31 research outputs found

    Improving the Performance of the MPI_Allreduce Collective Operation through Rank Renaming

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    Proceedings of: First International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2014). Porto (Portugal), August 27-28, 2014.Collective operations, a key issue in the global efficiency of HPC applications, are optimized in current MPI libraries by choosing at runtime between a set of algorithms, based on platform-dependent beforehand established parameters, as the message size or the number of processes. However, with progressively more cores per node, the cost of a collective algorithm must be mainly imputed to process-to-processor mapping, because its decisive influence over the network traffic. Hierarchical design of collective algorithms pursuits to minimize the data movement through the slowest communication channels of the multi-core cluster. Nevertheless, the hierarchical implementation of some collectives becomes inefficient, and even impracticable, due to the operation definition itself. This paper proposes a new approach that departs from a frequently found regular mapping, either sequential or round-robin. While keeping the mapping, the rank assignation to the processes is temporarily changed prior to the execution of the collective algorithm. The new assignation makes the communication pattern to adapt to the communication channels hierarchy. We explore this technique for the Ring algorithm when used in the well-known MPI_Allreduce collective, and discuss the obtained performance results. Extensions to other algorithms and collective operations are proposed.The work presented in this paper has been partially supported by EU under the COST programme Action IC1305, ’Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)’, and by the computing facilities of Extremadura Research Centre for Advanced Technologies (CETACIEMAT), funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). CETA-CIEMAT belongs to CIEMAT and the Government of Spain

    Evaluation of Real-Time Fiber Communications for Parallel Collective Operations

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    Real-Time Fiber Communications (RTFC) is a gigabit speed network that has been designed for damage tolerant local area networks. In addition to its damage tolerant characteristics, it has several features that make it attractive as a possible interconnection technology for parallel applications in a cluster of workstations. These characteristics include support for broadcast and multicast messaging, memory cache in the network interface card, and support for very fine grain writes to the network cache. Broadcast data is captured in network cache of all workstations in the network providing a distributed shared memory capability. In this paper, RTFC is introduced. The performance of standard MPI collective communications using TCP protocols over RTFC are evaluated and compared experimentally with that of Fast Ethernet. It is found that the MPI message passing libraries over traditional TCP protocols over RTFC perform well with respect to Fast Ethernet. Also, a new approach that uses direct network cache movement of buffers for collective operations is evaluated. It is found that execution time for parallel collective communications may be improved via effective use of network cache

    TACCL: Guiding Collective Algorithm Synthesis using Communication Sketches

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    Machine learning models are increasingly being trained across multiple GPUs and multiple machines. In this setting, data is transferred between GPUs using communication collectives such as AlltoAll and AllReduce, which can become a significant bottleneck in large models. It is important to use efficient algorithms for collective communication. We introduce TACCL, a tool that allows algorithm designers to guide a synthesizer into automatically generating algorithms for a given hardware configuration and communication collective. TACCL uses the novel communication sketch abstraction to obtain crucial information from the designer that is used to significantly reduce the state space and guide the synthesizer towards better algorithms. TACCL also uses a novel encoding of the problem that allows it to scale beyond single-node topologies. We use TACCL to synthesize algorithms for three collectives and two hardware topologies: DGX-2 and NDv2. We demonstrate that the algorithms synthesized by TACCL outperform the NVIDIA Collective Communication Library (NCCL) by up to 6.7Ă—\times. We also show that TACCL can speed up end-to-end training of Transformer-XL and BERT models by 11%--2.3Ă—\times for different batch sizes.Comment: Accepted at NSDI'23. Contains 17 pages, 11 figures, including Appendi

    Efficient Broadcast for Multicast-Capable Interconnection Networks

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    The broadcast function MPI_Bcast() from the MPI-1.1 standard is one of the most heavily used collective operations for the message passing programming paradigm. This diploma thesis makes use of a feature called "Multicast", which is supported by several network technologies (like Ethernet or InfiniBand), to create an efficient MPI_Bcast() implementation, especially for large communicators and small-sized messages. A preceding analysis of existing real-world applications leads to an algorithm which does not only perform well for synthetical benchmarks but also even better for a wide class of parallel applications. The finally derived broadcast has been implemented for the open source MPI library "Open MPI" using IP multicast. The achieved results prove that the new broadcast is usually always better than existing point-to-point implementations, as soon as the number of MPI processes exceeds the 8 node boundary. The performance gain reaches a factor of 4.9 on 342 nodes, because the new algorithm scales practically independently of the number of involved processes.Die Broadcastfunktion MPI_Bcast() aus dem MPI-1.1 Standard ist eine der meistgenutzten kollektiven Kommunikationsoperationen des nachrichtenbasierten Programmierparadigmas. Diese Diplomarbeit nutzt die Multicastfähigkeit, die von mehreren Netzwerktechnologien (wie Ethernet oder InfiniBand) bereitgestellt wird, um eine effiziente MPI_Bcast() Implementation zu erschaffen, insbesondere für große Kommunikatoren und kleinere Nachrichtengrößen. Eine vorhergehende Analyse von existierenden parallelen Anwendungen führte dazu, dass der neue Algorithmus nicht nur bei synthetischen Benchmarks gut abschneidet, sondern sein Potential bei echten Anwendungen noch besser entfalten kann. Der letztendlich daraus entstandene Broadcast wurde für die Open-Source MPI Bibliothek "Open MPI" entwickelt und basiert auf IP Multicast. Die erreichten Ergebnisse belegen, dass der neue Broadcast üblicherweise immer besser als jegliche Punkt-zu-Punkt Implementierungen ist, sobald die Anzahl von MPI Prozessen die Grenze von 8 Knoten überschreitet. Der Geschwindigkeitszuwachs erreicht einen Faktor von 4,9 bei 342 Knoten, da der neue Algorithmus praktisch unabhängig von der Knotenzahl skaliert

    Real-time analysis of MPI programs for NoC-based many-cores using time division multiplexing

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    Worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis is crucial for designing hard real-time systems. While the WCET of tasks in a single core system can be upper bounded in isolation, the tasks in a many-core system are subject to shared memory interferences which impose high overestimation of the WCET bounds. However, many-core-based massively parallel applications will enter the area of real-time systems in the years ahead. Explicit message-passing and a clear separation of computation and communication facilitates WCET analysis for those programs. A standard programming model for message-based communication is the message passing interface (MPI). It provides an application independent interface for different standard communication operations (e.g. broadcast, gather, ...). Thereby, it uses efficient communication patterns with deterministic behaviour. In applying these known structures, we target to provide a WCET analysis for communication that is reusable for different applications if the communication is executed on the same underlying platform. Hence, the analysis must be performed once per hardware platform and can be reused afterwards with only adapting several parameters such as the number of nodes participating in that communication. Typically, the processing elements of many-core platforms are connected via a Network-on-Chip (NoC) and apply techniques such as time-division multiplexing (TDM) to provide guaranteed services for the network. Hence, the hardware and the applied technique for guaranteed service needs to facilitate this reusability of the analysis as well. In this work we review different general-purpose TDM schedules that enable a WCET approximation independent of the placement of tasks on processing elements of a many-core which uses a NoC with torus topology. Furthermore, we provide two new schedules that show a similar performance as the state-of-the-art schedules but additionally serve situations where the presented state-of-the-art schedules perform poorly. Based on these schedules a procedure for the WCET analysis of the communication patterns used in MPI is proposed. Finally, we show how to apply the results of the analysis to calculate the WCET upper bound for a complete MPI program. Detailed insights in the performance of the applied TDM schedules are provided by comparing the schedules to each other in terms of timing. Additionally, we discuss the exhibited timing of the general-purpose schedules compared to a state-of-the-art application specific TDM schedule to put in relation both types of schedules. We apply the proposed procedure to several standard types of communication provided in MPI and compare different patterns that are used to implement a specific communication. Our evaluation investigates the communications’ building blocks of the timing bounds and shows the tremendous impact of choosing the appropriate communication pattern. Finally, a case study demonstrates the application of the presented procedure to a complete MPI program. With the method proposed in this work it is possible to perform a reusable WCET timing analysis for the communication in a NoC that is independent of the placement of tasks on the chip. Moreover, as the applied schedules are not optimized for a specific application but can be used for all applications in the same way, there are only marginal changes in the timing of the communication when the software is adapted or updated. Thus, there is no need to perform the timing analysis from scratch in such cases