiency and effectiveness. This is achieved by providing decision makers with useful information within the necessary time-frame to support effective decision making. This makes BI systems vital to any organisation. However, BI systems require millions of dollars to develop as well as significant hardware and personnel investment. This can be a major obstacle in developing countries that want to adopt BI successfully. Information System (IS) theories on technology adoption have predominantly focused on developed countries and hence a study is required to examine how emerging technologies such as BI can successfully be adopted in a developing county such as South Africa. This research aimed to determine and describe the factors that affect the adoption of BI in South Africa. The study also attempted to identify issues pertaining to BI adoption by South African organisations. The Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) Framework was used as the theoretical basis for studying BI adoption. The results of this study indicate that several factors, namely Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure, Competitive Pressure and Perceived Benefit are important determinants of BI adoption in South Africa. IT Expertise, Lack of Trading Partners and Company Size were found to be statistically insignificant in determining BI adoption decisions. From a practical standpoint, the results could provide useful pointers, both managerial and technological, to organisations in the developing world, for example South Africa, which aspires to adopt BI

    Literature review of information technology adoption models at firm level

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    Today, information technology (IT) is universally regarded as an essential tool in enhancing the competitiveness of the economy of a country. There is consensus that IT has significant effects on the productivity of firms. These effects will only be realized if, and when, IT are widely spread and used. It is essential to understand the determinants of IT adoption. Consequently it is necessary to know the theoretical models. There are few reviews in the literature about the comparison of IT adoption models at the individual level, and to the best of our knowledge there are even fewer at the firm level. This review will fill this gap. In this study, we review theories for adoption models at the firm level used in information systems literature and discuss two prominent models: diffusion on innovation (DOI) theory, and the technology, organization, and environment (TOE) framework. The DOI found that individual characteristics, internal characteristics of organizational structure, and external characteristics of the organization are important antecedents to organizational innovativeness. The TOE framework identifies three aspects of an enterprise's context that influence the process by which it adopts and implements a technological innovation: technological context, organizational context, and environmental context. We made a thorough analysis of the TOE framework, analysing the studies that used only this theory and the studies that combine the TOE framework with other theories such as: DOI, institutional theory, and the Iacovou, Benbasat, and Dexter model. The institutional theory helps us to understand the factors that influence the adoption of interorganizational systems (IOSs); it postulates that mimetic, coercive, and normative institutional pressures existing in an institutionalized environment may influence the organization’s predisposition toward an IT-based interorganizational system. The Iacovou, Benbasat, and Dexter model, analyses IOSs characteristics that influence firms to adopt IT innovations. It is based on three contexts: perceived benefits, organizational readiness, and external pressure. The analysis of these models takes into account the empirical literature, and the difference between independent and dependent variables. The paper also makes recommendations for future research. (17) (PDF) Literature Review of Information Technology Adoption Models at Firm Level. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/258821009_Literature_Review_of_Information_Technology_Adoption_Models_at_Firm_Level [accessed Aug 26 2020].publishersversionpublishe

    Bibliometric Analysis of The Literature in The Field of Information Technology Relatedness

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    This bibliometric describe Information Technology Relateness is defined as the use of information technology infrastructure and information technology management processes betweeWas this submission previously published in a journal? Bepress will automatically create an OpenURL for published articles. Learn more about OpenURLsn business units together. There is not much research on Information Technology Relateness by providing a big picture that is visualized from year to year. This study aims to map research in the field of Information Technology Relateness with data from all international research publications. This study performs a bibliometric method and analyzes research data using the Services Analyze Search Results from Scopus and the VOSviewer application. The data obtained in this study amounted to 307 academic documents published from 1981 to 2020 globally. The results showed that the institutions and individual researchers at the global level that were most productive in the publication of Information Technology Relateness were the University of Kentucky, KU Leuven, and Parent University, each with 5 and Kim C with 5 articles of documents. Most fields of study are computer sciences with 138 documents. Then the most publications occurred in 2015 as many as 31 documents, and documents per year based on sources of 7 from Lecture Notes In Computer Science Including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics. The most document types in this field are in the form of articles. The most documents by country from the Information Technology Relateness Study are the United State with 82 and then China with 37 documents. And finally, the number of documents based on the Funding Sponsor of this study is the National Science Foundation, totaling 11 documents

    Technology Diffusion in Tax: An Examination of Tax Analytics and Automation Routinization

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    This study examines the use of tax analytics and automation (TAA) technologies in corporate tax departments. We investigate the factors that influence the degree to which TAA technologies are used as an integral part of the tax department’s processes. A survey of tax professionals from Fortune 1000 companies was conducted to gain an understanding of the level of TAA routinization that exists in their corporate tax departments. This study extends the research literature on assimilation of innovative technologies by using a unique sample in a tax department setting. We adapt a technology diffusion model from Zhu, Kraemer and Xu (2006) and predict that factors related to technological, organizational and environmental contexts are related to the degree of routinization of TAA technologies. Results indicate that the context factors of technology integration, managerial obstacles, and regulatory environment are all related to the level of TAA technology used by corporate tax departments

    L’analyse des variables explicatives de l’adoption du Social CRM par les PME de Tourisme au Maroc : Résultats d’une étude exploratoire

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    Le « Social CRM » est un nouveau paradigme qui a récemment émergé pour décrire l’utilisation des médias sociaux en faveur de la gestion de la relation client. Aujourd’hui, le « Social CRM » offre aux entreprises l’opportunité d’être à l’écoute des clients et de pouvoir créer de la valeur en partenariat avec eux. L’objectif de ce papier est d’expliquer l’adoption du « Social CRM » par les PME de tourisme au Maroc. Il propose un modèle conceptuel regroupant différents facteurs déterminants de l’adoption, et qui a pour fondement théorique la théorie d’adoption des innovations de Rogers et le cadre TOE de Tornatzky and Fleischer 1990. Pour apporter des éléments de réponse à notre problématique de recherche, nous avons mené une première étude exploratoire auprès d’une dizaine de PME à la région Tanger-TétouanAl Hoceima. L’analyse des résultats a été faite à l’aide du logiciel N vivo12. L’analyse a montré que les principaux facteurs influençant l’adoption du « Social CRM », sont le soutien du Top Management, les connaissances des employés en SI, l’avantage relatif, la compatibilité, la facilité d’utilisation, la testabilité, l’observabilité des résultats, et la pression concurrentielle. Aussi bien, un nouveau groupe de facteurs est à ajouter au modèle initial qui sont les caractéristiques liées au dirigeant de la PME. Pour pouvoir généraliser les résultats, une nouvelle étude quantitative confirmatoire sera mise en œuvre à l’échelle nationale. « Social CRM » is a new paradigm that has recently emerged to describe the use of social media for Customer Relationship Management. Today, the “Social CRM” offers companies the opportunity to communicate with customers and create value in partnership with them. The purpose of this paper is to explain the adoption of “Social CRM” by tourism SMEs in Morocco. It proposes a conceptual model of different adoption determinants, based on the theoretical theory of adoption of Rogers innovations and the Tornatzky and Fleischer 1990 TOE framework. To provide some answers to our research problem, we conducted an initial exploratory study among a dozen SMEs in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region. The results were analysed using the N vivo12 software. The analysis showed that the main factors influencing the adoption of the «Social CRM», are the support of Top Management, the knowledge of employees in IS, the relative advantage, the compatibility, the ease of use, the testability, the observability of the results, and competitive pressure. Thus, a new group of factors is to be added to the initial model, which are the characteristics related to the SME leader. In order to generalize the results, a new confirmatory quantitative study will be implemented at a national level

    Factors influencing environmental management accounting adoption in oil and manufacturing firms in Libya

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    This study was conducted to examine the factors that influenced Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) adoption. Specifically, it investigated the influence of the dominant factors in the organizational, environmental and technological contexts on firms’ intentions to adopt EMA. To achieve this objective, eight hypotheses were formulated, with information from previous research and the TOE framework, the TAM model, the contingency theory, the institutional theory, the legitimacy theory, the stakeholder theory and diffusion of the innovation theory. In order to examine these hypotheses, data were collected from financial directors and environmental managers in the oil and the manufacturing firms in Libya, who constituted the sample of this research, by using a researcher-administered questionnaire. A total of 202 usable questionnaires were collected and the data were subjected to tests of variances, factor analysis, correlations and multiple regression. The results revealed that age, education level and tenure in position were among the influential factors on firms’ intention to adopt EMA. The results also showed that Libyan firms in the selected industries were dominated by defender strategy and hierarchy culture, which favoured a centralized management style. However, these practices had a negative influence on firms’ intention to adopt EMA. Furthermore, the results also revealed that organizational, environmental and technological variables significantly influenced firms’ intention to adopt EMA. This study has made useful contributions to current knowledge by providing more explanations on EMA adoption in an unexplored context, and providing further insights into factors that facilitate and impede the adoption of EMA practices. The present study has also filled the gap in the EMA literature by developing a theoretical framework to assess the relationships between the factors within the organizational, environmental, and technological contexts and the intention to adopt EMA. To conclude, this study has provided important insights into the factors that influence the acceptance and adoption of EMA in general, and specifically in Libya. More importantly, this study has opened up possibilities for further research into EMA adoption in Libya and other developing countries, and worldwid