5,837 research outputs found

    A comparison of simulation and hardware-in-the-loop alternatives for digital control of power converters

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. A. Sánchez, Á. de Castro, J. Garrido, "A Comparison of Simulation and Hardware-in-the- Loop Alternatives for Digital Control of Power Converters", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 491 - 500, Aug. 2012Debugging digital controllers for power converters can be a problem because there are both digital and analog components. This paper focuses on debugging digital controllers to be implemented in Field Programmable Gate Arrays or Application Specific Integrated Circuits, which are designed in hardware description languages. Four methods are proposed and described. All of them allow simulation, and two methods also allow emulation-synthesizing the model of the converter to run the complete closed-loop system in actual hardware. The first method consists in using a mixed analog and digital simulator. This is the easiest alternative for the designer, but simulation time can be a problem, specially for long simulations like those necessary in power factor correction or when the controller is very complex, for example, with embedded processors. The alternative is to use pure digital models, generating a digital model of the power converter. Three methods are proposed: real type, float type and fixed point models (in the latter case including hand-coded and automatic-coded descriptions). Float and fixed point models are synthesizable, so emulation is possible, achieving speedups over 20 000. The results obtained with each method are presented, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Apart from that, an analysis of the necessary resolution in the variables is presented, being the main conclusion that 32-bit floating point is not enough for medium and high switching frequencies

    Comparison of different design alternatives for hardware-in-the-loop of power converters

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    This paper aims to compare different design alternatives of hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) for emulating power converters in Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). It proposes various numerical formats (fixed and floating-point) and different approaches (pure VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL), Intellectual Properties (IPs), automated MATLAB HDL code, and High-Level Synthesis (HLS)) to design power converters. Although the proposed models are simple power electronics HIL systems, the idea can be extended to any HIL system. This study compares the design effort of different coding methods and numerical formats considering possible synthesis tools (Precision and Vivado), and it comprises an analytical discussion in terms of area and speed. The different models are synthesized as ad-hoc modules in general-purpose FPGAs, but also using the NI myRIO device as an example of a commercial tool capable of implementing HIL models. The comparison confirms that the optimum design alternative must be chosen based on the application (complexity, frequency, etc.) and designers’ constraints, such as available area, coding expertise, and design effor

    HW/SW Co-Simulation System for Enhancing Hardware-in-the-Loop of Power Converter Digital Controllers

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    Digital controllers of power converters are more and more implemented in FPGAs due to the increasing complexity of current control algorithms, higher switching frequencies, and concurrence requirements. System behavior depends not only on the control algorithm but also on the implementation issues. Thus, closed-loop controller evaluation at early design stages is a main concern. In this paper, a new hardware-in-the-loop method is proposed. It profits from FPGAs and their design tools in order to validate the closed-loop power converter before prototyping the power stage. The proposed solution presents a general architecture that does not depend on specific vendors or CAD tools, but it uses those utilized for the final implementation of the controller. A case study is presented with a given implementation of the proposed solution. Comparisons with existing alternatives show the advantages of our approach

    Hardware-in-the-loop using parametrizable fixed point notation

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. A. Sanchez, I. Villar, A. de Castro, F. López Colino and J. Garrido, "Hardware-in-the-loop using parametrizable fixed point notation," 2016 IEEE 17th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), Trondheim, 2016, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/COMPEL.2016.7556670The verification of digital regulators designed to control power converters is not trivial because the plant is analog while the regulator is digital. There are several methodologies to accomplish this task, but there is no standard method and, usually, the verification is a slow process. An alternative is to use an HIL (Hardware-in-the-loop) system which emulates in hardware a digital model of the plant, achieving significantly faster simulations. This paper explains how to implement a simple but fast mathematical model for a full-bridge converter and how to implement it using paramatrizable fixed point arithmetic. Fixed point arithmetic is able to achieve faster simulations compared to floating point while using less hardware resources. This paper shows that this model can emulate the converter in real-time using a time step of 23 ns.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under project TEC2013-43017-

    Effect of Sensors on the Reliability and Control Performance of Power Circuits in the Web of Things (WoT)

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    In order to realize a true WoT environment, a reliable power circuit is required to ensure interconnections among a range of WoT devices. This paper presents research on sensors and their effects on the reliability and response characteristics of power circuits in WoT devices. The presented research can be used in various power circuit applications, such as energy harvesting interfaces, photovoltaic systems, and battery management systems for the WoT devices. As power circuits rely on the feedback from voltage/current sensors, the system performance is likely to be affected by the sensor failure rates, sensor dynamic characteristics, and their interface circuits. This study investigated how the operational availability of the power circuits is affected by the sensor failure rates by performing a quantitative reliability analysis. In the analysis process, this paper also includes the effects of various reconstruction and estimation techniques used in power processing circuits (e.g., energy harvesting circuits and photovoltaic systems). This paper also reports how the transient control performance of power circuits is affected by sensor interface circuits. With the frequency domain stability analysis and circuit simulation, it was verified that the interface circuit dynamics may affect the transient response characteristics of power circuits. The verification results in this paper showed that the reliability and control performance of the power circuits can be affected by the sensor types, fault tolerant approaches against sensor failures, and the response characteristics of the sensor interfaces. The analysis results were also verified by experiments using a power circuit prototype.This work was supported by the 2013 Yeungnam University Research Grant

    Resolution analysis of switching converter models for hardware-in-the-loop

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. O. Goñi, A. Sánchez, E. Todorovich, Á. de Castro, "Resolution Analysis of Switching Converter Models for Hardware-in-the-Loop", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 10, no.2, pp.1162 - 1170, May, 2014This work proposes two methods to determine the resolution of state variables in models of switching-mode power converters. The target models are intended for hardware-in-the-loop, i.e., closed-loop emulation using a model of the power converter implemented in digital hardware with the controller in its final implementation. The focus here is on the resolution of fixed-point models, although the results can also be applied to the significand resolution in floating-point representation. The first method is based on the simulation, provides the designer with the optimum resolution values, and guarantees that using the resolution, the converter will behave as it was specified. The second method is fast but conservative, intended for applications without hard constraints of area and speed. Despite the simplicity of the second method, its results, although slightly overestimated, have been demonstrated to be correct by the results of the first method. A boost converter for the power factor correction is used as an application example. As the converter model is intended for field-programmable gate array implementation, its area and maximum clock frequency are also analyzed. In this application example, the results show that the area grows linearly with the number of bits of each state variable, and the clock frequency is dominated by the width of one of the variables.This work was partially supported by the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica, Argentina, through Project PICT 2009 - 0041

    Modeling of power converters for debugging digital controllers through FPGA emulation

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. F. Lopez-Colino, A. Sanchez, A. de Castro, and J. Garrido, "Modeling of power converters for debugging digital controllers through FPGA emulation", in 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), 2013.Debugging a digital controller for power converters can be a lengthy process due to the long time required in mixed-signal simulations. This paper focuses on the design of a power converter model for debugging digital controllers in closed loop. The testing may be performed by means of simulation or emulation. This paper shows the results of simulating and emulating the power converter using different data representations. Experiments will show that through a good selection of data and emulation, testing can be speeded up over 28,000 times.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion under project TEC2009-09871

    Electrical performance characteristics of high power converters for space power applications

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    The first goal of this project was to investigate various converters that would be suitable for processing electric power derived from a nuclear reactor. The implementation is indicated of a 20 kHz system that includes a source converter, a ballast converter, and a fixed frequency converter for generating the 20 kHz output. This system can be converted to dc simply by removing the fixed frequency converter. This present study emphasized the design and testing of the source and ballast converters. A push-pull current-fed (PPCF) design was selected for the source converter, and a 2.7 kW version of this was implemented using three 900 watt modules in parallel. The characteristic equation for two converters in parallel was derived, but this analysis did not yield any experimental methods for measuring relative stability. The three source modules were first tested individually and then in parallel as a 2.7 kW system. All tests proved to be satisfactory; the system was stable; efficiency and regulation were acceptable; and the system was fault tolerant. The design of a ballast-load converter, which was operated as a shunt regulator, was investigated. The proposed power circuit is suitable for use with BJTs because proportional base drive is easily implemented. A control circuit which minimizes switching frequency ripple and automatically bypasses a faulty shunt section was developed. A nonlinear state-space-averaged model of the shunt regulator was developed and shown to produce an accurate incremental (small-signal) dynamic model, even though the usual state-space-averaging assumptions were not met. The nonlinear model was also shown to be useful for large-signal dynamic simulation using PSpice

    Evaluation of the different numerical formats for HIL models of power converters after the adoption of VHDL-2008 by xilinx

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    Hardware in the loop is a widely used technique in power electronics, allowing to test and debug in real time (RT) at a low cost. In this context, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) play an important role due to the high-speed requirements of RT simulations, in which area optimization is also crucial. Both characteristics, area and speed, are affected by the numerical formats (NFs) and their rounding modes. Regarding FPGAs, Xilinx is one of the largest manufacturers in the world, offering Vivado as its main design suite, but it was not until the release of Vivado 2020.2 that support for the IEEE NF libraries of VHDL-2008 was included. This work presents an exhaustive evaluation of the performance of Vivado 2020.2 in terms of area and speed using the native IEEE libraries of VHDL-2008 regarding NF. Results show that even though fixed-point NFs optimize area and speed, if a user prefers the use of floating-point NFs, with this new release, it can be synthesized—which could not be done in previous versions of Vivado. Although support for the native IEEE libraries of VHDL-2008 was included in Vivado 2020.2, it still lacks some issues regarding NF conversion during synthesis while support for simulation is not yet includedThis research received no external fundin